Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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VicariousE's News

Posted by VicariousE - October 4th, 2014

Dealing with a lot pf personal pains just now, so I gotta take a break from this happy place for a week or so.

I like spending time here, but it takes a lot of effort.  And while that might be a worthwile diversion in anyones life, it's just clouding the issues I have alone at home.  So many of you have shown genuine love and corncern, it's hard to say, "Give me a minute, I need to collect myself"

<Insert last few frames of Das Boot here>

Someone's always got it worse, I know, but in addition to all that's gone before, I just need time to let the hope well fill up again.  Seen way too much suffering in the mirror and in others to slap on a happy face all the time.  Too much shit, and I just get pissed off at it all, instead of crying, which seems the more painful of the two options... which likely means I'm going to hell, big whoop |:

Posted by VicariousE - September 12th, 2014

The last post was about my old camera, which had taken tons of photoworthy video over 4 years.  Sadly I don't have the gear (yet) to export the Hi8 video into a digital format, where I could just snag still images.  So I'll post some other eye candy here, just to keep things lively. 

The Amish (as well as other groups) believe if a picture is taken of themselves, they are diminished, a part of their soul has been captured and imprisoned on Earth... or so I've been told.  Sure would explain why so many celebs and politicians have such a hard time keeping their center... anyway, no pics of me :(



Rest in peace little girl 2012-2014


Within a half hour after getting it home, I wiped out on a dirt turn :(  Gears are different than the MR-50 I had... 30 years ago.  More likely, I was stupid.  Ow.  Bent the foot brake, broke the headlight mounts, right mirror shattered... maybe I'll take the 3 day MC training course, next year.  Guess the next picture after this will be the bruises, once they start to show.  Feels like I cracked a rib or two laying the bike over.  "Silly hipster, Trix are for kids!"

Posted by VicariousE - September 4th, 2014

It didn't look too good when I got it. Postman didn't even bang on the door, just left a claim ticket, and split, like I'm supposed to hear him coming, like a fiathful dog :|  Got there just before they closed for the night, still wet from the shower and adrenaline jolt, to get the truck there in once piece. This was the second box I got, and the third camera I put money down in the past 2 months....


But it seems to work perfectly, even better than the one I used 15 years ago.  Got lens envy yet? 


Unfortunately, the first two tapes I tried had nothing but static on them, but the rest (so far) are still in tact.  Smaller tapes needed very classy materials to retain electrons, without jitter and loss.  Technically, this Hi8 is a digital device capable of 400 lines of resolution, not much by today's standards.


What makes this thing special, is the way it can be held.  I prefer(ed) holding it low, and looking down into viewfinder, very stable.  For walking around, having a bigger camera like this is ideal for stable handheld shots, though I'd prefer a shoulder designed camera for that.


When my old one broke in 1999, I found 7 layers of boards in the body, no way to fix it without going batshit crazy.  This one here was made 20 years ago, and still runs like a champ.  My Colecovision took a shit after less than 2 years (non-sequitur).


It's been interesting seeing where I left off on the tapes, usually around sexy women or atypical scenes I'd use elsewhere, in my tapestry of audio, video and stupid text on the screen, which surely hinted at my innate madness.


Phase 2 will involve an analog to digital converter, most of which export in DVD type files which are shit to edit... anyone have any tips on editing  FOB's, or whatever those files are  called?  I narrowed the hardware down to 2 choices, might just go cheap and pray.


Phase 3 will consist of the kind of hardware, I would've sacrificed small children to attain.  Once it's all ordered, I'll make a post in the Computer Builder's club thread with the specs. 

Posted by VicariousE - August 26th, 2014

A girl with tattoos (dressed like this), gave me a drink, and a warm styrofoam receptacle, in a plastic bag.


Sadly, I took the the plastic bag home, not the girl.


I put this on a plate at home and ate it. 

It was fucking delicious. 

The end.

Posted by VicariousE - June 7th, 2014


The Pico Day party at the Newgrounds offices left me feeling several things, loss being primary among them.  I have come to realize that I am profoundly sad, at the hastening pace of entropy, on my world, in my country, and in my home and heart.  While loss and change is at the very heart of life, I fear the balance everywhere is... off.  So I'm currently trying to balance years of baggage, on my Libra scales, bear with me, it gets harder as time goes by.
Anyway, all of that is hardly relevant to my presence here.  Why?  It's all about you guys producing content, from the trenches of your lives, uplifting these works to this place, where I have (damn near) always been.  This place might be an electronic fantasy, a fraction of real life, but it is life, and (at least) I am happy to be among you.
Your tired cheerleader,


July 29th - Guess it's time to change the blog diaper soon, but there always seems to be other problems.

August 12th - Derp, can't see well, had to take out my contacts for a while!

August 26th - Well, here I am.

Posted by VicariousE - May 8th, 2014

Pico Day 2014 Pictures - 109 picutres, 187 MB, .ZIP  Each file is under 50 MB.

Listed in the reverse order they were taken... sorry.


Pico Day Stream 2014 by Cyberdevil

Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjNwFgTOebM&feature=youtu.be

Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMP6ppS2Elc&feature=youtu.be

Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTIM-tTyKeo&feature=youtu.be

Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP0zr40T_jk&feature=youtu.be

Pico Day 2013 Pictures - 60 Pictures, 6 MB, .ZIP  Done on my father's cell phone.


FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Gasifier Plans .PDF (high temperature wood-to-hydrogen production, for use in internal combustion engines).  The gasoline to wood ratio is almost 1:10, but it kept many cars running through WWII, when gasoline/petrol was not available for civilian use.


For more information : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasifier

DOE (Department of Energy) Gasifier Applications/Data Sheets .PDF


Emergency clotting agent  This humble plant, called 'rabbit ear' or 'hile leaf (German)', can seal clean wounds.  Once I had a deep copper cut, and this leaf (using the underside of the leaf, for 15 minutes) managed to heal it (copper interferes with healing) quickly.  The key is, to get hurt while it's at maximum potency, May/June.  The length of the purple at it's stem, shows the potency; younger leaves work better. 

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantago_major  (Thanks Cyberdevil!)

Oddly enough, it also beats back gangrene, as evidenced by my father's useage.  He had a crushed pinkie finger, which wasn't properly cleaned, it got infected.... at it's worst, the infection went halfway up his forearm.  A few months later, the surgeon who cut off was astounded it didn't gangrenous... said it was like cutting a piece of butter |:

It's curative properties may be hormonally based.  When eaten, it produced lactation in un-pregnant goats, and especially ponies |:  This plant is common in the NE of the US, unless you live on manicured lawns...


For all artists looking for work:


[This is the last time I'm doing this... if you can think of anything else I can add, lemme know... I'm dumping this at the bottom of my crazy Vault 101 post, for future reference, if, and more likely when, another artist asks for work...]

"You could always hold out your can at NG, your next newspost should be regarding donations and commissions, add the newspost link to your BBS sig (if you venture there much), and proceed as normal. I've always been told there's a dearth of background artists to be had for more upscale productions, but even then, the pay isn't great :\

     At 4 minutes ago, Rhunyc wrote: Excellent man, this is super helpful, I definitely appreciate it! Thank you for taking the time to write this out. I'll be digesting it for sure. Thank you!

     At 1 minute ago, VicariousE wrote: List what you'd like to do, and mention you'd like to be paid here http://www.newgrounds.com/collab/browse/artist

     Look for work, like a cat looks for prey: circle around, outward from home. All businesses could use artists, you just have to convince them with your work. Murals (almost everywhere that's doing well/busy, like old age homes, hospitals, public spaces) and chalkboard art at hotels, restaurants and bars. Just talk to a manager on duty who has the authority to commission a service (out of petty cash usually)."

     Post a few pieces on Craig's List (a homeowner/ local business might want a custom sign). Always have a diversified portfolio to show IRL, create real world examples, or at least, point out how your work would enhance their place.. Stopping in a real estate office might net you a quickie company icon job, a garage might want a custom graphic for flyers or an ad in the local free paper. Don't stop believing you can make a buck and get your name out there, keep the ball rolling towards notoriety and bigger payoffs.]

This IHOP on Route 18 had an "Open for 24 hrs." latex-painted graphic on it's side window, but looks like it needs to be scrapped off and re-done, gotta be worth a few bucks to someone.. I'd offer a metal cased razor scrapper (eraser) in with the deal (maybe even a squeegee; both with a sticker w/ your contact info), so in the future, they can take it down whenever.


Posted by VicariousE - April 27th, 2014

What can I say just now?  I came, I saw, I met.  It's a fantasy in the movies, where the war reporter huddles up against a wall that isn't being shot at, and actually takes the time to write out, what you've plainly just seen on screen.

See in NJ, God willing.  

Posted by VicariousE - March 25th, 2014

I've been visiting other people's blogs here, for a very long time.  Recently, I let my blog responses go for a few days.  There's "68 new blog replies" showing on the FP, and I don't wanna look at 'em, for the foreseeable future.  While I'm grateful for not being ignored, I think it's time for me just to sit back, and let you kids visit me for a change.131385_139574554811_59758.png

All in a day's work.  It's not glamourous, or healthy for me, but it will be done.

Easter Update:  The quickening is here, and soon the long, bumpy drive to points unseen will begin, and the air of Newgrounds will be made manifest in the real world, breathing, laughing, breeding, seeing from many diverse viewpoints.  We are many, we are different, but we all come to the same place, the place that Tom and Wade built.


It's times like this I realize, it truly is love that makes the world go 'round.  It's sad to see the world turn to anger, and worrysome to feel the Earth slow, right before a massive crash.  We sieze the moments of happiness where we can, because they can never come back again, and can keep us alive in dark times. Despite it's overuse, 'hope' is really all we have... and I've never known hope, when she wasn't on a diet |:


Posted by VicariousE - February 15th, 2014


13 years is a long time to invest one's self into something.  I don't know what keeps me here, or what good this is ultimately doing me.  I miss making videos, but after coming here, it seemed old fashioned, and an expensive waste of time.  Alt picture: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/aaa6c804661faadc710c0b6e384b1f72

131385_139467031342_Untitled22msg.jpgUpdate 3/12/14

See, I hate when this happens.  That's like, 1 for every hour I've not been here.  I wonder what the oldest comment responce was... I've gotten some 2 years old, or older!


Holy fudge, it took me 2 hours and 11 minutes to get though all of them!  If only I could small talk like that in real life!

Posted by VicariousE - February 2nd, 2014

The black and white girl on the right, got hit by a car last night, probably trying to follow her mother across the street.


She won't be attacking my feet anymore :\ 

And this might be the bastard who did it! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=345_1390498630

I just noticed this afternoon, that the conduit that channels the electric down into the fuse box, has been pulled away from my house, probably by a severely sagging tree limb.  It's hanging out over 2 feet away from the house; top hanger and screwbolt got pulled out clean.  I'll try and make a new post before this new snow storm tries for a sequel.... which it certainly looks like it will.  Damn.

The snow is bad enough to block my radio/internet signal, so, we'll see...... don't like the weight of snow on the roof, and, please, do not leak.  Anywhere.