Yeah I don't have anything pertinent or monumental to say, other than I'm here, I'm alive and I'm still on Newgrounds.
For those of you in or just graduated school, 17 years is a lot of time. Indeed, many good, bad and indifferent years have passed. For almost all of my years on Newgrounds, my home country has gone insane, from the top down, and that's sad.
Seize the good moments when they come, for they are fleeting, here for a short time, then gone.
I've had some damn fine times here. Through the diversity of the membership, a simple thing arises: humor, in its most unabashed and unashamed form. So here's looking at you, kids.

(This spot used to contain the 2015 Pico Day pic from the roof)

I'm sure I could batch-dump these... shame about what happened yesterday, that Florida school
If I double post one of these, sorry. I'm an old man with a new bag of strong coffee
This blog is sure to run out of space, before I run out of memes. Think the cap is 100 pix/gifs.
(Edit: it did run out of space, so unhappy)

Legit HuffPo article, hard to tell the memes from the news. Better put more coffee on.
Apologies to any admin or mod who has to go through this whole thing, btw.

Buddy of mine clipped it, only had a few stunt jumps to do, so I let it go till my 45th birthday last year, was a nice present to myself. Now all I need to do is figure out how to use the in-game editor... coffee's done.

I used to get a lot more work done at a standing desk.

Made that for WIN95, background's from Monty Python's Flying Circus video game!

Made this as a title card for my old public access TV show, don't think it made the tape...
One more gif... shit I had a folder I forgot all about, but it would likely break potato PCs

Promised myself I'd stop spamming around noon...

Had a late lunch.

Need to get another hard drive/ssd soon.
All Done? Submit?
Nope, not done yet, Mr. AutoBlog 9000, I'm your stress test for today
which is a very special day in my book. Never know if I'll live to see my 18th NG birthday
ya know.

The goal of every geek since WarGames the movie came out in the 1980s.
Shame I don't have the same stamina I used to have, when I first made this account.
This much shitposting is hard work.

Dammit, another gif, I'll be lucky if this thing even publishes.
Crap, wouldn't publish, sure doesn't look like 123 images >:( How can I choose between my babies?!
FUCK not even 53 images?
Is 51 1 2 many........... why is
Deleting the one about how you can donate your tatoos to a museum, maybe now it will post
The absolute fuck, 49?!
48? This really is unfair, now I'm gonna delete the Pico Day 2015 pic, it's sad really.
37. Down to 37 measly memes in this post, I'm so sorry, Tom initially said you could post a hundred pictures....
Can't do 30, huh? Not even 25, judas priest what a jip.
123 images down to 20, man what a way to waste my morning.
If I survive another year of this site, gonna consolidate all the memes into 20 files.