Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Quick Words

Posted by VicariousE - October 8th, 2017

Past month has been pretty grim.  Right before Florida got hit, video card gave up the ghost.  The next day I impacted 2 teeth, which I did not want to lose.  My backup laptop has aged to the point where it can barely handle the internet, but I did get a new video card late last month... which cost 50$ more than the 2 1/2y/o card it replaced, and is a lazy bitch.  Damn bit miners driving up video card prices.

After I managed to 'reseat' the 2 teeth (so blood vessels could function properly to and from the affected bones), I kinda crashed energy wise.  Had been taking naproxen for a fortnight to deal w/ the swelling and pain, once I tit-rated away from the drug, the old bugs came back in full force.

Anyway, today's my birthday.  Yesterday I got a strange greeting card in the mail, with printed address and content cut and taped.  My sister's had a severe MS attack that likely did some terrible permanent damage to her already ailing body.

Apologies to the Audio Anniversary project for the Audio Portal, my brain's been cut from a sweet 32 track mixer, down to an 8 track mixer, that buzzes and screeches lol :p  I am not able to participate in any of the roles I had requested... back when I was at least feeling capable.

Lastly, I'm deleting my audio uploads here, as they were not of a quality I can be proud of, even though I found them contextually OK. 

Best wishes to all of you. Guess I'll be throwing more money away on NG, by way of yearly supporter upgrade (expired a few days ago), new poster/T-shirt (maybe not the new T-shirt, but the old one), and the forthcoming theatre showing of NG's talent in PA (which I sure hope I can attend).  Sadly, a few bucks are the only thing I can offer the site at this moment in time.  After today the 'kitty' is dry, not making any new commissions or putting a dollar more into this site until I see: more people joining and using Newgrounds, more NG artists promoting this site, better advertising base and further improvements to the back end... which have been proceeding, and that's hopeful.

Tired.  I'll stick some @'s in here later, peace fellow hood rats.





Belated wishes on your birthday. I hope your dental work goes without too much pain.

Thanks Riveet, I managed to get the offending teeth reseated, infection drained :p

Happy BD, good to see you still going. Comic Book Day coming on the 28th of the month in Mays Landing Mall, you going? Going to have a table set up again.

I really thought I'd be back up to snuff by now, sorry I wasn't able to get out this week, hope you had a good turnout!

Happy birthday! I am sorry to hear about all of your recent troubles, and I hope your and your sister's health improves. Great GIF's. Let's hope no one in hurricane-affected areas decided to go for a Poke-stroll at three in the morning.

Thanks Mr. Tibbetts, I think my sis and I've got enough juice left in us to recover.

Pff, these are nothing, you should see the memes and gifs my crew and I swap on Discord. This past Friday was really crazy, I counted over 130 attention shattering pics/gifs posted... FNFR is a GTA:O race crew, and we're just in it for the luls.

The NE is due for a good soaker, but I don't expect the neighborhood kids will be in the back fields looking for digital pocket monsters... least I hope not.

No worries V, honestly it was okay. It was a lot smaller than last time, another one will happen in May.

Late October's a weird time anyway, competing w/ Halloween events and such.

Are you gonna be at next year Pico Day? :)

Sure hope so (that I'll be there, and there is a Pico Day to be had at all), sucks I missed the last one and this year's theater showing.

'gratz on reaching the halfway point of the golden decade, yeah, the world is still f*cked up, it's just an inevitable part of a volatile amalgamation of particles known as 'life'. father time has a perfect record; things often get better, but there is an inescapable guarantee that they will always get worse...maybe it's time for us to find Jesus??

90 y/o is a 'golden decade'? Yuck, I'll be happy (and amazed) just hitting the double nickel (55)

Yeah sometimes older folk make a mad dash towards religion, but mostly we humans are born into whatever personality we have now.

Things that get worse as time goes by... a lack of formal going-out hats. Back in the day, only little kids could get away with wearing crap t-shirts and tennies in public or in sports, everyone else kept their skin covered, clothes tucked in, respectable, accountable to taste. Guess after WWII the trend towards sloppy behavior and dress mirrored the West's decent into decay across the board (idk, just throwing that out there before my crew's Friday Night Fun Run(s).... now those conversations are sloppy and beer-hat wearing)

Man, I never thought you'd be one of those people deleting content! :/ Preserve the culture, you know! Historical heritage! NG content of all, good or bad or both (though don't recall any of those podcasts being bad at all)! But anyway, hope things get better with all the other issues (and there's still a chance to put that audio back up rite). About the tooth stuff, if cavities are an issue bicarbonate could really help with that, high pH value, super cheap, great from brushing with or just gargling. Apparently teeth can heal too, you're in a good place for that with US being on the forefront for all dental wizardry we don't get over here, like dental ozone, seems like really miracle matter.

Happy Belated Birthday btw! Hope days are better days!

I deleted those recordings due to a lack of production values and pointed content. A simple outline would've done wonders..

Yup, what we call baking soda does the trick, also been hearing good things about enamel building/replastering toothpastes and restorative techniques... ozone huh? Makes sense using negative particles making surfaces sticky... Fluoride and bleach are better left away from living tissue.

Thanks for the birthday cheer!

Still though... I live by the mantra that what's posted is posted. Internet's eternal. Wish people would will to preserve their past instead of their time-changing perspectives urging them to delete old work simply because the quality doesn't hold...

Oh right, that be the international name for it. Directly translated, baking soda over here is a combination of Sodium bicarbonate and aluminum, so not quite as healthy... some of those toothpastes work with ozone? Something else entirely? Interesting. Yeah, pure poison there. :/ And it's all in our water anyway.

The internet isn't based on blockchain, and I'm not sure it should. I felt my previously posted content put me in a dim light. Past posts? Lol, that's what I should deleting, but as you say, some things should stand as is. Leave it to the creator of content to exercise his/her rights to do what they want.

Flouride's bunk, takes away ppl's god given right to rotten teeth yo. There's 2 types of flouride used in water treatment and toothpaste, one's expensive and comes from natural deposits, the other gets scraped from nuclear reactor lines.

So yeah, but it kind of leads me to the same conclusion I've alluded to for years now: the murderers and profiteers are at the controls. The Rothschilds rule the Earth.

Hmm I'm a collector by nature I suppose, and thus wish everyone was of the same nature. Though maybe it's more so that my own creations (and stats) are affected by the decisions of other users, that I don't like. Posts, responses, reviews, all such things disappear along with the threads or news posts or content they were posted on. If the system worked differently I might feel differently about user's individual rights in content control. :) Yet I do believe that after publication a work is part of the public domain and supposed to be preserved, it's just that the whole publication things has become so different/so much easier with the birth of the Net. People don't revise or finalize or prepare the same way in the process of creation, and often regret the work they'd otherwise need to put a lot of forethought into even making. Like a tattoo, whereas now everybody wields whichever motives they wish at a whim. The right to be forgotten... it's a complex topic. I don't like giants like FB because they don't respect it, saving even content people DON'T post, yet as time goes the more the less I feel like NG's almost excessive respect for that right is misplaced. People purge their posts at whim and without thought to the consequences...

Oh, that I did not know! Wonder if the same two types reside in all our pipes, if it's a national thing... always learning something new when I comment here!

Yet they don't seem to care much if they'll be able to keep their riches, even if the Earth is the place on which they all reside. Maybe they have some secret spacecrafts stowed away for worst case scenarios...

Know how you feel, there's been a few really great people who've had a complete wipe of their works and words. Sure I miss em but it was their call. Yeah the worst is missing responses in threads, and threads themselves being deleted... it wouldn't look pretty, but if they had <deleted> placeholders, at least the threads and gist of conversations wouldn't be completely lost.

The industrial waste fluoride is a tad hot, wonder if it's as bad as depleted uranium, and other nano particles that go straight for the cells...

Not so much money, as power. And lol we can only hope they blast off into the nothingness and sterility of space.... unless they've got friends out there?

Agree, and I wish that'd apply to all content forms. You wouldn't be able to view reviews or comments on deleted content or news, but if your own writing still remains in the feed, or your review page, unlinked, then that'd be OK too.

Oh yeah, nano, even scarier stuff, and all the phthalates in... pretty much everywhere, the ground, the food, the water, we're really breaking down the system as a species and not seeing most of the damage we do.

Hah yeah, that'd explain a lot!

I'd be happy if they'd just follow through on review editing, and the other additions and fixes, some of which are grossly overdue.

Oh I'm sure the people who make these things know of its impact, both implied and explicit. It's a paycheck they get. People who have high paying jobs often do what they are told, 'don't get caught' is a problem who make the most money.

Speaking of which, isn't this the guy who wants to go into space?
Watch out, the forums there are almost as bad as the NG BSS turn of the century ;)

Btw, what do you think about: http://soladey.com/

Dunno, looks legit. No idea how it might impact teeth capillaries, likely no harm. Long as the frequency volume isn't stupid high (solar powered? sub amp likely) shouldn't damage tissue. Industrial cleaning usually involves vibration in solution

If review editing allows you to delete your reviews I wouldn't be so happy with that, don't like the recentish feature addition on comment deleting either, considering it can be abused/used by mistake. :/ Making things easy to delete... I really don't like that direction! Should be going the other way IMO. Indeed lots of overdue stuff though. 2 pass authorization would be nice to have... considering HTTPS wasn't a priority at all until just now I haven't lost hope yet...

Well yes, those people, just not the everyday ones who then buy/use these materials, and throw them away, or wash microfiber and other plastic, scrubbing out those tiny particles into the water stream...

That's the guy. XD He doesn't seem to happy in that picture... though their cuts of his comment seems a bit out of context too. Btw, now that you mention him wanting to go to space I wonder if HE actually wants to go to space, so far it seems he's been wanting other people to volunteer instead... used to idolize that guy, but with his comments on how we need to become cybernetic to adapt to the future world and compete with robots... I'm not so sure! Used to seem like was all about the greater good, the environment; saving-the-world type stuff... a cybernetic future is not one I'd like to envision.

That forum nostalgia btw. XD

So few ppl running this site, guess less is more, with regard to deleting things. Only so many mods to go around micromanaging user activity... these days uploads are more dangerous than words

Those particles are in everyday goods, usually from corporations looking to save every penny possible. Nothing man makes endures, nature will eventually filter much of it out.

Musk is doing his best Steve Jobs shill impersonation... almost all the internet gods 'didn't build that', but did promote and admin their way to the top. They apologize for the beasts they have created, and tell us to deal with an immoral future, fuck that shit. If anything, the USPS should go robo (sry mindchamber), very toxic union and admin, been in the red for decades now

Mmm, good to know. I've been using a Soladay for a few weeks now, so far feels good, but without toothpaste it's like you never really know if it's working or not. The teeth do feel incredibly smooth, but otherwise I'm not noticing any changes.

Gums okay?

Next news post, definitely dropping a meme bomb.

I seriously doubt anyone will be offended enough to report me, but you never know, might be some SJW bot could find me, send up a red flag..... oh well, that's what I get for using Discord (which Bren hates)

Gums OK! Still good for chewing.

Huh? Meme bomb's not alright to post any longer?

I'm not so sure about nature managing all our strange micro plastics and particles... at least not during our lifetime. The Earth's as close as you can get to a perpetual machine though, if that's what you mean!

USPS is government-owned though right? UPS is actually getting pretty big here btw, taking over customers from our own PS. I liked things better when all facets of society weren't based on profit, but function. When they built things that were meant to work and do good, not just be financially forthcoming. Somewhat relevant: https://youtu.be/escnWFDUYhI

IDK some of the memes that get spammed on Friday nights are racist, misogynistic, gross... on my GTA:O racing crew's Discord page. Guess a lot of guys run more than one monitor and can flip between the game and the browser, without timing out (90 seconds or so).

Not racing tonight. I like the action of 29 ppl on one handmade race course, but damn last week 2-3 got drunker than usual.

There's at least one bacteria that eats plastic/oil that we know of, not sure about that South American mold a Phillips engineer stumbled onto, not long after the CD was made... They sell the former commercially. Shame about dumping in the oceans...

Oh yeah, gov't own and 'run'. Speaking of which, off to the FNFR (Friday Night Fun Runs) races

hey man it's been a while! i haven't been very involved with NG lately, given my circumstances and all. how do you feel about the current state of newgrounds? any big changes lately?

Small changes, like the new audio and video players, which are plain jane lame. The new search function is pretty good, but pricey too.

IDK man, the current state is maintaining an even strain of starvation. Allowing YT embeds in, in, what 2009?, helped bring in some new blood, but the site's been in steady decline since 2008. Smart phones and social media paved the way for other mainstream sites to solidify their hold on the whole of the internet.

Supporter money is sure helping, but, as usual, we need more proselytizing to the greater web from our content providers. The way YT has been randomly de-monetizing it's users... we are getting some old members back, publishing here as well.

The top of the pyramid (goog) never stops hungering.

Aha. Busy guys! Playing and chatting at the same time. I'm more a monotasking kind of person myself.

Oh, a bacteria in actual use, for composting plastic?! That's cool news. I'd read about a recent invention to break down micro plastic, but assume it hasn't been used yet, and if it it used that it needs to be put at the source, doesn't actually spread by itself, considering how spread out particles are in the Earth didn't think it could be a cure-all anyway, just a solution for the worst parts. Yeah, them plastic islands...

You're pretty heaving into GTA V man! XD Still so many years after. I'm actually making my way through the third one right now, little long-time nostalgia-session to finally get 100% in the one game I never did. Things were so much simpler back then... as in the game worlds: so much simpler...

Between my borderline autism, introverted nature, it's not easy to race while that's blaring in my ears, sure beats too much quiet though. And talking to professionals from across the globe sure is cool as hell, lemme tell you hwut

Simple, as in, you bought the game, played the game, the end. The problem with GTA:O is they're scaling prices upward, to get more money from Shark Cards. There are good ways to hustle, like import/export and biker business, but noobs are always suckered into buying flash, not tools... idk. I've seen and heard about worse paywalls/micro-transactions/etc from other online games.

Hwat huh. XD Yeah I hear ya, it's fun to chat, but I'm never been a very verbal chatter. Or real time chatter. More like the occasional comment/email/message/snail mail responder. Leisurely commutation pace, oldskool, fast typing but slow interaction.

Yeah they weren't just smaller, they were finite! Flash? I'm way out of the loop with that stuff. Only micro payment thing I've ever bought something from was actually for this thing: http://www.kingdomrush.com/chrome/

...a somewhat recent, rare and short-lived addiction. Micro payments seems like the way to go though, I'm happy as long as they're not using it to sell ways to beat the game, IOW just aesthetic improvements, fun things, no shortcuts or requirements that'd give them an advantage over people who don't pay.

Almost 40 years of banging plastic with my hands, well, beats wood handles, can stand to talk a bit, especially now that I've got a better understanding of things.

How about Steam games, you do them? All I know is, the major gaming software guys are looking to monetize games, after purchase. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2017/10/23/exclusive-interview-rockstar-discusses-past-present-and-future-of-grand-theft-auto-online.aspx and more recently, some hub bub about an online Star Wars game (likely EA) offering Darth Vader for cash, then they changed the in-game price, moved it back... Reddit's an interesting forum for gamers.

Thing is, they sell you a game, but if most of it's behind a paywall or inaccessible unless you're constantly online, just seems heartless.

Yo, up for joining us on another christmas party?

What do I bring, where's the party? How ugly are the strippers?

Wooden keyboards would be pretty nice though! :D

Rarely. I have a few games there (like the new DOOM), but I mostly buy stuff via GOG. Older stuff, mostly. Good read about the GTO world. So much to read on Reddit, not enough time...

Yeah exactly. Rockstar aren't doing that though are they? Shark Cards weren't mentioned too much above.

2 guys in the racing crew have mechanical KB's, I'm sure they like the feel, I'm sure no one but them like hearing it.

It's likely they'll keep the shark cards/real world to in-game money for GTAO, the real question is, how are they gonna screw up RDR2 when that releases? Cow Pie cards?

I've always wondered why they can't make keyboards that are actually silent! And mice. Shouldn't be too hard. Staying up late night with other people in the vicinity makes it hard with computer peripherals designed like they are... wonder if they think the sounds are gratifying somehow, like how they emulate the roar of an engine even with electric cars, or it's just how it's always been...

Sounds like a potential Pew Die Pie sponsorship/partnership idea right there. :D RDR fan too? Did you play through the original?

Guess having a mild resistance to touch (shock absorbing likely helps), and an auditory cue make KB's what they are. Never been much for touch screen stuff.

That guy's a loon, and looks worse than one. Ah I played Red Dead Revolver on PS2 I think, completely missed RDR and its iterations... and I'm not buying a console to play games, no siree bob (no pun intended)

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