It sucks. But I guess it'll all be worth moving back to my childhood home for a few months... barely.
Most of my furniture is in storage containers, and while I might be able to arrange to pull a few things out, I'd prefer not to rattle my stuff any more than it needs to be. The cats will be happy at least, maybe I can give a few of them away as Christmas presents.
The worst: I've always had to pay utilities in other people's names, like my grandma, who passed away a few months after I was born! I wish I had her credit rating. 408$ deposit required just to turn the lights on. No idea about telecommunications and street gas (for heat and the stove). Not paying the water bill, traditionally, that gets paid by the landlord.
Anyway, this is my last day at the hotel, which costs 120$ a day |: I should be back online in a few days, where I'll elaborate a little further on things, such as reviving an old Cape Cod farmhouse, after being dark and dampish for almost 2 months.
YAY! I could not be happier for you right now. Expect a parcel soon brother.
Oh man, I collected a bunch of newspapers, adverts (for strange places and things) and some new coins for your collection... fuck me, I'm just happy to be typing on a real keyboard! It's been over 2 months since I've been on my beast, which is a damn sight better than a smurtphone or craptop.