Yesterday my cousin and I spent a few hours digging a ditch. My sinus infection really took off last week, so I've had to wear my ancient coke bottle glasses since then, making the work even more miserable.
After I hydrated and zoned out on Newgrounds, went to Mickey Dee's for food. Then I slept for 10 hours, got up, had a decent cup of joe... it's raining outside, hasn't done that in a while. Had another big meal, felt contented and slightly groggy, then...
No idea why I picked past US Presidents as a first podcast subject. Bad enough I went unscripted, so much dirt on the more recent Presidents, and the things that happened under their tenure... ALL the things that happened, including at home, when my parents were still alive.
Oh well, it's a banal start.
Congratulations taking on a new venture, shit takes some doing :3
Thanks, not an auspicious start, to be sure. But not bad considering I can barely see shit out of my right eye, and my glasses are older than most of the folks who come here lol