Let it be known: These are just a few of my recollections of an old woman's speech to me and two other boys, over 3 decades ago, in the late 1970's. I was just a little kid, and she told me about the future to upset me, as punishment for accompanying (and not stopping) the egg-throwers. Problem is, everything she predicted about the future, has so far come true. I've since verified she had been dead for almost an hour, happened to her when she was a little older than I was, in the 1910's. She had gone for a moonlight skate on a frozen lake near her home with a friend one night, she fell through the ice, died, and was resuscitated after a colossal effort. After that, she saw things in dreams and semi-lucid moments.
I've delayed writing this for some time, but it can't wait any more. It's not my prophecy, it's hers, and she told me because she knew I wouldn't try to make a buck off the disaster (another lame reason for the delay in publishing, not that any of you plebs mess around with shorting stock, playing with derivatives, and other amoral financial shit).
On or just after Christmas, December 25th 2016 (4 years and a few days past the Mayan's doomsday date), several things are due to happen:
- A large red object will be visible in the southern hemisphere, approaching and passing the Earth. It's possible something traveling along with this object enters our atmosphere, and makes contact with either land or water.
- The Chinese mobilize a million troops to another country, likely Syria.
- A swarm of earthquakes culminate into a large, global earthquake, all humanity will feel it.
- A tsunami destroys the Brazilian city of Rio and a number of smaller cities along the South American coast.
- Hours later, the press will report that there is no tsunami threat to North America, that their elevation buoys read no significant swell. Those reports will be in error, people will go back to sleep, and awake to the roar of fast approaching death.
- Large waves will form in the northern Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and they will move west, the Earth's rotation carrying the land towards them. The oceans of the southern hemisphere are sort of shallow, while the north's oceans are quite deep. Anyone who's ever jumped into the shallow side of an Olympic sized pool will tell you, almost a minute after doing so, a large crash of water belts the deep side's wall.
- The new day will be 2-3 hours longer, as the sea swell's landfall slows the Earth's rotation. Mini ice age sets in. Planet's orbit around the Sun also slows....
Death toll from the event: 900,000,000 and not the soon-to-be-reported 1 billion.
I am deeply mortified about this. In fact, I did my damnedest to repress this unforgettable meeting of so long ago. But I had to repress it for obvious reasons: sanity, normal childhood/adulthood, hope for my career, future, etc. 4 years ago I thought 'that day' arrived, and made a great effort here and at home, to notify all I could persuade... but with my father's embolism and passing in the last few months of 2012, my mind was puking on the pogo stick of life: got my facts wrong. I knew that after John Glenn and Castro passed away (she mentioned those specific names), that -this- was the year, time as we know it, ends.
The map below is my approximation of where the wave will strike North America, based on her careful description, along with a map I once saw on a privately run TV station, not long after meeting the old psychic (it was a never-to-be-seen-again special about prophesy, vague, but a lot of the content panned out). The wave may extend further north by a few hundred miles, being north of the Mason-Dixon line when the shit hits the fan is a must.

If any of the bulleted things (plural) above should happen, get moving, the life you save, is the one reading this right now, and whoever else you can get to head north and west, away from the wave.
I could stay silent on this, publish this appalling prophecy after the first shock waves hit, but I can't chance it. She also told me I'd be out of power for 3 days, and not 7 days like what 'Superstorm' Sandy did, in late 2012.
Bottom line: If you live along the Atlantic coast, you can get to safety, even if you're in Florida or deep Texas, but you have to leave as soon as you hear that Rio's been destroyed. Once the wave hits the Caribbean islands, you might not have the time... I imagine the eastern coastlines of India and China will also be greatly affected, Europe should be fine.
It's hard to speak the worst aloud, let alone write it, but I can faithfully say 'I did what I could, for who I could', even if it is a microscopic effort. All we can do now is hope for the best, even if it makes me look like a damn fool.