Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Thank you Newgrounds

Posted by VicariousE - September 6th, 2015

In two weeks time, I have to leave home, and find another... or more to the point, leave the farm and find another, which is a tad more complicated and potentially pricey, especially during the transition and investigation.  By the seat of my pants, I will go, and be a fugee (refugee), no forwarding address.

I've made so many good and patient friends here, who've listened and talked to me about pretty much everything that means a damn in my life... except for farming, my other passion, my other dichotomy rooted away from technology.

Anyway, I'm posting this to let you know I'll be offline after the 21st, no idea when I'll be back.  Also posting this to let folks here know, I'm likley going to get quite desperate and philospohical as my eviction date nears (I doubt the new owner will grant me an extension to stay on, and search for a new home from here).

So I'll say, "Take care of yourselves while I'm away!" now, before I lose my internet connection and comfort zone.


Best of luck to you Vic, take as many pics of the farm while you can for memory purpose.
Take care of yourself dear sir. And hope to hear from you again.

I hope to hear from me again here soon too ;) Gonna be an interesting September for me, makes going to a new school look like.. well, child's play, in comparison to leaving the only home I've known for 40 or years.

Keeping you in hope and prayers man, don't stress out too much.

And I want to thank you for commenting and paying attention to all of my posts.

Hope things go smooth for you.

Likely to be explosive diarrhea the week prior to leaving. Still have unanswered questions from the new owner...

Good luck, man! Lets hope your path is wider than expected. Philosophically meant ;)

Hey man, thanks for stopping by! Yeah it does seem like I've got options in the short term, just hope I can find a new plot to farm (that's not in a too depressed area) before winter.

you should view this as a good thing. shakeups in your life are a positive! falling in to a routine is drudgery, evn a routine you like. how does one grow as a person without experiencing new things?

Oh hey, just got done talkin' at you on your page. And oh boy, you're right about routines... #1 on my self-loathing list, not that I loathe myself 0_o Despite being born an introvert, I figure I've been getting (just enough) healthy doses of random shit, likely just enough to see me down the road, not that I'm too keen on traveling in general... it's boring and usually makes me horny :\ There are some fine sight to see though!

Wind at your back Vic!
A leap of faith would do us all some good; please do your best!
Best that I speak like you'll definitely be back soon, so... talk to you then!

Hey Rob, sup man? Thanks for mentioning faith... after being on the same wide ground for 40 years, in a state that Snooki came from, well, guess it's kind of a faith no more problem. Definitely something to work on! Hopefully soon I'll have a new temporary comfort zone.

traveling and getting laid go hand in hand, not sure why you said that so wistfully

Age lol, most chicks my age are horny as hell, but guys my age are definitely done sowing wild oats. Seems like anytime I travel over a hundred miles or so, I get the fizz... even though it's more like a fizzle now :( Such is life :)

See ya 'round, Asterix. Drop by to my part of town if stuff goes down.

...you know, I forgot how well traveled that little guy is, maybe there's hope for me yet!
What part of town is that? If it's anything like your Sex Kitten sims O_O

You can tell you're on my turf when you realize you're in a Sex Kitten game. You can't miss it.

Oh shit, that happened to me once, kinda trippy, slightly scary

I concur - it's quite a shock to see moral values suddenly warping like that.

Don't panic. Just walk up the almost-naked girls, smile and say "I'm Asterix. I'm here to see Uncle Yom." Be confident, calm and cool.

Maybe I'll try saying that at the Chinese whorehouse, see what kinda action that gets me...

Upload yourself to the internet. I could probably find a place on hard drive where you can hide (so as long as you don't go snooping around). I promise I won't delete you, I'll even make a backup of you, if that makes you feel any better.

Would be nice if it were possible to hide from reality like that. Shit is fucking harsh... ):

I'm glad I found this post in time, at least I get to see you off. Heh, you'll be back though, I'm sure of it! Best of luck in these hard times man, I'll be waiting for you to come back :)

Hey, that's a nice sentiment, thanks! So you've got one of those Tron matter-to-digital converters?

Yeah, I can hide, but time's got x-ray vision or something :(

In a couple of days I'll be offline, no idea when I'll get back. I did pick up a used laptop to haul around, but the guy who sold it to me, set ALL the updates going at once! Now it's stuck in permanent updating mode, which uses half the processor and a good chunk of memory for nothing! I learned my lesson with windows 95 |: never do many things at once, before restarting.

I hope this works out for you, but I'm also confident it will. If you treat people half as well IRL as you do here, then you shouldn't have a problem. :)

Thanks man, wish I had your confidence... lately everyone (really) who was supposed to help, either hasn't turned up, or given me a half-assed effort and a shit-ton of wasted time |:

Wow windows95? Just how old is that laptop? You could probably instal windowsxp on there, right? If a disc reader or usb is available, anyway. You could run it a bit faster by downgrading visuals within the system properties and you're good to go. Although running an antivirus will probably kill your computer, heh. It's weird though, I thought microsoft had stopped sending updates to older systems?
And yeah, I got one of those tron virtualizers. Only the games have improved a lot since then. Wanna play a first person shooter? That could probably blow off some steam. Just be sure you don't die! Oh wait, respawning in 3...2...1... Heh, games these days are a lot more forgiving ;)

Well, the laptop's slightly new, just strong enough to run Win 7 but, really, the guy shouldn't have let over 200 updates happen at once. In the Win 95 days, downloading more than a few updates was a recipe for disaster.

They apparently do make updates for XP, since there's embedded systems out there, like ATM's and such... there's a hack out there, so you can get MS updates for XP.

Until I can find a place to settle down while looking for a new home (and waiting for my share of the farm sale), I don't wanna lug my PC around, playing GTA V on a hotel wifi O_O It's an incredible game, and yeah I get killed a lot... maybe if they knew how old I was... Either way, time's running out.

Yeah, 200 updates is a lot! Must have taken forever for those updates to finish! First computer we ever had in my family was a '98. I'm glad I never had that problem. Besides, we were still on modem back then lol. Whenever I got on the internet, I had to keep it a secret from my father haha.

Oh yeah, I remember seeing a broken ATM before! It had the standard XP background and the search puppy was awaiting instructions. Pretty odd sight it was. It makes sense they would still bring out updates for that reason, yeah. Seems incredibly outdated for ATM's to still be using that operating system. Then again, when did banks ever give a fuck?

Hmm, I imagine it could be fun to get a bit of distraction while at the hotel. You'll be visiting Newgrounds from the library/internet cafe then? I'm still planning to get GTA V someday. Honestly, I bought too many games on Steam so I'm not too keen on buying anything new, unless it's cheap haha. I think I heard Tom make a remark on Steam's sale tactics back in April. About how it will eventually bite them in the ass (if it hasn't already), and implementing new ways to make money. Pretty interesting.

Same here! I'd try to get online after I was sure no one would call... for some reason the call waiting didn't just stop the connection... or if it did, dial up was so slow, I didn't notice! And yeah, the were some missed phone calls, thanks to my early surfing.

You'd be surprised how many embedded systems are still out there, we had a few with Win 98 on them, at the videogame arcade, really tiny, almost pathetic, but still working!

I was really wary of Steam, but since I got a new computer early this year, and most games require online authentication... not bad! Haven't bought squat from them or made a profile, I'd rather buy my games elsewhere. GTA, well, you're kinda locked into whatever they have... sure are a lot of different races, missions and such O_O

seems like using a higher Windows OS for a particular electronic device like an ATM would be inefficient or overkill. Linux seems more appropriate. Most embedded stuff uses embedded OS's and assembly programming for speed-cost effectiveness anyway, and is intended for specific functions, so not sure why a desktop OS' are implemented to begin with. I think

Oh man the dreadful days of dialup!! Thank the based engineering Gods for efficient wi-fi!! Going back to dialup would be a form of cruel and unusual punishment that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. funny thing is SHOCKWAVE FLASH NewGrounds games seemed to work better on my (older) computer back then compared to the newfangled Unity/HTML5/New Age Adobe Flash games do on my computer now lol

Well, how popular was Win CE? Win 98 wasn't so bad, and like you say, it's just enough to do simple things as well as handle security.

Shocking how good the original Flash was, even a self-contained .exe with content were rarely more than a meg in size! Guess it all comes down to rendering techniques and security these days. Do you have Unity installed? There's so many of those games in the Portal...

I like you. Youre a good guy.

So are you , usually ;) Still doesn't mean I'm going to heaven... but I'll help others whenever possible.

I dunno, didn't even know Windows had an embedded OS until you mentioned it. Just doesn't seem something clunky like Windows (granted I dont know what CE is like obviously) would be ideal when there are more efficient and cheaper options. The only reason to use Windows at any point is familiarity followed by popularity. I would use Linux if I knew how to manage the OS. And since Windows is so popular, many programs are only Windows compatible so in situations the user is compelled to use the OS or at the least dual boot a system with Linux or whatever. C, Java, assembly which is used to code these machines we speak of are are all portable languages so Windows is not needed.

Were online games and standalone executables back then really that small?? I'm thinking late 90s early 2000s. With all the packaged graphics and audio, it doesn't seem right. What I remember is lonngggg loading times on dialup, but the games still ran fine. Now media is rendered with exponentially quicker loading times, but the gameplay is not as fluid and/or lags at points, audio tends to crackle, and the file is more prone to crashing. Maybe it has to do with constant influx of mandatory updates that my sh*t computer struggles to keep up with. Maybe it has to do with more complex coding languages that are hard to optimize, and a level of abstraction that allows or encourages for less control over fine tweaking the code.

Real Christians go to their imagined heaven, good people (Christian or not) die at peace and return to the universe, where we are ultimately broken down into energy to be reabsorbed by the ecosystem to create more life.

Well... there's the MS OS we all love to hate, then there's the embedded stuff, which could potentially be used for medical and air traffic systems... I guess in between, there's cheapie HW with embedded OS's... before that, it was machine code and RS-232 connectors.

Oh hell ya, I think fuctionallity and code size hit a symbiotic peak in the late 90's, shit, ppl are still programming for the C-64. There's a backlash between, what custom code needs to be loaded remotely, and what's on hand to decypher what comes down the pipe. Gotta remember, we;re still using code from the 90's, and every year that goes by: new standards, new security get heaped on top of what we use everyday. Still using Win 7? That's a rather half-assed update system... but then again, so is the OS

Ppl that 'go to hell' get reabsorbed, but the folks who ascend get their memories wiped and taken into... whatever that non-corporeal plane of existence is. Gonna feed the worms though, that much is certain.

I by no means hate Microsoft, I just think there is more efficient systems for optimization.

Depends on how loosely we want to view the situation here- we are still using code that was first developed by ancient mathematicians, philosophers, and polymaths. I suppose there may have been some kind of pinnacle in the 90s per what we say all the same. It's just been translated to series of binary operations (first done manually by hand at a computer the size of Rhode Island) to understandable (mainly to fuck*ng supernerds) assembly language, and further simplified into higher level languages that professional programmers are efficient at. Besides for fun and educational purposes, is there any practical use for programming the Commodore-64?

worse lol, I'm on Windows Vista Home Edition 32 bit.

not if I get buried in a barren wasteland/cremated/ejected into outer space/cryogenically frozen/placed in a glass tomb/dumped into the middle of the ocean

Yeah, MS these days seems like an angel compared to other corporate/governmental states

Oh sure there's practical use, beyond chiptunes and ancient gaming, with a machine port, the C64/128 can be, like, an https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arduino only way bigger.

Damn, why run a Colecovision when you can have a Genesis? You can't be that poor, why not migrate all your files to a new computer and/or OS?

Okay, maybe not worm food, but not entirely lost... unless you were sitting on a nuke that went boom, and even then, you'd be photons and radiation, and that's sure something... nature abhors a vacuum (if you don't mind me quoting spock)