Due to financial constraints (COVID shutdown, loss of driver's license) I've not been online for the top 6 months of this year.
While things are still quite precarious personally, I will try and make amends - this place is still my spiritual (and digitally speaking), home.
It's the old internal meme, but still feels true: If u die on Newgrounds, you die IRL
I'm not dead, I'm not without all hope (lol), I am not without constant thought of the people who make Newgrounds a place worth frequenting. Why?
The people I have met here have been the spice of my life. You fuckers have tested me, massaged me (in both pejoratives) and been a foundation of.... sanity. Yup, I said that.
More to come soon, but would ask that ANY correspondence in the coming months, plz come thru this very/singular pokey news-post, as my NG PM/DM system is fucked (due to age of account, use)
I cannot say I am a professional writer, but I enjoy expressing myself, just as so many have here, on this august, noble and venerated website.
Also enjoy meeting new people, diverting my eyes towards their blood, toil and tears (content). It just sucks I've been forced (at my age) into relocation, transition... subjugation
that's why they call you PrecariousE
yeah, totally unstable :(