Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Another Year Closer To Death, Good

Posted by VicariousE - January 22nd, 2018

So like, happy 2018 I guess.  'Problems of the future, today' and all.  Might as well use this post as a brief, bulleted commentary on all the things that make me a grumpy cat.  Some will be stupid as fuck, some will be be dead on target, some might be misfires, I won't know unless you, the valued reader, comment.  I'll put moar bullets in the clip as this week progresses.  Wtih over 300 fans, kinda feel like I've been neglecting them, when I'm just suffering from NG ennui (slow loading pages, lack of big game dev uploads, etc.)

  • The Pussyification of American English as a Spoken Language.  Thanks to countless broadcast TV and radio affliates in the less populated areas of our sizable country, newsreaders, sportscasters, weathercasters and traffic reporters, have infiltrated the more populous areas.  The result?  Whiny, pinched and bassless voices are destroying local accents.  The 21st century is doing a great job of homogonizing our very speech patterns, and not just English.  A suburban person from Texas is now likely to sound like Kermit the Frog after a few cups of joe, instead of a deep sounding, slightly slower paced, southern US based drawl.
  • MIC / IIC (military industrial complex / information industrial complex) versus the Bankers.  These two have been at it since before the Second World War, and the American citizen has been paying for it ever since.  The result?  Our nations wealth has been sucked up by fancy war toys and Wall St. ramoras.
  • SUV's.  God, why?  All that space with nothing in it, huge engine pulling a carcass that feels like a sports van, and obstructs other driver's view... perfect FU vehicle for the USA, wouldn't you say?  Even our patron saint and cult leader Tom Fulp, eschews these weighty whales in favor smart station wagons, for a family of 4.  Maybe OK for upscale indigenous migrant workers, scampering from condo to duplex on his/her way up the corporate food chain, dunno, hard to speculate... bad enough I'm visiting the intentions of those who actually bought a new SUV, let alone one that cost over 80K
  • Food Quality in the US.  Honey is called 100% pure, yet it's cut with corn syrup, sugar is called 100% pure, yet it's cut with imported saccharin.  In the past 2-3 decades, the corporate machine has managed to fuck up even chicken, which is outsourced to poor southern farmers, who barely earn minimum wage... sometimes they get bounuses for under-feeding the chickens, feed which is provided to the farmer against any future payments.  Millions of acres of land are slowly becoming toxic, thanks to petroleum based insecticide, pesticide, fertilizers and preservative agents.  For every good advance in food production, there are 3 that add unecessary chemicals to the food chain.  Laws that dictate conformity, waste thousands of tons of produce.  Could go on, but, without local farms running things bio-mass neutral, people are gonna get sick and die sooner, plain n simple.  It's hard to find chocolate that doesn't turn your tounge numb, thanks to a new seed oil that prevents foaming.  And we wonder where obesity stems from, huh ._.
  • Simple Lawlessness.  Happens everywhere, and the amount of money involved has increased with time.  Unground economies are the latest sticking point in our government, though it's hiding behind the label called 'immigration'.  The dirty truth is, there is slavery all around us, being run and approved by unaccountable entities masquerading as businesses, leaders and charities.  Sucks balls.
  • Compulsory Personal Computer Use.  I should expand on this gripe quite a lot, but I kinda consider myself all too close to the paradox/preference....  Don't care for 'congestion charging' or using my cellphone over public wi-fi, just to park in a big city.  Don't care to use my phone to redeem e-coupons (thankfully, my grocery store has a analog option), or buy anything.  My desktop PC at home is relatively secure enough that I don't mind buying things from it... but when it comes to video games, sheeeesh!  It's a fricken toy, shouldn't need to log on to some network just to get it to work, especially if it's a single player only kinda thing... meh, I'm old school.



Strangely, some other regions in the world may have this; the UK doesn't. Since they accepted regional accents on the BBC (even on its news broadcasts) as opposed to the Received Pronunciation standard accent, no one's really had the excuse of homogenisation.

I've little idea about the other two but, how are you doing? How's it been being a dad?

Homogenization is at the heart of big businesses like the media in the US, as is cost cutting. By maintaining affiliate commercial news/tv/radio stations in sparsely populated areas of the country, the richer, more competitive markets can afford to pay for consistent and malleable talent. Nothing wrong with that, but that also includes producers and managers who've proven themselves loyal to the corporate monster's appetite (aka filtering news for profit, not integrity or truth).

Uuuh, I'm not a Dad, unless you include a certain young woman who used to frequent Newgrounds. We texted a little around Christmas, talked about our problems, I consider her my e-daughter, heart and soul.

Wonder where the kid rumor came from.... none of the lovable assholes I play games with off of Newgrounds, would troll me here. A good quarter of them have kids, or are old enough to.

you'll never die, Vic
I'll make sure of it

Yea right? How you do that? Cut my head off, freeze dry it like they did to Walt Disney? If you can get a 100 gallons or so of honey, that might keep me until medicine can fix me up... just don't wanna end up like Faye from Cowboy Bebop, that would suck.

Oh hey, they find any extra help voicing the NG radio play thingy? I wanted to, but kinda lost my taste for the project, as well as my shitty voice.

you'll die, Vic
I'll make sure of it

lol, jk

On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone eventually drops to zero. But if I can find out where George Soros is hiding, we'll both go after that muh fuh, Mr. Reaper got a hefty bounty on him, the Romanians too I think

Look on the negative side, maybe its a year closer to horrible entrapment in an immortality computer system where our bodies are harvested for consciousness capital !!! :)))))

I'll tell ya, sometime in the 1980's had a dream I was hooked up to something like that. Surprised I had the balls to leave the perfect (fake digital) world, which was like a small pod. Anyway stepped outside the very small house, to see acres as far as the eye could see, of identical little houses, all equidistantly spaced, green lawn perfectly minded.

Think I woke up after running a ways, and finding a dark fold or error in the landscape

Tropical Setting = Mosquitos + Hawaiian Bomb Shelter + Magic Johnson

would make for a great 1/5 SyFi Flop

Interesting to know about the going-on's in this part of the world, sounds pretty depressing... and slowly spreading to the rest of the world too it seems. Corporate slavery, and not just cubicle jobs but: the whole system. People paying off loans to the banks to make them money they didn't even have when they loaned it out, lacking material reserves, a circulation of debt built to keep people in check, all the while the richest families keep feeding off of the Earth and all that comes with it; directing our future...

Compulsory Personal Computer Use more like: game addiction? Or Internet requirements? I don't like games that require a network to run either. Shouldn't be like that. Some games are just to great to avoid on principle, but I do try...

Yup, that's pretty much where the people of Earth are at: sleeping and under unjust control.

It's a shame too, and a lot of those internet required games are still being pre-hacked, so ppl can run them offline or on Steam. D'you have many games on Steam?