A few weeks ago, I scheduled the gas, electric and phone/internet services to be shut down tomorrow, Friday 2 October. Guess what? A nasty storm front's moving in, JUST when I'm ready to accept help in moving the bigger things!
Anyway, I still need to contact a few AirBnB people, in the hopes my partial profile is enough for temporary tenacy. To provide complete verification, you need both a picture ID (photoed or scanned and sent as a jpg), as well as a (wait for it) social networking site profile. The three options were: LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+. That's it. And I need both an ID, and one of those three accounts to get a better validation |: Not gunna happen
I also got a GPS and smartphone this week, neither one of them will ever access teh interwebs, not on my watch. There's being prepared, and then there's being tagged, unresourceful, 24/7 plugged in, and I don't think I'd like that.
Welp, I'll likely be back here someitme after my 43rd birthday, on Thursday the 8th. Helluva birthday present, right? My family's been living on this (now sold) farm for almost 80 years, and, again, I'm the last one out the door. I've closed more business doors than I've opened, which doesn't bode well for the future (at least locally).
Without a home of my own, I'm really at the mercy of people I haven't met yet, and that's fucked up yo.
Take care Newgrounds, see ya in a week or two
By now, like it or not, mos of us have at least one, if not all 3 of those "social networking sites", but still what a load of bullshit to go and elevate them to the rank of an ID.
You can disable the GPS, and location tracking functions of your phone, sure some apps will stop working and others will malfunction, but if is that much of a problem you can do it, plus you can use your phone as a modem, if i remember right early this year, CyberD had to tether his phone after his internet company left him without internet for a whole week after some accident, it probably was longer than a week.
Exactly. Although I've been quite opinionated and possibly creepy here, I guess I wouldn't have minded linking my NG account to a DL... only as a necessity, if this were a pleasure vacation, I would've shopped around, taken my chances.
It's an Android OS, and I did what I could to disable the weird shit, but so long as the battery's installed, it still sends out pings to the local tower, which can be triangulated. I could use the thing to go online, sadly, it's about as powerful as a used laptop I recently purchased... but that's another out-of-pocket cost I'd rather not splurge on. Great feature though, it's better to have more functionally...