Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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9.09 votes
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9y 12d


Spiceless old white males are always in demand, rich spiceless old white males that is.

Where's this guy when you need him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzsSpDyBc_4

Damn man, I think I fapped to Tom Yu's infomercial harem one night. Seemed like every other decade there'd be a phony rush to flip real estate, selling 'get rich quick' packages by the wheelbarrow. Sure didn't like him prattling on about late 20th century prices though, seems like the Earth's currency buys less and less every year. http://naturalmoney.org/short.html


thats so bad. only 800 for the car?
i guess you could sell it, if its too damaged or to the point of no repair...

i wish you the best of luck!

and dont worry, things (sometimes) get better, just have a good attitude and a strong heart.
(also, be patient, if you can; its often a good thing)

as for buying a new mic, thats awesome!
i would love to listen to your new podcasts, this would be nice...

i still suggest you to write that book with your life's adventures.
you have a nice narrative in your posts, imho.

also: if you want, you could even become a free voice-actor for newground's movies!
i do that often, and i like it alot!

oh, and if you ever want to animate something, or to collaborate with someone for a mini-flash collab, let me know!

hmm... be well, man!

Not much equity in certain vehicles, and when you take into account the age and mileage (which was about 150K, not bad) of the extended cab (but not bed) truck... and the price of a new engine (which was the smallest V8 available at the time, also slightly pricier, since it wasn't a standard V8)....

It's stupid, I've got microphones of every flavor, but they're all analog. And even though I spent almost 200$ on a motherboard, it does not have a L/R, stereo 1/8" input, only one (mono, single), into a board that can spit out 7.1 individual channels, the fuck that about?!!1

If someone wants me to voice, fine, but I'm just gonna fuck around on my own submissions, play smart-ass on as many levels as possible (might as well go for broke). My sinuses and ears are in a miserable state, but it beats clickity generated characters on a screen. Hey, maybe I'll read that collab book we did last year, though it would likely go down way better as an audioplay.

Mellow greetings sir, have you ever watched the movie Demolition Man? Been seeing more than a few parallels w/ that flick and reality these days... also had some great one-liners, and action 'gags'

Damn man, that's rough.

It's likely a shitty idea, given that your suburbs may be very sparse and farm work may be exhausting, but how viable of an option is cycling?

Unless I wanna be an SUV's hood ornament... too many guardrails. I've tried to bicycle since my back surgery, the muscles needed just aren't cutting it, so to speak. I was never much of a city person anyway, so, that means this Stevie has to be a road warrior with 4 wheels on the asphalt, such as it is.

i see....

also, yes, i've been wondering the same: why do people sell expensive motherboards, and yet they dont make them able to play on stereo?
thats so stupid of them! (of the companies)

oh, an audioplay/a narrated audio book would be a nice idea, i say you should do it, it sounds fun! :)

as for the movie ''demolition man'', i saw it, it was a good movie.

oh, and speaking of puns, i liked your ''(the) problems of the future today'' pun, it reminds me of the OLD NG years... really cool pun! ;)

also i hope that you've fixed your car.
otherwise, have you tried carpooling? (that is, sharing a car with others and paying a fraction of the costs together...)

it could work. maybe...

have a nice day, man!

Eh, after considering the history of the stereo 1/8" record plug/socket, I guess I can see why it was overlooked by all but sound card makers.

The mechanic reminded me the heads are aluminum and the block's cast iron... nasty thing to try and mess with, considering the different metals. He's gonna price a rebuilt engine, get back to me.

Carpooling works best with houses-to-commercial/9-5 type routes, so, not a good match... should be on wheels of my own soon enough. Paying over 2 grand a year for car insurance, not fun

That blows, man. Vehicles are such a pain in the ass sometimes.

I've had my car for three years and regularly go to just one trusty place to take care of it, and when I got inspected this past April they subtly told me I should consider getting rid of it and upgrading while it's doing so well. I mean, it's been a good car, but it's an 04 and I can imagine in a year it will only have more problems. I may take their advice.

I feel you on the car annoyances, though. I've had my fair share of those.

And yet I've still got my Pop's early 60's John Deere A and Massey Ferguson tractor, both have cast iron blocks and heads, as well as other components. Aluminum heads might be better for heat dispersion, but the different metals just don't play nice long-term... also damn few wires (and connections to rust, short out on the frame) thank Gob

Yeah, dunno what you're riding, but cashing out the equity of an old, yet working vehicle seems prudent. I sure miss stick shift though, very efficient when you need it to be... though once I went into 5th on a junk yard transmission (while doing 35mph), and the band broke, so no overdrive on my '84 Civic, could barely get it to 50 mph

Hate not having a car

Hate is a strong word. But ohh man, it does sucketh. Gotta watch, there's still more than a few Sandy drowning victims still up for sale, rusty as fuck rotors are a dead giveaway. Hope this proposed heart transplant for the truck goes ok, shit maybe I can finally get the heat to work again as well... but that and the brake lines, I can't afford, so I'll crimp the busted line

If I still lived on the west coast then I could easily buy an old used car for $500, but here in NY $4k seems to be the lowest you can get one for.

It's a little better in NJ, but not by much! Guess it makes sense CA is OK for used; lots o highway miles, little rain, no snow means no salt on the roads... it's the registration fees that are O_o

If we lived in the UK, we could tool around in tractors, army surplus n shit

hello, my friend! whats up?
how are you?

1. aha, i see. so this stereo 1/8" record plug/socket is a rare type of plug, and thats why it cannot be fitted with the soundcard...
couldn't you just upgrade your PC tower altogether? (it could be easier. perhaps. if not, then leave it as it is...)

2. oh! now i get it.
aluminum and cast iron never mix. aluminum is weaker, and its easier for aluminum to melt/to take heat damage.
cast iron, on the other hand, is stronger, heavier and more durable.

perhaps you could ask from the mechanic to create some heads from cast iron, instead of the classic aluminum ones...
this would be a custom work, ofcourse, but it would be better in the long-run, if you ask me.

also, 2 grand for car insurance? dear lord!
is it always that expensive in the USA, or is it a special car insurance (for your work), and therefore its expensive for a specific reason?

also, tell me your other news, and hows that podcast thing is going on...
i am interested!

be well, man!

No it's not rare at all (Walkman, home stereos, MP3players), but as an input, yeah a bit. Unless you've got microphones in your boom box, most people only have one shitty mic to record from... they made mono/stereo plugs that would switch, but they were pricey to make, so often they'd have two 1/8" mono inputs, left and right

Electrolysis and expansion/contraction rates figure into it well, and yeah aluminum tends to warp rather than get brittle and crack... Ive handled cooking pans and cast iron pipe, almost breaks like crystal

There might be custom heads, maybe even for the little V8... but the condition for the engine's unknown, block mightve split, either way engine work is very time consuming.

I live in the most populous state in the US, right between Philly and NYC.. Megacity #1 if you prefer, many roads and assholes upon them. Plus somehow my credit rating means I pay more, single white male, etc

don't feel bad about being spiceless...it's why white people tend to have less offensive odors than other cultures LOL

I guess that's true, depending on the strength and quantity of the spices in question, but if you eat the cheapest American food, you're gonna smell downright non-organic. Best smell comes off me, after eating real meat, taters and a complicated salad.

So whats up with the truck? Are you going to see if you can get those repairs done on it or are you going to just take the $800?

I paid 3,000 yesterday to get the truck back, it now has: a new engine, radiator, plastic expansion tank, 2 new brake lines, thermostat (apparently the one that was replaced, the day the engine blew, was cheap as fuck and was installed w/ waaay too much sealant)... other time consuming shit done too.

Could've bought a banger (or two) for 3 grand, saved myself and the mechanic a buncha shit

The engine light is on, and it kinda reeks of gas, so I'm going back to him sometime next week, his wife just gave birth to a 2nd kid, so he's taking some time off to be w/ her. Also need to get the fuel filter changed, bigtime, somehow I never got around to asking him to change it.....

Yeah I feel like you would have been better off getting another car instead. I mean I'd get it if the truck sentimental value and whatnot. But seeing as you're now dealing with the engine light being on and it reeking of gas there might be more problems now. I mean good that it has all that new stuff in it now. But you might end up having to put more money into it if something else is up now.

I mean my sister just bought her "new" car recently since the transmission more or less went out and that wasn't even $2k. She HAS had issues with it but that's primarily because shes driving over 1,000 miles per week.

I knew it was a challenge for the mechanic, but I guessed that only the engine and brakelines were seriously wrong... if the computer is fucked up, shit, that'll cost more than I wanted to spend. I know the ABS system was likely slightly fucked, but if it's the same system as engine control... idk man, good thing the truck's inspection sticker's good till 11/17, but no one will wanna buy it if the engine light's on.

That is a lot of miles... maybe she should camp out there during the work week, drive home weekends :( I'm having way moar fun driving in GTA Online. I'm part of a crew called FNFR (friday night funruns) where we try to not fuck each other up while racing huge 30 player tracks with insane cars... anything to keep my mind off of things I can't change

Any news on if there is anything up with the computer? Or was it nothing THAT serious?

And yeah it is. She's gone through 4 cars and is onto her 5th over the course of 2 years. She only drives the car on the paper route and uses her other car as a daily driver. I still haven't used GTA Online. I don't even touch GTA IV anymore since I barely use my PS3 anymore... Though that sounds interesting. Pretty much everyone I know is playing Pokemon Go and some chick at the place I work was mildly upset about it for some reason.

Mechanic came to work early, says his 2nd baby girl and wife are doing fine... I'll bring it to him Wednesday morning. He wanted it back Tuesday, but I was feeling like shit from a Wendy's hamburger

Another uuge update for GTA:O, more cars, stunt race tracks (some of which almost seemed rushed), but it's only for the newest consoles and PC, as they don't add stuff to the PS3 due to memory issues

Hm, dunno what to think of P:Go, the thought of ppl wandering around bushes looking for shit that aint there... all the while being tracked by GPS, real twilight zone shit bro

PS: I added an update to this newspost (see above) ._.

Glad to see your still chugging on man, I been out of touch but I hope things have gotten better for you.

Eh, better? No. Still walking and talking, yup, but that's about it.

You still do VA work? I might gank that one submission of yours "We're gonna crash!", still putting stuff for a series of podcasts

Well, sorry yo hear that man. Glad your still able to get on and share your wisdom with us though. And I still do VA, but I been moving around a lot recently and before I can do any more I need to find a place to settle. Plus I wanna upgrade my mic, I been practicing but I been looking online, new mic would make a huge difference. But feel free to yank whatever I got posted on so far.

I spent way too much for a USB mic, but maybe I can do some useful foley work with it as well... In another month or two I'll start posting 5 minute podcasts here. Sure wish I had Goldwave of old, very intuitive, but Audacity will have to do.

The usb mic worth the buck? And nice, that sounds pretty good. If I may, what made you decide to start that up?
and I haven't use either of those, use some free Russian one that was decent and had a okay selection of voice toning and change settings.

More like a buck and a quarter, but yeah it's quite good aside from a slight deficit in mid-range bass. I'm likely going to have to record from a laptop in a 30'x30'x12' garage, to cut down on bounceback.

Yeah even shitty condenser mics can come across nice and clear... still need to make a pop filter, though I might not need it, interestingly enough!

why not roll your own tobacco or choose a "healthier" alternative like marijuana

Rolling paper is almost twice as thick as tubes/pre-rolled paper, and then there's the gumming and the overlap. Since Chuckie Schumer got the entire industry to create even deadlier paper (more chalk to prevent the paper... from burning! That's what FSB: fire safety code means), I've been trying to stay away from that.

If I could legally grow it (tobacco) myself, I'd buy cellulose wraps, hardly any nastiness in those at all, but pricey.. and transparent. I've been to numerous USDA and BATF pages looking... I've been told the limit is 3 plants per person per year, which is enough. Each leaf is equal to about 8-9 packs of filter cigs...