Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Packing, ???, relocation, and eventual return to Newgrounds

Posted by VicariousE - October 1st, 2015

A few weeks ago, I scheduled the gas, electric and phone/internet services to be shut down tomorrow, Friday 2 October.  Guess what?  A nasty storm front's moving in, JUST when I'm ready to accept help in moving the bigger things!

Anyway, I still need to contact a few AirBnB people, in the hopes my partial profile is enough for temporary tenacy.  To provide complete verification, you need both a picture ID (photoed or scanned and sent as a jpg), as well as a (wait for it) social networking site profile.  The three options were: LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+.  That's it.  And I need both an ID, and one of those three accounts to get a better validation |:  Not gunna happen

I also got a GPS and smartphone this week, neither one of them will ever access teh interwebs, not on my watch.  There's being prepared, and then there's being tagged, unresourceful, 24/7 plugged in, and I don't think I'd like that.

Welp, I'll likely be back here someitme after my 43rd birthday, on Thursday the 8th.  Helluva birthday present, right?  My family's been living on this (now sold) farm for almost 80 years, and, again, I'm the last one out the door.  I've closed more business doors than I've opened, which doesn't bode well for the future (at least locally).

Without a home of my own, I'm really at the mercy of people I haven't met yet, and that's fucked up yo. 

Take care Newgrounds, see ya in a week or two


By now, like it or not, mos of us have at least one, if not all 3 of those "social networking sites", but still what a load of bullshit to go and elevate them to the rank of an ID.

You can disable the GPS, and location tracking functions of your phone, sure some apps will stop working and others will malfunction, but if is that much of a problem you can do it, plus you can use your phone as a modem, if i remember right early this year, CyberD had to tether his phone after his internet company left him without internet for a whole week after some accident, it probably was longer than a week.

Exactly. Although I've been quite opinionated and possibly creepy here, I guess I wouldn't have minded linking my NG account to a DL... only as a necessity, if this were a pleasure vacation, I would've shopped around, taken my chances.

It's an Android OS, and I did what I could to disable the weird shit, but so long as the battery's installed, it still sends out pings to the local tower, which can be triangulated. I could use the thing to go online, sadly, it's about as powerful as a used laptop I recently purchased... but that's another out-of-pocket cost I'd rather not splurge on. Great feature though, it's better to have more functionally...

Huh, strange....the three major social networking sites are Instagram, Twitter, and SocialGrounds/New-NewGrounds (I have high hopes). LinkedIn is more of a professional site for bankers, insurance salesmen, lawyers, tax-brokers etc., FaceBook is the social media site that just won't die, Google+ no one actually uses (strangely). Since you are 40+ you have an excuse. For those under 40 without some type of a social media account, it's likely they are some kind of social outcast. Just the way it is in this f*cked up digital age. Btw, if you have a YouTubes or Gmail email, you automatically have Google+. But I recall you saying you would never sign up for a Google service for some misplaced reason :P

peace out

I'm the last one out my door, too. Different door though. Do your brother and sister have kids? I'm the sole remaining male in my patrilineal line, and I've always been adamant in my stance about not bringing another child into this f*cked up world (never was really romantically compatible with women anyway) but being the person to close the door to my esteemed heritage is somewhat disconcerting.

I guess Airbnb figures the affluent, flatulent, professional masses are a better demographic to side with, but hell's bells, you'd think they'd offer a larger selection, or better yet, let the user decide which site-presence best represents them! I just don't like Google, neither does Tom since they kicked NG out of the Ad-Sense program.. but to stay competitive...

It's a shame we have that in common, my bro and sis are too old and/or fucked up to reproduce, even though they have mates... who already have had kids of their own. Can't stop believing dude, maybe someday, our eyes will lock onto a woman, who will have similar moral stances, not be offended by how we look or live. "Love isn't like getting a suit made, ya gotta buy off the rack." - Margaret O'Houlihan, MASH

Peace and out brother :)

Don't give up, allright? Storm, huh? Be careful, wear a helmet and be safe!

Lol, the sky's falling mah head! I'll be safe, just wish I could pack some iron, and ride with someone on this most dangerous (and cold, no heat in the truck) adventure!

Hm, I happen to have a 2-legged mecha on me. Here you go. The forward control is the guns. I attached two gatling cannons up front, a missile launcher on the side, aimed forwards and a LMG mounted on top. The laser cannon doesn't work great at long ranges, but it's great when you want to start an impromptu campfire.

Damn man, thanks! An Aussie took me for a ride in an APC last night, the mounted 50 cal was really fun, even took out a few choppers and a player or two (GTA online) Really gonna miss this 8 core wunderbar. A kid told me today Rockstar is working on a new GTA that will span the whole US O_O should be out in 2 years time... a lot can happen in 2 years though

I hope your birthday well have a good surprise for you, and that in God's speed, everything else turns out for the best of you, I know how it feels to be at the mercy of others, fuck man, wish I could help D:

Thanks so much, means a lot to me to have you say so! Yeah, should prove to be yet another interesting, likely quite pathetic, birthday.

While cleaning out the kitchen cabinets, I found a birthday candle that plays 'happy birthday' after it's been lit. My Ma bought it over a decade ago (likely for one of my birthdays) before she passed away, kinda shocked it still worked

*drives up to VicariousE in the Delorean MK-III*

Sweet, take me back to the 20th century, I've got some lottery numbers I wanna play... I miss womens with tall poofy hair, all over lol

I was gonna link this account to my Airbnb account... the fuck was I thinking?!?!

Hory sheet! I started crying about halfway through, I'll write a review once shit's chilled out a bit... best place to write a review for that would be NG HQ, which I hope to be slumming at next week

AND a birthday thread? Damn man, thanks so much or hooking me up, especially when the IRL bad ppl are jumping down my throat, and my local friends have all gone to lunch, right when I needed the most help.

Happy birthday, brosky, hope life's not being too hard on you and you'll soon be back on your feet.
I saw a special flash in the Under Judgement section just for you, i gave it a positive rating in the hopes that it will be saved.
Have a good one, mate!

Thanks brother, it's my back, not feet that hurt, but I expect to get out of the middle of this BS in the next few days.

Every time I see a commercial or watch any of the Tiny House shows on HGTV, I think of you!
Have you looked into those at all?


Damn, apparently you have to pay to watch the videos on youtube.
I found this facebook link though:

Anyway... best of luck and...

Oh, thank you so much 'Nae... it's funny, I've got just enough material to make one of those homes, as well as almost all the plumbing! But there's only so much I can take with me, or stash at the rental house next door.

I've also got a few architectural books from when the small house thing started picking up steam in the late 60's early 70's, but I will certainly look into those links soon :3

Aww, you've got a sweet new usericon, very nice!


Guess I better get Lasic or a bucha new contact lenses before we head out... also a couple thousand SMG rounds, just in case the magic potion doesn't work on us.

Few years ago, someone wrote a book about a dozen or so (fully armed) US soldiers being sent back to ancient Rome... who would win? Should've bookmarked the review, still sounds like a sweet read O_O

I wish you the best of luck with everything, happy birthday nonetheless.

Thank you kind friend, it's not easy dealing with chaos at any age :p

oh man, those are bad news...
but i hope that you are well!

also, in other news:

say, do you know that yomuchan did this movie for you? well, he did! its for your birthday... and it rocks! here it is: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/664513

i thought it was coolz.

I can't believe it got Daily 5th, this website must really be going downhill lol...

happy (late) birthday BTW!!!

i wish the best for you!

Oh that's okay, being late and all, in fact it was on this date, many years ago, I got laid at 18... I did get laid before that, but technically doesn't count, because I hadn't yet hit puberty.... another long story

update: oops, i just noticed, yomuchan posted the movie's link already 4 posts above...
ok, sorry man!

but still, i hope that you had a great birthday, and that you will ahve a stable home, and a great future ahead of you!
i really wish that for you!

be well! and be happy!
you can do it! ;)

Above?! Shame on you for not adjusting your comment order to the classic, newest-first view! I fought really hard to have that option O_o And yeah, Mr. Toxic properly exploited his tribute to me and labors quite well...

Again, thanks for the well wishes!!

Asterix is the best

Obelix 2

Yeah, they're actually pretty decent heroes... I guess they're modeled after Laurel and Hardy, or some other duo that pre-dates all of us here. In fact, one of the few French satellites orbiting overhead is called Asterix!

hmmm... i like having old comments on top, and then having to get down to the bottom of the case(lol) to see the most recent comments.

what can i say? im strange!


anyways, yes, im happy to say that yomuchan's flash tribute to you, (the asterix movie) got daily 5th award!
its a great honour, and it nice seeing a good person's tribute to another good person getting recognized and respected.

in other news, do you like uderzo's asterix?
i like it alot.

you did a good choice in choosing a cartoon character as your avatar.
now, every time i see your profile, i remember the asterix cartoons, and vice versa! :)

also yes, it will be good to get back up again, i will be happy to see you stable and in a good position, having a good home, and being happy once again.

you are cool

Eh, I'm an old timer and like the newest at the top. Not everyone changes their blog that often... in fact before Chat, we used to use them for semi-real-time conversations... just glad we've got a choice in order!

I finally got around to writing a review for it, hopefully the best one I've written :3

It took him a while, but Uderzo's Asterix looks good! I still have yet to get all the comics, which are still being printed and created.

Thanks man, I too am looking forward to a more stable and sustainable lifestyle!