Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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If it's been increasingly difficult to appreciate anyone whom in your opinion makes good music, does that not mean that people have changed, for better or for worse?

Simple answer would be, yes. There are so many factors facing (and changing) a person as they go through their mortal existence. I'd guess 90% or more of a personality is locked in by the 'age of reason' (age 4-5 or so) is past. After that, many many years can go by before all the nuances finally rise to the surface.

Having worked with musicians and actors in the past, I know not everyone's gonna have a good day, every day. There's always an itch that drives one to become a performer, but sometimes: the itch goes away, becomes bearable/ubiquitous, gets worse, changes position. Bad enough music can be such a subjective art, both in its composition/performance/post-production and how it's received.

(Very generally speaking, I sure wish most people would record and master vocals independently of the instrumental track, sometimes it sounds (or tastes) like a perfect meal thrown into a blender... still tastes ok, but there's no contrast between the side dishes and the main course. In a perfect world, I'd love a mic and track on each drum, 2-3 per vocal, wow, maybe even 6 tracks for each guitar, straight from the pickups!)

But if you're referring to the person, not the music, well, that's just as subjective. There are a lot of actors (writers, musicians, politicians even) I like on stage, but don't like in real life. I didn't care for Madonna's music from the get-go, liked her personally even less, especially after her on-tour documentary went out on VHS. I never had the sense she valued her work, over and above what it could earn her. Some of the articles I've read (this century) quoting her former employees do show she's loyal to her inner circle, to a point... if she felt slighted in any way, the consequences were kinda extreme, and mostly unwarranted. Hard enough to manage an entertainment business with so many close relationships, I guess.

(At the risk of writing off-topic even further) Sometime in my late 30's I was made aware, that some women write a sort of 'moral checklist' - all or most of the boxes must be ticked, if there's any chance of a LTR leading to marriage... everything else is just causal playtime. I guess the question is, where the moral threshold lies, and how open you are... and in between is your tolerance level, which affects your emotions.

I hope this poor sinner's response to your question helps some. For stopping by, I'd offer you a doughnut and some tea/coffee, but maybe these wiki links will suffice. And remember, all art is derivative ( of something that's been done already ;) eg: Simpsons, majority of modern Hollywood flicks


I feel your pain, but I intensely would not recommend Southeast Asia for a mediholiday. With maybe Singapore being the sole exception, but a tenuous one nonetheless.

My brother spent 2 weeks there on a business trip, and as nice as it sounded on the surface... well, at least there's a variety of places on Earth. If I'm really serious about getting better ($?), gotta look closer to home first, Canada maybe, I know one two folks that might put me up for a little while.

I think it (Singapore) was one of the places where they pay elected officials a very generous salary... but also intimately keep tabs on them as well, and issue quite severe punishments if caught in official hanky-panky. Can only wonder if something like that could work in the West... likely too late for that

Indeed, it's just good to hear from you.

Oh shit, you heard that? Something nasty sounding woke me up this morning, and I hoarsely screamed at the world from my back porch... in an Eastern direction. Don't give a fuck if I disturbed Wegra, his neighbors look like the sort who scream anyway

Was having a decent dream too, just had a perfect haircut (wish my hair was that thick again), and one of the female barbers was juuuust beginning to give me a nice neck massage before I went about my apparently important, but happy day

(FYI, and to carry on the conversation, such as it was)

First time I read the Wall Street Journal was in a smoky teacher's lounge at age 4. There were dirty jokes, some alcohol, once I smelled something greener than tobacco... Anyway, only one or two teachers bought newspapers, so I managed to coax the sports section from the condescending, anal male teacher :p Only thing that interested me, was the one or 2 articles on Indy and/or NASCAR racing. Was kinda hoping for a better section, but the guy was keen on preserving all his copies, unmolested at home, "They're expensive, maybe they'll be worht something, if I ever decide to sell them, which I'm not!"

"Have you -ever- gone back to look for an article since you began saving them?"

"Well, not really, I have a perfect memory." He was an awfully heavy smoker. After a month or two, they decided to kick me out so long as I promised to stay in the Kindergarten room between AM and PM classes.... I had to stay for both, because my Mom worked as a custodian there in the evenings, and picking me up would've broken her sleep, so I did a double duty. No AM bus service, so, that's how that went down IIRC

So yeah, been reading newspapers from the 1970's to the internet age (1990's) then stopped. I can tell you, many many stories I read are NOT to be found online, anywhere. Take for example the real life story behind https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crank_(film)

It really did happen. He bounced as they shown in the last few frames of the flick, and yea, he did survive for almost a week. I read 3 sidebar articles on the incident over the course of 2-3 months, the last one reporting his death. Sure made compelling reading!

"But, but, I never heard that, why isn't that in the Wiki??" Guy was a crook, a hitman, and a dead one at that, so that made it a free property. Same goes for old books that have expired copyrights (which can be extended by relations of the author).

Yo. There was a space bomber but we shot it up, smashed into it with our Reeunk Afterburners and jacked the controls and made it dive into Jupiter. How's stuff?

Oh shit that was you guise?? The old crackpots thought hackers or the CIA popped those transformers, but I guess most of it was another sun fart http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/

Getting better I guess, almost left a message for you on discord, but I'm still figuring out the butter-faec, autistic-fantastic interface. Still kinda on the fence about, well, really ANY site that you can use for free, Cloudflare included. This one guy's convinced it's run by the Pizzagate facilitators http://discordenablespedophiles.online/ Guess the once politically connected Backpage was an easier and older target... guess the interwebs war continues and spreads as the years turn into decades.

How does one see the forest through the trees, when they are too many got damn trees??

(welcome back)

IDK man, my peripheral vision is way better than most people's, another sign of borderline autism. First time an optometrist put me in the machine to test for visual dead-spots, he somehow thought I was cheating (can't beat the laser).

It's not so much about seeing the tree(s) as in accepting them. Even a single middling tree can cool and respirate, and be enough to inspire the brain to add a few more... guess it depends on how far you wanna travel in said forest.

Personally, anything growing out of the Earth can be either considered a weed (some pretty big ones out there) or a worthy plant. Thanks to foreign trade/bird seed, my former farm's now plagued by a creeping sappy vine, covered in little stickerballs. In the early 1980's it was somekinda Japanese briar that quickly forced out the kinder cat briar.... fucking stupid government. You think they would've learned from history (Australia, Florida, Hawaii, etc.) but nooooo, gotta catch 'em all ($$, not invasive pocket monsters)

(meh, thx)

Nice to know you're still with us.

Barely. The conflict of interest I have with this place is, how far outside of real life it's become. Hope I can find a nice birthday card for the maniac in charge, maybe a half eaten cat clinging to a swampy branch, "Hang in there!!1"

If it means anything at all, I owe you a red pill.

Guess we all need to wake up from something, or at least acknowledge there's gonna be 3 sides to many things: your side, their side and the actual unfathomable truth.
Nah mon, we straight, besides how can you be in debt to a friend? Shit, I haven't even seen some of your stuff, since you produced the 20th collab, like the white rabbit, "I'm late im late im late!!11"

I too worry about the state of the world and feel I too am out growing the trendy materials here. Even my artwork has lost its darkness as age and passions have turned toward more positive feelings. I am curious how my newer artwork will effect my old fans or if my old fans even are on this site at all... I am sorry to hear about your blood desease, I was diagnosed with celiac in 2012 and that has changed my life drastically. Perhaps it is realization of mortality that makes one out grow and become less tolerable of certain content? Who know :p

The trendy (mainstream homages) here never really applied to me, only played one Sonic game, a handful of anime movies, never owned a Mario game... but it's the individual's take on these concepts that I've found interesting. Both dark and light inspired artwork fascinate me, again, going back to the artist's motivations, and how they visualize and produce it.

Shit, think you're likely right about mortality spoiling the fun pf playing around in this ball-pit of primary colors, and dubious debris at the bottom. But there are plenty of older hangers-on here; the appreciation of viewing and producing doesn't change.

So you're running gluten-free? I'm sure there's a bacteria strain that can cure or mitigate it, but they're trying to cure other diseases generated by our chemical soaked civilization. If I get get treated, I'm wondering if I should refrigerate my poop or get a fresh bacteria transplant (brown milkshake :p) from someone healthier. When the practice was first mentioned last century, my folks and I thought, "gross, but OMG, doesn't that make all the sense in the world". Fecal therapy without the politics... what a world, what a world (melts into Oz).

As an old male fart, I've consciously cut down on grains and such, except for pizza (they make gluten free crust around here, but I can't get that fussy); between the parasites and my back injury (surgeon said there would be a 70% chance I'd get obese, just from getting my discs trimmed), it's a battle of the bulge of sorts.

Haha that's okay man, I haven't been very productive anyway as of late. Guess this mad hatter should stop attending Alex' tea parties. Lately I'm much better educated on American politics than on national jibber jabber, or at least the alternative views thereof. I've been trying to find alternative news within my own country but it's hard to come by. Some people on youtube have been re-uploading footage of Dutch and EU related news but that's as good as it gets. One video I managed to find however was a crazy interesting discussion about the Dutch constitution from 1815 which was still applicable in 1940 when WWII broke out. Our queen and prince left the country in military occupancy to the Nazis when they fled to the UK. Having returned after the war, our queen at the time appointed a new government but this was not done through democratic election, meaning it wasn't in accordance with the constitution of that time. As such, our government has not been constitutional since that day, meaning many of our laws do not apply and we're pretty much still officially under Nazi regime. One could even say the Netherlands do not exist at this point, what a fucking puppet show that would be! Interestingly enough, this also means both the Euro and the EU are non-existent according to the Maastricht treaty which was signed on Dutch soil. That's what the video says anyway, I don't know enough law or Nazi history to confirm any of this. Our royal family is quite mysterious however, what with prince Bernhard's Nazi history and the all the Bilderberg crap which his descendants so lovingly still attend to this day. What am I to think of all this?

"Who's the best pilot you ever saw?"

The same could be said (about legal lines of governance) if you look far back in US history, back when 'the tyranny of the mob' forced Americans into a republic, after the end of the war for independence. Some say we've never been completely free from her/his majesty's government, and that we're all tenants of USA Inc, or American States, holdings or something. Anyway, it's still on the books lol, can't find the bookmark, but it's quite ludicrous, no follow up statutes or laws on how that's supposed to be carried out.

The Bilderberg meetings are a worry, no doubt about that, and all elected US officials attending, are in breach of law, by attending a meeting with no public transcript/minutes, yet that law's been broken often.

Western governments only govern on paper, merely for our show, it's the elite who pull the strings. Not even the CIA can mediate anymore, which was their real job after WWII. Huge war is over, and all the money is in the hands of the companies who won it; when you've got money, you don't have to worry about jaywalking or influence peddling.

After that, free trade (laughingly) was supposed to 'level the playing field' by allowing cheap imports and cheap immigrant labor into countries that still had money in the hands of its citizenry, but only through the elites floodgates, and under certain conditions, so as not to spread the profits out to silent majorities. That money is now almost gone, consolidated in the hands of the old and new elite... all without a war.

There are so many examples of this usury out there :p Let's take non-Dutch chocolate.....

Even in an aircraft, your King is still in a gilded cage, likely over the remorse of humanity's gangster governance.

Funny how I should first pick this news up from New York Times. I discussed it with a few people, seems not everyone is aware of our royal pilot. My stepmother went as far as to say there's nothing special about the whole thing. Say what now? The knowledge I have on American history is lacking quite a bit but I do find it interesting. So the theory suggests America belongs to the royals of England then?

Bilderberg's coming up again soon by the way, isn't it? It usually takes place towards the end of May or the beginning of June so it must be. I really wonder what the turn-up will be; Inside but also outside of the gates. Do you think there'll be many people showing up outside the building this year? Relative to former years I mean?
Something tells me this whole thing could be a psyop, a distraction to misguide reporters at the airport while attendees are told to board their next plane and fly off to a secret location. Who knows? Something disastrous may happen with all the alt-right activists outside the gates of a vacated building. Let's hope not.

The elite have definitely tried their best at ruining economies around the world, George Soros being exceptionally infamous. Ever seen the interview with Dutch banker Ronald Bernard? If you haven't, I highly recommend it.

Yeah that's one theory I had read about, though anytime you want the real truth of any matter, follow the money, to see what's what. Biggest problem is, the richest people on Earth can hide almost anything, especially their families, de-concentrating the wealth and the finger pointing. Foundations are a way for very rich individuals to hide wealth as well, look at the Clintons, prime example of influence peddling and graft.

It's a planetary mafia meeting, the turnout will likely be 100% for attendees, for fear of being suspect or non-complicit. Interesting location this year, very near https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_City,_Arlington,_Virginia where our military-industrial complex is administered, creepy. Yea, I remember that kid in the video, glad he's still fighting. Just sucks we can't enforce our own laws regarding attending secret meetings (or at least banning those who attend from being elected, or hold government contracts)

Ronald Bernard... figures his biggest advice was to follow the money. Haven't watched the whole video yet, but I'd say thanks for the red pill in advance

its good to know that you're still here, vic.
you are a good person, and a pleasant friend to talk with, any time.

you are feeling that this place is empty/without valuable movies+songs?
dont be dissapointed!

just dig a little deeper, and you will find some true diamonds in here...
BTW, what are your tastes in flash movies/music/art?
what things do you love from NG, and what things you dislike about NG?

as for me, i like funny flash movies/parodies, and i like listening to various rock/blues music from here, while i chill out.
its nice.
(also i review said movies/songs/art that i watch...)

anyhow, tell me your news, and if its possible, dont leave NG!
we need more good people like you, imho.

Yeah there's some diamonds. The problem is, I can't seem to run a lot of them! So far the new Construct 3 games seem to be OK, but Unity and some of the other ones just won't run on Firefox... bad enough they dropped Flash support for the 32 bit version of FF.
I guess it's the internet in general that's pissing me off - Google is an immoral monopoly that should've been broken up a long time ago, but without them, the internet as it is won't work. Now there's only 5 big tech companies running the show, and they all should suck an EMP, let some of the little guys like Tom have some legit competition...

Some sites like Facebook won't even let you look at user pages unless you have an account, which is crap considering public services are relying on them to relay (sometimes) crucial info.

Plainly, it's all gone wrong and the black hat guys are going to be even that much worse when it comes to disrupting the internet as we know it... and why shouldn't they, considering the evil marriage between big businesses and shadow governments. Good thing I've got enough unread books to last what's left of my limited life

how about we ditch the 'anthropogenic global warming' drivel used to push certain economic agendas and create an agenda that sets to not harm the Earth?

Mama earth does not have a bank account, that's why lol. Ironic that the B&B Circus is no more, yet the phase 'a sucker born every minute' and 'this way to the egress, 1$' lives on to this day.

I'm all for lowering particulates, gases and other iffy stuff like the next treehugger, but that carbon buying scheme, like banking, has ppl waiting for their cut, no matter what.

but you have been here for so long since 2001

Late 1999, early 2000 I've been coming here, but I don't draw, produce music, animations or video games. All I can do is blow digital hot air, that's about it.

The Construct 3 Jam we had was sure something though, was shocked almost all of those games worked! I wouldn't mind doing a text based game with some royalty free pictures and medals (have to have medals, or else a good 20-40% of the gamers here won't even bother).

i would say, to a certain degree, this place is starting to get saturated with content developers. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but it's always nice to have a balance of people who specialize in 'blowing digital hot air'.

That's something the content providers need to work on, if they wanna succeed. Not just in garnering attention, but in making pitches, dealing with criticism, offering advice to others. Making a living seems to be a bigger deal, than talking shit and uploading stuff they did in between jobs to amuse themselves.

BTW, have you ever seen "Hamilton"? Ugh, just dropped one buying 2 plain and one bacon and chicken slices o pie, 2$ change, and 1$ tip in the plastic mayo bucket leaves me with one to wipe my puckering asshole with

holy crap forgot about theROMP...did a bit of research, the guy's a multi-millionaire (son of former talk-show host, CEO of Disney & Paramount, and wed to a top fashion designer). thought he was just some elusive guy that got a couple of average (imo) flashes that were made at the most opportune time of the interwebs

Not sure I knew that back when the site was in operation, which is good, no need to keep dropping daddy's name. Sure didn't know he bagged a glorified seamstress. 10 years previous to that, I wrote a 1 act play for my HS drama class called 'A Michael Eisner Christmas' which was never meant to be produced. Kinda figured the (new) CEO ran things by the seat of his objectifying pants....

Guess I was always a sarcastic and nihilistic sour puss

Sorry for the late replay. I myself Have fallen out of NG from time to time, but mostly its in comfortable waves. NG is kinda like that cool nonjudgmental friend, who knows youre busy or going through shit, but will come back and still have his arms open for you.. he has that same silly humor, but you just feel like theres been some growning up happening while you were away, and thats still really nice.

I caught some of what you said to Troisnyx while I was catching up with some her posts (since I've been doing what you've been doing w/ NG lately). I appreciate the rational candor you showed her... but haha! to be young and hungry, so eager to be famous, for simply doing what you like the best. And like the man said in one of the later Shaft movies, 'money always matters'.

Over 20 years of commercial money into the online world, and the cruel pyramid is up and funneling even more money away from the public. OK so the base has shifted, and the most viral get rewarded, a phoenix fire set to the old print and broadcast agencies... but the monopolies, the lack of consumer and constitutional rights, really suck. And the news can only satisfy the stockholders by creating more foment, and not pressing the actual actionable matters. Like, grr, you know?

off-topic but damn I am craving arugula right now!!

Arugula, iceburg lettuce, swamp cabbage, maybe there's a thread there lol

here's some fuel for your revised end of days conspiracy come 2020 ;)


Unless the big cube upends itself near a shoreline, likely the bigger prob might be the salt content of surrounding waters, might produce more clouds/water vapor than usual?

swamp cabbage, is that slang for a more common Western green, or did you mean this exotic thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipomoea_aquatica - looks good, don't think I've ever tried it

iceberg lettuce, perhaps the most popular leafy vegetable amongst Americans, but really has nothing to do with the recent hippie health greens craze...I'm more of a Romaine guy myself. I guess as a farmer you can attest to iceberg heads getting larger at the expense of losing flavor over the years.

I'll get a pic for ye, bad tick season but I gotta go next door anyway, where the back of the backyard is quite damp, needs to have the ditch cleared, but the roots... bring on the zika pandemic lol. Have to boil it for at least 8 hours to get the funky odor out of it, it's common up here, but hell to try n eat.

Yea ya, but I grew up on lil head lettuce, not the monsters their making now, but ones which had a shit ton more green in the center and a better vibrant taste (less water, filler)

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