Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Greatness is a matter of perspective.
One man's gratings could be another woman's food additive.

Nice beard man! Hope you're sinuses are doing okay. Love the podcasts you've been making recently. I knew when you first uploaded your audible ode to Newgrounds I was witnessing the beginning of something special. I've also taken the time to listen to the videos and they're both very interesting. Especially appalling was that theory of collectivism and how it led to the support of nazi Germany, and of course the increase in mass control over the years. To be honest I've deliberately distanced myself from the intrigue of theories such as these for years, especially when it comes to claims of staged events. As a teenager it was quite hard to understand most of everything that was spouted online, save for how bitter and nihilistic it made me feel about the future. Many of the theories came from the internet anyway; mere speculations with little to no support about their claims. Then again reasonable enough to keep minds at race. This Tax Exempt video from the 80's with inside information about Norman Dodd's work with the Reece Committee is something else though. I'm not sure if he was moved by altruism, but his hankering for truth and justice is strangely commendable. I'm glad such a recording exists.

When I was a small boy, I ran into various adults at boring functions, and was confided some interesting things.. because their own peers would hold judgement over what they said, out of pure (indoctrinated) disbelief. One thing's for sure, facts have been manipulated for centuries, and it's worrisome, especially when it comes to the safety and well-being humanity.

My next podcast will list some of the recent sources of, what Reagan called, 'disinformation'. Most of them have some very old roots, old scores to settle. Bad enough they do all they can to make money and gain control of nation-states... it's where they would like our guns aimed, is the problem.


Yeah, and now, the aftermath from those who sponsored such a politically dirty candidate. The election campaign has shifted into a smear campaign within hours, damn spooky.

nice new look...straight up Duck Dynasty'ing it

I guess? Never saw that show. About bird calls, mail order, beta testing? Sounds boring.

"No moving parts in those machines..."

And yet your candidate won, so... may we assume your paranoia was unfunded?

Well my town and county voted for the other guy (woman), so let's hope there was no dirty pool going on anywhere. Might've been a sticky button or something that required a re-boot.

As I told the folks on the voting line, the electoral college was a hedge against an all-or-nothing, populist winner... it gave the power to the states. Mission accomplished.

george rr martin is that you

I had to look him up, no idea he was the guy behind that dark-ages soap opera on cable (Game of Thrones). Even grew up in the same state as me, though he voted for Hillary... oh well, par for the course in my blue state. Sure am glad I'm no where near as fat as he is :p

Never read any of his stuff, but seems quite well received for a long time. Last treatment I wrote for video production was called 'Staff of Fire and Blood', doesn't sound much different from his other works, though mine was set in the future a few years, after a nuclear blast takes out much of NYC...

Sorry it's been a while since I stop by, but...V? Is that you? Man you look totally different since I last seen you which was Pico Day two years ago. Hows things?

Eh kinda rough, just like I look. Trying to fix up and sell my parents rental house (money pit), which has to be sold before the estate can be dissolved. Once that's done, I can use my share to buy a small piece of land somewhere and farm it, I hope.

Talked to the landscaper across the street a few minutes ago, and realized how fucked I would've been had my Pop's truck died this time last year (when I was trying to find a quiet place to rent in PA)... also kinda glad the head gasket blew before heading out to Pico Day this year. Dying on the Turnpike would've been a nightmare :p

How was the after-party?

Wasn't any. I found out Trumpy got in by asking my friends in GTA Online, sure didn't want to hear the plastic newsreaders celebrating their victory. It was just relief that another law evading politician was kept out of what's left of our system.... though I'm very skeptical of who Trump's appointed so far, still need to do my own checking. FOLLOW THE $$$

No idea why I brought the Trump hat, it's like asking for an ass kicking these days. I also bought 2 lawn signs, one of which was pinched the morning of the election. If nothing else, I'm really glad the rust belt's candidate won. City dwellers need to put down the history book pictures of America, and see for themselves how gutted we really are.

you're a nazi?! well that's disappointing

Who said that? Weren't Nazis socialists? Look, both parties suck ass, and would only run candidates that they were sure were going to keep the gravy train rolling.

Why does it say 'Before YouTube, there was this' under your website links? LiveLeak came over a year after YouTube.

Did it? YouTube in its first year was a mess, at least LiveLeak had a bit of structure to it.

Trump won!

Yeah but he's stocking the SOG w/ the usual Republican fuck-wits, along with bankers that were too big to fail. I seriously doubt he's going to be able to steer these turds towards a better America. Hillary would've been worse, she was only interested in paying back favors to some nasty customers.

I think it's weird people seem to notice your beard more than talk about politics. It's also weird how Trump says he's anti-Wall Street one way and elects a Wall Street Insider anyway...? (http://www.wsj.com/articles/steven-mnuchins-defining-moment-seizing-opportunity-from-the-financial-crisis-1480547063) As far as I'm concerned, he can f*ck up Syria, LGBT rights and immigration all he wants. Just keep your hands off abortion and the environment. People from the coal industry can be retrained for the green industry, which is just as lucrative (http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB119492843191791132).
What's your take so far?

Honestly, politics as we know it is a load of bollocks. People lumping up into parties rather than backing single beliefs, practices, and potential policies are a lot of the reason we're so easily manipulated in this "system".

Anyway, hope you're well. Haven't seen you in ages!

hello there, vic!
whats up, its been ages since we last talked...
i missed you!

i hope that things are well with you...

oh, and i know everyone's saying this, but: nice beard!
i dig it!

you are cool.
how's life?

as for me,
im OK, im working+being busy irl, but i will make more flash movies soon!

oh, and yes, trump won.
i honestly was surprised by that result, people were claiming that hillary would win. (hillary seems like a liar, and like an awful person, imho)
she used to hate LGBT groups, and now she pretended to ''like and support'' them, what a fake lady!

and i gotta say, bernie sanders was a much better person/politician for the democrats, imho.
he seemed more honest*/more organised, at least.

but anyways, i hope that trump will help USA to become an econimically (and ethically/morally) strong country.

i dont like talking about politics, but i just had to tell you my two cents.
so yeah, let me know whats up!

also, whats your stance on obama? i found him to be funny.(socially)

anyways, thats all from me for now.

*as honest a politician can be...

So it went like you wished! Will be interesting to see how this turns out... so far seems pretty calm (well, except for the riots - calm in the rest of the world at least). And that Doomsday clip huh, remember that movie. Seems like the Post Apocalyptic genre just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Makes you wonder what we really want with our world, if we're so tired of society as it is that we seek refuge in these alternate futures... gritty as they are. Simpler, more honest times, where people help each other and actually overcome tyranny.

You seem pretty wide-eyed and energetic in that pic btw, contrary to the assumed symptoms! Hope that shizzle's getting better though.

you look like David Cross here lol

kk he look a tad like me

but i do go my own way, as we all do, yus?

my gtav:o race crew chief designated me a rip-off steben segull, i am still pissed i didnt win the chip-off challenge via discord video. however, was fair fite lmao, might be a clip in a previous post - still need our a/v geek to remaster and pub 2 yt,ree

@VicariousE I prefer GTASA or GTAVC.

no u
but I can see why - straight proposition, like previous gta's

you fucking lurker..... yea so on line (aka: this old ass post), an almost boomer couple's alpher-male and their friend turned to me (after discussing the electoral college amungst their selves), what it (the electorial college) was. I basically called it a hedge against dense/sparse state politics/dominance. Guess it was tacitly accepted - guess my 'narrative' was a few degrees off, or lacking perspective.

and that lady leaving? no fuckin clue dude. total brain-drain on that one, but would not discount it for BS. the finer people in my company cried BS when the digi systems came in.... those old voting machines were bulky af, but accountable