Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Inherited Blindness, The Meek and The Ruthless

Posted by VicariousE - July 26th, 2016

Before the start of the 2016-2017 school year, I will be reading my blog posts, likely in my Pop's emptied garage (now owned by 3 new US citizens, who came from the same country, made bank here, and are investing locally).  Ahem, might try using the 20' long, 4' wide work bench as a standing desk, the wall in front of it's rather nicely insulated, so should be acousticaly ok.  Seems also appropriate, screaming at a jet black wall, with the internet in the middle, hoping my perspective on things, can prepare others for what will inevitably come.


It's really too little, too late.  If the current status of our country and world were somehow transported back a decade or two, the people would have little recourse, they would protest the Federal government heavily, until certain laws were amended or older ones upheld.  If the people of 1980's America had woken up in 2010's America, insurrection, no doubt about it.


Now, we are all so well manipulated, any well meaning revolt would likely be put down by employees of the government, and most of them would not even be sworn to uphold the Constitution, just kill or capture, with benefits and overtime paid.  There's not enough moral capital (or food money) left in America, to fully reform it's internal lawlessness.


All I can say is, my opinions are my own, no one person or group has a major share in my brain's data bank.  I've been an avid reader and observer since the mid 1970's.  That's why I'm depressed as fuck, the answers and solutions to the growing problems in my field of influence, as well as the rest of the world, have to be... bigger than they should be.

(Hm, read that in less than 1 minute, 30 seconds.... gonna have to sling a lot of shit to fill 5 minutes)

And there will be links in the Authors Comments pod to corroborate some of what I say.  I've got 2 bookmark folders I use to store news articles, one named: Articles, the other named: Social Engineering/War, FYI lol.

There is no shortage of opinion or entertainment here in the digital world, but I hope some of what I will talk about in future podcasts will truly be helpful.  Life's too short to stay silent, or to stay blind as our parents were, to the increasing burden our world's citizens must bear, to support... evil, really.

So, um, does this make me a social justice warrior, or an Alex Jones kinda nut? 

Maybe need to start drinking heavily?


Or should I embrace Socalist Feudalism at the point of a rail gun?



you ready for Hillary declaring war in 2018 bro

No. I should really just accept the fact this country is going to get anally raped very soon, and GTFO while I can, and while my USD$ are still worth something abroad.

Gold, silver and guns might be a solid investment strategy for some, but I think investing in nice, stable countries currencies are likely a much better bet. Derivatives and hedge funds now owe more money than is physically on the planet right now.... and if the shit hits the fan, the players in those fields are gonna suck as much $ as they can before the whole thing collapses.

the world is just a f*cked up blip in this neutral universe, nothing really matters. *takes a hit from corn-cob pipe*

Let's just hope we're not the only act in town...

quite the interesting news post my man

this is just a cry for (help) medication

so when can we expect your first podcast

A month, before the end of August I guess. I learned my lesson from public access: never get on the schedule when you've only got 2 episodes in the can... of course video is harder to produce. And I've still got my audio SFX and voice files from back then. It's just a matter of getting comfy with Audacity.

I'd also like to watch the podcasts. I hope you are doing well otherwise.

Nope just another sad American clutching my Bible and my... oh yeah, had to store my guns.
Likely a small podcast, more like an odcast. Just sucks that after I got the mic, and made a few sample recordings and edits... Why hasn't there been a public uprising yet? We've 2 complete shit candidates, in a system that's been rigged for more years than we've been alive. The only 'out' I see is disbanding both shit parties |:

I'm still at the bottom end of a pissing match between 2 lawyers, love to sue both of their asses for being an affront to common sense.

"Observing since the mid 70's"

N***a, you were 1 - 4 back then.

Yup, used to read the ingredients on the side of cereal boxes and stuff when I was 4, got harder as they added more synthetic shit. Borderline Asperger's :\ As I got older, used to catch the ever increasing typographical errors in the local newspaper (before it got bought out by Gannett), used to piss me off no end.

you are due for a podcast

What I wanna record, would scare even me dude. It's a hard thing to believe in a hard world, so full of inconvenient truths it cannot possibly continue as is.

all the more reason to spill your heart out dude...then we can make fun of you and look back and see how f*cked up the world is. it will be a therapeutic experience

I'm just glad I saw bits and pieces of old America growing up, though having a touch of Asperger's did make everything seem fucked up anyway, still does. At least no one coddled me, treated me different, otherwise I'd be a mess.

Funny thing is, my heart and I haven't been speaking to each other lately... guess that's why I haven't been coming to NG lately. But... you're likely right, I should just jot down a few speaking points and let loose, gotta justify and pay off (ad rev lol) that 120$ mic.

someone just left a nice comment on your page...i can't remember what it said. i assume you didn't delete it. Damn this new feature that allows you to remove your own comments from others blogposts. wtf Tom

You mean other than you or Nietz? Nah, didn't see it :( Sure wish deleting/editing reviews came before blog posts... kinda. Can use all the good words I kin get, especially when the plagues and pestilence are fluffing their feathers about now... you know Zika moves easier thru HHV#2 or was it 3? That's the herpes that spread thru most of the world in the late 20th, almost everyone in the Northern hemisphere's got it. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/09/160915085715.htm IDK anymore

no, it was an unfamiliar face/icon...the comment summarized: elegantly telling you to stop moping around...and then he ended his post in "nevermind" like he regretted making the comment. wait a sec are you implying I leave *nice* comments...

Oh, I agree, wish there was an edit/delete feature on reviews as comments on media can be potentially more deleterious than a blog post. Only after a short time span though to correct possible mistakes. I'm an electronic historian, and I encourage making thoughtful posts, that cannot be removed so easily once done.

You may be thinking of HHV-6, the article is about the accelerated transmission of the Zika virus via the HSV-2. The CDC has HSV-2 pegged as affecting 15-20% of the United States. That's an alarming amount, but not most.

ATM, you can consider this newspost one of many that say 'something' will be uploaded to NG. I bet good money that at least 10% of blogs here say something to that effect, and most of them never follow through on uploading.

Hmm, there should be a placeholder "Removed by author" or "Removed by username/blog owner"

Either way, Zika is a very old and nasty bug, and I sure hope it doesn't mutate when it hits the Northern Hemisphere, with all our fancy drugs, dirty hospitals and strange food staples. Viruses love to travel, ever see the old Andromeda Strain flick from the 1970's?

You're quite right! I can attest to making blogs about making content, content that never came to fruition. Say why not narrate this blog post as is for an introduction. Might serve as inspiration toward a podcast about vicarious, ominous events in this f*cked up world...then I could add organic sound FX and make it like one of those afternoon book readings on NPR lol

Zika is an RNA virus, thus it is indeed more prone to mutation. And the recent strains in the Americas in fact have mutated from the 'model' virus which originated in Polynesia iirc, but there really is no evidence that links a mutation being the driver for the recent outbreak. Not sure those reasons you listed has anything to do with it, either. Since the virus hasn't really hit the U.S., or moreso the upper northern hemisphere, there will be lower (natural) immunity to zika. Nothing to do with super-drugs. I don't see what GMOs have to do with the issue either. The United States has some of the cleanest health practices, and hospitals have high sanitation standards and subscription to aseptic technique- although nosocomial infections have a slightly higher rate than other countries (although cleanliness isn't the only factor in getting an illness from the hospital itself)

" I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism [viruses aren't organisms btw] on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet." - Agent Smith, the Matrix

it's not that viruses like to travel, they just never reach an equilibrium with their host. They take up a cell's resources, until a point where the cell withers or explodes releasing more viral content to take over more cells, until the host dies or antiviral drugs eliminates it. It's also a salient point that the vector for the zika virus, typically a certain type of mosquito, is limited to certain geography. Namely damp, forest land iirc. Of course this can change, as organisms adapt and evolve and the climates of certain regions differ.

The ebola virus, which had an outbreak just two years ago, was a bigger problem IMO. at the end of the day, healthcare is a business and the problem with these oscillatory epidemics like ebola and zika is they simply are not as marketable as a virus like the flu, where drugs are revamped and put on the market each year (rather haphazardly at that). So there seemingly isn't enough funding put into outbreak prevention, vaccines, understanding the biology of these pathogens, etc.

Very good, and thank you for writing this doctor. I will make it a point to read this into a podcast and credit your words/references/speaking material.

So, are viruses alive, do you consider them a bona fide life form? Lol, just like humans write viruses for computers, I think God writes viruses for his computer (Earth)...

no problem, glad I could give you some motivation. Only record if you feel like it though, there is no obligation. But know there are atleast a few people here interested.

no virus aren't an organism (contrary to what Agent Smith says) and therefore not alive!! there is actually a fairly large debate I had with Doomroar about this a while ago. packed somewhere in here:

As I expressed in that post, viruses are not alive. Although there are fair arguments that classify them as being on the edge of life. And perhaps, Dr. Smith could have just extended the classification of organisms to non-living organisms (what else would he say?) and I'm just being unnecessarily semantic.

I've never heard of a computer virus being used for non-malicious purposes. On the other-hand, biological viruses aren't always deleterious. They are necessary for maintaining certain ecological environments by destroying harmful bacteria, while not having an affect on plants an animals. Virotherapy has probably been around for nearly a century. I want to say that L'oreal, the hair products company, was amongst the first to pioneer this practice, but can't find anything online.

That's a creationist way of looking at it. I think that God simply created or IS the energy and physics, gave it a simple push and let's physics run it's course. Viruses are just a byproduct of these laws, everything that we do/are going to do is the result of chemical reactions. Nothing is special, and everything in the natural world is only relative to our sensory limits. I guess it's up to each person to find their own answers/interpretations, and develop their discernability. *put down corn-cob pipe*

Sure, yeah the French have some experience w/ viral therapy and such, slipped my moth eaten mind.

Well said, all. "God's got a plan", was one decent line, "Nature hates a vacuum" is another.... those are corn cob worthy missives, while yours are definitely of the beech and obsidian set. Shame the BBS' Med Thread is long dead, I'd think you'd do well to post there, if even if it's a link or 2 once a week.

So you're starting with podcasts? Reading old blogs as in: recording them...? I'm interested too. The world needs some more anti-propaganda. Something to raise our will for rebellion; understanding; wants to change the world! The system as it works today is really just slavery in a new form, where we're motivated to work for cash or for a greater cause, but only given a small slice of the profit, and the top of the pyramid keeps on growing until (I hope) it eventually topples over and everything evens out. Though, it'd be nice with a new start that wasn't born out of destruction, but actually built and improved upon what we already have. Not sure I'll ever like society though. I don't think we can build ourselves a habitat that makes us happier than the one that was already here for us.

When you put it that way, we're already slaves. Much of what it takes to survive to old age is run by too big to fail entities. I'd like to belt out something on basic survival, likely stick it in the dump for review and such, before public posting.

In the US, we can now call corporations 'people', but they're really monsters, that force its workers to feed it more money, regardless of how inhumane it does it.

so is it true that you interest in NewGrounds is dwindling?? sad.

Yeah, voting 5 here dwindles in comparison to GTA's Daily Objectives (which are 3 random things): Enter a motorcycle race, evade a 2 star warrant level, hold up a convenience store.

Still interested w/ all NG has to offer, but I think I painted myself in a corner by offering podcasts of shit no one wants to hear/possibly biased material/my crappy voice.

careful...legend has it that if you die in NewGrounds you die IRL..happy birthday buddy, have a good one lol

No matter where you go, there you are. But yeah I feel ya, sure is an apt axiom, 'specialy for those of us who believe in NG.

Survival sounds like a good topic! I wouldn't mind (p)reviewing, if such is possible.

Mmm, a world governed by corporations... I wonder if it's on route, or if we're already there but just don't know it yet. Those trade laws that let companies sue countries if countries cause them to lose revenue goes against pretty much all our fundamental rights. It's crazy they made it.

Oh, and Happy Birthday!! Totally missed the day, though checking out that YumToxic homage right now: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/664513

Yeah gonna dump it and tag you and a few others for review. Even if it sucks, I'll publish it, just worried about efficacy or accuracy, even if it is unlikely. Omissions are worse, either way it won't be completely comprehensive anyway... just like life, you never know what you'll run into.

Modern agriculture is not very eco-friendly... where are those SJW's when you need them?! Anyway, food is just one indicator of the control big corps have over the landscape and the people who live upon it. May be hope for the lands not too heavily abused: http://civileats.com/ https://munchies.vice.com/en/articles/this-man-is-helping-the-entire-country-of-bhutan-go-organic

That piece will last me more than a few birthdays, I'm sure it took more than an hour to make, never thought I'd ever get something so cool on my birthday, really.

cheers, never heard my ramblings being compared to a deciduous tree and a fancy material before, nor do I know what to figuratively make of it, but I'll take it as a compliment of the highest order

don't sweat it dude...your venerable insight is always welcome here, whether it be in audible form, or in text like it has been. everyone has their biases, which is okay as long as you are open to change and objectivity. The truth always lies somewhere in between so it's only poor science when you narrowly search and cherry pick data to support a claim (like political leaders and loyal compatriots constantly do). And I disagree, I've heard your spoken word and voice acting for that game uploaded to NG, and you have vocal chords suitable for radio.

Hmm, that's the thing. With election day so close, I'm just gonna split hairs and be biased w/ my vote, but not the individual reasons... NG doesn't care for comments in the reviews, but under the circumstances, seems prudent and healthy for contextual feedback.

First line will likely be "I'm scared to put out a Trump sign in my yard."
Second line will likely be "Have you seen any presidential signs at all out there?"

Cool. Not sure I'd be able to catch omissions in a narrative I'm not familiar with, but always better with an extra set of ears! It's like music...

Very interesting read on Bhutan's agricultural evolution! I didn't know they'd had pesticides at all though, being the paradise-on-Earth country they seem to be in all the documentaries of them I see, but good to know they're getting better and better even as they go more global. Wish there were more Appachanda Thimmaiah's in the world! Wise dude.

Yeah, that should have taken a few hours to make at least. :) One of those things you can go back to each year; appreciate again and again. Cool stuff.

Yep, sooo my 1st podcast will be highly subjective (presidential election) in any case, so I needn't be so anal about it's efficacy.

Anything that brings nature closer to agriculture is worth the time and effort, better to be good neighbors...

Yom needs to socialize In the real world a bit more, he's too good to sit home alone, at least he graduated college recently.

how could anyone's vote, be anything but biased? atleast you admit it...there's no way any informed, intellectually honest person can say that who they vote for is a good leader for this country. And I hate to say it (and won't be voting), but I would rather NOT be putting the candidate in office who guarantees front row tickets to a war with Russia...hey btw, weren't you the guy that predicted the apocalypse would come when a women gets elected into office and the Cubs win the world series?? *sweats profusely*

A woman with significant credentials in prophecy told me a black man, then a white woman would be president (but not who I thought it might be?), then, no more US presidents afterwards.
No idea about the Cubs, but I am enjoying my associations with 2 premier racing crews in GTA online, it's quite refreshing to compete, and to be a part of something with some measure of integrity lol. Also working on my virtual golf game...

Sounds like a narrative I definitely won't be very familiar with. XD Looking forward to it all the same though, I could use some more insight on this one presidential debate. Might change the world for real this year.

Indeed, good words.

@S3C you won´t be voting?! What if that one guy who really shouldn´t get that one spot just happens to get it on behalf of lack of that One vote??? Is the competing candidate really that bad an alternative?

The 3rd and final debate, from what little I followed, seemed to be the best of the lot, however substantial issues were left out, quite sad. Not particualrly happy with the violence towards Trump supporters, especially when Hillary's side seems complicit in illegally fostering it (Donald Duck boosters, paid agitators).

It's the good doctor's choice... besides, a record of his vote may or not be used against him later on. And yeah, it's starting to look that bad, 9/11 opened the final door to despotism in the US.... has no one ever seen 'Invasion USA' before?! (The one with Chickie Norris and twin Uzi's ablazin', not the mid 50's anti-commie yawner)

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