The guy who makes Cyanide and Happiness has about 10k in followers here... yet he hasn't touched his account in years (plural, more than a few). Unfollowed. When I start to see his work coming through the Art or Movie Portals again, I'll reconsider pressing the heart button. Until then, he's gotta re-earn his respect with me.
I know 1 isn't a particularly large number, but it means something to me, even if it doesn't to someone who has abandoned their account for greener pastures. Normally I favorite anyone I see or hear that has promise to grow into their craft, to make a proper go of it. But with big numbers comes big responsibilties. Maybe it's different on other mass media, social networking sites, but not to me, not here.
There was once a cap on how many ppl you could follow/favorite here of just under 1000. After some fettling, that number's increased. Tom Fulp, if you wanna press the issue, make a stink about this. Make following someone here exclusive: either confirm a solid cap, or start asking the still active Newgrounders here to unfollow these dead accounts.
It's reasonable to reward those who contiune to share and view. Hell, dead accounts have been a fact of life since the internet began, I've done it too, but never have I left so much behind... or have I? Just now considering all those moldering black video tapes of which I poured so much of my soul into, and the time it took from my finite existence. Damn, I'm overdue for getting an analog capture device :/
Blurry is better than nothing.
I also hate abandoned accounts
Yeah, has all the appeal of long dead flowers in a vase, cobwebs and dust sealing it in place.