Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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9.09 votes
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9y 12d



Sorry to hear you've lost money and encountering personal conflicts. Take care, hope things improve for you soon.

Thanks much Ben, best wishes

Sorry to hear about your troubles, just do what you think is best for yourself.
Good luck to you.

Thanks man, it's hard being who I am, knowing what I know, guess sanity is the best I can hope for lol

Thanks, VicariousE... I have become active again as my life has changed a bit and I am ready to make my own things again. We all need time away... I disappear and return with sometimes years in-between. I was hoping to run in to you again here and you always supported me as an artist and I appreciated it. I am sorry that artists took your money... know that there are good people out there as well as the bad. Don't give up, as your support meant the world to this silly artist I hope to see you return like I did even if it is years from now... Your awesome and you got this!

Very glad to hear from you! Trying not to give up (completely) on things, I've always measured my life by what I can learn, and I kinda ran out of things to (realistically) give a shit about except for lending my perspective to others... which isn't a very marketable skillset. If there's one more silly artist in the world that can go on, maybe I can too

A notable amount of those 109 are probably reactions, at least. :) A bit less time-consuming to sift through. Also, I sometimes log on intending to do other things and for some reason the login form forwards me to the feed, so, hope that doesn't occur to you until you're prepared for it... thinking it may have something to do with which page you log in from.

Anyway it's good to see you're still alive and kicking, even if life isn't yet ideal. Hope ya get there! It's never too late! Currently nagging on my 75 y/o parents to start exercising better so they can live a long and prosperous life - some people out there run marathons past 100 - and you're not quiet there yet right? ;) Happy 18!

Lot more functionality w/ the site now... but is there anyway to *not* to be notified if someone clicks an emoticon?? Plus I ignored all of the personal responses that were building up in my feed, which sucks, but had to.

Hate to sound like Darnell but there's little hope of me reaching much past 50, let alone 75 or 80 like my parents did.

There is indeed. When you're ready to skim that feed, just click the cog above a reaction and select to 'hide all notifications of this sort'. ;) Can be applied to most things. You've checked the feed already though?

Do hope that's just the temporary low speaking though. I like to think the only limit's the mind. Bruce Lee broke his back, and they said he'd never recover, but he trained like a mofo and... still died way too early but that's not the conclusion I was coming too there. XD Can't let the world bring you down/categorize you/tell you what's impossible! Not even the sky's a limit these days.

OK cog worked. Uh no, had well over 100 in the feed thingy, chose to ignore it.

Maybe so, but it's one of those things that works better when you're young.

Cool. :) Ah, well, props on priorities. Don't think I had any comments there myself (except this one) so: totally OK!

So they say, but ya gotta keep your spirits up! Keep fighting! Keep dreaming! Keep making the world the best you can! Good deeds fuel good feelings. Just gotta believe.

Action, belief, spirit tuned to the right dial... eh, too much work

what up Vic

just surviving Mr. C, don't want to get too ambitious in my old age

keep slaying bro

yea it's either me or the food stock amirite?

Umm how exactly can you lose money on here? Do you mean you paid people on here? Paying is only partly losing, you can gain something from it though.

Paid for art I never received, my own fault for paying in full (or damn near) after the artist agreed to the commission I specified.

I don't know much about commisssions, but if this happens something needs to be done about the way the payment for the art gets treated. It's the same with any other thing, you pay for something, you get something.

Lol yea, got ungats, zero, zilch, fuck all... to be fair, about half of those unfullfilled commissions I requested, were meant to challenge (not break) the artists abilities, based on my observation of their work. I've had at least 3 people back out of art because it was just outside their comfort level... maybe my past reviews were too harsh?

Was more likely they had, in hand, all the cash they'd figured they'd get out of me, and called it a day for 'vicarious services already rendered' (my appreciation of the artists past work), instead of fulfilling my request. Again, my own fault for paying well over 50% up front, before even getting a sketch or a WIP

I've been burned for materials and labor during my working years, that's why I paid up front, to put the artists at ease :\

Seems like we just gotta fix that dial somehow hmm. Maybe some: https://xkcd.com/308/

Regarding commissions, I guess paying up front is normal procedure though? Probably way more common for the buyer to back out than the artist... I've definitely made that experience with freelance work in the past. Soon as there's the Internet between two parties then there doesn't seem to be any real sense of repercussion if one just bails out. Not much you can do unless you actually write up a full contract. And who does that... sucks that happened to you on all occasions though. There's bound to be plenty of more reputable artists on the board.

Hm, could've possibly asked for a wireframe sketch on spec, then paid half upon receiving it... idk.

Ah, there's that way too. Currently waiting on my first commission here btw, hope I don't get similarly bitter and dissonant over the possible shortcomings of people...

My dude I regret that I never followed you and lost track over the years. You have always been a positive influence on the site and I'm sorry to see you needing to take some time away. We met IRL at Pico Days in years past and I envied your involvement with some great NG artists. I'm really bummed you lost money on bad apples :(