Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Fifteen Years On Newgrounds, Oh My

Posted by VicariousE - February 15th, 2016

15 years ago today, I decided to make an account here.  Like a lot of other people, I had to keep observing before I made a choice.  After 13 months, I chose to trust the site with my precious email address.  From here I'd go to blogs and other Flash sites that were associated with Newgrounds, back in the banner-ad days.  Randy Solem and a few others were excellent bloggers (off-site) and it was a pleasure to read them after I got done with NG.

Since I joined Newgrounds, 9/11 happened, Mom and Dad died.  Much has changed, and practically speaking, not for the better, at home and abroad.  Freedom has become scarce, the veneer of civilization is being scrapped for cash, leaving gaping holes in a once functional surface.  Truth, justice and the American Way, have fallen away to junk science, deferred accountability, and the American Pay.

You aren't allowed to be a kid anymore, just a commodity/liabilty to the powers that be.  Innocence is exploited for profit, not enlightenment.  Good jokes between friends, can now prevent you from getting a job (online conversations as opposed to old internet/IRL). 

I'm very unhappy with the world our young people have to contend with. 

Guess I'll make a new post after my brother's funeral service.  He had a memorial last month in California, his wife and my sister fill fly out sometime in March to conduct one here as well.  If you go back a post or two, there's details there, though I'd prefer not to talk about it at all :\

To celebrate, here's some shit I found while binge-clicking http://www.randomwebsite.com/ as well as a few other oddities from my 20+ years on the internet.









Happy Fifteen Year anniversary! I haven't really checked your stuff out yet, but I'll take a look!

Thank you! The stuff in my Favorites folder(s) are worth looking through.

It took me like 3 years to open an account, and then like another 3 to start using it haha.

Now you been at this for 15? that's dedication!

And that's why I never bothered to make another account (around '03) after I lost my password and email address.. still came and voted a single vote, just for shits and giggles, but I wasn't logged in for the longest time! Glad I found a password sheet a few years back, that had my original password (the abbreviated one just stopped working one day, after liljim expanded/fixed password length..

Congrats on the 15-year anniversary. Glad to see you're still around. As you know, I'm not a very active poster. It makes me happy to see you're still around though, as you've always been one of my favorite users on this site.

As we say in The Netherlands (and perhaps in the US as well?); you're part of the Newgrounds furniture.

Was just thinking about you lately! I've been gaining weight since my back surgery in '12 (surgeon said there was a 70% I would gain weight after the proceedure) and I'm just starting to get a handle on it now. Knowing that a man of your skill could fight the fat, sure gave me something to work towards!

Haha, ppl in the mid-20th century used to say things like that, but I think our culture is devolving... Fortune 500 companies hate poetry and art, so we don't see much of it any more. I sure do feel like an old end table no one's thrown out yet ;)

Yeah you don't post much, but what little you do post, is gold!

Your post is like a reality kick in the face that everyone needs from time to time. I'm so happy you've been around for 15 years, but like you said, a lot has changed (and not for the better). I feel you. If the internet could hurry up and provide us with warm hugs, I'd send a few your way.

Here's to another 15 years! Hopefully worldly things will start getting better. <3

Aw thanks, you know I'm very proud of you :3 I'm half tempted to follow your example: move half-way across the globe, make a stand, and find a spouse (lame word for such a great thing)! Wishing you a happily ever after!

(reposted from my earlier message)

congrats on the 15th NG anniversary, vic!

thats awesome!

i have to agree with you, old NG members (10+ years in NG) should get some decorational NG stickers/cheap zinc NG medals for their achievements, it would be a nice touch.

but, sadly, tom fulp is busy with site issues, such as the new kids today, that only care about their smartphones and their tablets and the ''apps'', and flash movies/games/animations are no longer popular...

so yeah, tom will not give out cool stuff to NG veterans yet.

and considering that the ''old guard'' of NG (1995/2000+ members), are close to 1m members, this ''rewards distribution'' would become a quite expensive mission.
but still, you guys deserve the recognition, and the support.
you are the legends of NG! (really).

i hope to reach your ranks/levels/prestige one day.
i really do.
i love NG, and its a great place, an amazing community.

(end of earlier message)

BTW, those were nice finds, at www.randomwebsite.com, really cool pics!
the dog's head ad and the badly written english on it were hillarious!
also, that chuck E. cheese drawing sure was shocking, a clever parody of the originals.
oh, and the old black and white photo with th kid on the bicycle-plane with the monkey's mask was quite bizzare/interesting.

i love mr T, he is awesome!
and the history of metal facepaint was pretty cool too.

those were some really good finds!
have you considered writing a blog, vicarious?

BTW, i still remember randy solem's old cartoon's, and the classic flash of ''stick slayer'', ''xiao xiao'', the ''beebo'' series, the many ''assasin'' games, and the always fun pico-games.
i first discovered NG in 2001, but i was too young to join, and i got scared by the ''assasin'' games, so i left, and i returned back to NG as a lurker on 2003, and i started watching many NG movies, while i also discovered many good clcokc-rew movies/collabs.

eventually, i created my NG account on 2006, and i overcame my fear of ''using my email adress on a site''.
since then, i did many cool/funny/wonderful things, i love this site.

yes,its a great site, and with a GREAT community, and some amazing material.

its a shame that today's kids/today's generation is more happy with smartphones/tablets/facebook/apps, and now they all ignore the beauty of flash movies/games, and therefore, this damages the creative collective of the internet.(in general)

as for NG, when i first saw NG, (and when i first joined), tom fulp was a cool teen, running the site with his brother, wade.
now, he has children of his own.
its amazing, time flies fast.

soon, in 7-8 months i will reach my 10th years NG anniversary.
it will be awesome.

happy 15th, and may your future be great!
you rock, vicarious!

people like you keep the community alive.

I know a guy who could make lapel pins for NG, but NG's finances just aren't going to cover it... which is why we should get some kind of (cheap and cheerful present) on-screen medal of some sort, or at least hash marks alongside our rank, somewhere... Tom himself is very generous towards pillars of the community, such as yourself.

The poodle poster came from consumptionjunction.com before they became a pay site in the early 00's, and the (likely real) Chuck E Cheeze picture came from foundmagazine.com (hate their new layout). I figured the kid with the monkey mask was slightly Fallout-ish.

Over the years I've been told I should write a book, it's likely a hint that my anecdotes are a little too heavy for small talk... hard to segue from lol. Whatever I write here, is as bloggy as I'm gonna get

I agree with your historical assessment of NG, which means this place is still worth fighting for!

Thanks for keeping in touch dude, I'm glad you'll be celebrating your 10 year anniversary here soon :)

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thanks hon, it was a great loss to what's left of our family. Last year when he was here, he did some things I couldn't forgive easily.

How much longer do you think will you be with Newgrounds?

It's a good part of my life, so I'll likely stay until I can't any more.

Hate to be a doomsayer, but the past has shown us that the sun is very unforgiving towards above-ground metal. True, it's like throwing a dart at a roulette wheel and hitting a specific number (big solar flare hitting the Earth), but in time, that number will come up.

Hey Steve.
First off. Congrats on sticking around on here for 15 years! It's crazy enough thinking I've been here almost 6. But 15 is a whole other story. I hope myself, the site, my account, as well as you, Nick, and everyone else are still on here when I eventually even hit 10.

We've known each other for awhile now. Shared a lot of memories. Been buds on some level since fucking 2011! Thats a long time and almost the entire time I've been on here myself.

I hope things turn around for you for the better.
And I always think about you and everyone else we all used to talk to a ton to on here. I don't know if YOU still talk to them or not. But I hardly ever have time to. And it bums me out. Because we all used to talk so much. And now theres a lot of silence. And I miss it. Hell I'm barely on here nowadays anyways. I can go for days without any activity. Especially when I'm at work.

Anyways. It's good to see you're at least in good health. Or mostly.
I hope things get better for you. And that you can be on here for another 15 years.

Hi Brandon!
Yeah we made a lot of good friends here (you, especially!) over the years. Hasn't always been fun, but it sure has been interesting! Wow, 5 years... bet your beards gotten much longer! I haven't shaved since my bro died.

I miss those days of blog chatting too, those were great, no, EPIC times. I guess that's life: ppl get together, get tight, then drift apart to pursue this thing called life.. but you know, we're all still friends, even if we don't chat like we used to. I used to love it when Dami would get pissed off with you, I think she liked it sometimes too.

Healthy so far... cat rubbed up against me on the porch just before bed, then a day later I find there's a tick buried under the skin, behind my right knee |: big one too. I'm not flexible enough to cut the fucker out... shit, I hope I can be here for another 15 years lol. And thanks for everything!!1

Yeah there were definitely a lot of low points in this past 5 years. On pretty much everyone's end. But hey. We made it out of all that alive...ish. It actually has only gotten a little bit longer. My beard doesn't grow a whole lot nowadays dunno why. But it's fine.

Who knows. Maybe some day we can all sit down and talk about life and everything again. And make weird inside jokes and I can irritate the piss outta Dami while you and Nick can sit back and watch all that shit go down haha.

Well that sucks. Kinda glad that the cats stay inside. And well....that we don't have really any ticks outside my house other than on the one tree by it sometimes. You could always take a lighter and light the thing on fire. But then again you run the risk of lighting YOURSELF on fire....

Alive-ish sounds like a dark pokemon. Huh, maybe beards hit a critical mass.. I doubt I'll stick to mine, but it sure would be cool to dress it up like a pirate; bones, burning incense, flava flav clock

Maybe someday the magnet pull will begin again, it was almost psychic at times.

The birds, deer, raccoon, squirrel all ferry those bloodsuckers around, and there's less room for them here every year. Gamejunkie says there's no ticks in south australia... he hit level 60 and now he's a portal mod! I used to burn them too, but they'd pop and fly in unfortunate directions, so now I use duct tape or just rinse them down the drain, which I might stop up if they're frisky. Outside I smoosh them between two rocks

Jesus, that dog picture scared me. lol

Funny I can remember the posted story for the pic, which was over 15 years ago: Guy found it on a telephone pole in the NYC area, carefully took it down and scanned it. He said the LMNOP was written there when he found it, which might be a clue that it was an engineered picture.

I love seeing hand-made stickers and posters out in the real world. Corporate culture hates art, it's nice to know private citizens can fill the gap, remind us what's been lost.

What a bizarre arrangement of photos you've got here. Congrats on your 15th anniversary! That's a crazy long time! Surely some good things must have happened too in all those 15 years, right? Oh speaking of which, are you going to Pico day this year? It pains me to say I think I will have to pass up on this year. The past months have been rather expensive but a long time internet buddy of mine plans to visit in 2017 so I will surely go then. How is life is life treating you lately? Well, I hope?

Oh by the way, I'm pretty sure people tell you to write a book because you have a way with words. That, and you convey your thoughts with such captivating power. Reading it sometimes reminds me of watching a confronting documentary that is based on real life events. Or you know, Fight Club? I don't think people necessarily mean you should write about your own life and findings. You're a walking abundance of interesting source material with an impressive vocabulary. You could write amazing fiction. In fact, I think it would be a huge waste if you didn't so much as consider this :)

Good things in the past 15 years? Other than finding this place, not too many lol! I haven't RSVPed yet, but if I can make it, I will... you're not the only one whose had nasty expenses :(

Fight Club's a good example of an ordinary person (me), who has extraordinary skill in something he doesn't (as lest consciously) do.

If nothing else, I'd like to pen an RPG or something similar... know any good programmers that would follow my lead?

Imma respond to YOUR response. But I need to tell you thinking.

I pulled a move that someone who is in the middle of a midlife crisis would do. I bought a car.
Not just any car.
I bought

No shit, is that the one that was in the junkyard? Hope it wasn't too expensive, you still got that loan to pay off.... huh, that car was in a James Bond flick, Diamonds Are Forever. It's got great styling, if a bit heavy, how's the interior and engine?

It actually wasn't in a junkyard.
Cost $4600. I took out a loan and payments aren't even $150 a month. It runs well and drive well. It leaks a little around a trans seal but it's nothing serious. Other than that. It needs body work and we got two front fenders, both doors, and a rear quarter panel thrown in with it. Interior looks fine but it needs a new carpet and rhe back seat needs to be put back together.

But it's a nice car. Black interior. Kinda blue-green paint and had a spoiler on the back.

Oh okay, it's just I remembered you mentioning a pony car at the local junkyard a while back. What kind of engine does it have, no valve tapping or smoking? Sometimes... it's hard to believe anything works after 40 years lol.

Got dinged up a little? Still, it sounds like an amazing find! New carpet you can get mail order from JC Whitney or rockauto.com. You take a digital picture of it yet?

I'm planning on fixing it up and getting it painted "acapulco blue".

Might as well paint it last, after all the interior and mechanical stuff's been done. Does it have original paint or does it have several coats just to keep the metal together?

Yeah I remember that. I wanna say that was a 67-69 though.
It has a 351 Cleveland in it. It's all #s matching too. Which is awesome. It DOES smoke a bit but my dad thinks it's just that the valve guides need to be adjusted. It doesn't smoke unless you really put the gas down.

It's more that the paint and that it's got some rust spots. Thats why I have the extra body parts thrown in with it. Other than those it needs little patches here and there but nothing remotely serious. We have a JC Whitney near here. They're actually hiring and my sister was trying to see if I wanted to apply there. But yeah I'll probably start working bit by bit on it so I can get it done. I'm not going to get it to the point where it's ready for paint this year. Maybe next year at the earliest.

I actually posted a pic in that "recent purchases" thread.

The car was originally bright yellow with black mach 1 stripes on it. But now it's this greenish blue. The color I was looking at is a slightly darker shade of Pelham Blue. Or I can go with something closer to a Fiesta Red and have one like the James Bond car haha.

..that was my first impression, it's likely the wiki was wrong.
Matching numbers help! Might need a ring n cylinder job, also good to check the valves... could be the valve guides, if it were the seats, you'd hear chattering, like on most post 2000 big Chevy engines (they have to warm up, then settle down)

Anyway, the rest of my jibe is on the BBS...

Yeah matching numbers definitely helps! Though I'm wondering something. The guy who sold it doesn't really NEED the money. He's got a lot of property and like 5 cars (plus another '71 Mach 1 thats red). I'll probably wait on checking all the engine stuff til I start working on it more.

Yeah I saw.

I guess if he said and meant it, there's a better chance the car's still in good shape. I'd worry about the springs, they get wore out and snap from where they were bolted, so many other things... how many miles on it?

Bluh, should've reported my last purchase, no matter how mundane, gonna take another 15 years here before my posts are up to snuff :p Still, at least I added a link for the endangered gear head's amusement.

Well going over it there is some rust but it's only in places I got extra body stuff for. So just putting that shit on and not having to shell out a couple grand for complete front fenders, doors, and a drivers side rear quarter panel is nice haha. Though I need a passengers side rear quarter. Other than that it needs no more body work and could just get that stuff on, get all that paint off, then get it painted. I DID find a thing on ebay where someone has the entire stuff for all the stripes and stuff and it was like $200 or so. I am well aware that I'm going to end up sinking a lot of money into this but it'll be worth it. I think the first thing I'm going to focus on is getting a new carpet. Then worry about getting the rest of the stuff I need for the back seat (the back seat folds down and goes completely flat across but I still need some stuff) but I guess before that get everything mechanically checked out to see whats up with the smoking and check the springs and any other engine stuff. Don't want to get the whole car done and then my suspension goes out or something.

Nah. Your posts are honestly better than a lot of other users who post here. I can tell you that. I can hardly recognize the BBS nowadays because theres just more crap going through and less mods doing anything about it.

Okay. Through this site I'm on if I buy sound deadener for the carpet, carpet, AND a rear bumper it'll cost me $322 before shipping. So that's not TOO bad. But I still need stuff for rhe trunk area, the rest of the fold down seat stuff, and some other odds and ends. Like MAYBE ground effects for the front.

I'd read reviews about the bumper, there's nothing sadder than thin chrome peeling off. My Pop made one out of stainless steel for his '98 Chevy truck, hope I still have pictures of it. Nah, that's an okay price. Original parts are stupid expensive.

It came with a fold down back seat? Can you (if you were small) crawl into the trunk from the cabin/interior? If you don't have the original options sheet/car detail sheet, how about making one of your own? That would look quite rad. Your pony have a/c?

Well apparently the place is mildly well known when it comesto Mustang parts. But I'm waiting on my sister to see what this parts catalog we used to have was called so I can compare prices. But the carpet there is actually cheaper compared to anywhere else I've looked too. So I might at least get that and the sound deadener for now then wait on other stuff.

Yep it did. You can actually fit in there if you were a full sized person. It's about 2/3 the size of an actual bed if you fold it down completely. The trunk though is pretty small. You'd have to be really thin to climb directly through the trunk into the car. I'll get a pic in a bit hang on. But I have the whole seat itself. I need a few extra parts that hold the seat up when it's not folded down and the bottom part of the seat that's facing up when it's folded down.

And yes it does. It's got factory ac in it. Don't know if it works or not. But I can check it out when I have a day off.

Did you ever think you'd own a Pony car in high school? Yeah carpets can be pricey, it's been a while since I considered...

Oh shit, it folds flat!? What a great idea... although I wonder how much mischief has occurred there since it rolled off the assembly line.

I hate how pricey a/c work can be :p but it's better to have more accessories than less... I bet all the accessory belts are on a single spindle, which means when one goes, you have to pull the rest off to get the new one on.

Seat before folded down
Seat after

I have JUST the seat. I don't have the flat part on the back thats there when the seat gets folded down. I've only seen one for sale of just that part and it's like $600.

Wow, that's amazing! Be sure and put those links in your blog, just for reference. I noticed the backseats are very close to the floor, which makes sense since the car's got a tapered body.

Sucks you don't even have the back frame to work with :\ I doubt there's any after-market ones out there either.

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