Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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VicariousE's News

Posted by VicariousE - January 17th, 2014

There's been some lag with updating or even viewing things in the blogs, as well as user icons and some other random things, so I'm gonna see how fast this updates on my end.

  • There is a picture below, I hope.  Maybe it'll make up for my lack of substance just now....


  • ...and here's a gif....


Huh -- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/mouse-shortcuts-perform-common-tasks?esab=a&s=force+refresh+shortcut&r=0&as=s

Posted by VicariousE - December 15th, 2013

Primary problem being: microwave radiation from my laptop, which is over a decade old.  I tore some stuff in my left hand, and it hasn't healed yet, so I gotta lay off the typing....

Blah, winter.  Oh yeah Happy New Year, lets hope things improve for a change.


Posted by VicariousE - October 30th, 2013

My father horded tools, machines... metal. The farm auction will be in less than 2 weeks, and tons (quite literally) have to get shifted into piles. Therefore, my mind will be saturated with organizational details, and unable to cope with the intellectual discourse of having an open, commentable post.

All in-progress and prospective art commissionaires, please use the PM system. I'll stop by everyone else's post when I can, but I'm just floored with pain and stress. My sis couldn't take it, her immune system went batty after flying in 2 days ago.

EDIT: The auction is Saturday November 9th, and I desperately do not want to be here, for any of it.

Posted by VicariousE - October 23rd, 2013

The following are rhetorical questionz, pertaining to said story
Who are you?
What do you want?
Where are you going?
You do you serve, who do you trust?

What magic from your past, has positively influenced your life now?

Posted by VicariousE - September 15th, 2013

Although more popular in Europe, I followed Asterix the best I could. The bulk of the comics were created before I was born. My brother worked for an importer, who laminated British imported copies of this august series. Grateful for my brothers', expertise, he generously gave him one of each. He gave them to me (instead of pawning them). I gave some away, at least those I had multiple copies of, and the rest, I have to this day, over 30 years later. Many a ketchup sandwich and chocolate milk were had over those pages.... there were some rough times, and Ma always had a gallon of milk.

It took almost 2 years to attain 6 comic books from the British distributor... tariffs, mailing to the US and direct sales weren't their bag it seemed. My mother hand-wrote a letter to them on my behalf, along with an amount of US currency (mail order or check, I disremember which). They called twice to politely protest the request, but eventually relented and sent a few of the copies I requested (that were in stock), along with the British equivalent in funds not used. It's a shame, but I think the 2-3 letters of correspondence with them has been lost.

Asterix in Switzerland: Page 1, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9, Page 10, Page 11- Asterix and the Normans (odd page), Asterix and Cleopatra (odd page), Asterix and Cleopatra (last page), Asterix and the Soothsayer (random page). List of Asterix comic books so far.


Posted by VicariousE - September 1st, 2013

VicariousE joined Newgrounds on: 15 February, 2001
Profile ID:131385 Time on NG: 12 year(s), 6 month(s) and 18 day(s) (=4581 days)
Experience per day: 1.69 Exp. Rank: #3037 Base Voting Power: 6.85 Total Voting Power: 8.63 (26% B/P Bonus)

Experience: 7740 (350 until level 28) Level: 27
What you missed: If you deposited every day, you would have 45810 EXP and you would be Level 60 >:|
Deposit rate: 16.9% Time until next level: 0 year(s), 1 month(s) and 5 day(s) (on 06 Oct 13, that is).

Blams: 768 Saves: 5761 Total B/P points: 6529 Total B/P points acquired today: 33
B/P until next grade: 471 Avg. B/P Points per day: 1.425 B/P Global Rank: #1207 Protect/Blam Ratio: 7.519

Posts: 667 (0.146 per day) Posts that day: 12
Reviews: 316 (0.069 per day) Reviews that day: 12 Review responses: 95 (2 since last log) Response rate: 30.06%
Audio Reviews: 44 (0.01 per day) Audio Reviews that day: 1 Audio Review responses: 32 Audio Response rate: 72.73%
Medals: 3307 Games With Medals Played: 277 Points: 56,475
Avg. total stats per day: 4.061 Total: 18603


Posted by VicariousE - August 29th, 2013

Posted by VicariousE - August 9th, 2013

I've futzed around with many primitive (and damned expensive) computers in the past, like the TI-99/4A, the Apple IIc (was so chuff that it had 128kb of RAM) and the TRS-80 III. But it's the IBM compatible PC's that really opened the window (so to speak) to so many possibilities. Here's the heartfelt list of what I had.

*PortaBox WDC 65C02 1.023 MHz, Apple IIc, cassette tape and floppy drives... everything was glued together, and no expansion slots at all on mine. In a classic boner (Genesis/32X//Saturn) move, they made a different version which could accept upgrades, but only after the Apple IIgs came out. I wrote my first copyrighted piece on that turd, and played many games, more advanced than what 's in the Game Portal right now!

*The Box Pentium Pro 200 MHz, Matrox Millennium 2 MB video card (that could be expanded to a whopping 8 MB), 2GB hard drive, 4 MB of RAM on an awesome Legacy motherboard, which took a pounding from very unclean electricity and still kept ticking. This box was my life's blood for many, many years. I probably spent months watching porn on it.

*Box II AMD 2.4 GHz 64 bit single-core, eGeForce 7100GS (which always claimed it was a 512MB card, but on the back of it, it says 128MB!), ASUS motherboard, 2 GB RAM, 250 GB hard drive, 500 Watt power supply, yadda-yadda... This box was the first one, I ordered parts over the internet to build... borrowed my Ma's credit card to do it. This thing kicked the shit out of the PS2, and ran Fallout 3, F.E.A.R. and Half-Life and all it's modded goodnesses. Took forever to install WIN XP from just a copy of the install disk (has to be bootabale in a very specific way) - ended up installing Server 2000, just to be able to get around the 'bootabale disk' part of it. Necessity is the mutha of all invention, ftw.

*PortaBox II Pentium M 1.60 GHz (yeah, right, an overclocked 800MHz, is what it is) Dell Latitude, 512 MB ROM, utter POS ('piece of shit', not 'point of sale'). Can barely run WIN XP Pro and play a 720i video without choking on its own cud (using the HD as onboard memory, biiig turn-off). This 10 y/o turd was given to me, by a tenant who skipped out owing a few grand :\ Had to use it after Box II got fried on an old, faulty sound card. It's currently microwaving my left hand all to hell >:(

*Box III Under Construction It'd be a high-end six-core AMD, either 16 or 32 GB of RAM, a video card that doesn't cost over a 100$, 2TB SATA hard drive, a whatever size solid-state drive for the OS and browser (thx Tony!), a motherboard (that hopefully can also accommodate older IDE hard drives) that cost at or just over 100$. DVD, big flash drive to extract the info from PortaBox II, a wireless N card and antenna (if they do those sort of things) and an analog to digital A/V converter. And some coleslaw and a pickle (dammit).

....and some mutha-fuckin speakers. Not only a shit-ton of satellite speakers and a box woofer, but also a wireless set (L, R and bass box) that I can keep in the kitchen or move outside :) Figure they have to be at least 200-300 watts capacity, more so for the remote system.

I'd appreciate any suggestions, as to what individual components I should buy. Really need to hear from someone who's very thoroughly impressed with their current speaker system. The cost of this rig, is aimed at the lower high-end, of the retail spectrum.

Time to build another box

Posted by VicariousE - July 28th, 2013

Still feel pretty crappy, but I'm taking actions to correct that. Sorry about word-blocking my past 2 posts... I should realize at least 70 human beings get notified of my cryptic shit-posting, every time I hit the Submit button.

So, over 3 days, I had about 60 responses to what I had said on other people's blogs. Didn't read them. Guess I should. But for genuine love I will, not out of any sense of obligation or reputation. Love, is the only thing that transcends death, the only thing that matters. No gizmo or machine can hold a candle to what love can do, yet it's the hardest thing; to learn, to practice, to truly understand when sometimes you just want to be a cold, unfeeling animal, spared from the pain of it all.

Howya doin? Play any good medal games lately?

Hyper-depression zombie mode

Posted by VicariousE - July 27th, 2013

Dread mon, truly dread.

Still in hyper-depression zombie mode