Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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It's good to here from you good sir. Seems like things are finally rolling in your favor.

Good to hear from you too! I just hope I don't squander any more opportunities... ever since my Pop died in 2013, it's been one nightmare after another, another cost or another. I'm hoping to find a place where the costs of living aren't so high, and I can keep and use my farm equipment. Still waiting on my cut of the farm sale... my credit's shit, so I can't do a mortgage, so it's gonna be a big all-or-nothing cash purchase.

Well if your priority is really getting some workable land i guess the trailer is quite an optimal option, but... i don't know man an actual house sounds way better, say how much are those prefabricated houses nowadays? the tech must have advanced quite a while by now.

Haven't seen any new trailer homes, but like new cars, I imagine (they) stink to high heaven. Kinda shocked and dismayed (land) prices are high in PA, beginning to think we sold the NJ farm too cheaply >:(

It was a sum up of unfortunate events, by reading your blogs we practically saw how it all went, and you were practically coerced into selling it for cheap with all those people pulling out and delaying the payments and keeping the commitment in a grey area, that's just bad luck (or maybe just good business model on their part, after all they got to lower the price), now you go and try to buy a house, then everyone is selling it for the right price, such is life.

Talking about pussies, hope you are prepared to put them on a chainwax! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He7TnoCM7fo (finally got to use it.)

That's my current life in a nutshell, yup... always at the mercy of middlemen.

To me it sounded like a euphemism for creating a cum slut, addicting a girl to crave spunk... nice bit, good use of dialog extremes.

Maybe that's where the real state agent that Wade recommended comes in, to get you good deal, a killer deal, a deal so good that you will... PUT THE PUSSY ON THE CHAINWAX!!!!

No one really knows what it means, but ThreeMuskequeers had quite a good idea all credits go to him:
"Actually, Pussy on the Chainwax kind of makes sense. He says that he won a fight and because of that he put the 'Pussy on the Chainwax'. If you think about it, it could mean that many women were impressed by his gravitas in the fight, so much so that they all went to get their 'pussies' waxed in order to be presentable to him. As in many women getting waxed one after another because they all want to be with this man."

Na but for real it can be anything.

Okay yeah, the other explanation of that catch phrase makes sense. I've painted chains, never waxed them |:

Hope you can find a place in Philly specially where there's less crime. Because the rent maybe low just make sure it's a good neighborhood. Sad to say people are starting to get more stupid and crazy out there. :/

Nah, towns give me the willies, even small ones. As for crime stats, sometimes the books are a bit cooked. As for renting, that's also kinda creepy, considering all my mechanical and farm gear... which, yeah, coulda been sold off... sure is cheaper renting, though less secure.

In PA, they have a road tax for ppl who live on really lonely roads (a single house on a dead-end street, per say), like about 100$ a year... property tax just upwards of a 1,000 per year. Sure is a damn sight better than the kinda bread we lay down now, just to live near MegaCity #1

I have never get a chainwax too, such is the life of us unpopular fellows.

I did have a HS girl shave herself smooth down there for me.... I didn't request it, but she thought I'd like it.

It is a start i guess.

Hope so. Certainly complicated by being where the work is... 2 Filipino engineers just left, so I had to BS with them for a while, gave 'em 2 cans of Coke since the garden's almost ready to produce what little there is... tomorrow the estate lawyer's gonna stop by. He's cool. Just got back from paying the gas bill in town, dodging potholes and SUV's... finally rained yesterday, and today was gorgeous.

Rainy days are quite enjoyable as long as you are prepared for them.

Yeah, but having an umbrella made of sugar doesn't help either... too expensive a treat.

Well having an umbrella made of sugar is more like being prepared to be fucked over by the rain, more than anything.

Like you already knew it is coming, you know it is going to suck, you know you can not avoid it, but hey, at least now you have something sweet and sticky in you r life, and in your face, and clothes, and everything else...

Eh, more like limestone versus acid rain, but renting then buying seems a waste. Hopefully they'll sign a new land-use agreement and I can stay on for a while,

Sure is! If I was slightly more insane, I'd sell everything and move to another English speaking country... I'd consider Belize, but McAfee fucked that up for any new Americans moving there... I doubt the Aussies would take me in, I'm not a Chinese student |:

What if they just plainly rent you part of the place?

Tell me more about this McAfee story.

Biggest problem: more than one buyer.

The guy who created the antivirus, hm... He was a bit of a huckster, kinda loopy, made bank, got paranoid like Hughes, moved to Belize, bought guns (probably drugs, and not cancer fighting herbs), then shot some folk. I think they tracked him down and locked him up down there... the article was in Wired magazine. I never renewed it, too gadgety.


Meh doesn't sounds that bad, as long as you don't go crazy with guns...

All 3 buyers were born in India, and are wary of dealing with white ppl I guess, after all, a 5k deposit is kinda steep since the house is gonna be razed anyway.

I used to like shooting targets, vermin and edible critters over 15 years ago, before the McMansions got built alongside the farm. Still no idea where I can set up, and have a reasonable chance to make money either farming, using the backhoe/loader/brushhog... or a straight job in a town someplace |:

Oh Dr S3C compatriots sure know how to do business, now if only they could help you with a farm deal, but then again when it comes to farming it is all about owning the land, unless you want to rent all that machinery for cheap, your only real option is to get some earth (or what do you plan to do with them?).

I dunno, my glass ceiling is tinted. No idea how disparate the buyers are from one another. But if they want their farm assessment for next year, they gonna need iron horses made in the USA to do it this year |: I'd stash the machines locally someplace, probably two doors down. At least their family is sympathetic to what happened after Pop died... even after the waterline we put in started to leak :p Should've pressure tested the remaindered plastic pipe before weaving it into the ground

Didn't you said that they weren't looking into keeping the farm a farm? i was thinking more of after you move to PA, since i guess you will take the machines with you, or are you planing on selling them?

They want to keep it a farm, right up until they remove the buildings and start laying foundations... keeps the taxes low until they're ready to build.

I'm... likely going to leave the machines and attachments next door at the rental place, or at a neighbor's, another house down the road from the rental. If I can find a place quick enough, I'll have at least the loader come with me, so I can deal with the soon-to-be-here snow.

Oh, well good to know that at least that part is solved.

For the short term, yeah... An aussie friend said everything was cheap in the south, holy shit, he wasn't lyin' O_O Gotta check the exchange rate, maybe I can go on vacation and melt into the outback....

Maybe a travel will help you clear your mind, and who knows maybe you find a good deal down there.

Sure am at extremes here... from the next state over, to halfway around the globe and in a different hemisphere.

What about Sexycat [ http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/dc3ebb228c2469b25e14a7cc3b94d72e ] and the housecat? I don't think they'll travel well as it is... the former is the best cat this farm ever produced, and the latter was born before 9/11 and is still in pretty good shape

I don't care about the cats man.

You don't c.... really?! I swore I'd never have another pet again, then I had to move back home.. and there's a cat in the house. Then my Pop fed an outside cat, which got pregnant.. my Pop was in hospital when I asked him about getting rid of the kittens. He said no, so I got stuck feeding them and feeling pity >:(

Sexycat is a real concern for me, I doubt she'd survive long in a house. She's a better cat than I am a human.

Whatever man, is up to you if you let the cats decide what you will do from here on or not.

You're right, I can't let the cats decide :( I know they wanna run around outside, not get drugged and dragged to another state, to possibly live indoors away from the sun.

About 20 years ago, one male cat got caged and taken to a vet to get fixed (some blonde lady that kept her ponies here got all involved, basically de-catted the property, stayed de-catted for over a decade). Anyway, the 3y/o cat died of shock - being caged and needled by strange people. Hope she didn't get charged for the visit lol

I really don't care about the cats, that's not even a convincing excuse to turn down a deal if you can get one.

If I can find a home straight up before I have to move off the farm, it shouldn't be a big deal. But if I have to rent something in meantime, it might be an issue... I'd like to at least take outside 2 cats with me, until they get run over or eaten or something. Just doesn't feel right abandoning all of them to some mostly urban pet repository, after they've only known rural, free-of-walls life. I don't want those vermin to curse me after I've gone or something.... I guess it's something to my holistic nature.

Is just cats man, not even proper house cats for what i can tell, neither are they feral cats that could survive alone, eaten? run over? not even dogs are that weak and they are the prime example of domesticated animals (unlike cats which "domesticated" themselves), and we are not even talking about years of imprisonment here, just a temporal house rent, but whatever, really i am starting to lose interest into this.

The cats have nothing to do with this, you just don't want to move out of the farm, i get that, is understandable, but to use the cats as a way to not look for a house? even if is just a temporal one? now that's nonsense.

I'm still looking at to-buy places for now, but damn, internet hypnosis :p It's more than just the cats, it's the history.

Ah hell, I'm gonna dig up some raspberry and lilac roots before I split, a few crabapple seeds too, since that tree pre-dates the farm. It's just the shitty process of elimination of things my sis couldn't sell, or equipment (plows, cultivators, discers) that are beyond repair and need to be scrapped.

The new owner says he'll stop by on the 30th or so to check things out, maybe grant me an extension of a month or two (to plant a few acres of rye on the rockier bits in teh back field), I wouldn't want anymore than that anyway, otherwise I'll get roped into doing more shit for them and not me... I'd feel better having my cut of the sale in my possession already |:

Well, for now just try to enjoy the place as much as you can maybe that will help you once the times comes to move.

Nah, I'll still cry the last day I have need to be here. Bad enough the family still owns the house next door, I'll have to come back to check up on things and clean out the garage down there. Once the tenant's done renting it, my sis can list the property, sell it and finally dissolve the estate (which is a nightmare of paperwork, and gets worse and more taxy the longer it's in place)

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