Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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...and now I have to go back to NJ.

Posted by VicariousE - October 29th, 2015

Long story short, there's no room for old farmers north of Philly (for less than a grand a month).

Going back to see if my stuff's still there, and the cats are okay.  All this would've been unnecessary, if the new owners would've just drawn up a simple 2-3 sentance rental agreement, nothing fancy, just some paper saying it's okay for me to stay there for a given period of time...

The old farm I left won't be destroyed right away, if at all.  It could get flipped, permits denied/approved/delayed... but it's much better someone live there, to prevent dumping, arson or squatters from moving in.

Ambiguity is 90% of the problem, as it is most of the time.... hope to see you all soon.



I wish you all the best then and hope that the new owners are kind enough to let you stay.

Actually, they have been, but without a lease or renter's agreement for us to sign, I'm subject to the -last- piece of paper signed (over 3 months ago), which was just prior to the sale of the farm: 500$ a month for 2 months, 5,000$ security deposit (which I haven't gotten back yet)... and a 200$ a day penalty for each day I stayed on the property!

What part of Jersey?

:\ lower Middlesex county.

I can't imagine leasing the place with all this if and when business concerning it's fate being pleasent either, all it's going to take is for them or the next persons to say no or show up with the wrecking ball and you'll be without a new place sub 1k rent or not.

This is quite the hassle to be in, hope it all comes together for you in the end cus this can't be good for your bloodpressure.

It isn't and I've gone back to taking a baby aspirin every morning |:

To the buyers, this is just another investment, like a stock or bond, they don't care to 'manage' it, just so long as they make a profit.

Well in defense of the new owners, not everyone like that people keep on living on their recently bough property, but yeah they could have let you stay until you got your part of the deal.

Verbally, they did let me stay... but after the 2 month pre-sale deal expired, there was nothing in place afterwords, to prevent them from zapping me 200$ a day! Until I get my original deposit money back... that may yet be the case (in which case, I actually owe them a grand)

Man it is like you are losing more money than earning.

My money and hair are escaping at an alarming rate

Good for you that baldies are about to get popular among weeaboos, wait that's actually bad.

Eh, I don't have a hairstyle anyway, I just comb it and tie it back with elastic wrapped in cloth

Ambiguity is 90$ of the problem...algebra is the other 10%

The $ is more of a problem than the %, go figure :(

Still enduring the struggles of change I see.. Stay strong buddy. Can't wait till you post about your new comfort zone. In the meantime just keep sailing through the rough seas until you find new territories.

Best case scenario: the buyers of my property finally get me a proper lease to sign, then my old comfort zone will be reborn! If not, well... squatting (at my old place) and cleaning up from a rain barrel, going to the local library for recharging/internet, can't go on indefinitely.

How are these buyers? Are they reasonable nice people that you think you can reason out something with them? I hope they are. Where are you spending the nights?

Well the lead buyer and his family seemed nice, said I could stay as long as I wanted... but the paperwork says otherwise (the minor partner added a lot of details that no one except him seems to like).

In Pennsylvania I stayed at a hotel, which was very expensive. After I got back to NJ, well, I've been staying in the truck :( At least I got a shower today, so I feel a little better anyway, but am still waiting on something (in writing) that says I can rent my old home again... I just hope it's not bullshit!

The new owner's a doctor, and doesn't like to sign anything... but does believe in karma. But this is the US; karma loses out to legal documents, ya know?

Time to get a bandanna and brag about the times you used to be part of a biker gang.

Boy that sure brings up a plethora of old stories lol! No sense in scaring the local gentry any more than I already have.... o_o

Hey man, I was just about to send a PM asking how you were...there's my answer. Are you still considering maybe moving to PA in the future?

Either way, stay strong, and my apologies if I haven't spoken to you enough recently...been dealing with a knee issue requiring physical therapy. Got cleared finally.

Yeah, either PA or south of there. Depends on how much it'll cost, among a great many other things (I've still got enough farm equipment to make a good go of it).

That's sweet of you to say, thanks! Take care of your knee dear, it'll likely be a 24/7 thing to worry about for a while, till things firm up.

So how ended the barrel made out of potato-chips Halloween story?
Damn you are staying in the truck? that must be almost as bad as camping, so how cold or hot it is?

It's been warm here lately, so there's no need for me to make a new suit... I was really hoping to have a nice warm place to construct/tailor it, with no immediate worries on my mind

Er, I've actually been squatting in my old home. I did ask the middleman to buy his own padlocks... but since he didn't, I ended up making a spare I certainly wished I'd never have to use. Sucks having to sneak in and out of my old home. If the heater in the truck worked, I would slept there more often. Moisture is a big concern, considering all my clothes and papers are in the truck cab... don't want anything moldy

Oh man not the papers that could be the worse that could happen to you after getting a cold or some shit.

So you still have the keys to the house?

Aw man, I've been feeling run down, sure... but now I've got an ear infection (ear styke), so I got a hotel room for the night. Guess I got it thanks to all the unheated and dirty places I've hanging out/killing time.

Er, maybe? Still doesn't help much though, the power's off, so no heat or light :p

those are bad news...

at least i hope that you can find soem place to stay when the storm settles...
and that you will get your 1/3 of the farm's sales payment at least....

and a good solution would be the trailer car/home, aka home on wheels.
fast, reliable and cheap.

i hope to see you back, happy and in good standing...
be well, my man!

Still waiting on the buyer's lawyer, to get back to the estate (family's) lawyer, whom I promised a few billable hours, just to get things set up... more waiting |:

I guess I'm okay with long trailers (it's the short ones that are a menace to back up), but it's not really a long term solution without some land to go long with it... the cats and I need somewhere to raise crops and stuff.

This is where the solar panels's system would have come in handy.
This is also where free medical care would come in handy.
So any news on how the payment is going? that would also come in handy haha.

The guy who arranged the sale thinks going low-use solar's a good idea, likely worth the investment these days.
Lol what?
I guess we're still waiting on the State to get their cut, which reminds me, I voted in local elections today, and got glad-handed by a mayoral candidate.. wonder if he won? Democrats always win here, family's pass it down (party affiliation) like a communicable disease.

The guy who arranged the sale is a wise man.
Go to a hospital man.
What policies did that candidate had?

Yeah but 2 laid back 4 irl biz
Lol, wats that?
...I'm a Democrat and I'm okay, I sleep all night and work all day (sung to Monty Python's Lumberjack song) My last words to him as he walked away to glad-hand someone else, "I voted for you, you know." Fight BS w/ BS ;)

Taking it easy, that's good way to handle off the stress, he will live a long life.

"Lol, wats that?" - VicariousE
"A place in which they take money from you and in return take care of the ear infection." - Doomroar
"Lol what?" - VicariousE
"What?" - VicariousE
"I sa... wait a minute, you are already deaf, forget about it" - Doomroar
"What?" - VicariousE
"Nothing" - Doomroar
"Lol What?" - VicariousE
"..." -Doomroar

"I voted for you, you know (That would teach him!)" - VicariousE.
"(He voted for me? Haha what a sucker!)" - The candidate.

Sad situation, ain't it?

good luck

thanks man, 2nd day in a (non-smoking) hotel, and the nearest exit is locked off :p Couldn't hack living without heat and light for more than a day or two |:
I'm a few hundred feet away from Thunder Road northbound in central NJ

I remember that loop well -- from the NG sim!

It looped automatically when you had the Portal page open, the old linkable center of activity 10-15 years ago. The persistent volume and mute control was in the upper right I think.. even the Audio Portal had a player of the daily top 5, and a skip button as well. Both pages had swell interactive flash banners and characters, was really decent looking/feeling, immersive and inclusive.

@tomfulp, the new Firefox displays a speaker (and mute option) in the tab, whenever audio is present/playing on the page... how about bringing back the simple old player, do it up like we used to? Be a nice supporter feature, also an opportunity for the local talent to fill in the content gaps.
: same appeal should be made for new page skins, just provide the deets on a page and/or thread

Sounds confusing. Oh well, life sucks! :P

Well said and summarized :3

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