I had originally wanted to outline a nice audio blog regarding this anniversary. However, personal circumstances have grown worse, my connection to the internet has been throttled, certain sites have locked out of direct contact... and I'm hungry, suffering extended malnutrition.
In the past 20 years, Newgrounds as a collective and an entity, has been a constant companion, friend, mentor and institution. It's also been a troll, frustrating and downright cringey, but, what good friends haven't been that at times?
Since I took the plunge and subjected my IP address and email account to Newgrounds, Inc. my parents and brother have died, the occupants and rescuers of the Twin Towers complex in NYC have died. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands have died in the wars of profit and vengeance that came after that. Elections were thrown, governments overthrown... many bad people pillaged and are now hunkered and bunkered down, free of prosecution.
So, good and bad times, all around. Unfortunately, all I can see is war and social engineering running its course. I could elaborate on that, but it would only serve to dampen what happened 20 years ago: I had just moved into a new home, taken a shitty job cleaning a movie theater, 6 hours a night, 6 nights a week. While trying to ignore the sunlight outside, and trying my internet, CB radio, literary aliases in the Newgrounds Gold application field, I recalled a movie I rewatched on VHS.
"Fandango" was an 1980's B movie starring Kevin Costner. Set in the early 1970's Texas, a group of newly graduated college students face real life, love and the draft of the Vietnam war. Anyway, the main character used a word I didn't know, and was happy to check it out. It was the first time I went to the World Book Encyclopedia dictionary (Volumes 1 & 2 were massive). They were printed in the late 1950's and contained all variants of words, technical, medical, terrestrial, the works.
Experienced or gained by observing another person’s experience, rather than through first-hand experience... pretty close to what I read in that musty old tome. But at least I did manage to go the other way, reach out and directly affect the minds of those who dwell here.
Best wishes to all, and to all a good night/day, thanks for humoring my stale missive on
whatever the hell this is lol
Hope things get better!
War sucks.
Never saw Fandango
Looking up new words is the best. I used to listen to A Way With Words, a radio show about words. Pretty sure you csn get it online.
Best woshes to you too!