Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Luckily, it's a date mistake. Guess it's not too hard to believe that a nuclear device could work after a massive solar event; C4 only needs a tickle of electricity to get set off. The 19th of 2022 or even after, seems likely. I mean, what good is a nuke if you don't set it off in a grand fashion? Can't say I blame the terrorists that follow through on such an event; the heart of darkness does surely lie in the seat of money, power, obfuscation - Wall Street, and to a lesser effect, the UN.

This isn't creepy text pasta. Over 40 years ago, I had the misfortune of running into a legitimate savant, someone who had been dead for almost an hour. When your brain has suffered mortal damage, things don't seem the same.

I wrote some newsposts about the subject. Lol, odd thing: never thought the 'pandemic' or 'racial violence' this savant told me about would be so pronounced, or leveraged against the public, to the degree it has been.

2013: it was a date mistake
2017: it was a date mistake
2021: it was a date mistake

Skepticism is the language of wisdom. We both practice it. OK I fucked up. It was hard for me to believe that after a major fucking solar event, foreigners could spark C4.

And, to be painfully frank, 2012/21..... 12, 21, yea

If you were told your future was already fucked at an early age, would you really want to archive such shit internally? Fuck lower man hatt anyway, stone island stolen by globalists lol

Uncertain year, but most certainly the 9/19th? Most certainly in the US, near you? Seems like it can't have been this one after all if so huh. The tensions in the world do seem to escalate though, Australia's getting a nuclear sub, American economy's at a new low, China's still taking over the world and all... who knows where we're headed really...

Would be nice if this prophecy doesn't come to be after all hmm. I do believe people have been able to see into the future, but still feels somewhat hard to believe in that which hasn't happened already... shall try keep an open mind.

The date's right, but the year (apparently) was wrong. Blame me for not wanting to remember too many specific numbers. It's a shame really, Nostradamus had the numbers and events, but it was purposely mis-translated, just as the Mayan end-of-time was (2012), 2021 seems more likely

You got no worries mate, you're well up North, where the 7 seas cannot harm you. But the solar flare that comes after (not to mention the new ice age) is worth preparing for.

Keeping an open mind is crucial, don't let Western puppetheads tell you otherwise.

Hmm you think the world might really be ending this year? Just like that? Nostradamus prophecies hmm, wonder if the original manuscripts remain, if so it'd be possible to translate all over again...

A new ice age feels easier to believe in. :) The summers seem warmer but the winters colder. The seasons out of balance sometimes. We had snow here more than a month earlier than usual. But maybe the usual IS unusual. Been living in predictable times all too long, when the natural elements are inherently all but predictable. Or we've made them so...

I do try. :) Is there no chance you could flee your prophecy though; pack your bags and head towards safer regions of the world? Some countries have social safety nets and healthcare systems that might befit you better too. Must feel pretty ominous living so near a playing field of potential apocalypse.

Can't tell you how much that pissed me off - spent 2 years trying to find a legit Gaulish translation of Nostradamus' quatrains, then my Ma had to loan it out to a bibliophile (and kleptomaniac), reee

5th link down in my left website sidebar, Suspicious0bservers. com that guy used to be an accountant or something, but found his true calling going over astrophysics data and looking at it plainly. Data says we're due for solar fuckery as well as a mini ice age :p

It takes money (in a bank), sponsors and assured work to properly emigrate to another country... I have a few connections to the great white north, but if it's gonna get colder there, fuck that lol. As far as living next to a global target (NYC), meh, others will have it much worse. Even if my own personal dream of watching a wall of water a few hundred feet high come towards me on the family farm does come true, well... grateful dead? Almost drowned once as a kid, pretty sure that much volume hits me, won't be too long before I do the un-ascended, post-mortem, 'die like the animals do' thing.

well we've been down this road multiple times before...

You didn't f*ck up by getting any dates wrong, if you did f*ck up, it's by not letting out a sigh of relief after each of your predictions pass by and the globe (or disc) of Earth is still spinning.

no, I don't I expect you to recall dates from early traumatic memories with precision. I do expect you as a grown man, to a certain degree, to apply Occam's razor and not side with unfounded mysticism to justify moving goalposts.

cataclysmic events have literally been prophesied by a diverse range of seers throughout recorded history, and till now they have batted .000. Eschatology is inevitable. Any moment has the potential to be catastrophic (knock on wood). but what makes your experience more special than the others?

More special than others... well, outside of facts that didn't happen till this century - 9/11, housing/economic crises, details of my mothers death and funeral... idk, they were all too specific to discount or call implanted predestination or somesuch

You're right though, fortune telling has its caveats and addendums aplenty. The real tinfoil hat mofos get into numerology, symbology and anagrams... sniffing the collated data, as it were.

But, prudence with uncontestable data in mind, we should all be stocking up for a very uncertain winter this year, and... fuck it, "Let's go Brandon (no, not you Viper, miss you bruv)!"

hehe...joe blows. without replying to the content of your response: i'm glad that you are open to discourse. There's an ocean between being skeptical and thinking you are privileged with the truth. While the front, logical part of my brain thinks most of these ideas/conspiracies are wacky, there's always a perturbing thought that maybe the schizos (mean that affectionately) are right

Sadly true, seems to be a crescendo of shithittingfan concepts on about now.

TBH some of those tinfoil hat sayers of doom have some salient analytics going on... like what Nietz posted, but, sanity not included

Ouch... can't get that type of stuff via the Internet either these days? To think there are things of potential great value that might yet not be floating around in this digital cosmos...

Interesting! Will definitely check that out. Seems winter this year is already a bit cooler than it usually is, and electricity suddenly costs ca 20 times as much, too much investment in green tech, wind turbines are standing still due to unexpected cold, electric cars are still trending, server farms still growing, how unsustainable the modern world really is is starting to show it seems... saw a documentary about the dangers of sun storms recently actually. The Dark Side Of The Sun (2017). Probably doesn't go as deep, but learned a bit about the structure thereof, how sun spots are really magnetic fields poking through the surface, how they sometimes propel surface energy towards us as to generate such storms, how the solar winds hit the Earth constantly but get in large part deflected by the poles, but how large bursts of energy, depending on how the magnetic field's angled, may get sucked right in if we're unfortunate... back in 1859 I think it was a solar storm pretty much fried the telegraph network worldwide, the Victorian Internet as they called it. Scary prospects if such a thing happens now. Hope all this time spent online won't feel wasted if a time comes to be when all has to shut down.

That is true yes... though such a fatalistic view of the future man. :) I'd be looking for ways to flee to a tax haven somewhere closer to the equator, Bahamas maybe, though if those waves aren't a local phenomenon maybe not a wise choice anyway. Ah well, we live till we don't. Best just make the most of the time we have here! Personally I've been starting to appreciate the cold more. Taking cold showers every morning. Trying some Wim Hof deep-breathing and meditation. The ultimate goal would be to just feel comfortable with cold. Connect to the elements. Not need to warm up fast after each ice bath...

And Viper yeah, where is he these days...