2 weeks ago, had a rip roaring good time watching old friends eat a few 100k of capsacin/atomic pepper nastiness.
This week, found out the price for noncompliance is an internal 'fast-track' to oblivion.
Within 4 hours on a Friday night: got an updated and accelerated eviction notice, burned out water cooler on my PC, and... everything else that's been dogging me since just before the plandemic.
Main PC burned out, 50 years and 2 tons of shit to move, and 90 years of land-legacy to let go, FOReVER.
sry caps
It seems fitting that I should turn such a corner of my life, in the same spot where I had encountered television for the first time... that's where I'm typing this - facing the living room wall, which faces the rear door to the east. Logical design, to capture morning daylight where you need it.
But these are the days of cheap light, cheap thrills, so long as you have the funds.
I wish I could help you but im not rich yet. And also happy 50th when you reach it
Hey, thank you! And thanks for checking in, old bean!
Puh sure hope I make it to 50.....