Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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9.09 votes
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9y 12d


Yeah, it's the same here in Bulgaria. It's like we get the worst traits from you in the US, including Trump-like corrupt simpleton in Boyko Borisov...

I know, we've exported the worst of democracy... and IRL memes. Our problem is: 2 party system for over a century. Too easy to hedge your bets/paid programming :p

i agree with you 100% on that.
politicians are evil, lying scumbags who steal and lie to their people 24/7.

and indeed, there are evil people out there who will wage war in the world, so that they can grab the spoils of war after the dust settles...

its truly tragic.
i hope, that despite all this mess you are doing well.
be well my friend, and stay strong. have a nice day!!

it's odd, i knew a mayor of my town who cared for ppl, not parties/affiliation, bloke died on his ford tractor - machine kept going, he did not
meh, when hasn't been about profit taking/disaster economics
yoo, gonna do my best to not be encumbered, thx m8

Heh. Wondered what you've been up to.

Never cease to amaze, old friend. Though idk if you'll remember me.
I have to say I agree a lot, I'm so fucking tired of... All this. All the screaming and crying, division and fucking fighting. Can't see the forest for the trees....
I used to be quite into politics but the past year it has caused me so much stress I have actually had to step away from it, and it has humbled me having time to myself to think about how I feel without any outside influence. I could say more but I won't drone on it too much. Only let you know I couldn't add you on Discord and I'd like to lol
Catch up a bit after all this time. I don't think I ever properly got to know you. I should.

not that fucked, of course i remember you, despite: time, incidents, hunger, adversity
reeee, k lemme revisit my discord link, i mighta encoded it badly
indeed! i would welcome some audio discourse on discord. ya seem like a receptive, self-examined sort. we all need to stop, look around and re-assess.... everything

where the hell are you

getting fatter, at the time u inquired
needed protein but (as of the past 3 years) has no access to grocery store, only local pre-processed, over priced sustenance
old fart.... how are you faring?

oh hey Astérix sup?

almost beaten, certainly at the mid-plot point reversal, when everything goes wrong for the protagonist. hoping to be a good joe and contribute to this old dog of a site... once the red mist abates

holy sh*t you're online

u fucking lurker
but shit, thx for noticing
yea got back online a month ago (barely)
had probs loggin on, but ok now
will maek post soon, debating on how much to dump.......

At 2/2/22 07:53 PM, @Smokey-da-Bear29 wrote:

: You might be wondering why I started following you on here - That's why I'm here (to explain jic): I think you're f_cking hi-LArious, but I just happened to spot you on another post by a game developer featuring one of his games on here. Thank you for existing - seriously. More humour in the world, even if you Are Mad (totally understandable btw). ~SdB

dont think this will post, but wtf, try eh?

thank you, humor comes from contradiction, might be the universes way of vomiting out bullshit?

you have my best wishes for a sane, happy and healthy future

hope the old hentai site / newgrounds has been treating you ok

sry pm borked, cant send

@VicariousE oh you look like you need some magic potion man, yeah I also had some no so good timelately, keep slaying bro.

slaying would be a thing... too bad the 21st century outlawed fun 4 plebs\
but the notion and sentiments are welcome and logged

@VicariousE Heh.... It's been a while. I've been hoping I'd hear from you. I'm adding you right now. And you're not wrong, self examined would be correct. I'll be talking to you soon, hopefully
I'm glad you remember me. And don't mind that my profile is completely fucked on discord from what it is on here, I'm undergoing a change in my life that uh... Yeah. Better if I just tell you.
Mine is "Moonie" though.

u unexpected u....
disclaimer: got handed the 'moonie' pseudonym in the early 80's by a camp counselor
almost ded just atfter that

it's been like an eight month hiatus...dump everything!
the heck you don't have access to a grocery store??
can't you find a place that has dried beans and rice in bulk or something?
and then grab some fresh vegetables from your farm/garden (assuming you're still there and bigger assumption your able to harvest)
I've been okay, should say I'm doing very well all things considered. I just got back from a work-trip where they housed us in a hotel by the beach and awarded us lavish per diem meal expenses. Life feels a bit surreal. I'm grateful. I haven't followed through with most of my 'new year, new me, 100 fun resolutions https://cyberd.org/resolutions-2020.html' bs. The best plans/goals in life are no plans as things in life rarely work out the way you want them to. So overall good but often feeling unfilled, uncomfortable, anxious. I didn't think this would be where I am ten years ago. I'd probably feel the same way either way minus the second prong.

Yea, fuck, first week in January ISP said nope, couldn't pay it off and get back online. Finally got back online, just before July 4th. Then I got spooked - put in my old password here, FAIL, whoops, forgot about 'mandatory' pwd change.

No driver's license, got suspended during 2020 covid due to me missing an insurance payment... what can I say? This (NJ) state hates poor people. So, gotta walk, depend on others. I do not like depending on others. No garden this year, getting evicted soon.

Shit man, glad to hear you're dealing w/ life well, and it's rewarding your perseverance. As for that 'hole' you feel... well, there's.... hmm...
Well, there's your mind, your eye, your want for the unobtainable. That latter part is the tough one, isn't it? Can't call it 'existential ennui', if u do, yer a puss.
True enough, life takes us places we could not have anticipated... guess just being needed and productive is enough (for a day job at least)
somehow I'm reminded of a speech given in "Buckaroo Banzai" by Emilo Lazardo, "Character is what you are in the dark..."
If anyone's gonna figure out... it ain't gonna be you lol! Anxious means you're a skeptic, a searcher (u old fuck). Don't let it bother you, so long as the rent's paid, health's okay and you've still got the sand to be yourself in these spoopy times.. Word bruh

@VicariousE Sorry for the delay in responding V-E - My chat borked too Haha! Weird system. But anywho, good to hear from you. Reaction was supposed to be a happy one, Idk what ended-up turnin'-up Haha! Cheers yos. -SdB

Cheers mate, life's too short to be in a wilderness without friends... or an inspired jibe at devs that actually care about their followers. Never underestimate the worth of a perception, others can benefit greatly from an outside perspective, even if it is bonkers

Wars are nearly always rich men's wars that the poor men fight. Often they have no choice and are forced into it. Also yes we need better political parties and better political candidates. Namely, anyone who actually represents the people.