Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

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homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Back to an empty house, several thousand dollars poorer

Posted by VicariousE - December 15th, 2015

It sucks.  But I guess it'll all be worth moving back to my childhood home for a few months... barely.

Most of my furniture is in storage containers, and while I might be able to arrange to pull a few things out, I'd prefer not to rattle my stuff any more than it needs to be.  The cats will be happy at least, maybe I can give a few of them away as Christmas presents.

The worst: I've always had to pay utilities in other people's names, like my grandma, who passed away a few months after I was born!  I wish I had her credit rating.  408$ deposit required just to turn the lights on.  No idea about telecommunications and street gas (for heat and the stove).  Not paying the water bill, traditionally, that gets paid by the landlord.

Anyway, this is my last day at the hotel, which costs 120$ a day |:  I should be back online in a few days, where I'll elaborate a little further on things, such as reviving an old Cape Cod farmhouse, after being dark and dampish for almost 2 months.131385_145019495092_1023151456.jpg


YAY! I could not be happier for you right now. Expect a parcel soon brother.

Oh man, I collected a bunch of newspapers, adverts (for strange places and things) and some new coins for your collection... fuck me, I'm just happy to be typing on a real keyboard! It's been over 2 months since I've been on my beast, which is a damn sight better than a smurtphone or craptop.

Be grateful for what you have. At least you have a roof over you head for the winter sir. :)
That's what's important. I think it would be a good idea only to move in only what you need from storage, to save you the hassle of moving all your stuff around. Later on you may come across something better. My advise is make due for what you got now.

Thanks man, I guess I'm grateful for what I have, but every year there's less and less people I have in my life to enjoy it. Yeah, I'm not going to move much back in, and I'll likely close off a room or two to save on heat (since there won't be much crap inside the house to act as an insulator).

Updated weather for Adelaide. 39 today then 42, 41, 43. Fuck yeah! I'm not leaving the house for 4 days it seems.

Holy shit. So long as the humidity is kept at bay... I bet Roger doesn't care for the heat either. Ever consider getting him a poop-box, with sawdust or pine pellets in it?

Actually the dogs do have a special poop spot outside but in this heat they're in and out very quickly. The ol' boy does not like this heat. It's possibly going to go as high as 44 degrees today. The A/C's are working overtime.

OMG that sucks man, how high's the humidity? Can't be as bad as Florida or the east coast here in the US. Know what sucks? Yesterday morning my left elbow had a deep pain in it for an hour or so, luckily it worked out okay. Sympathetic pain?

Any Christmas parties? The hotel invited me to a quickie party in their continental breakfast room, lots of food, I made up some choco snack bags for everyone (even though I lost a good deal of my money staying there for 1 1/2 months), was nice. Boss lady should be happy, gave her a 20$ Kahlua gift box... and they say women only go for white wine lol

I feel for ya. Moving is a bitch. Not to mention all the expenses that come with it too.

I'm just no good at living around people, so I had to spend more to stay more isolated. I looked into airbnb and some other shit, but nothing I saw was doable :/ so fuck it, glad I'm back in my old home for a while longer. But wow, what a deep kick to my wallet

welcome back

oh shit, the matrix is still here >:O
I played a real PC video game for the first time in 2 months (Borderlands 2) and I felt an insane urge not to go back outside! Also have Fallout 4, not happy about the home ec shit :|

Even living like a true Austerian, it looks pretty homely! All you need now is some of that seasonal decor... maybe there's some pine already embedded in those wooden walls? Hope you get some Holiday Hope! Have a Hallowed one! Happy Homecoming; Candid Christmas!

Pretty sure almost all the structure is scavenged oak, except for the wall studs and outside shake boards. Sure wish we had anit-gravity, I'd love to transplant the building and foundation somewhere else, kinda like they do with trees (multi-bladed hydraulic hole cutter, some landscapers use to plant grown trees, had one at the house with 16 blades, and an articulated frame)

Hope you had a bangin' Xmas homie!

This will be the last comment from me for a few days now. Just about to hit the hay and have a nice snooze before I head to the Airport this afternoon. Can't wait to get there and start Fishing. Unfortunately it's a late afternoon flight, so it'll be night time when I arrive, meaning it'll be straight off to the hotel and ready myself for an early but long day out on the ocean on Sunday morning. PS: I did end up buying the Headless Ned Stark Pop Vinyl figurine as an extra Christmas present to myself. $650.00 US dollars. It should be here waiting for me when I return. Hope you had a great Christmas and that you do have a wonderful New Year. Speak to you soon.

Well, considering how I much I spent to stay at a hotel, and eat out every night, who am I to judge? Still, maybe next time, check a Canadian or American Craig's List or Ebay... was there a limited run?

Hope your bones do alright man, and none stick around in any fish you might eat! And a belated Merry Xmas to you, Shannon, Roger... what's her dog's name?

Why do you think I avoid new-age games?? Squaresoft made me depressed, whenever I shutdown my Playstation and return to reality, I'm acutely reminded that I live in a boring, f*cked up grayscale world...I would get completely lost in this neo-romantic era of profound realism. Though no, I don't yearn for a dystopian world which I presume sets the Fallout (and Borderlands?) series. I would think you would be relatively unphased by the environment of the game, seeing how you've been intent on the doomsday coming soon...

you may have lost your weight in pennies, but good thing you're a short non-fat 5'4 man with your weight at tops being 150...there is roughly 181 pennies in a pound, therefore 1.81$ * 150 = 272.16$...matters could be worse

Ah, real life can be much grittier than any videogame. Besides, the joy is in resolving pre-programmed conflicts in multiple ways, the setting's almost inconsequential... just don't care for the home-ec/metal/wood shop aspects of Fallout 4. Before that I was doing GTA V online, mostly racing, since I suck at heists sorta... so many to keep track of. Haven't fucked with that game since I got repatriated.

I'm more than likely closer to 180 than 150lbs :\ 2 months of eating out and stressing certainly made matters worse.

sounds like quite a boner...(don't think I've forgotten about the Asian foot fetish reverse gang bangs)

Hey, you're sober enough to write, how was your midnight festivities?

well nice i guess...but boring. Spent it with old people lol. Watched the new year's fesitivies on TV while the Justin Biebers of America are given a microphone to spout more vapid garbage that wasn't anything different from the last several new years. how 'bout you??

IDK WTF I was doing! I got home w/ a fancy dinner about 11PM, watched something from the 1970's, finished dishes, sat down to check torrents, then here... then I heard Jake at Boomboom mountain outside, yup 12:03 |: When the bell was here, I was quite punctual... these suburbanites always muck about, then make the noise

you live fairly close to NY huh...is Jake from BoomBoom Mountain related to Jake from State Farm

Haha, it's Jake from Adventure Time I was thinking about, though there weren't any firecrackers in that episode. Easy to remember too, Jake had to make a whole valley of people happy, for deeply personal reasons. Long ago he was grateful a married dog couple picked him up, and out of his dirty diaper, and took him home as their son.

Adventure Time is intended for an adolescent audience I presume but that show has a way of hitting (me) right in the feels. I'm gonna have to go through the episodes sometime. Seems like it has a dark mysterious backstory which is worth delving into.

Hey, just noticed you can respond in the feed, without redirecting... or is that just for my personal blog? Somehow I don't think it did this before...

I started watching it, because a girl I care about loved it... then yeah, the heartstrings. Must make a decent show to watch with kids, like way back in the day, when there was only one TV in the house.. you know what I mean?

Well hello there brother. We are both back from holidays. I got my Christmas present from Shannon today. She took me for a day out at a Safari Park here in South Aust called Monarto Zoological Park and arranged for a special treat for me since I love Giraffes (I Love Giraffes). We got to go to an off limits part of the park and feed the Giraffes. You couldn't beat the smile off my face. So more news. The day I got back I had to take Roger to the vet he was having trouble eating from bad teeth and he had to have oral surgery. Poor Bugger had to have 23 teeth extracted. Not sure what hurt more, his mouth or my bill. Lets just say it was huge. Also the things I have ordered online for you should arrive in the next couple of days so your next parcel (its getting freaking huge now) should be sent real soon. Plus I bought (actually I made it myself at Monarto) a special coin for you, so that will be in the parcel too. Plus a little something else I got while I was there to match something that I already have. So you'll have one of a pair. I'll PM you a list of NG Dump links as soon as I have shrunk all the files down to a manageable size too. I'll probably do that on the weekend as I'll spend most of tomorrow recovering. Cheers Bro.

When I was a kid they used to have penny-smooshing (re-press) machines at the shore or at arcades, haven't seen them this century, hope they haven't been outlawed! I think I have one from the statue of liberty I had made, while Lee Iacoca was Teflon coating the lady... we were all kinda pissed they didn't bother to de-green her first :/

The death of my older and only brother (a few days after you wrote this) really set me back.. still kinda does.

Also the POP Vinyl Headless Ned Stark that I bought, I did actually get off E-Bay and it was the cheapest one at the time. It is a limited run POP of 1,008 worldwide so it was definitely worth the money. There are 4 or 5 more available and they cost between $700 & $900 Aust dollars. I consider it a good investment. When you take into account that when they were first released they sold for $20 Aust dollars and 3 years later they are selling for the prices I quoted above, just imagine what it will be worth in a couple more years. I have a few other rare ones on the way as well. The rarer the better, just good investments basically. I should have also mentioned in the previous post that Shannon got you a little something today from the Safari park too.

Aw she didn't have to get me anything, hope it was cheap or free :3

IDK man, sure depends on people still liking these things in the mysterious, distant future. How have Ty baby beanies' been holding up, pricewise? Might be worth looking into, just to get an idea of appreciation/depreciation in the less conventional investment arenas.... who knew FF VII carts would rise in value like a badly struck/rare coin?!

Just realized that I put $650 US dollars for Headless Ned. In the end it was actually $725 Aust dollars. Oops! My bad. I'm holding him in my left hand right now as I type this with my right hand. I'm multi-talented. Now I must go take a picture and post it in the 'recent purchases' thread.

Ahhhh, skin oil :O Shouldn't it always be in the box? Collectors can be so anal lol!
Ever see Rocko's Modern Life? Turn the page, you wash your hands... I haven't collected comics since the mid-90's.. really should've bought the ones I wanted and not the ones I could afford :(

Surprised that thread hasn't been more active lately, seems like I never see it in General...

hello vic!

its good to be back home.
im happy for you!

is this a photo of your room?
its a nice, and classic home look, i like the wood element in rooms, its very cozy and warm.

BTW, i shall repost some stuff from my newest reply that i've sent to you on your older news post:

also yes, radiotube is an amazing person and a really good friend, i know him many years ago, and i've been voice acting for his movies for a very long time!

he is really talented, and he pays very much attention to the details.

also yes, the clockcrew does many cool movies and stuff.
its awesome.

say, would you ever consider joining the clockcrew?
you dont have to animate or anything, you can just post(rarely or not) and be yourself, its cool!
you could even be... asterix-clock! ;D

anyways, have a nice day, and have fun in winter, the weather is actually getting colder now for us, its good, things look natural again in my area!

oh, and have fun with the PC games, i also like real time strategy games, and i play fallout 3 on PS3.
(i dont have many games, but its worth it!)

Yeah, that's the kitchen. My cousin made those cabinets after my parents and I moved there. Hopefully I'll be able to get them down and take them with me after the lease is up.

Ugh, Fallout 4 is really big and somehow more depressing to play.

ditto to what nietzlawe said; I'm really sorry about your loss, it seems that the past few years haven't been kind to you. But despite it all, you remain one of the best people on NewGrounds and are always there to put other posters in good spirits. By some grace, may the light shine on you soon amongst all the crumbling and chaos.

Thank you for those thoughtful words doctor. It's gonna take me a while to get back on the horse (tank), sure feels like there's less of me behind the keyboard (mirror) lately.

hello, vicariouse, i just wanted to tell you that im sorry for your loss.
i wish for you and for your loved ones to be strong, and to always be well.

i have also PM'ed you about this, no need to reply, i just wish better days for you, and that you may eventually find a stable ground in your life.

my condolences, and i wish to you to be always well, and away from trouble.

its sad to see bad things happening to good people like you, and thats why im always sad with those tragedies.

Trouble follows me around, like an errant piece of toilet paper, stuck to my shoe :p

Thank you for your condolences.

So glad to have you back. I'm sure you were in a bad place, that's completely understandable and Newgrounds wouldn't have been the place for you for these last few days. There are far better places to mourn. Again, so sorry to hear of your loss, it's far from the ideal start to this new year. It's good to have you around again. I'm sure I'm not he only one that has missed you.

Ah man, I'm so not myself lately, bills and bothers aside. It makes writing here pretty difficult. NG deserves the very best we can give it.

Expecting about half a meter of white stuff here this weekend, wish I could transport a good section of the (rented) farm down there, so you and Roger can have a civilized constitutional. Terrifying temps man.

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