Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Posted by VicariousE - August 28th, 2022

2 weeks ago, had a rip roaring good time watching old friends eat a few 100k of capsacin/atomic pepper nastiness.

This week, found out the price for noncompliance is an internal 'fast-track' to oblivion.

Within 4 hours on a Friday night: got an updated and accelerated eviction notice, burned out water cooler on my PC, and... everything else that's been dogging me since just before the plandemic.

Main PC burned out, 50 years and 2 tons of shit to move, and 90 years of land-legacy to let go, FOReVER.

sry caps

It seems fitting that I should turn such a corner of my life, in the same spot where I had encountered television for the first time... that's where I'm typing this - facing the living room wall, which faces the rear door to the east. Logical design, to capture morning daylight where you need it.

But these are the days of cheap light, cheap thrills, so long as you have the funds.



I wish I could help you but im not rich yet. And also happy 50th when you reach it

Hey, thank you! And thanks for checking in, old bean!
Puh sure hope I make it to 50.....

@VicariousE but you’re 49

To me, you're an old man on this site... snd me, I'm just old lol. Smoking ciggies for over 30 years, bottom of the blue collar set and just the stress of living in a tryhard kinda world, all have aged me in undesirable ways.

On top of that, I'm getting evicted from my grandparent's farm in 3 days :p

@VicariousE so where are you going to live

There's a small house next door; Grandma had just enough building materials left over to subdivide the farm, and build a smol house on a knoll near the road. My poor Pop dug the foundation by hand when he was a kid. Anyway, the 'estate' signed over the house to me over a year ago, but the tenants stayed put, and were only recently evicted.

House is barely liveable, there's a water leak in/around the toilet that's very bad, can't even see where it's leaking, and there's no shutoff for that line. Back roof leaks... and all the while the former tenant kept telling me 'everything's fine', all their repairs 'were successful'.

I lived there when I joined NG many years ago. The last tenants were pretty hard on the place... feral city kids did a number on it

@VicariousE good luck

haven't you been in the process of moving for the last 4 years or so?

hmm maybe move to West Virginia or something

More like 7 yrs., most of it w/ expensive storage fees, crooked mechanics, etc

Cheap living in WV, my Pop had a patch outside town, and a bar in it - he sold the bar, then the mostly wooded/undeveloped farm... to bad he didn't get nat gas rights, he got wood, oil, but not the thing the corporation wanted most.

Thinking near/outside AllentownPA but that might still be a bit pricey.. but kinda gotta live near some settlement for (menial) work

last 11hrs on the farm, over 80 years of my family were here, but, gotta go to uncertain digs
if i can transfer my internet over to the rental house (300ft away), i'll make an afteraction report
it's a shame: with all the life that's here on NG, i pissed away my time on a real PC chasing the news, playing gta:o
hope to be back soon!

whats up with the new provocative sentiments in your blurb?

1. I think the madness is a coping mechanism from the reality of the f*cked up world we live in, but there's nothing simple about it, nothing is truly deniable when you realize we are limited to our own perspectives, and that in and of itself, can cause madness
2. why are you hashtag anti apple?
3. I disagree with that, I think static entails there is no life. I've changed from yesterday, and I will change tomorrow. Both Physically and mentally. That's what life experiences do to you, no matter how small.

me provocateur? yea, been pissy lately - had to move 4x since i became an ng-er, age doesnt help either

i'll give you that: can't know everything, but damn, seen enough to know the western (and modern) world is such a rigged game, and too many don't know or care about it... damn shame that's gonna change real soon.

oh, lol, anti-garden-of-eden-apple - there's a good part of me that wants to be a dumb critter
funny that: iphones finally overtaken androids..... no linux phones? also, never used a site where # does much of anything

k poor/old choice of word 'static'. more or less mean fate/god's program, in which we're born to be who we are. i don't like it, but have met enough ppl and seen how my own life's been going, kinda seems legit.

guess monday is my last full legal day at the farm, calling for an inch of rain tues, reee, nice to move into a house where the roof leaks, basement floods, and no electricity

provoke as in arousing a (neutral) response or call to critical thought, not provoke with negative connotation as cause a negative reaction :p

hashtags only work on twitter afaik but people use it as a meme everywhere else
I don't have a problem with iphone (I do have a problem with apple though, but for different reasons), but in general I have a problem with smartphones and phoneposters.
actually, Android has a Linux-kernel...but that doesn't mean much, Google OS' are based of Linux, and Apple is based off FreeBSD which is a derivative of Unix. So you're left with the short-lived (obsolete?) Windows Phones :P
Not sure which mobile retailer would pick up a Linux based phone, seems that Linux communities would be anti-phoneposter as well, but it's certainly possible to build your own microcomputer that runs off a Linux OS, connects to WIFI and functionally does the same things a phone would do

well if people are chained to fate/God's program the consequence of that would be living in a rigged game innit? Your body is not comprised of the same %s of elements as it was yesterday. Having this conversation has given you and me a modicum of different perspective. You live in a farm today. Next Friday, you won't. Thus, your habitat has changed. And thus, you will change to adapt to your new habitat. So people change. You're gonna have to be more specific.

hmm...well sorry to hear about the oncoming living conditions. Good luck. I'm sure you can find a better place where you can work as a farmhand or something? You have a valuable skillset and if I was rich I'd hire you

funny about phone os'es, (fnfr gta:o racing crew via discord) crew just got done talking about the tech, and the texting issues between google n apple, and as of late, apple os is in the US majority now... don't care, never cared for pocket pcs, never needed. always had other means while out and about

guess we take the meaning 'change' to different levels then, no harm. my assertion was that god is so cool, that from the moment of your conception, he knows pretty much how it's gonna play out, across the board.. that's all. hard to talk about that kinda thing on afriday night agyer strong drink and lottsa boozy conversations

thx bruh, got plenty o skill sets, even in the current downturn i could land a job wherever i end up landing. glad to be working closer to home(s) atm at the liquor store/holeinthewall/bar w/ ppl my own age, but it's rough... age, stress, poor nutrition, has taken its toll

btw what part/province of india are your roots from? been noticing some interesting trends... my current boss from punjab, salt of the earth american lol

huh, it is? Just for phones, home use, or overall? I'd find the latter hard to believe. with AppleOS being the far thing from hardware agnostic. Most Enterprises use Windows I'd imagine out of cost and familiarity. I don't know of any embedded systems that use AppleOS and for good reason.

yea, my response was mostly intended as an intellectual exercise. But 'God's plan' and 'never change' are two separate if not exclusive goalposts. Sounds kinda Biblical. If so, it is God's hope that you -change- from your inherent sinful nature from birth, follow Jesus and become a better person in his image each day. who are the .02% non-dynamic characters anyhow. I guess the takeaway from discourse here is, don't be a victim, acknowledge your circumstances but realize that your potential is far greater than what you imagine; if you put in hard, smart work, tune out the white noise, you can change (within reason) to be the person you want to be. Maybe God has a plan, but that's unproductive to speculate, at minimum we have the illusion of free will so live life pragmatically and make your own purpose.

Punjabi and Bengali :) what trends? being the richest ethnicity in the US? ;)

tend to think it's 'every user for itself' kinda thing these days, but i'm outside that 'lying timid morality', merely a messenger of the news... such as it is these days.

good analysis! and agreed. guessing most of the .02 percent don't even know they're truly winging it, also likely many of em are musicians or actors

heh, asperger's has a way of turning up white noise and pretty much all noise, though i can handle good music at volume

hmm, maybe overstated 'trend following'. guess hearing about the different regions from different ppl.. still learning

Hope things are going fine for you. The last few years have been rather rough on a lot of people lately.

@S3C I had no idea you're Indian. There's dozens of us!

ruff ad nauseum
thx m8

You're one of the OG fans here. I bow to you, sir.

We're all just folk here, in this together regardless of how long we've enjoyed NG

I followed you long ago due to your (nuanced) appreciation of music and the people you've followed on NG. Do me proud by being the best you can be, stay close to enlightenment, be careful around shadows, they move when you're not watching them (babylon 5 reference)

I see you online so...*cracks open Bud-Light* wazzzzzzupppp

glass can or plasti-bottle? i stock em all lol