Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
9.09 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
9y 14d


Oh cool :D

Respect, yo, thanks!

Muahaha my stats are better than yours! >:D

You suck Viper :|
If I had a quarter of all those unlogged votes under my belt, I'd be Level 30, easy |:

I'd hate to do the math.... from 2002 to 2010 I couldn't log in.... but I voted at least once a week in that time. Truly fucked up broheim.

Aw ;-; Why you gotta hate, steve?
If I got my exp every day I'd only be at like level 33....though if I voted on stuff in the portal every day since I started I would have easily been a Supreme Commander by now. Or at least a regular Commander (or whatever the rank before SC is called....).
Also I'm a couple posts away from hitting 7600 :3

Takes (took) a lot of looking at shit to get Commander rank yo.

Have to admit, you're a presence in the BBS. Another nut in the looney bin of texting youths.....

Austerity PMed just now. He's ditching NG, so I gave him my email and my honest regards :\

Yeah it does....then again I'd also have more than only 1000 b/p points too ._.

Eh not really....I'm not much of anyone in the BBS.

He is? Why? Also he never got to my interview thing for that 13 questions thingy he was doing ;-;

He blanked out his account, all those interview links go to nowhere now

Unless someone wants to recreate his work, by asking for PM original responses..... he shoulda just made another account, and left those interviews there :\

I see.....well I guess I'll never get my interview put up ._. then again it doesn't really matter even though I kinda would like to see them put up somewhere. I wouldn't volunteer for that kind of thing though. But yeah he could try to find someone else or make a new account just for those and finish the rest of the interview things he didn't put up yet.
Also I was interviewed by Asandir and thats all that matters to me when it comes to interviews on here :3 I WAS interviewed by thedark but he never put it up.

Was I interviewed by tehdark?? Don't remember... how sucky is that?
I don't think I saw that interview you gave... got a link to it?

The one for Asandir?

Yup that it
Haha, yeah, him interviewing me for... historical purposes? nah, I never checked the BBS... except that one day when 700+ folks were in the BBS (was on a Saturday, right?) Was so chuff that that many Newgrounders were online at once! :)
You're bi-polar? Huh. Man, we're all fucked up |:

You got some cool responses!

It'd be a more interesting interview than mine was....
I'm always on the BBS. Always....

Yeap ._.
Cool responses? o.O

The comments to your interview... Eh, maybe if he asked me one question at a time... otherwise, it seems like a form, impersonal :\

Oh okay.
Ya mean the fact I got Daethdrain, Jolly, Cyberdevil, and Murray (Bahamut) commenting on it?

Hell ya! Those are some good blokes!

Man... I gotta order some computer parts tonight. This laptop barely runs Road of the Dead :|
Labor day sales n what not

Ah okay. Also I am "friends" with Bahamut and Cyberdevil on here ._. Not Daethdrain or Jolly though. I tend to wait for people to send me friend requests instead of sending any out myself.
And I'm also friends with Bahamut on Facebook.
Fyi the reason he changed his name to Murray is because thats his last name.
Dunno why he went by "FromADistance" for awhile....

Well have fun with the ordering computer parts. I'm going to see if I can take my computer into the dude who worked on it the last time it needed work done to see if he can get past that lock screen and get that virus I somehow came into contact with off my computer. Then I can get it back home and I WILL get my files moved to my new external hard drive like I've been meaning to do so I don't have to worry about losing them. I also need to get the files off of my old one on there too....

Eh, that's why I shy away from the BBS... impersonal. I've talked to CyderD quite a lot... he's in the mountains on a very long vaca atm. So Bahamut is now Murray?

Hmm, well see how fun it is :p So you can't just hit alt-ctrl-del, and see what's running, that fucks your computer up?

Yeah it is....though I like the BBS. Theres some interesting people on there ._. and some not so interesting people I wouldn't mind throttling for a bit. I've been wonder where Cyberdevil went off to....and yep he is ._. I wish he'd stop changing his username. He's almost as bad as Natick, haha.

Nope I can't. I've tried multiple times. Literally nothing I can do lets me get off that lock screen longer than like 10 or so seconds so I can't check anything on my computer.

Pff yeah, don't even remember what CyberDevil's old name was... Nah, that one weird guy from LA's even worse than Natick.... now he's something-Phoenix

Sux to hear about your box bro... where d'you think the bug came from?

I wasn't even aware he had a name before being Cyberdevil ._.
Isn't he like Phoenix-Nightmare now?Also Natick had a bunch of name changes in the matter of a couple months.

No idea. I don't go on any sites that'd give me anything like what I got.

Hmm, if not the internet, what about those music CD's you buy.... maybe someone snuck a virus on one? Maybe either of your siblings went to a site known for bugs, while you weren't looking? Had to come from somewhere.....

I don't see how ._.
And no one other than me uses my computer. I make sure of it. My computer is password locked :3 and no one here knows what my password could be and I doubt they'll find out because of how I worded the hint thing for my password.

Hint thing? Rly? Didn't know there was such a beast.... guess now there is.

Still, wonder where that bug came from... CyberCommand? Chinese military hackers... the Syrians, the Israelis??

Also did you vote for the Best Of August yet? ._.

*looks down, kicks rock*

wer mah pee em?

Yeah? Like if you forgot your password it gives you a hint as to what the password is so in case you forgot you have something that may or may not jog your memory as to what it is.

I guess the Syrians need my computer to learn the governments secrets ._. It's the only explanation.

I did. Though I screwed up and didn't put the submissions in the order I wanted before I clicked the button to submit my thingy for voting....
(i just dragged and dropped em in there before doing anything)

Mmm, that didn't help when I lost my old ISP's email, and webmail (so it was called) was damn expensive.....

Nah, it's war games/pre-offensive, everyone's doing it :|

Eh, my votes seldom go 'with he grain'.... hope one of us wins teh 100 buckaroos

Ah okay ._.

I doubt very very VERY much I'm going to win anything. I screwed up and put Pull The Wire as #1 and Road Of The Dead 2 as #6 ._.

Well its like 12:50 here...so I'm more than likely going to be going to bed soon.

Almost 2am fer me... rain tomorrow and the dumpsters (plural) have to get filled :( Hopefully my sis will stay inside and concentrate on her paperwork, while I strain my back moving stuff around.

Night homie, hope tomorrow treats you right

What a journey it has been.

Lots of stuff happened: 9/11, shit-tons of jobs, a few wars, shit-tons of sitting on my ass, 2 presidents, both my parents died, many friends moved away, many cats died... though my parents cat is still alive.

It was supposed to rain today but as far as I know it hasn't rained here....

rained this morning but I'm soaked now from humidity, trying to fill up the dumpster before they come tues

So....check Nick's comments and see what I did today ._.

You mean forking over 75$ to get your PC unbugged?


Heh, thanks. I found out about Newgrounds through (of all ppl) Howard Stern, when his radio show was on NYC radio... he was starting to suck by then, but her mentioned a few websites I manged to scrawl down quickly, before he gave up on touting other ppl's stuff without being paid for it :|

I still remember when this page was updated more frequently: http://www.users.fast.net/~tfulp/index2.html

Yeah ._.
But I honestly can't do anything about it myself because I'm completely locked out of it because of whatever virus I somehow got in contact with.

You and your slutty computer lol

I was hoping there'd be some good Labor day deals on computer stuffs... not really. Comparison shopping on all the components can fry yer head

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