Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Moved out of NJ, but I still have to look back...

Posted by VicariousE - October 23rd, 2015

I guess any place you live, you leave something behind.  And woof, I've sure got a list: 2 farm tractors and attachments, roughly a dozen cats, my 8 core PC, my dishes, my VHS tapes, ugh the list could take the whole page.

Almost everything durable enough for commerical transport, is in 2 rectangular containers, built to withstand a Cat 5 storm... but not the NJ Turnpike.  As I entered 8A on my trip out, a semi kinda rolled over a Prius, right at the North/South section, must've happened a few minutes earlier.  Sure was a fitting goodbye.

Anyway, I'm spending the weekend at the Fort Washington Best Western (which is a damn site better than the ones in NJ).  From here, I hope to convince an Airbnb member to take me in.  Now, if I had a Google+, LinkedIn, or Facebook profile, Airbnb would've gladly accepted a copy of my driver's license as a form of personal verification ._.

Tonight I'm just going to get bombed at the hotel bar (Indian restaraunt, kinda fitting, since a few Indian families bought the family farm from us 3rd gen'ers), and let tomorrow play out, as it will...using my will, willpower, whatever :p

UPDATE 10/28/15:  Leaving the area tomorrow to go back to the farm, to check on my stuff at the rental next door, as well as the cats.  I wasted a huge ton of money, time and hope here, trying to find a decent place to rent in the short term.  Had I known this area was no better/cheaper than where I left, I never would've come looking here.  Maybe I should've known better than to stay anywhere near Megacity #1.



Thank you good fellow, may your future travels go with God as well!

Did you hear? Once the 20th anniversary flash gets published, our writing collab will have a quiz alongside it... with medals, fuckin' a >:)

Wow,I hope the players won't get an eyesore from reading mine.It's still embarrassing(for me).

Nah, I do think they'll get it... I hope! I did what I could to prepare the reader for the mind of a certain Mr. S. Fingers. As far as stream-of-consciousness writing goes, I thought you did exceptionally well, but he did go on a bit, more than what we're used to... I think that's what threw me off if anything.

Ugh, roomates...

Uprooted and forced to abandon valuable treasures our hero forges on, maybe it's not pretty but there's worse ways to set off on a new adventure i suppose.

What's the deal with needing big brother's approval on everything these days though, as if you're not a real life human being without an electronic file/mugshot combo on public display to prove it.

Are people actually swallowing that shit is used merely for the sake of convenience? Unbelievable.

Sorry for the late reply... and wow, you sure hit the nail on the head with your comment! Tom strongly suggested I make a Facebook/LinkedIn/G+ account, just to get the added verification, even after I emphatically said no to the idea.

Yes sir, you are absolutely correct: the people here will gladly give up their privacy and official credentials, to simply go to a bed and breakfast (among other things).

Sometimes I find it hard to believe, this is the same country I grew up in. I guess the electronic tit, has made slaves out of all of us :(

Yeah,I was known to be quite long-winded in my essays back in school...

It's easy with an electronic keyboard, or even good handwriting, had a manual portable typewriter I used from 6th grade to 9th or 10th grade... I got me an Apple IIc and a printer, helped tremendously, even though I was okay writing longhand, structuring my sentences to look like all the others I had read...

But yeah, it's good to write about motivations/backstory and actions, in equal measure, then it doesn't look so long... so long as you don't linger on the mundane happening, lest they become relevant somehow, later on.

Cool,you used a typewriter?I guess,technology and tradition can really work hand in hand,eh?I could have gone on and on with that story but fortunately for everyone,I didn't.Maybe I'll keep it for another time.

Yeah, but the collab's guidelines said each entry would be not much more than a thousand words or something... I -know- you went over, but then again, I did too, as well as a few others ;)

What we did, came out pretty damn good, I just hope it looks and reads well in the collab. Pretty sure the cap on flash file size will be lifted for this one :O Did you read that Vice article on the life and death of flash? I need to visit Vice more often, I usually hit Drudgereport and surf the sick and sad news of the day :p

I've only seen the title,I think I'll give it a look.

It's a rather focused article, which makes it easier for the non-NG user to understand. I'm glad someone quantified my existence here so eloquently, with a simple news article :3

You don't see that kind of thing here in the Internet everyday.

I'm glad I found this place so long ago, it's more than enough to keep me happy online (aside from GTA Online!) I don't have any other social media site accounts, other than this place... hence my problem w/ Airbnb |: Anyway, I'll be sending formal requests for lodging in the morning, I can't spend 120$ a night at a hotel while looking for a rental home O_O

Do you have any nearby relations or acquaintances?

Nope lol, just a very few people I've met through this site. Shad, Tom Fulp, Emily Youcis... everyone else lives outside the Philly area. I'm tempted to PM Shad, leave my phone number, I'd like to take he and his wife out to dinner sometime, but I get the impression he's a private guy...

EDIT: I guess Shad told me a fib, first time I met him in 2013... he's unmarried :\

Oh man Indian food is amazing, but you never see those gnarly 18 wheeler accidents here on north 59. those were crazy shit shit oh god.

Yeah, might try some vindaloo chicken tonight. I asked for a sauce sample, but they make it fresh for each dish... they sure love their spices! I had a house salad with pork, like butter and tasty like horseradish only not as overwhelming, pretty fucking amazing!

The truckers in Megacity #1 are okay, it;s the 9-5 commuters that have gotten squirrely with every passing year. I;ve been noticing small details about PA since I got here, and appreciating the added freedom and friendly nature of it;s people
(damn, can't believe I paid 140$ for this used laptop, it's quite the turd)

Then,who's going to be in charge of all your pets and belongings?It sounds like you really left almost everything of your old life behind.By the way,thanks for telling me about that post,I don't know why but though I'm not a user of Flash,I have that sense of doom and gloom not only for the program,but for this website.It's like a nightmare waiting to happen(touch wood.)Maybe it's just my imagination and that at the very most,some things here will change but I do fear the worst.

Well the cats are being fed by a friend's sister, who lives a few miles away, which kinda sucks it's out of her way a bit. But she'll fed them, and grab one to get them spayed/neutered, then hopefully find them a home - dozen cats, it's a big deal! I'll have to send her some more money...

The stuff I left at the family's rental house (which WAS right next door to where I lived), is being looked after by the tenant and her son. They aren't very observant and the 19 y/o son has a lot of friends over... and they do tend to walk all over him |:

I'm sure Newgrounds will still be able to stay solvent, we lost a lot of ground in the past, but are making up for it now!

Whaddya know? I happen to be moving out of NJ soon as well. Too busy. Too crowded. Leaving family behind sucks, but life is too short. I salute you.

Thanks man, sure hope I can get settled soon. I had so much to sort through, chuck and otherwise say goodbye to, never really had a chance to see where I was going! Hopefully I can find a place to stay, nearish to where I am now... and then the hunt for a few choice acres begins :\

Where were you looking to move to?

Just checking up on you. How's things going?

Did you burn down anything after eating spicy foods?

Eh, I'm okay I guess. Holed up in a hotel room, waiting for the Tom Fulp to return from Florida.. he might have an idea of where I might be able to crash (for cash) locally. Hoping there's a closet available at the Sleepycabin or something...

Nah hell, you ever see The Goonies? The mom of the house said, "I want this house nice and clean before they tear it down!" But it turns out it might be occupied pretty soon, and to someone less fortunate than myself, so, that's good news.

I never really had Indian food, before I moved out this past Friday! So far so good, though I'm a little sad they had beef korma, which is almost exactly like beef stroganoff... hope it wasn't anyone the cook was related to O_O Going back in lil while for some coffee and cake to take away.

Met an alfalfa farmer from Washington state while at the bar, nice dude

I hope it goes the way you said it would,well,I wish you all the best then and Newgrounds forever!

Hmm, even if it doesn't go the way I said it would, it might yet turn out okay! I think I'm off Fate's radar for the time being :) Newgrounds forever bro.

I think it's too soon for it to become 'Oldgrounds'!


Oh you have an update post, i missed this one, it kinda answers all the things i asked XD.

You should make another once you meet with Tom, hope things go well.

Yeah, it went well, though I'm still out of place... being an older guy, with no 21st century production experience in games/animations/music/art, kinda limits the conversation to non-work related stuff :\

I'll make a new post, come Halloween... be a good time to show off my (to be assembled) costume! It's likely going to go over the heads of most ppl, but maybe some good and some laughs can come out of it :)

u can do this u beautiful fuck

I glanced at the url and your username looks freaky without the E capitalized, vicariouse

Thanks for the support man, I really love your milk ;)

Yeah that lower case E bummed me out, after I made it up all those years ago. Just sucks all my pseudonyms were taken, after I decided to join up here. I was drunk by that point, and had just got done watching a flick called Fandango on cable TV when I came up with my current username... the E stands for entertainment!

Aren't you also a voice actor?

Get a hobo disguise to make everyone awkward, that's gotta pack a punch!

I've done a game and a movie submission, big whoop :p Not even close to the quality I used to produce for PACTV, let alone my commercial work

Oh Lordy Lord, that one a gud un! But actually yeah, my costume is gonna be rather neo-hobo-esque!

"In my days we didn't had any of those flashy touchy screens! and yet i got on TV production!" - VicariousE 2015 (drunk)

A hobo from the future!? i think i have meet a couple of those... none of what they said came true, must be from an alternate timeline.

Shit, we didn't! And man, fuck those cassettes, even back then I wanted to do non-linear editing |: but that suite cost a bundle (avid/apple)

Well, we'll see how the NG people likes/dislikes my costume, may work on it tomorrow after I get some calls and emails finished... hope I don;t fuck it up, I've only got so much material to work with, and running out of time :\

Haha the days when Apple was a brand worth considering and not just for show, that's how you let the years show.

They will all love it, and will joke on how you actually are wearing way too much clothing, and then probably Stamper will bring out his infamous dildo, and things will get weird, and we will laugh about your near rape experience because for us it will be just another internet tale, and then a week from now they will talk about it on the SleepyCabin's Podcast, and then a week after that someone will animate the clip, and the next day i will vote 5 stars on it, EZ points for ma ranks.

Or maybe nothing happens and people just politely say: "nice costume brah" and proceed to slowly ingest some beer.

TBH, they were always gouging the public and school systems with overpriced product. The on-board OS was okay (Apple II series) but as they made later models, they stayed greedy and got less competitive. Or maybe I'm remembering it wrong

I decided to pass. Both NG and Sleepycabin are more or less at capacity, no sense bringing a spark to a fireworks factory. Besides, I've always been a person out of time and place, and not everyone I meet is comfortable with that.

Pff, my costume will be a suit made out of potato chip bags. Mylar is used as emergency blankets, since it reflects ambient heat so well. I figured it would be an appropriate, 21st century version of this:

Microsoft came with the 90 and 92 and kicked their asses that's how i think it happened.

Dem time travelers and their out of time and place stories!

Hahahahaha oh man, that's golden! Bankruptcy barrel is a classic and it comes with a twist.

It's kinda obvious MS stole Mac's user interface in later years, but yeah, the early 90's favored MS quite a lot.

Well, at least I get along with old ppl well...

Guess it beats splinters, though the krinkly noise and feel might be a bit too much for a suit, guess I'll find out soon enough... for practical reasons |:

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