Yea so still in a poverty state, like a lot of other Americans who can't pay bills, waiting for the balloon to go up/hammer to fall/shit hitting the propellers.
Just came on to rant about something that happened, when my old cousin came over to run farm equipment here yesterday. "Vic, no one listens to you." he said sympathetically. 15 minutes later, he listened to me, then discounted what I said, even though I had tacit proof.
I dunno if I hate myself for proving him wrong, or I hate myself for taking literal food off my table for doing so. Maybe I hate that I was right, when it came to something so piddly.... and wrong about other things.
Spreading room temperature urine in the evenings/early night keeps deer and groundhogs away from produce fields. It's not pretty but it's sanitary, stinky but effective. Anyway, lost almost half the peppers to groundhog(s), and a good deal of tomato plant tops to deer, simply for not flinging stale pee around one night. You can't turn your back on nature, it abhors a vacuum... especially when the empty hole is in their stomach.
Maybe I'm upset, because my cousin isn't food insecure, has a family and girlfriend. Or it's that, his part time farming here is just a hobby, a tradition carried on from so many decades ago, when he was even younger than I am now.
Now that those animals have had a taste, can only wonder if my smell masking trick will work any more.
Pre-eaten picture, taken before 3" of hard rain and wind came down a week ago: