New Jersey is one of the only states in the union, that require gas attendants to dispense fuel. Some states require you pay/leave ID before you pump... it's been over 15 years since I gassed up out of state! No idea why that should bother me...
My parents farm finally got sold in late July, and I can stay until September 22nd... though that may be extended (long story, see previous post comments if you're that curious), despite the insistance on the 2 month agreement ($5000 secuitry deposit, and $500 per month for 2 months) before the farm sold.
Yesterday I finally got internet here, as my neighbor/tenant cut off her wifi to me about 3 months ago. I'll have to spend time each day packing things away, looking for a new home in rural Pennsylvania online... or even a bare piece of ground - I'd consider buying a trailer and building a garage for my stuff. Wade gave me the number of a good real estate agent near him, but I fear the area's too far outside my price range.
I've got cats to relocate, dirt to shift... gonna be an interesting outtro to my time here in NJ. Meanwhile over a hundred NG responces came in while I was offline. By the time I catch up, it'll be time to move!
It's good to here from you good sir. Seems like things are finally rolling in your favor.
Good to hear from you too! I just hope I don't squander any more opportunities... ever since my Pop died in 2013, it's been one nightmare after another, another cost or another. I'm hoping to find a place where the costs of living aren't so high, and I can keep and use my farm equipment. Still waiting on my cut of the farm sale... my credit's shit, so I can't do a mortgage, so it's gonna be a big all-or-nothing cash purchase.