Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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VicariousE's News

Posted by VicariousE - October 22nd, 2022

you must understand

after more than 2 decades of electronic/internet discourse

i have a better understanding of normal human behavior

the genders, the dichotomies, the perceptionless assumptions

we are all guilty of assuming facts, since we are all guilty of linear mortality

ur all cunts, but i do wish the best for you

our own conflicts test us

they say (christian) god will never overload our true nature

the road is yours to navigate

to command, oversee, to contrast against

if nothing else, newgrounds is a place upon which to contrast.... to cast yourself upon


damn hippies....'be here now' lol

the past several years have been penning and going to sleep to an sci-fi epic of my own machinations

may post non-linear chapters if

lol who cares for minor fictional vistas, wars worth dying for, pain worth enduring?

i say, there are humans who wish to 'stand for life', be browncoats/old american liberty


Posted by VicariousE - October 11th, 2022

1/22 - 6/22 offline due to insufficient funds

7/22 - 10/22 some access

Still not evicted - 9/1/22 to today

Still can't sleep in my ancestral home - not want to be a stat

plus can't haul my bedding around the M-F 830-430 time threshold

my alt home has debt and no electricity

wanna sell alt home and escarpe elsewhere

i wanna believe i can outlast my 'best buy' date and make an impact elsewhere

but at what cost?


Posted by VicariousE - August 28th, 2022

2 weeks ago, had a rip roaring good time watching old friends eat a few 100k of capsacin/atomic pepper nastiness.

This week, found out the price for noncompliance is an internal 'fast-track' to oblivion.

Within 4 hours on a Friday night: got an updated and accelerated eviction notice, burned out water cooler on my PC, and... everything else that's been dogging me since just before the plandemic.

Main PC burned out, 50 years and 2 tons of shit to move, and 90 years of land-legacy to let go, FOReVER.

sry caps

It seems fitting that I should turn such a corner of my life, in the same spot where I had encountered television for the first time... that's where I'm typing this - facing the living room wall, which faces the rear door to the east. Logical design, to capture morning daylight where you need it.

But these are the days of cheap light, cheap thrills, so long as you have the funds.


Posted by VicariousE - August 12th, 2022




I don't rly present well, I was up quite early Friday w/ work.... (fucking embed fail, can't even figure how how delete it, ree.)


Should begin about 9:30pm Eastern Standard time (very soon) today. No idea when I'll have my duel w/ Medic, but the title fight is between Mags and Lost.

If you wanna see what eating the world's hottest pepper(ed chip) looks like live, leave the above channel open - once you hear howling and screaming, it's time to..... DUEL


Oh btw... we're not a classy bunch, there may be unabashed cussing, exhaled milk and/or bile, sweat, blood and other assorted mucus. The channel's there mostly for long haul iRacing and for special GTA:O racing playlists, so, don't go gittin' us band. We do conduct ourselves well, just doesn't look like it from the outside :3

EDIT A Day Later:

Briefly posted my audio from that night here, took it down once the producer DL'ed it. Since I have to move soon, I'll take one more stab at setting the mic and camera up a little better (not that I look or even sound good).

Wrenched my back getting out of bed after maybe 3 hours of sleep, was awake and aware of a sus feeling in muh gut :/ Earlier this week was so hot, dehydrated internally, perhaps denser stools/poop. Other than that, no ill effects.

Although I lost the duel and scored low (wasn't about to eat another chip, fuck that noise), I did good. It was the hiccuping that flattened me. TBH I thought the chip was gonna be much hotter. From what the other boys tell me, last years chips were much nastier, atomic. Those were the ones dyed black, 2021. No idea how long this gimmick/product has been going on for.

Once you've done it, it's a moment that can be repeated later. Practice makes perfect I guess. The after-effect is almost like a drug. Uber-spices can be used many ways, though taken internally, meh, still works, just, meh.

To avoid contamination, used a single rubber glove to extract the chip... still need to wipe down the scissors, had a foil package w/ tear indentation, but no way was I gonna trust that. Certainly wanted a whole chip, not some crumbly mess. After thought: During and after a morning shower, tip of my tongue felt numbish, hmm. Turns out, when I was smacking my lips to clear the hotness, some of it had stuck to the barest of mustache hair follicles!

To avoid reported tummy crankiness, I chewed the potato chip (kettle cooked, kinda dry, thick, large and folded over - worst/biggest chip eaten) thoroughly, keeping the mush in my mouth, like a cow's cud. Had to make sure it was properly pulverized.

Then... oh shit my duel partner starts talking - time to gooogogogog. Swallowed a small portion, let it settle below, thoughtfully considering its physical effect Then another, larger gulp, then fuck it, all down. Made a statement to let the crowd know. Clear the gob, no prob. But then, those micro-doses of slush decided it wasn't happy being stacked just that way, started to hiccup w/ no fear of vomiting.

Yup, that's all. And a lot of howling for about 90 minutes, perhaps a bit more than the usual 3-4 hour Friday night. Had a 6-7 race playlist while we waited for the others to get home, 90 minutes later the event staged, 90 minutes later, went to play Jackbox.tv games, then passed the fuck out.

Usual Friday night, except for the Chip Challenge. 3 Fridays ago we had a virtual wake for a crew member who passed away at home suddenly at age 27, he was a damn good friend to me, and I will miss him, and remember him always. We raced hearses, talked about what he meant to us... and what he did to us lol, he was a salty bugger who was good at heart. Rest in peace Red Cloud, we'll have a smoke and pint for ya, and never forget.

Posted by VicariousE - August 7th, 2022

Due to financial constraints (COVID shutdown, loss of driver's license) I've not been online for the top 6 months of this year.

While things are still quite precarious personally, I will try and make amends - this place is still my spiritual (and digitally speaking), home.

It's the old internal meme, but still feels true: If u die on Newgrounds, you die IRL

I'm not dead, I'm not without all hope (lol), I am not without constant thought of the people who make Newgrounds a place worth frequenting. Why?

The people I have met here have been the spice of my life. You fuckers have tested me, massaged me (in both pejoratives) and been a foundation of.... sanity. Yup, I said that.

More to come soon, but would ask that ANY correspondence in the coming months, plz come thru this very/singular pokey news-post, as my NG PM/DM system is fucked (due to age of account, use)

I cannot say I am a professional writer, but I enjoy expressing myself, just as so many have here, on this august, noble and venerated website.

Also enjoy meeting new people, diverting my eyes towards their blood, toil and tears (content). It just sucks I've been forced (at my age) into relocation, transition... subjugation


Posted by VicariousE - November 2nd, 2021


Only 2 parties to pick from and they both feed from the same trough. The only difference, is social engineering (talking) points. Difference, is what keeps us from looking at the 'big picture'.

A Belgian immigrant once said "Vote the other (non-incumbent) party in. Politicians are like babies, if you don't change their diaper on a regular basis, the baby festers in their own shit, gets sick, then dies."

I have to walk over 2 miles to vote, and God forbid anyone utters anything to me about difference beforehand. I have no mercy towards the powers that be (TPTB), as they have nothing to contribute to the bulk of humanity, other than strife, robbery and slavery. The bankers (see: the georgia guidestones) and corporations (see:eisenhower's farewell address) would like nothing more than to see 80% of us dead, and the survivors serving them.

Can't we all just...... get along? No. Because war never changes. And it never rests until the spoils of war are secured by those who foment it.

Also, sorry about the last newspost, stress and age have gotten my recollections muddled.


Posted by VicariousE - September 11th, 2021

Dread making this post, but here it goes.

The first two dates listed, I was around for, could almost see the smoke from the 1st attack, from a hill up the road from my house. The second attack, well, if I was outside at the time, would've likely heard it as it happened. Or maybe not, it was a Tuesday, traffic would've been just enough to overcrowd the crunch noise.

The third date I experienced as a little kid in the mid 1970's. Long story short, an elderly lady told me a small, crude nuke would go off in lower Manhattan on that date... can't be 100% of the year, but I'm thinking this is likely the year.

Thankfully, it's a Sunday, not many working people are about in a commercial center, however the radiological effects will not be contained to that particular slab of rock. It's likely I will be in the radius of such a detonation, but not mortally so.

Guess I'll elaborate this matter a few days beforehand. Can't say I'm looking forward to that either.

Pack of bikers woke me up early this morning, pretty much washed out my day.


Posted by VicariousE - February 15th, 2021

I had originally wanted to outline a nice audio blog regarding this anniversary. However, personal circumstances have grown worse, my connection to the internet has been throttled, certain sites have locked out of direct contact... and I'm hungry, suffering extended malnutrition.

In the past 20 years, Newgrounds as a collective and an entity, has been a constant companion, friend, mentor and institution. It's also been a troll, frustrating and downright cringey, but, what good friends haven't been that at times?

Since I took the plunge and subjected my IP address and email account to Newgrounds, Inc. my parents and brother have died, the occupants and rescuers of the Twin Towers complex in NYC have died. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands have died in the wars of profit and vengeance that came after that. Elections were thrown, governments overthrown... many bad people pillaged and are now hunkered and bunkered down, free of prosecution.

So, good and bad times, all around. Unfortunately, all I can see is war and social engineering running its course. I could elaborate on that, but it would only serve to dampen what happened 20 years ago: I had just moved into a new home, taken a shitty job cleaning a movie theater, 6 hours a night, 6 nights a week. While trying to ignore the sunlight outside, and trying my internet, CB radio, literary aliases in the Newgrounds Gold application field, I recalled a movie I rewatched on VHS.

"Fandango" was an 1980's B movie starring Kevin Costner. Set in the early 1970's Texas, a group of newly graduated college students face real life, love and the draft of the Vietnam war. Anyway, the main character used a word I didn't know, and was happy to check it out. It was the first time I went to the World Book Encyclopedia dictionary (Volumes 1 & 2 were massive). They were printed in the late 1950's and contained all variants of words, technical, medical, terrestrial, the works.

Experienced or gained by observing another person’s experience, rather than through first-hand experience... pretty close to what I read in that musty old tome. But at least I did manage to go the other way, reach out and directly affect the minds of those who dwell here.

Best wishes to all, and to all a good night/day, thanks for humoring my stale missive on

whatever the hell this is lol


Posted by VicariousE - February 10th, 2021

Woof, might wanna turn the audio to half a bar, overmodulated a tad.

Didn't wanna just let a full month go by without saying/uploading something before my 20th year here transpired.

No worries, gonna make the next podcast a veritable feast for the ears, mind, and soulb

@sevenseize rly been hard to quantify love, but I've put some time into it and the words necessary to participate in your forum contest/challenge. Hasn't been easy when: bank account crashed, facing years in jail, poverty, hunger, etc are nipping at your heels, but it kinda pre-dates all that anyway so...


Posted by VicariousE - January 16th, 2021

ciggies: https://www.itgbrands.com/

booze: https://baltimorespiritsco.com/#our-spirits

regards: https://happy-little-trees.newgrounds.com/

and many more regards: all my followers here on newgrounds, the best terran internet site, ever

post script: i gave it a 3.5, audio was lightly low in volume, no pop filter, subject matter kinda rambling and whimsical, runtime about 20 minutes, speaker kinda drunk and slurry, can't fap to it :p
