15 years ago today, I decided to make an account here. Like a lot of other people, I had to keep observing before I made a choice. After 13 months, I chose to trust the site with my precious email address. From here I'd go to blogs and other Flash sites that were associated with Newgrounds, back in the banner-ad days. Randy Solem and a few others were excellent bloggers (off-site) and it was a pleasure to read them after I got done with NG.
Since I joined Newgrounds, 9/11 happened, Mom and Dad died. Much has changed, and practically speaking, not for the better, at home and abroad. Freedom has become scarce, the veneer of civilization is being scrapped for cash, leaving gaping holes in a once functional surface. Truth, justice and the American Way, have fallen away to junk science, deferred accountability, and the American Pay.
You aren't allowed to be a kid anymore, just a commodity/liabilty to the powers that be. Innocence is exploited for profit, not enlightenment. Good jokes between friends, can now prevent you from getting a job (online conversations as opposed to old internet/IRL).
I'm very unhappy with the world our young people have to contend with.
Guess I'll make a new post after my brother's funeral service. He had a memorial last month in California, his wife and my sister fill fly out sometime in March to conduct one here as well. If you go back a post or two, there's details there, though I'd prefer not to talk about it at all :\
To celebrate, here's some shit I found while binge-clicking http://www.randomwebsite.com/ as well as a few other oddities from my 20+ years on the internet.