I perceive you as this old school kind of guy who would probably have something interesting to say about life in your country in a wide time frame, because you were actually there and are capable of talking straight.
I think the best you can do is through just talking to people, like coleagues or strangers met on the bus stop, because you're a real person and you can get to real people - the current media world is prosthetic, it has it's own language and prays on short attention span. Ortega y Gasset wrote very accurately about the problems which our civilization spawns, but noone even knows him. Kaczyński killed people to draw attention to his manifesto and the effect is that everyone knows Kaczyński, but noone knows his manifesto. Everything in nature seeks the lowest energy state and lowest resistance possible - by taking on the whole media syndicate of a 300 mln country alone you're probably just going to burn out.
If you can play cool, you can always be that random old guy who tells something to a kid, and it resonates in that kid for next 20 years or so. I know I learned much through such encounters.
nice to see you moderately active again
Adapting to this website's new format, I guess. Still feels like using the scissors w/ the rubber on the finger holes, meant to wean me away from using my left hand.... but they stopped that practice about a decade after they stopped us using anything sharp again lol