Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Yeah I don't like touch screen either, or laptop keyboards without key resistance, but I don't think I'd mind no auditory cue...

Yeah but he's SWEDISH! :D Weird how people say no pun intended to highlight a pun when it's intended innit? ;) I stopped going for consoles right after PS2 myself, for some reason... happy I made the switch though, it's gotten a lot worse since then with all too limited lifetimes on support and online features in games... before they added in those it was pretty fun! Console-exclusives made each one special.

Guess I prefer something in between a regular KB and a laptop's KB.

Back in the day console exclusives made sense, only so many platforms one could program for at a time.. but isn't XBox like 99% PC anyway? The way R* was running, kinda surprised GTA 5 was even made for PC. Sure don't wanna wait more than a year after RDR2 comes out for a PC version, or worse, emulated

Ever tried flat keyboards? O the lhe laser-type? Thoughts?

Yeah all new consoles seem to all be running pretty much the same thing these days! Not sure about specifics. Indeed. Think I'd be playing the game a lot more if it'd come out sooner, but the hype just died down. I am happy they spent time perfecting it though, in different to GTA 4, can't play that one for more than a few hours at a time due to the memory leak, and some keys don't work like they should, etc, PC is the format it'll live on with forever though, so either it's all just a smart marketing move or they DO care about the audience...

Haven't done a laser KB in, well, since they came out, pretty smooth IIRC.

Was tempted to get the GTA bundle on Steam, but have heard and experienced too many probs with IV. You know, a lot of movies influenced the game, The Driver, 1978 being a big one, especially for III. Took a chance on DLing it, sure brought back a lot of memories... lead character was an absolute poker face, barely spoke... sound like Claude to you?

The more I read about it, GTA IV was basically a XBox game ported to the PC :p
Sooner or later, every big name will fuck up their free lunch.

Was it that long ago?! Thought those were pretty new. A few years, at most. GTK.

Man that's cool to know, does sound just like him. :) The decision to give him a voice in the sequels felt so wrong at first... but it worked out OK! Actually haven't seen that movie either. Reminds of Vanishing Point, Convoy, Duel... love the grit of those Seventies-era car movies. And the cars. Will definitely check this one too!

Mmm, at least they learned from their err. Sort of. Still wish they'd be a bit more loyal to their roots, wouldn't mind if it was PC exclusive entirely.

Kinda pissed off though... they released the Transform races for Creator today, but they only handle 16 drivers AND the transport/warp checkpoint isn't in it. Don't think you've played them, it's an online thing... a checkpoint will turn your chosen vehicle into something from another class, and if you own that version of it, you can drive/fly/sail it, if not, it's an unmodified version.

Pretty sure the first laser KB I tapped was a big ass IBM, early mid 1990's. Yea The Driver has scenes from San Andreas (or vice versa) but feels a lot like GTA III... even tho it's set in LA. Spider's van from Johnny Mnemonic is the 'armored' Boxville in GTAO... weirdest one I caught, was Trevor's outfit end game, wearing the married lady's slip? Comes from a New Zealand flick called The Quiet Earth (not too much car action in that one). Hunter's available for sale today, they always drip feed content Tuesday morning here.

"What do I bring?"
A wish list.

"Where's the party?"
Tokyo Bay.

"How ugly are the strippers?"
Strippers are old news. Hostess girls are the in thing - and they're personally handpicked for excellence by me, with a superb grade in both looks and entertainment ability.

Jello shot wrestling pit, whipped cream (in cans of course), midnight blacklight skeet shooting (various calibers), cat girls that won't stop licking themselves, Tom Jones covering pre-1992 rap...

Can I get there from the Interstate?

I'm sleepy, throw some maids in as well.

Transform races without transformation...? Yeah I hadn't tried that. 16 players sounds like a lot though.

Oh cool, would recognize that Johnny Mnemonic at least. :) Lots of movies to catch up on. Laser keyboards man, so early... tried to Google up the first one, but stumbled onto this instead: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/639589487/odin-worlds-first-projection-mouse

...doesn't really look as useful as a normal one though.

Nah they're transforming OK, but the R* tracks have an icon that transport you to another part of the track/map, no idea why they pulled that feature before releasing it in Creator, but it rly sucks. NO, 16 players is NOT a lot - 30 is just right |: My racing crew, even during the week usually has at least 16 players ready to race together

Mouseless mouse, neat. But where is it? No comments from the inventor for a year. Yeah, looks iffy as far as functionality... likely have to color code the nails on your index and middle fingers for it to work reliably

Ah, alright. Sure has come a long way from the four-car races in GTA III, VC and SA... no idea yet how it is with the ones after if you play solo. In my oldskool world that just sounds insane.

Mmm didn't read that far, might be one of those projects that never really came to be... shame if it is.

Need to back up a few spaces here... you've never done the online version of GTA V yet?
I run w/ a few Swedes, please get in the pool and/or Discord... there's a new heist after 2 odd years: Doomsday. The bitch of it is, Rockstar's had an uncanny ability to predict future trends.

Enjoy the little moments, for they may never come again.

Wishlist looks good. Entered into operation PARTY NIGHT.

Well, no. We're using our private quasispace tunnels since we might get pulled over in realspace.

Meidos? You're a man of fine taste and refined culture. Done.

Cool, I'm sure there's a few celebs or white collar crims that have to serve somekinda public service, be great to banter w/ them, while they serve d'ordurves and take out the recycling. Dead or alive, you're talking to me ;)

OK yea, fuck that linear and zero space shit, too many cops and micro cellular vermin.

They say humans can distinguish 100 different eye expressions.

Yeah nope, not yet, So heists are things you can only do once? Each one a unique thing?? That does sound pretty interesting.

Kinda shocked you didn't know this... Once you have enough money, you buy what's called a high end apartment (usually includes a 10 car garage), then you'll have a spot to plan one of the 5 original heists. Each heist has a few 'setups' that need doing (and you'll have to pony up some seed money before proceeding), with you and 3 others in San Andreas.

Just before the 'finale' of each heist you can choose who gets paid what, the host can get 70% max. You can do them as many times as you like. The final heist in that old DLC is what's called Pacific Standard or PS or PAC, pays the most... but if it's your first time, you have to do all the heists in order.

The new heist is so big, has it's own rules, and you need to buy a place to plan those.

There's more than a few YouTubers who've made a living describing the ins and outs of this game. I'm considering starting a new character, just to see how all the new additions come into play.... luckily I haven't been wasted by the new orbital cannon yet... did get wasted by a flying Delorian the other day lol

Oddly enough, our crew leader just started playing a few of the old heists for the first time... very good racer, that's why he's there. Others are playing for other reasons like kill/death ratio stat whores, simple mission players

Orbital cannons? Flying Delorians?! lmao. Guess that's only in the multiplayer realm though? The massive amount of detail put into the new game is probably why I haven't delved too deeply into it yet, a few hours in I still got lost driving around the neighborhood, and I'm a 100¤ completion type of person so I know if I really dive into this game it's going to be sooo much time.

Thanks for the details on the heist though, easy info. If massive spare time appears would be fun to try!

I got 99.xx% completion of SP mode a while ago, only recently did the last few stunt jumps for the ol' 100%, got a crappy t-shirt. Could do the peyote buttons, maybe go for the golden peyote, get the super-secret mission... that was discovered earlier this year.

Impressive! :O Well at least you get something! In the old games only the individual challenges had their own awards.

It also unlocks things in R* Editor, new characters. If you do the golden peyote thing, it unlocks Michael J Fox's teen wolf character, which can super jump, run and OP melee.

Oh and Congrats! Sounds like it took a few years!

Oh no, was kinda easy, the hunting for real estate signs up in the hills really sucked balls. Tracking alien parts, submarine parts, wasn't all that bad. Shit, everything easier in SP.... ya puss

Any plan for the holidays? :)

Nope, just surviving. Used to be a few small businesses I'd drop by, give out chocolate or leave tips, but almost all of 'em have closed up... plus my inspection sticker is almost a month overdue :/

amen to just surviving...*adds Jim Beam and vanilla to eggnog*

Picked up some 100 proof Captain Morgan and a lil plastic bottle of black label JW, wassis eggnog, somekinda chaser?

Guys in the racing crew always go on about their libation of driving choice, expensive scotch, vodka, etc. Can be kinda fun listening to the mayhem at the other end of the mic. You'd think their driving would suffer... nah, in fact ONLY time I win races, after I've got a shot or two in me... or I get into the playlist late, after most of them are slowing up

you're not in the mood for holiday eggnog?? all excellent alcoholic beverages choices. Might help myself to a glass of rum (Appleton) & nog next. wow...the only thing that doesn't suffer due to my inebriation is my self-esteem, even having a bit of trouble typing this and I'm only a couple drinks in...not much though otherwise. Just reading through the comments in your old blogs (let you know when I find the legendary one that holds the # of comments record)...seems to be a year-end tradition to go peruse the literary history of fellow NewGroundsian compatriots

As it so happened: Grocery store closed earlier than expected or printed Christmas Eve, so I didn't eat last night. This morning, got eggs and beacon from Wawa (convenience store), 5 minutes later, brown rain, coughed halfway to the toilet as I'm almost done w/ my cold... didn't make it in time.

Then there's the comment I read in Tom's Merry Christmas newspost - I couldn't let it go, some things have to be held sacred. The place that was supposed to be open for Christmas dinner, cancelled, so, no dinner again tonight. Did find cat food, so fuck those hairy beggars, they'll be ok. Don't rly feel like drinking on an empty stomach, or giving a shit in general, but happygoddamnchristmas anyway right?

Quite the voracious reader eh? It's not a bad tradition, if you know where to look for interesting reads.

you say that you don't give a sh*t...when clearly your trousers received one. that'll teach ya not to buy gas-station food. well, you could've ordered Chinese takeout. Hopefully something with ginger for your bowel ailments, hopefully you've got apple cider vinegar stocked up too. My bovine-free diet seems to be keeping my IBS in check *knock on wood* but we'll see how long that lasts...

i had to research what you were talking about...what a little b*tch, seeking out ways to get offended. Merry Christmas arbitrarily means have a GOOD DAY, doesn't matter what you celebrate. Most people aren't thinking about Jesus or whatever Pagan origination from whence it came anyway...Tradition, is a prison. Screw all your holidays that have been corroded by consumerism, but I hope that you have a good day, just as I wished you had a good day yesterday, and the day before that, and so forth.

yeah, political correctness is bad m'kay?? but so is trying to counter political-correctness, like this tangerine golem using social media to act like he was being victimized by more culturally inclusive holiday activity.

btw- why disable comments on a blog post? The only post of yours that are met with disbelief, scorn, and ridicule from me are the apocalyptic ones ;) still, they are interesting to read and discuss, and isn't that what matters?

meh, plebs like us are too small to solve the larger problems, but we can still focus on making the world a better place one person at a time. Rather, like a collective grassroots hivemind...

do we really know who the bad guys are? or do we just have our convictions of what constitutes a bad ideology, and we subconsciously seek out sources that recursively confirm our convictions? It seems the more questions you ask, the less answers you have, proportionately speaking.

Hope was always an illusion; entropy is the only end result in this tangled reality of temporary, decaying chemical reactions. I live for the fleeting moments of pleasant sensation and memory, and can only hope the good vibes that I send out reaches those that I care about.

Nah was Xmas Day, and the northeast is still sympathetic to Easter and Xmas, so no ethnic foods, no local businesses open, only the chain stores n gas stations open. Monday most take out places and niche businesses are closed, except for the Italians.... Wed. is another secondary closed date

I mean, I was not having a nice Xmas, but it didn't enter into my disgust at reading that blatant truism... no idea why, maybe some traditions are worth keeping, like an old pet or stuffed doll

..subconsciously seek out info that reaffirms my own..., yeah, familiar w/ the concept, no worries, my BS blinders swing both ways. It's about fact integrity on the worst platform for reality, need blinders, filters, whole damn chemistry set to de-chaff the grains of truth from it all

I'll take the good where I can find it, thanks Dr. S3C
Was just making a second cup w/ Sugar In The Raw (turbinado brown sugar crystals), when it occurred to me... I'm friends (crew GTA racing) w/ a radiology doctor, and he's got colitis in the upper GI, thought it was his fancy scotch alone that did it. Crème brûlée - burnt sugar is the pinnacle of carcinogens and carbon mucky mess, gonna tell that guy to stuff his stomach lol

Cool to know. Well just as with life it's all as difficult as you make it, a few extra stars and just touring around the country's suddenly not so much a vacation anymore. :P Most of the time I spend playing GTA it's pretty much aimless roaming, chase; carnage... easy real-world escape. No goals. No limitations. No pressure. SPFL!

Damn missed another one. If Miss Manners or Emily Post were around today, they'd tell you to carry on the convo in the new news post lol. However... stupid me made a new one, without looking at the old one..

GTA:O is now the 3rd most popular vidya game in history, behind Tetris and Minecraft.
There's lots of folks who aimlessly fuck around.
Dude, you paid for content. Playthefuckinggameonlinealready, there's heists, races, PvP, PvE... women, men, old fags like you and me. Quite a few Swedes in our racing crew, gentlemen, one and all.

If you do Discord, click my 2nd posted link in the left sidebar and listen in Friday night around 8-9PM Pico Time, that will give you a general idea of what makes this sandbox so fun

Well the notifications do help with that... when they work. :) Gotta read up on the new in a bit...

That's a pretty crazy feat! Though even crazier that Minecraft's there among the greats... would've thought there were a few older legendaries alongside Tetris. Well I wasn't planning to play more than the Solo mode when I bought it. :) Multiplayer... man, it just doesn't tempt. Same with live chat (like Discord). I'm pretty oldskool when it comes to this stuff.

To be honest, playing online and getting into Discord were both bigly leaps for me, but it sure makes things more interesting! To me GTA:O is like Newgrounds: sketchy characters, quirky programming and a place to share a virtual community... plus you don't have to talk, just type a lil from time to time, thick percentage of players do that.

Hmm well I do have NG for that bit already. :) Feels like there's not enough time in a day to spend much anywhere else... except working with my own sites. Times the limit, really. I haven't played GTA in months now, but when I do it'll probably be to delve back into the solo campaign again; maybe actually finish it...

Oh, kinda figured you had finished story mode, gotten 100% and the perks (a t-shirt for Franklin and some stuff for director mode, a medal, not much else). I haven't got gold on all the missions, and I'm very tempted to try for the golden peyotes, even though it's a 1 in a 100 shot.

The game's over 60 GB, not an insignificant program... it's kinda easy to have fun with the online mode, plus you have the option/trick to disconnect for a few seconds, and have a public lobby to yourself.

Just noticed that Manly-Chicken's gotten back into the story mode, no idea if he's coming back to the online version, maybe resurrect the NG crew again.

Nah not yet, been so long though I'll probably start from scratch when I do. :) Most spare time goes to movies right now, but these things go in waves so no doubt I'll be back at it eventually.

Well, OK. Just a shame you can't get a kick out of the online content, which is quite sizeable considering the game's age. It's just a damn shame you haven't done the Heists... the movies can wait until you're an old fart like me.

Pudding <--- Proof: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Theft_Auto_Online

So what games have you been playing lately, just NG flash ones, Steam?

It's fine, really, sure it'd be fun but I know I'm saving a fair share of time not jumping on these bandwagons too. :) I review all movies I watch, so they're a productive passtime for a change. Also feels I'm growing my wealth of cultural knowledge and (currently mostly sci-fi) history. Potential for future jobs in that field.


Well I've been playing some 3DS games on the train to work (Driver Renegade, One Piece - Romance Dawn, Advance Wars DS) but at home pretty much nothing lately. Backlog's huge. How about you, anything other than GTA?

Old English saying, "The proof is in the pudding", likely a promotional line from an ad back in the day.

Still looking for a piece of land I can call home, trying to get bills paid, the truck fixed and inspected (so I can drive in the daylight w/out getting pulled over and fined). Also battling a terrible sinus infection/prolapse/damage

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