The past month has been deeply disturbing for me personally and financially. It's really fun when family, local associates and the landlord all slip their shit at the same time. So I gotta deal with shit. Is it me, or do people who have a college degree think it's a license to steal and/or a good substitute for lack of knowledge?
50% rent increase and retroactively due? Nope, not legal in any state, and no, not good for my sanity. I shouldn't have to explain to a silver spoon, shit that should've been taught to him in high school. Even Trump wouldn't pull a stunt like that; he'd just write it off lol
You should tackle this problem, NG will wait.
Woke up so stressed out, vodka breakfast. Writing him a letter, which I'll have to have printed up somewhere. Can understand getting a return on an investment, but FFS....