Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

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Joined on 2/15/01

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Ah, voting record control, good reason not to. Though if everyone reasons that way the elections won't be a very fair fight. Hope not all voters are so far-sighted, but at the same time I assume those who would be far-sighted enough to not vote would also be those with the awareness to vote 'correctly' if they did...

That it is. Actually haven't seen Invasion USA yet. Added to watchlist.

Chuck Norris flick done by Golan-Globus, king of the 80's B movies... don't watch the sequels, they really sucked ass :p

The Man from Nowhere, The Replacement Bureau, Dark City, Mothman Prophesies, Sex Drive, Never Let You Go, Jack the Giant Slayer, and The Next Three Days still need to be at the front of your queue though lol

I'll be honest, I haven't researched nearly enough about both candidates to make a well-founded vote. Truly, much of the ballots are penciled 1:1 with the voter's political affiliation, and there are too many people who vote just based on one or two issues. Elections should NOT be decided this way. Any citizen has the right to vote (nor should there exist mandated tests to permit voting as they could be tailored to exclude certain social groups) but only the well-informed should be the ones encouraged to actually do so.

And even after putting hours of research into the candidates, policy-wise, you have to consider the candidates overall character. History tells that all politicians lie, but what % of the promises regarding their plans for the country will they put their best effort into making a reality? Are they willing to change under certain circumstances, and if so is that even a good quality to have in a leader? Are their policies even practical to begin with? Can they even make progress with other members of congress? Are shallow rallies and speeches, highly impersonal social media interactions, and kissing babies even nearly enough data to make a solid judgement on their moral character? Lots of complex issues...maybe I lack the mental capacity, but to me, one has to be partially ignorant to be a staunch supporter/opposer to either side.

my (shallow) view of Hillary has remained neutral-negative. my (equally shallow) view of Trump has for the most part, been positive, assuming he will defer much of the political details to the professionals on his payroll. I don't like how he overvalues monetary gain/life overall as being human revenue generation, but he actually cares about America above everything else, which you can't honestly say about Obama and probably not Clinton. There also won't be any politically correct fascism if Trump was president.

Why won't I vote for Trump then?? Well it's not a fair reason. But it's the same reason that some sports fanatics dislike certain sport teams: not because of the players, but the fanbase. You've heard of the alt-right. This year, the racial supremacists and cultural bigots start popping out from the woodwork. Now I don't think that Trump is actually a racist, or sexist, but a significant chunk of his followers are, and his immigration policies (which I can agree with) is indirectly encouraging such behavior (which Trump doesn't denounce), and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Pair that with a nation that is fatigued (a la pre-Nazi Germany) and that's an accelerated road to oppression.

I cannot with good conscience vote for either of them.

third party candidates: I resort to election rigging/mathematical significance/laziness etc. as my excuse for not voting lol

Dude, Trump. The Republicans don't like him, the Democrats hate him... perfect candidate!!1 Voting for anyone else (or not at all) is a vote for the New World Order. Also, have you looked at Hilly's VP? Creep-o-rama personified, not to mention who she'd appoint... her stable's got some sick critters in 'em.

For almost a century both parties have agreed on the same terrible things, only we don't hear about them, only the petty SJW details of how they want to lord over us. Don't go down silent.

Even if the orange guy does win, you think it's gonna change the course of America? Unlikely. I'll do what I can in a new podcast momentarily, even if it is last minute. It's a shame I've blocked out the truth for so long, but like a lot of people, just want the illusion of a normal life in a land that honors the individual, not the feudal collective.

@S3C They're pretty high up! XD Invasion USA's somewhere in the middle I think. Random placement.

A lot of decisions to factor in for sure. While my insight in their personas and promises are severely lacking, the thing about building a wall towards Mexico at their expense has gained some pretty big news coverage over here. The Swedish understanding of Trump is pretty much: he wants to make Mexico pay for a wall towards Mexico. Then hearing he takes an hour just to get his hair right, and stumbling upon things like this doesn't really boost my confidence in his potential level of professionalism as a leader: https://torrentfreak.com/bowl-of-skittles-photographer-sues-trump-for-copyright-infringement-161019/

I have very vague impressions of him as a person, but overall they're overly negative. He seems egoistic, rash, and not very concerned about long-term cause and effect. Even if his very unconventional approach to everything is a breath of fresh air, I also get the impression he's a dangerous person to have a position of power. You never know what he might do. Wars? Sure. If there's profit to be made. If he has a personal vendetta. Who knows. Hillary however... we've been baking her Chocolate Chip Cookies for years, and all the stuff on corruption seems irrelevant- She seems like a good person IMO. Of course my views are incredibly skewed by lack of media coverage on all but a select few events, but those are the impressions I get.

Actually pretty surprised you'd consider Trump at all, but goes to show there's probably a lot I'm unaware of here. That podcast might raise some new perspectives...

Both of these loons have been eyeing the WH since the last century. By all accounts, Hillary is a mean spirited person, lackluster administrator, foul mouthed, and greedy for power and money. Outside of their 'foundation', the Clinton's are worth 300 million USD. As Obama might say, 'they didn't build that'. It's all from people who pay-to-play, and most of them aren't nice 'people'.

Don't be fooled my old friend, Hillary, like both parties in the US, want nothing more than a safe-zone for corporations and banks to run rampant. Both parties would also like the US to become more like China and Russia, in as far as personal liberties are concerned. Both parties also like open borders: cheap labor and predictable votes, from people who have escaped the New World Order, only to find their new home will be run the same way very soon.

If the establishment likes Hillary so much, let them hire her, but she does not deserve to be our figurehead. She would go to war with Russia, just to advance her paying constituents' causes.

Didn't know there were any sequels, but now I really want to watch those too! XD I haven't seen a B-movie I haven't liked though. At least not old ones. It's different now with all the special effects that sometimes turn out terrible, but back then the use of regular props instead either made it look great, or look so crappy it was entertaining in a different way. Thanks for the head's up!

Hmm certainly some new perspectives there. Does she have the same stance on climate control and all of that, you think? I watched a documentary on how quickly we're fucking up our planet yesterday, and it's pretty depressing. That Deepwater Horizon oil spill that happened a few years back... the effects of that disaster was apparently equivalent to just a quarter of all the shit the US spews out in a single day. Oceans are turning acidic due to too much carbon dioxide, which might soon wipe out a large portion of all oceanic life. 40% on all plankton has been depleted in just the last 50 years, and they give us half of our oxygen supply. More than half of the current species in the world might be extinct within a decade... not sure how factual all this is, but those numbers... we're really teetering on the edge there. Well, back to politics: if you start a war against Russia, how do you think that'd pan out? The prospect of two superpowers clashing... seems like some pretty serious end-of-the-world potential there.

Delta Force 2 sucked ostrich eggs, think there was even a third... Off the top of my head, Krull and Battle Beyond the Stars are 2 sci-fi/fantasies that are very good. Both played in drive-in movie theaters.

As far as a European war w/ Russia where the US would take a lead role, I have no idea. Now that Hillary's out the picture, there's less chance of it, but not by much.

The effects of DWH in the Gulf will continue to be a nightmare. Besides Corexit (heavy metals used to bind and break down oil, also weigh it down) poisoning the ppl who laid it down and the sea life, it's still waiting to get stirred up again. The underwater currents are likely still pushing the stuff on the sea floor. You think the UN would've made that an international law, not to dump garbage anywhere at sea.

A nation is defined by its citizens, not by its leader. So essentially, while a single person can influence how a culture is shaped they will not individually define the course of America. Whoever wins tomorrow I hope will do well for the sake of what is and respect their policies despite whatever personal indifference I may harbor...I won't mope, predict the end of America (like many 'conservatives' have done since 2008), but will continue to try to make the world a better place one person at time. A president doesn't come to individual communities and do anything of that nature. True freedom doesn't arise from some specious idea that everyone has constitutional rights and is subject to prohibitory laws, but responsibility and growth at a personal level.

But, I agree, about everything you have said regarding Clinton. Whatever you perceive of the Republican-Democrat system needs to be gradually deconstructed down to its bare bones. Since Trump doesn't directly fit either side of the bill perhaps he's the ticket out of this grand collapse envision/two party dumpster fire.

You probably have conviction that Hilary will start a war with Russia (it's not entirely up to her though). maybe ban guns too. She is a proven liar, perhaps protects sex offenders, and will probably make Obamacare even worse. Fair enough reason not to vote for her then

I believe there's a possibility that Trump, who has used implicit racism to his advantage, and is heavily worshiped by hate groups, and is more likely to continuously stir up the hate groups will create an even greater divide in this country. While the fact that he's not a corrupt politician (and claiming that he's not corrupt is rather dubious) can be appealing Trump's material from Day 1 is propagating hatred against other candidates, and very little policy. Fair enough reason to not vote for them.

A vote for the third party, or not a vote at all, provides salient support for outsider candidates for elections generations away, and at the very least a template for the way candidates should NOT be. Of course, this is a moot point if you truly believe this is the last election (if Hillary gets elected). I won't ever vote for the worst of two evils!

besides, where is political satirist Alex Jones going to derive material from if Trump wins

Funny to see how the left and right are reacting to the election, now that it's over. Sure does look like the 'shadow' elements of our country are picking up steam, just like in other places in the world.

Are we... talking about the Invasion U.S.A. sequel here? Seems like that oneĀ“s called Avenging Force? And Delta Force 3 the sequel to that...? Man, confusing title changes. Also turns out there's an Invasion U.S.A. movie from 1952 too! Interesting. Ah, alright, two new movies I hadn't heard of to my watchlist.

Yeah, Putin congratulating Trump was a promising start too, hopefully no conflicts. And regarding the deepwater: more going on there than I knew about too!! Good info. Podcasts on stuff like that would surely educate the molasses masses. ;)

@S3C Well spoken. My opinions of Trump have shifted a bit after stumbling upon a lot of stuff like this: http://imgur.com/gallery/uCEQ9

...to the point where him leading the country feels like... it might not be such a bad thing after all, but then again maybe he'll just get killed like JFK and pre-written history will resume its course. Doesn't sound too good about them hate groups though. And I have been getting some more insight on Hilary's less appealing sides... for shame. The chocolate chip was great.

Invasion USA 1985... yeah I watched the 1952 movie of the same name and wasn't too impressed at the time, though I do have it on DVD and will revisit it, once I get my crap out of storage.

The Deepwater Horizon incident looks like it was planned from the get-go, all they needed was one bad sensor installed (or verified in this case), and no one was the wiser something (profitable) bad was going to happen. Money goes back to hedge funds and Halliburton and the makers of Corexit, a very nasty chemical. Big money would love it if all the residents of NOLA just upped and left, so the oil pumpers could work without resistance.

that's one relatively positive piece out of many. here's a large repository that may revert your opinion:

it would take hours to wade through the all the discussion, discern the credibility of the arguments and claims, and google further information to synthesize my own well-founded opinion. After reading enough I just end up with the same undecided stance.

"Now that Hillary's out the picture, there's less chance of it, but not by much."

ahh, VicariousE wouldn't be VicariousE if he toned down his apocalyptic sentiments :P "not by much"?? So I guess refraining to vote for either candidate didn't matter by much? The Putin/Trump and Putin/Clinton relationship is 180 degrees different. And if Trump is going to put his new economic plans to use, he's not going to support a significant chunk of tax money to play military superhero overseas on 2nd and 3rd world countries.

Yeah I got spammed badly by Trump, after buying 2 yard signs and a hat :p Haven't checked it in a while, hope it's been stopped by now? Why preach to the converted w/ such zeal?

Sure was a close election, the States have spoken!
Unless the paid-alt-left ppl are successful in bullying the electors into changing their votes, which isn't illegal, but highly unlikely.

@S3C Hmm... feels like a whole lot of "he said this, that means he is" evidence provided on those pages. I get the impression he says a lot of things he doesn't mean, and does ditto, but sure, there's probably some truth to a lot of what he has said too, and done - more probably.

I don't agree with many of the arguments for why he should not be president btw. The "Donald Trump has NEVER held public office before and every single former president has" seems like a strange reason. The fact that he never has makes him all the more interesting a candidate. I'd appreciate less beurocracy and political correctness, and with less previous express seems to promise. Unconstitutional policies seems like creative thinking - like religious texts, the constitution feels like a somewhat dated guideline. His proposal on printing more money to fix the national debt sounds a lot like what's been done for a long time to keep the economy running. Feels like so much bias overall, and reasoning as to what he wants to do and why it's wrong based on what the current norm is, and not how it could be. What I do find worrying are his views on the climate crisis (as non-existent)... and some other stuff.

Yeah, he's not ideal, but the entry I linked to really changed my view, to the point where it feels like everything he says isn't really important, only what he'll do - and that it seems he may do a lot he didn't say he would, and not do a lot of what he did say he would do. Seems difficult to revert my opting for a more positive impression, but do appreciate the read! Even if I don't see it as concrete evidence, he's said some interesting things. XD He doesn't seem like the optimal candidate, but maybe not as bad as the main competition after all...

The war on Russia btw, it's still likely even after Putin congratulated Trump on his victory? They're not buddies yet? Seems they have a lot of common interests.

I think the climate 'crisis' has more to do with the sun than our CO2 and particulate emissions. I agree there should be caps on those things (if there wasn't, the western US would look like Beijing by now). However, adding taxes on civilian output and consumption sucks. Carbon taxes are likely the biggest of cash grabs, and hope those are either well accounted for, or eliminated entirely.

Constitution kicks ass, only the Globalists hate it.

well it's not like I'm saying Trump is pinned to the cross...don't let me discourage you from making a podcast commending Trump for his positive qualities, what he may bring to America, all while discussing the rest of the country/world's maladies that needs to find a remedy if one exists at all...I think it would make an entertaining and informative podcast for everyone on NewGrounds to listen too...

yeah I know...words, intention, and actions don't always correlate. Same goes for the imgur piece you posted. Especially when you have professional script/speech writers on the payroll.

Exactly- Trump and Putin ARE buddies. Putin hates Clinton.

I'm likely going to take a different approach, since Trump has some faults: why I voted against Hillary, would be better taken. She's a lazy and pissy administrator, and would likely reinforce all the nasty things Obama did while in office... and OMG, it's a shit ton.

There may already be too many burned bridges between the US and Russia, but at least there's a good beginning going on. Russia is currently practicing 'domino state' 2.0 right now, and that needs checking, but placing economic barriers and sanctions on them will only drive them to create alternatives, just like other rouge states have done.

so the first 10 days. Trump has been level-headed enough and had a nice, non-inflammatory acceptance speech. But he has hired a misogynistic white supremacist and seeked out non-scientists to support his not so veiled anti-environmental stances that will produce economic productivity at the probable cost of prospective devastation of the Earth.

You mean the guy from Breitbart? Thought he was Jewish... yeah even the right wing news is concerned about the people he's bringing on board. At least it's a nice change from the previous profiteers from the past 8 years.

@S3C True indeed. Even though it's all factual information, the selection of information presented is what creates bias, not the lack of truth - and I suppose it's easier to believe a well-worded speech than plain fact, knowing that even a fact has an angle, but knowing that this could've been written by one of those payroll writers hmm... well, I don't really know what I believe at this point. Must learn before before I voice further opinion.

Sounds like dangerous things are going on behind the scenes though...

Here's an interesting article about advertising, after a fashion: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-19/were-being-played

at the end of the day, money talks man. Forget the environment, foreign relations, and all social issues. I was one of many being sorely wrong with my bold prediction of Hillary winning. Perhaps the mainstream media (i.e. not the internet) can no longer be deemed THE mainstream seeing how 90% anti-Trump propaganda was not enough to sway voters to keep him out of the office.

Several people I know despised Trump as he insulted them at a personal level. Yet they still decided to vote for him at the last minute. Why? The fact that 2017 ACA plans, doubling to tripling most people's fees, were published a couple weeks before the election.

Maybe Trump is just pandering to conservatives (or whomever) by stating that he feels (anthropogenic) global warming is a hoax. I don't think he really cares either way. But there is a clear, massive economic opportunity into mining more coal, offshore methane reserves, and other fossil fuel resources. And like you say, Trump will lift more environmental regulations further adding to the economic benefit. Who needs regulations, prohibitions, and legislated requirements anyway? What did prohibition of alcohol do for America? What about firearms? Should there be health regulations for medical and food places? Why do we even need laws, can't we just operate as responsible individuals? Forget the climate crisis, and start examining the harmful effect the use and mining of fossil fuels will have to the environment. Examine, how America, backing out of various environmental treaties will not just affect America but the rest of the world for years to come.

The press is getting cozy w/ Trump, now that he's stocking up on known shills, bankers too big to fail, the biggest lobbying groups :p

The 2 previous presidents and congress have gone out of their way to make sure big drug makers make big profits, along with certain segments of the health insurance industry, everyone else can go spit.

One thing they won't let us do: operate as responsible individuals, bad for big business, bad for taxes, puppies, society... I think if there's an environmental limit to the planet, it was reached around WWII, no wonder the secret kings only want 100 million humans on terra firma... it gives the richest more air to pollute. You're sure right though, it's all about the duckets, follow the big money and you'll find people who want even more of it.

Was thinking the 1952 version (Invasian U.S.A.) would be hard to find, but looks like it's available for free (I mean legally - public domain)! Might actually be harder to get my hands on the newer ones.

Halliburton, Corexit, NOLA, lotsa terms thrown around there... makes sense it could be an intended disaster though. Climate crisis attentiveness was fueled, but if the profit wasn't only to be had with rising oil prices (as I assumed), those other parties wouldn't be affected by it anyway.

I admit I haven't studied the consequences of the sun or what that could be doing to the world, apart from the de-magnetizing effects of solar storms (ans as a result us messing up our atmosphere even further with chemtrails), but our Co2 emissions turning the oceans acidic and void of future life seems like a real enough problem. Methane levels are rising too, so steadily that the spike of methane levels during our time is like a vertical line on the chart - it just doesn't plane out. If you haven't seen it: Racing Extinction is a pretty interesting documentary. Course, I shouldn't take in new facts without consideration, but the consensus seemed legit: that we're in for a real crisis all of our own doing, a potential extinction-level event within our lifetime. The Co2 is just one of many bad things we're doing to the world, all of which have far-reaching consequences beyond the scope of why we do them. People just don't know better. It all amounts. Mmmm farming money off of the disasters of the world doesn't really make a betterment either, IMO companies should be made to re-purpose their systems/products rather than paying a penalty, and just keeping them running anyway. As it is everyone makes a short-term profit, but the environment doesn't respond well to monetary compensation.

As for the constitution, I haven't actually read it in full, so I suppose I shouldn't say too much about it. A 200 year old guideline ought to be a bit out of date by now though, just like the social order and systems of governance in most places around the world. I like the ideal, but I assume a lot of core problems in the US relate to this original guideline, like: excessive gun violence, and members of congress having pretty much eternal posts.

Oh, pretty Supraliminal article on propaganda! Interesting. I do try to see the subliminal messages in the posters for all I consume, but not always so easy with speeches, and social norms, group pressure - it sinks in. Always good with a reminder.