After a month of ambiguity, I paid a guy to flatbed my Pop's truck over to the only garage he ever trusted. The garage owner offered me 800$ for the truck, which is basically what I paid 3 years ago for a set of 5 new tires |: Having no (motorized) wheels on the sparse side of the suburbs is a major drag. Sure there's plenty of take out/delivery places that occassionaly feed me, but it's hardly a long term solution.
I'm going to spend a little more to see if the existing engine can be saved by replacing the head gasket, which is currently blowing hot gasoline into the radiator/cooling system. I'll have the guy crimp the bad brake line and go from there... (inspection) sticker's good till the end of next year.
Once that's done I'm going to pick up some work from one or more of the local farms around here (I hope). Also still meaning to buy a Snowball mic from Newegg,com or wherever's cheaper... it's a bit of a buzzkill to only type my thoughts, might as well sound them out. Also hoping it will come in handy while playing GTA Online, *loud whistle "Get back to the game, we're ready to go!!1"
Guess that's about it. Just another spiceless old white male on the other side of the screen going on about himself.
Update: July 13th... almost a month later: I noticed the 'check engine' light was on when I picked the truck up last week. Also, a strong smell of gasoline coming from the engine compartment. It wasn't a problem with the computer, or a loose fitting... more rot. Fuel is spraying out from the pressurized line, and the other 2 lines also look bad. Gas tank has to be dropped to get the new lines in. Not happy, should've sold it and taken a chance on something else >:(
So... fuck you New Jersey DOT. Fuck you for spraying a rust accelerator (salty brine water) on snowy roads, it would be cheaper if I just slid on the ice, hit a tree and exploded, preferably right in front of the State House, where shitty laws are passed, to make someone rich, all the while looking like you collectively give a fuck.
This is just as stupid to adding a known carcinogen (chalk, a type of asbestos) to cigarette paper, (FSC stands for 'Fire Safety Code') on the off chance an unattended, lit cigarette will not light someone's mattress on fire. So... fuck you too Chucky Schumer. I'm sure your ancestors are really happy that your viral legislation will likely hundreds of thousands more people with cancer, while reaping a whirlwind in sin taxes. More proof the SJW lunatics are not only taking lives, but our freedom to be individual assholes and risk takers.
Spiceless old white males are always in demand, rich spiceless old white males that is.
Where's this guy when you need him
Damn man, I think I fapped to Tom Yu's infomercial harem one night. Seemed like every other decade there'd be a phony rush to flip real estate, selling 'get rich quick' packages by the wheelbarrow. Sure didn't like him prattling on about late 20th century prices though, seems like the Earth's currency buys less and less every year.