Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

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homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Sick of abandoned, once high profile NG accounts, unfollow!

Posted by VicariousE - March 1st, 2018

The guy who makes Cyanide and Happiness has about 10k in followers here... yet he hasn't touched his account in years (plural, more than a few).  Unfollowed.  When I start to see his work coming through the Art or Movie Portals again, I'll reconsider pressing the heart button.  Until then, he's gotta re-earn his respect with me.

I know 1 isn't a particularly large number, but it means something to me, even if it doesn't to someone who has abandoned their account for greener pastures.  Normally I favorite anyone I see or hear that has promise to grow into their craft, to make a proper go of it.  But with big numbers comes big responsibilties.  Maybe it's different on other mass media, social networking sites, but not to me, not here.

There was once a cap on how many ppl you could follow/favorite here of just under 1000.  After some fettling, that number's increased.  Tom Fulp, if you wanna press the issue, make a stink about this.  Make following someone here exclusive: either confirm a solid cap, or start asking the still active Newgrounders here to unfollow these dead accounts.

It's reasonable to reward those who contiune to share and view.  Hell, dead accounts have been a fact of life since the internet began, I've done it too, but never have I left so much behind... or have I?  Just now considering all those moldering black video tapes of which I poured so much of my soul into, and the time it took from my finite existence.  Damn, I'm overdue for getting an analog capture device :/

Blurry is better than nothing.


I also hate abandoned accounts

Yeah, has all the appeal of long dead flowers in a vase, cobwebs and dust sealing it in place.

And also, people that create accounts with popluar names and just abandon them e.g @abraham or @penis or @hentai etc

The staff can make those account names available to already established NG members, all ya gotta do is ask! Helps if your current username is similar to the one you want though... not sure of the specifics, but that was the gist of what I read a while ago.

Or @kieran

Dude, you could ask for it in WI/HT/Help! in the BBS. They sent out confirmation emails, like over 2 years ago, to all the registered users of NG... maybe the guy never clicked on it or it got stuffed into a spam folder. I'm sure they'd send out another one, before reassigning it to you.

Thanks ill try that

Holy shit man, you might as well try asking Tom for @God... and yea I saw your post to where is/how to. Does the word 'over-reach' have any meaning to you? To be fair though, never knew there was a newgrounds newgrounds account....

nice, never new he had a NewGrounds account.

wow, three VicariousE blogposts spawned in my absence. Guess someone had to keep the party going.

It's super depressing seeing once thriving NG accounts just get forgotten. It really bites when they don't even list NG as a source for their work, just focusing on the big bugs, prime ad-rev... the fuck, they got cookies over there at facebookgoogle?

You gonna unfollow me too? Lol

Like no, you at least respond to ppl here a few times a year.

I guess I did miss saying Hi on Valentine's Day, wow I'm such a jerkface :(

Whats overreach?

The act of extending or reaching too far, overextension.

I wouldnt want to have so many accounts though

Only supposed to have one playa, it's in the TOS.

I left you a text did you see it?
I'm willing to forget Valentine's day if you help me out with this

Yup, sorry thought I was getting more spam texts at first... I'll be back and available around 6:30PM, gonna put some game time in before a certain payout thing expires. Then after we're done, sexycat wants kielbasi and cheese, so, clean up.. a lot, then the bank atm then the store, then I can eet too lol

But I'm sure Tom has multiple

Definitely, all this shit's under his name ;)

Also, I'm sure Tom is pimp

Low key, but ambitious

Yeeeeeeaaaaahhh, seems like last time the dude was around was about 2013, from his very small post history. Take solace that I never fav'd that guy, so if you think about it I kinda just doubled your number of 'unfollowers' :)

I'm a firm unbeliever of unfollows, for those who merit the +1

I think the Cyanide and Happiness guy was active back in 2016 or so, he was hiring animators and made a newspost about it, and I guess he deleted it and found a good employee. But yeah i mostly agree with this post. I don't unfollow people though since I always wanna follow "just in case". Even though if a prolific user uploads I'm sure I'd hear or see it regardless of whether or not i'm following. But also I'm too lazy to weed out my follow lists lol. If there was a cap at 1000 I definitely would've unfollowed a bunch of big but inactive accounts by now

There was a cap at one point, only because the page couldn't handle all those thumbnails, now they broke it up into pages... pretty sure there's no cap on favs.

Gonzosm the guy who made Toss the Turtle just came back, Daily 1st, likely FP'ed his videogame animation... IDK. I shouldn't be reading into NG member's intentions, but when someone doesn't at least come back to promote their shit here, it's kinda heartbreaking

You can't really blame him for wanting to be more successful, considering that nothing has been done to make Newgrounds a creative hub since 2012.

However, dead accounts shouldn't be unfollowed; they serve archival purposes for the sake of preserving Internet history. Besides, no one is really being hurt with their presence.

I don't knock a homie's hustle, but 'successful' means promoting yourself whenever and wherever possible... a lot of them won't come back due to bad reviews or (recently) lack of interest.

I'm more pissed off at successful people, if they learned their craft here, with community support, time and effort, then just forget about this place entirely. Guess I'm OK if they leave their remnants behind, just sucks that NG is slowly getting sucked dry by shitty monopolies and lazy, money grubbing ad companies

Hmm well it looks like I'm not a fan, at least. Might have unfollowed earlier on during a half assed attempt to flush out some old favorites that were no longer relevant.

It doesn't matter to me if they're active or not, though. I'll be a fan of Livecorpse forever, for example. If some lost user stumbles onto his work via my list of favorites then that'd be awesome. If not: he's definitely earned an eternal spot there. In honor of his legacy.

With some of these sell-out's it a different thing, but activity shouldn't be a measurement for anything IMO. Of course I appreciate those who are active and care for the communite, but some I'll appreciate regardless. The qualifications: being worthy of my respect, having contributed greatly before and/or making something I just really enjoy.

Though seem to recall speaking about this in some others news posts too regarding just regular inactive accounts hmm, seems our views doth differ here...

I've unfollowed people if they've been particularly pissy, even if I like their work... usually floats to the FP or sidebar suggestions anyway. Thanks to Livecorpse, there are non-profits out there earning a living on the backs of dead students and teachers... love to unfollow those fucks. Everyone's entitled to their point of view, but entities that sponge money from unnamed corporate sources, just to foist their social engineering before complicit mass media - grrr

I guess for some defectors of NG, it's due to the things they posted, not wanting that to bite them in the ass later on. Others want a clean start elsewhere... just sucks not knowing who's coming back, who's worthy of adding my follow :/

When site registration opened up, a lot of opportunists came in to seize all the good usernames, presumably to use themselves, OR to sell. At least Tom's not adverse to calling those empty accounts 'abandoned', and reassigning them to loyal Newgrounders

Well yeah, I'll make an exception for people I don't like, too. Hmm, you mean people making Columbine games? Something I'm missing? Did Livecorpse death actually spawn a new business model, or his content impact people to do such things...?

Well everyone wants to make money. I feel as long as they don't compromise their persona; good intentions then that's fine. Time's limited, so I understand not everyone wants to spend it here, even if that's where they got started. Not everyone is as sentimental, or has the same bond to this place.

Indeed. True that. Would be good to know.

Aren't we all opportunities in one way or another though? If there's a large array of accounts registered via the same IP, at the same time, then I understand, but I feel everyone else is entitled to the name they chose even if they don't use it. They were here when it all began. I know I've signed up to a lot of new communities, and being one of the first always feels like an accomplishment... even if I spend my time here instead; don't partake in those communities. In the future though, who knows. Those early users could be big fans; become big Supporters some day.

The business model was already there, but in his case, yeah. Same goes for the recent Florida mass shooting; a non-profit group popped up to ferry the 'survivors' around, talk in front of a microphone and camera. Forget the name of the group, but their donator(s) are secret, which means adults are using children to further the anti-gun agenda.

Yea I guess my old age has made me sentimental, but this seems to be the only place where producers of content have an equal footing and access to Tom and other developers AND is self-moderated, not some stupid bot that chooses who can stay or go, who gets de-monetized *sigh

Opportunists? Lol, to me, we're all whores and sellouts. You do make a good point though, I have a Twitch account I don't stream on, but do use it to comment and follow ppl there... there are a lot of sites out there that are big and will likely stay that way, but as yet, they don't impress me enough to make an account there, just to keep my username solid across the digital din... though I would be pissed if someone using my username had an account somewhere, being a worse dick than I already am.

IDK, after 10 or more years of inactivity... a foot in the door can only stay there for so long, you know?

As an addendum, I got a 30 day 'suspension' from the 3rd most popular video game in the world last week. Apparently thousands of GTA: Online players got caught up in a ban wave unjustifiably, myself included.

Not a happy camper.

Oh man, victims for a cause...definitely wrong, though I'm not really seeing how this would tie to Livecorpse specifically? Surely he's a forgotten wave for most around here. A lost soul; tragic end.

Well hey I'm sentimental too, so age's not the only factor. XD Just see their reasons. There's definitely a lot more potential over here, just not as big an audience! Wish more would realize the benefits; all could reap the rewards.

Yeah, typo there. XD Haha indeed that's how I've reasoned. Back in the day I just signed up everywhere possible searching for a secondary home I suppose (and settled for this), but now I do like signing up anywhere that holds potential; save myself a spot there. Early sign-up date feels like a benefit too, even if it's rare with places that actually show it, like here.

Hmm maybe. If a wave of early users starts coming soon we'd know... I do stumble upon the rare one every once in a... year or more. Still just feels like a principle thing to me. You got the account: it's yours. Understand your view too though with the crazy amount of people signing up lately. I'd be OK with say... totally inactive/empty accounts being deleted after a decade of inactivity.

There were anti-gun groups before Livecorpse and his buddy went Postal, but IIRC some specific non-profits were born after that tragedy, and the ones that followed. It's an old fad here; if someone with money wants to change things, they create or take over a non-profit entity, that doesn't have to report where the money comes from, and what it goes into, just so long they produce paperwork toward their non-profit (untaxed) status. There are some good eggs out there, but few rich people are centrists it would seem

IKR? This place is a gold mine of archived know-how in many types of software, animating techniques, etc, et nauseum. But to many, it was just an ez way to get hentai on the school wifi

I have a huge problem with email that dates back to the late 90's, when TOS agreements stated that -your- email is -their- property, the price we pay for free email, and not the old, accountable ISP. Now the ISP is just as bad, if not better connected, than the other data mining, ad-rev, pay to click sluts that have been edged out by the IIC - the industrial information complex. Anyway, I should look into different email, likely have to pay for something legit secure >:P

I guess even with the social feed upgrade we got a few years back, new folks still thing this place is just to post shit n go somewhere else. NG isn't Instagram, Spotify, Facebook or YouTube, but a rational combo of all of them... in our own still kinda clunky way

No reason provided? Sorry to hear that, though guess that's why I'm seeing a bit more of you here than usual lately. :P Long time though...

Could've been from any number of things on their end, which includes whatever happens to my code in freeroam.The ban wave actually started months ago, but after a DLC dropped, one Friday thousands got banned, likely due to mod menus, using internal admin tools to flag everyone as a modder, except themselves.

I hit 100% completion last year in Story mode, I thought maybe I could go after the golden peyote, take the challenge of getting them all and going after the real beast... also thought, maybe I could buy a cheap Shark Card, just to thank them for extending the life of the game, buying something stupid (like a jetpack) I could let someone try out.

Hmm? Have you read an alternate version of the Livecorpse story, or maybe you're confusing it with another? The version I'd heard was: Livecorpse accidentally stabbed a friend while he was drunk, a manhunt commenced, and as he had psychological issues and couldn't fathom the thought of going to jail again he killed himself, but not before writing a goodbye letter to NG. It was such an unexpected; unnecessary end.


Hah yeah, and that clash of culture; multitude is what made it so amazing too. :) Though I liked the old slogan better the new one's pretty on point.

How about Tutanota? Seems legit. I'm still with Gmail, knowing I should probably switch but it's just such a great service... my impressions of Google are so incredibly double-sided. On the one hand: gigantic corporate monopoly with so many wrongs under their belt, but on the other... I like how they do things. I Iike their research. Their open-source codecs. Their transparency with certain projects. Such a conflict... speaking of I really have no idea about their TOS. Should probably look into that.

Yeah, some people seem to figure it out though. Some people come here just posting stuff and links to their YT... but then really appreciate the reviews they get; seem to start building a good impression of the place. It's nice to get positively surprised responses from users like that. :) Unfortunately a lot of content goes through without a single review though, and those guys will probably just keep posting their stuff and moving on...

And of course there are those who really don't read the reviews, who seem to not be willing to take that leap into NG interaction at all. For shame...

Oh that guy, thought Livecorpse was Klebold, the 4/20 school massacre in Colorado? Meh, kids is fucked up.

NG's old tagline was too appropriate lol

Tutanota? Never heard of it. As I said, I'm well overdue for a new email(s), I guess then I can lay my username's claim on various websites.

Yeeeea, had to read the riot act to the guy who just made the newspost Tom usually makes. Dan Paladin's NG page was quite dead for a number of years. Day or two after he responded to me, he belatedly updated his NG blog pointing towards where to buy Pit People ._. a game that was already out and ready for purchase - and ask me why I'm bitter lol

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