Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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9.09 votes
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9y 14d


Shit sucks, hope you feel better soon man.
Hold on when you get love, and let go when you give it!

That's the funny thing about love, isn't it? If you aren't willing give it up, the love becomes tainted and counterproductive... evil, even. They say love is ever the more destructive emotion, unless it's kept in check, objective.....

Yeah, I fucked up a few chances at love. Mostly due to my perception of reality.... who does the sun revolve around? Love is blind, and so should its practitioners.

Well at least you are open to discussion now, that's good, but i am in no position to discuss the power of love, i just know the power of love in the context of something that you care so much about, that you start harboring hate towards it, so you know that if you hate it, is because a part of something that you love is probably involved somewhere around there... but other than that, i'm just apathy on flesh.

so lets talk about medal games... you can get heart breaker on The Drawing Grounds
by adding your own name plus a random number, then deleting the turn... alright that's depressing, you can also get the loner medal doing the same but without the random number, and the system itself will tell you that you cant have a game with yourself... i guess i used to be more of a medal whore before haha.

Oh, flesh is irrelevant. Love is (has) a universal scope, and is the one force that will guarantee you life everlasting. I guess that's of a religious bent, but I believe it to be true. Don't expect to attain it myself, but there may be hope for others. If you wish for something long and hard and genuine enough, you will attain it!!

Ah! Thanks much! Can't wait to try it... don't care to play games that have medals and leave unfilled spaces under my name. Being of a different era, makes one determined to achieve. I had a mod in Chat (this morning; first time in a real chat since the late 90's!) accuse me of aspiring to be 'superior' lol; should frequent that poor excuse for pre-21st century IRC more often :) Can't type for shit, but my mind still fires on all cylinders, drunk or otherwise

haha when i wrote "apathy on flesh" i wanted to said it on the incarnated kind of sense.

In psychology when something symbolic dies, like a part of the self, the correct way to surpass the grief is to forgive and move on, creating a new self, to avoid extreme depression and violence, revenge is actually discouraged, so we get to the contradiction of "if you love it, let it go" even if that which you are abandoning was a part of yourself. And this is not even a mechanistic theory...

So what is my point here? that even the most sacred of things, the "self" that which makes us "us", can be tarnished and reformed, changed, diminished under the impunity and horrors of forgiveness, tolerance, and whatever that thing called "honorific memory" is supposed to be under the notions that you already have forgiven the offence committed against a past self, a self that is being replaced with a new one.

So in this world of expendables, disposable and recyclable things, both physical and not, what is supposed to be genuine?

Sorry man for the rambling, but i guess this is what happens when theories collide and they contradict each other.

Also i will try to pay special distrust to anyone over 30 XD hahahaha, oh the irony.

I seem to recall some old fable from grade school, back when they had recent college kids teaching us.... about a king hanging onto a bird or something, but I get what you mean.

Hm, living like a phoenix huh? Another old fable I've forgotten about... gotta be a good website with a list of them. When I first met this Canadian chick here a few years back, she sent me link to a fable I hadn't heard before - guess I'll wade through the PM's to find it sometime tonight.

Fresh eyes see far; there's enough truth in your ramblings (and mine for that matter) for myself and any other reader, to form some reasonable conclusions.

you know in principle is all nice and all, but think about it, remaking yourself implies a life of inconsistency, contradiction, in some cases even hypocrisy, and that is at an internal level, now we have to coexist, live with, even love with Canadian chicks (fine it doesn't have to be Canadian but you get the idea), this life is asking too much, just living with yourself and with what life's is trowing you is already hard enough, really sociologists that take their jobs seriously must be masochist, really hardcore composed bastards, or they just posses one hell of a denial tool.

I think, after you're 5 or 6 y/o, that's who you are for life. Along the way, you'll discover what that means, and you'll develop different ways of coping with things, healthy and otherwise.

Life does ask a lot. Once you get beyond the basics like food and water, what are you? Who are you? It helps to be defined by your goals, otherwise, we're all just aimless cattle, looking for grasses, water and an occasional salt lick.

Yeah the Freudian theory of personality development says that too that our egos are formed fully by the moment we turn 5, luckily im not a big fan of Freud and his sex obsessions... hahaha, oh shit if i say this on university they will burn me, hope they never find this... until the day i get more prestige to trash talk the big minds XD.

Now a telos, a goal that defines a person, i fully agree with that, which is why i disagree, with Freud, i highly doubt that a kid on his 5 even 10 or so and so, is fully aware of what he wants, so far he is still searching and acting on instinct, and goals, the goals of a life can change and with those the things that need to be done for these to be fulfilled, and there is supposed to be a thing behind all that that connects it, that thing is supposed to be changeable too... neuroscience needs to star working faster, meat machines seems more likable than this actual mess, but then again ow deed those meat machines got themselves inside that mess to begin with?

hey man feeling better already?

In another things, i'm planing to make a post on the BBS about the app, but i wonder if i should mail spam this to Tom and the others before i make the post, and someone in another page gets the idea and develops it before NG gets to know about it, since you know it would be more of a "if you see it and like it feel free to do it" type of post, and of course you name will be all over it as the original source of this idea, but don't worry i will be doing this on about 10 days from now or so, since im so lazy, to copy paste should suffice, but that would be too lazy even for me haha.

Well, there's enough truth in the moldy oldies to still be taught... information/history/logic is the beginning of knowledge...

Ah, now that brings up the first years of my schooling... a parade where us 5-6 y.o's show off our coveted future occupations: mine was astronaut, but only after asking and reading about other venues of worth/job/mission/lot in life... none of the other jobs seemed helpful or exciting enough. But from the greek 'telos', to the greek for 'happiness', we wonder what it all means....... as far as neuroscience, check out Henry Markram on wiki; should have his billion dollar projects listed. Read about him in Wired 21/06 - his recursive algorithms on the subject look like wildfire!

Yup, body healed, mind followed :)

Hm, did you see mattser's responses to my gentle inquiries? Actually, a few other websites like dA have similar internal apps, now that idea's out of the brain box... could reference them. Do what leg-work you can on the subject before spamming, and keep the pitch simple, yet full of any reference links they might need. I would mind if Tom staged somekinda telethon.fundraiser thing, to hire or buy the tech he needs to get this site up to competition with the big boys... this old goat served an internet that's long gone - net speed and stronger computers make this site vulnerable to snazzier offerings.

I'm pretty bad at discourses about love and its interactions with flesh and technology. I tend to go on and on about how physical crap allows the expression and articulation of love and forget the whole time to actually be comforting. Social operations are hard because they're immaterial and lack any rigidity whatsoever. It's confusing to talk about how its confusing.

Medals? Been working forever on genocider in M:PN. I had to clear my internet history once and lost half of what I had built up before. About 2/5 there again. The biggest obstacle is that killing madness dudes for that long just gets a little boring.

The body needs matter to survive, just as the brain does... but the brain needs intellectual food to function normally. Why do you think so many Americans are on prescription mind bending drugs? The amount of BS from Hollywood, Wall Street and Washington are enough to drive any one mad, and certainly aren't feeding the mind with good things.

Ooh, think I know that game... lots of little rooms to clear? Yeah, gotta backup that flash cache if you wanna go forward later on... FF should have an add-on for that, but I'm too lazy/busy to look.

I clear my cache so often, I got shocked when an in-game ad here, showed a roadmap to the closest hardware store, freaked me out! Even wrote to Tom about it on his blog :\ I should know better to browse more than one site at a time.....

Astronaut is the best fucking job ever! it always was and it will always be! the moment some one stops wanting to be an astronaut something inside them dies, i know that because my 4th disguise for Halloween was that of an astronaut, with a baddass helmet and air tank, and after that... Halloween and disguises lost all meaning to me, since i never was a fan of sweets and candy all that was hollow, i touched the pinnacle of awesomeness playing make believe astronaut, and my previous disguise was as power ranger blue with a triceratops, and let me tell you triceratops are fucking cool, and power rangers even if silly were also cool, but none of that compared to being an astronaut, it was so damn neat, i cant remember any other Halloweens beside those 2, i was somewhere around 8 or so, and that was it, astronaut just powns everything, superman? batman? wolverine? spider-man? you just bring it and astronaut trashes it!
but even i give up on being an astronaut... no idea why since being an astronaut, is so damn cool! god now i am realizing i will live the rest of my life regardless of what i do as a lesser being that is not a fucking awesome astronaut! bet the only thing cooler than astronaut would be space pirate, but we are too primitive for that... and astronaut would be 2nd and the only thing they need to do is to float in space, and there awesomeness achieved.

I will give Henry a search.
Yeah i read your comment on Mattster, is great that he is considering it, even with the server issues.
No deviant art doesn't has anything like this, they have a drawing thing called DA-muro, like a lesser way inferior Photoshop wannabe, but it sucks way too much and no one uses it, other than to show how bad it is.
As far as NG goes and DA, they both would need to get dedicated servers, since DA server sucks a great deal, even more than NG's server, DA can't play flash for shit, what they have is advertisement and a marked option to buy and sell art, but i do think artist would do better cutting off the middle man that is DA, at least the ones i care for and that actually make me go to that page.
also haha this comment is more than half just me talking about how awesome astronauts are XD.

Well, it's a bit dated, but check out this 80's flick called 'Ice Pirates'... or 'Battle Beyond the Stars', that last one is totes mahgoats, bruh! Yeah, we aspire to seek, to strive, to find and never surrender... or something an old poet once wrote. Yeah, an astronaut would even pawn Asterix and Superman.... the scope of happiness is only restrained by reality... and we really need a bitchin' space program to do that... we should have drones in space for crissakes!!

He's headin up a huge EU program on a virtual brain, and his work mapping a rat's neo cortex is an extremely promising start. Dude's like the Billy Mayes of neuroscience....

Ah, okay....wasn't gonna log on to my old, dead dA account to try out muro.... site documentation about it looked suspiciously vague O_o You're right about dA's servers being a bit poopy, and NG isn't any better, if Alexa/Whois are to be believed... The NG staff is full of guys in their 30's, happy they got a decent job and/or family... getting them to splurge on a new server might be a hard sell... maybe not. But innovation has sure saved a lot of hineys from obsolescence :|

not sure what to say , but i came here to tell u one thing : you're awesome

Awww dude, that is so awesome, thanks!! Got me misty eyed and everything!

Too bad I wasn't awesome enough, to properly PM this one lady, who happens to live in my state... she was all like, lol, wat? Just hope my IRL game, isn't as lame.

it's not the end of the world we all fail to learn

Yea :( Rusty at the art of woo, I guess... doesn't really translate well online, always end up writing too much, when ladies like a bit of mystery.

haha oh man! the spaceship of "Battle Beyond the Stars" has boobs! damn it may be an awesome movie or a total failure, there is no middle ground with designs like that.

I don't know... drones in space seems like the economic, rational, and technological thing to do, but that means less astronauts =(, we spend too much on war and drugs and too little on space development, hoarding power is always a priority over the general well being of the planet.

Yeah he has a contract with IBM to make a computer that would be able to emulate a brain, and his investigations upon neuron connections seems to be very influential.

I think they can make a mock server which wouldn't really cost much, and see how it does initially, then proceed with a dedicated server, and update it as they go, plus it would bring more attention to the art portal, the store, the page in general, and it would fix the problem that all the artist have when ones say that you cant make it here if you don't draw porn and the others that porn is not getting the credit it deserves, and they all are right, porn IS overrated, and thus doesn't needs any bust from the page, thus not getting any bust from the page, while still overshadowing the other artist that don't engage into porn, with that issue fixed, and the art portal getting an increase in visits and users, plus a more active store, the server would be able to self sustain itself, and they can even use advertisement, or even if i personally don't like the idea premium features, but this last one is for a more desperate situation that i don't thing would be necessary, also if it gets implemented to the flash portal, well damn i guess they are settled for life. Also unlike with DA-muro i don't thing that this app needs to force the users to use a determined drawing tool, since most of them already own their own programs, an others do traditional art, that's why i made the twitch.tv/YouTube reference back on Sabtastic blog, this may save lots of time and resources, since they don't have to develop a drawing program this way, and it gives lots of more freedom to the artist, it totally surpass whatever DA has now.

ha this one was more on topic but equally large, i'm getting better at this!

At the time, I didn't even notice the tits, till my sister mentioned it :| Same went for Firefly (the ship Serenity's bridge), till I bought the DVD's.

Ah well, there's always a need of a good drone mechanic. All those little bits of rock flying around at massive speeds, ultra nasty radiation frying components, thruster tanks to be filled... I could be a space gas station attendant! Can still remember those guys wearing uniforms and neat paper hats, asking to check to oil and fluids... back when most jobs paid a living wage :\

Hm, considering a lot of kids come here for porny type stuff, can't see how infrastructure changes would help. I... premium content is a bit of an issue for Tom, justifiably so. While I'm glad i don't have ads slowing down my crappy connection and computer, I wouldn't want any other special treatment or features. No need to promote privilege, or hold it over the other members heads... that's what governments and businesses do.

As far as the tech side of things, I have no clue. All I can do is suggest the simplest course of action... and I'm sure interconnecting ppl's art programs to NG would be an impossible thing to do, even if it was MSpaint. NG would have to create a secure port for a secure app to be able to do such a thing as draw with others in real time. For all I know, there's a CC version of what we'd want, already out there!

Woa Nietzlawe is quite good on his speeches! semantics and sementics... cement, dem puns!

Na man, a change of infrastructure that would help separate adult content from the rest allowing for credit to be put where is due is exactly it, especially since is a reality that both parties are experiencing, they don't feel they are getting the most out of their uploads, and is in part thanks to that duality.

Not really interconnecting the art program itself, but the file, let me recapitulate, our ideas may differ and that is excellent:
- As an example: we have here a pixel artist who works using MS paint, this fella here is particularity good in the sense that it can work quite fast, under the spam of an hour lets say.
- So he want to do a collab, he goes to NG, logs in and opens an stream, initially the stream will show his creative posses , and there is a chat in the side he interacts with the audience, pretty normal stuff, thing about a drawing with Jazza live-stream.that in and of itself is already interesting, anyway.
- Then his partner connects to the stream, a second screen appears showing the 2nd artist area, this guy is a traditional artist meaning that he doesn't work with Software to make his art, but he does publish it digitally, so of course this guy would need a camera that connects from his work space to his PC which is making the stream, so far this is still nothing new is just 2 streams with 1 chat...
- So the 1st guy finish his pixel art, it can be whatever, and sends the file using the NG app, this will then convert the file in a variety of format, is possible the most common would be .PNG, and send it to the PC of the 2nd guy, again nothing new here we can do that with E-mails, chats, etc, and there are plenty of conversion programs out there.
- The 2nd guy receives the file, all of this is on real time, so now he goes an prints it, and works on it, then scans, and sends the file again, every time the file pass by the NG app, this makes a copy to have a contrast of the changes in the file, which can be seen on the stream.
- Now what if there is a 3rd guy, not a traditional artist but a digital artist too, instead of MS paint he uses Gimp, well no problems, because, the app would do the adaptation in real time, and it would be even faster than with the traditional artist.
- All of this while there is an audience watching.

Yup, Nietz is a proper wordsmith alright.

Eh, if anything, NG should work on their speed of delivery... seems to be that ISP throttling issue or it could be the aging NG server.

Man... if only most paid software had that much functionality. Big prob: GIMP would need a plug-in to send live info out, and have to be in a way another app can read. So far as I know, there isn't any software or app like it in existence.

Ok so here is when things start, on ms. Sabtastic post, i postulated the idea of how this can be used to relieve stress from the artist, being it that there is an audience watching them work, while still entertaining the users, and i believe i got myself out of that just fine.

So now we have this, that other than a streaming server, chat, file sharing, conversion service, the server itself, a community, and store, all the other services are running by the artist expenses, and even if there is already decent drawing freeware, NG hasn't made anything his own, well that may be, but lets say they start with this, and then they develop their own drawing software like in "The Drawing Grounds", and this will of course be implemented to the aforementioned system, well that would be great, but lets face it, not only would take forever to make, it would be expensive, and it has a high risk of ending like that garbage of DA-muro, but why? simple because even if it works just as fine as Photoshop, there wouldn't be any artist familiar enough with the program to get the best out of it, so it would take even more time to start making it shine, and i know that in the "The Drawing Grounds" there are quite splendid works, all the more for such a simple program compared to others, but the most complex a thing the harder, this is a reality which i would like to avoid, that no one uses the app because it forces the users to work with a tool that may not give them what they want or makes them uncomfortable, for example i find it hard to draw in the The Drawing Grounds just because i cant zoom in, unlike MS Paint, but the good thing is: that one isn't an app featured in the page, is not live at all, etc.

So for what we are scheming to propose, we need the artist to feel comfortable, and what is more comfortable than to use the medium of your trade?
so in short i think this can be made, without too much expenses by the NG team, and without a dedicated Drawing software, but it would need a conversion one.
what else? just spread the word that NG has the service, and people will flock to it, think about the Shadman and Zone-sama making a live collab? i myself wouldn't watch it, but i have to be retarded if i don't acknowledge that people will love to see those perverts working together live XD.

Ah, so you're talking of livestreaming on NG, huh? Then maybe use a clone of the featureless NG Chat thing... There is one active server (stats, updates, uploads), while the other is for storage. The active server gets pounded, and I doubt it could handle LAN speed throughput... they would have to buy a new server for active content.

So... a conversion api, so NG can be the hub of a multi art program, real-time collaboration. It's just art programs aren't wired to output work like that, they'd all need plug-ins of some kind... and what about scaling the resolutions between artists (who use all kinds)? Setting presets in a web browser....

It was just an idle thought..

part 3 of this madness!
*uhum clears throat* still with me Mr. Vicarious? fine.

So now to make a program that allows 2 or more users to work in a piece of art, at the same time, but not by turns, but in real time... that is the other way i can interpret this idea, that is also a great idea, a little bit more complex, and it would either be developed by its own drawing software, or by a software that allows an user from one PC to intervene in the OS of another, being so that he is working from his PC but with the resources of the other one, pretty much like hacking, that idea will get someone in jail XD, and it would ask for both artist to know how to work with each other software, so lets stick with either sharing the file which would mean the existence of turns even if the delay is minimum, or using a NG drawing app, mmh, yeah this version is more complex, not only needs the artist to be comfortable with the tool itself, they also need to know how to make a nice thing while working on it at the same time, yeah it gets more to a problem of the artist themselves, how fast and well they can adapt to the software and how good they can work with each other at the same time in the same space, the 1st issue can be worked by the developers themselves, it would take time and resources but it can be done, the server would be a more powerful one too, as for the second one well that would depend entirely in the artist, unless an study to see what makes the synergy between them fail is done, such a thing would take even more time, and probably skills and knowledge that is not related to the NG staff, all the more seeing how in cooperative multiplayer games we can observe these sort of things, think about Dota 2 a game which both Jazza and i myself love, it requires a lot of team play, and still you see the most awesome fails, and that is game with team cooperation at its core.

so that is what is in my mind as far as this goes, what are your thoughts Mr. Vicarious? are we even thinking the same thing XD? or did i bastardized and transmuted your idea? haha, i think i gave this too much thought and now am losing the thread.

Ah, more succinct now...
What you're describing is not unlike a online racing game, which depends on a good connection speed, buffering.... Chat seemed to buffer quite well at shit connection speeds, but multiply that by, not one, but 2 or 3 sources!

Sure and security is an issue.

Dude. You only got 5 BBS posts to your name, have you seen how fast a photoshop thread gets belted out? ["Photoshop Bruce Willis": What would it be like if he had hair again?] Cropped hair pictures and actual drawing takes but a few minutes with this crowd! Chuck it in the dump, then copy the link, then paste. Easy peesy.

If I get invited next year (to NG HQ), I'm going to pop an Adderall and bend the ears of the staff, no end! Each one of them program NG independent of each other - the server is the collab ground.

Tom is the ramrod would should be getting these guys together at least once a month, for a full day, to talk shop. The programmers of NG are few, and they have some side jobs as well...

But, we're talking about an attractive addition to NG, are we not? They're still fettling the code and living their lives... it's been over a year since they switched to this type of server software.. big change, and learning curve too. Then Tom's worried about getting the bare minimum of 'must haves' taken care of first - mp4, html5 games, phone capable viewing :) They doing pretty good!

Aventador, and yeah I already voted on the top 10

That is one beautiful looking thing isn't it? Looks like it was made just after Audi took over.
Nah, just wondered if you even got a PM, or if it just showed up unannounced on your Settings tab is all. Dunno why I should inquire - the staff will do as it pleases.

Just almightily shocked that Tom actually implemented 2 of my ideas already! The PM notification (actually, I was hoping for an exclamation on the Settings gear) for monthly voting, and the extra slots in the Classic Portal (was hoping for at least 75 recent submissions), which looks perfect the way it is now. *toot toot!*

cryptic shit-posting? nah, not at all man, you are def. one of the top blog posters-commenters on NG. although nietzlawe made a shit post below (literally).

Coming from you, that's high praise indeed, thank you so much!

Ah, his mirthful words more than make up for some doody here lol

you bastard I thought we had a connection! talkin computer builds and nerdy stuff.

Shit man, we do! I grew up at the dawn of computers, but still lived in the dirt and mysteries of life... besides, my warranty's almost up - makes sense to engage in discourse of philosophical natures.

That kitten (above) almost got killed by the serpentine belt of a Chevy V8 in late June :| Took almost a full week before I could say, "She'll live, don't have to put her down with a 22LR bullet." Her brother died the same way a few days before (from the belt or fan, not a bullet)

A lady almost took her home yesterday... the fuck, I had been up since 4:30a that morning, and she comes over around 6 or 7p, wanting me to brave the busy road with my old man's front loader, to move some wood :|

Holy, are you on every front page post? :D

What? You mean, do I speak to every artist who has the option of a Front Page newspost? I think I only spoke to 2 artists that are there right now... I owe them a few words for all the work and beauty they show us here!

Or do mean the bottom of the FP, where you can leave a message, if you have that single secret available (think you get it after Level 7)?

Heh, I realized my post was kind of ambiguous after I hit submit.

I was referring to front page posts though, I don't actually check/read them frequently, but I think the last 4 or so I saw had a comment from you, so obviously if 100% of the front page posts I've seen had a comment from you, it means you've commented on all of them!

No, it only means I commented on all the ones you saw, not all of them! I hit up key posts, just to appear as though I comment on all of them... clever, huh? Makes me look like a total-fan boy and a rectal slut for this website :3

Gasp is a cat! doesn't matter dogs are better they even taste better Koreans and Chinese alike agree that dogs taste better, thus dog wins even in that, a best friend that you can eat if things get awfully bad, like a giant meteor or a solar burst...

Well my idea was less revolutionary, not really a plug in between programs, but a file converter that ultimately what would be doing is preserving the details of the drawings beyond what a .JPG or .PNG offers, whit the possibility of saving layers if there are, now i don't know how hard would be to get a better functional format than a .PNG.
Now security... yeah im somehow ashamed because in my excitement i didn't even bother to factor human nature in all of this, yeah i guess people will try to sabotage and desecrate whatever they find interesting enough to hack into.

Is not like it is a secret, but i guess i have a fear to internet forums, not really a phobia, but if i participate i may like it a little bit too much, and just like a drug, i will end creating an addiction to myself, and i don't know if i have the time to fall into addictions beyond gaming, art and comics.

Yeah, the formats update for the site were great, the hmtl5 and mp4 really helped (even if i miss the loading bars XD), and the mobile options would make want to buy a more decent phone haha, so yeah pretty please Mr. Vicarious bend their ears into this idea the moment you see them all together or individually, like an assassin that collects the ears of his victims!

Also Japaneses to date, still conserve the ground toilets, and they argue that it has health benefits... it must, since they still have those things or they are just a bunch of perverts, but a thing is a fact here, they all get to live over 90 and 100 years of age, excrete your way to longevity!

I've talked to a few other programmers about what NG's API's can do... not much, but it's getting better. Technically, NG can do server based save-games via the NG Dump (which is pretty secure), but not many have done so. Everyone's got their dreams and goals... far be it from us to start diverting attention.

Guess the trick is, to read the whole thread, and say what hasn't been said.. and not much more. Plenty of ppl with nothing better to do than to make it a debate club..., when really, the truth points to itself.

Yeah... again, it comes down to manpower/hours. Tom's been doing pretty well and always surprises me with his ideas and motivations... just wish he had more time to do either the website, or the stuff going in the website. Either way, he's on it, over 40 hours a week!

Well, you look at where people evolved. Fish and rice is what that island produces, so yeah, they gonna live longer. Some Italians live as long, and eat very fatty things, and yet don't get fat... import a native American there, and it's death by fat.

You go shooting? Off topic but..

No, I stay on my property and shoot. No sense in going out to shoot at paper, if it's gonna cost me. But don't practice like I should thanks to: cost of ammo, half a perimeter full of McMansions, and immature police.
Nah, the cops are okay, I just don't like random animals getting scared into the roadway. Only time I usually shoot, is when I have a raccoon, possum or a groundhog in a box trap. Could probably drown the thing, be cheaper...

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