Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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I can't say I have any input since I'm more into Laptops, but being techy, this was a interesting read. You definitely have some history starting from those olden day machines. Must have been a blast.

I like a Desktop for how much you can customize with it, but I'll always prefer a laptop for the portability. I love to be able to take it places. Even though some people speak against it, I'll be fetching a "gaming laptop" someday, not just going for it by brand of course, but by the specs.

Eh, it was okay, but there wasn't much progress in transistors in the 70's and 80's that you'd notice, still didn't have enough RAM to play around with. Once speed and memory got better, the programming could be more robust... then there was the learning curve... Still, there was enough clever code to keep things moving forward.

Yeah, I just don't like getting my hands cooked, so even a newer laptop might not be a good fit for me. Quite glad you'll be using your brain for your next laptop... Apple products are pricey and not all that powerful, name brands vary depending on who's supplying the chips.. but usually, if the thing doesn't burn out in 24 hours, it's good for life.

To run a laptop is very good on electricity usage, I'll grant you that. I don't travel much, but when I do, I'm usually pretty busy... and I do worry about catching something off of free wi-fi

Box II was awesome, i really can't remember the specs of the PCs that i have go through.

dude what is with that Box II specs? at first i was 16 - 32 gigs of RAM! damn son you going full body, that monster, the i read you will get only 2 terabytes of memory, dude really? at least get 5...
as for the wireless part, i'm not really all that hung oh on wireless technology, it has failed me a bit too many times on too many crucial points, is cable still for me.

my sounds system, is some HP headphone set, so i don't count or this one.

Well, even low end computers rarely give you 4GB of RAM memory any more, new standard seems to be in the 8-16GB territory. And the prices seem on the low end these days...

And, shit, I started out with a 2GB HD.. They sell HD's that hold up to 4TB, but that kinda money I wouldn't want to spend.

A good pair of headphones will do you for a spell, but nothing beats nice, clear loud speakers!!

Well i actually care for my neighbors, which means that i want to ignore them, without fucking over the life of the guy next door, that is actually not fucking my life.

They are not all that expensive, we are talking about a desktop PC and not a Laptop right? because a Laptop of 5TB can really be a pain in the wallet, but for PC they really have come lower, i bet that if i invest the same i got for my 1TB PC today i can get 3TB, really, technology is so unfair to consumers, while being fair at the same time... you go and buy something and half a year passes, the next gizmo is out same price, better everything, and you fall to the ground and scream XD.

Ah, my neighbors and I are pretty close, seeing as I'm 1/3rd their landlord.

Yeah, laptop's aren't cost effective short-term for performance. I had considered buying from a Goodwill store, but I'd prefer new. Besides, I'm overdue for some hard core gaming.

O_o there is no 5TB anything out there, except maybe in a larger server size, idk.....!
Nah man, it's always been that way, hence, my ownership history above! Thousands of decent 20th century dollars went out the door, for a piece of the tech dream. Computers aren't cars, yo.

SATA Laptop HDD Total 5TB, im pretty sure that the architect who was asking for it was not drunk when he entered the shop yesterday when i was buying a new UPS.

Which talking about, is giving me problems the damn thing disconnected after i run a self test of 10 seconds, it allowed me to see how it passed from 100% to 74%, then the goddamn agent became unable to made a connection... i don't know if is the UPS problem or the Winpower was badly programmed... so i downloaded this other program , what a magnanimous pain in the arse, all this so i can see how is the battery of the goddamn UPS, but by the moment i can see it i bet it would be fully recharged, man why can they make this things with a tinny screen in the side that tells you hey man look i am at 50% i can't believe this bullshit, update bad luck the 3 programs that i downloaded, one is a multipurpose system monitor that does everything but connect to the ups, the other one is red manager which want to run on my browser?!!, and the last one is too damn fishy, man why is that people don't work on Sundays? what if i get a power outage and this thing fails on me? what is the point of getting this thing to begin with? if it burns 30% of the charge in 10 seconds? is supposed to last more than 10 minutes the goddamn guide even dares to boast of 22 min, what a load. of. bull. shit.

Yeah, total! Laptops are just big enough to house 2 hard drives, so, sure, one electronic sandwich (what my Pop called a laptop) could store that much info on it. Most architects drive Saabs or higher end BMW's :|

Ooh yeah, I know the problem you mean (more for laptops than UPS systems). Batteries suck, but the programming behind them sucks even more. Even how to properly charge different types of batteries is still an evolving science... you'd think they'd just admit they need a firmware update, and go that route, but nah, they want yo money!!

Have you tested it for duration versus what the 'idiot light' tells you? I'm sure the system shuts down so there's no possibility of power fluctuations.

Excerpt from last comment to Back-From-Purgatory: Yeah, when the power fluctuates, bolt for switch to turn it off all the way! I got one on my desk that's always on when it's plugged in (no rocker switch on the back). I lost some good amped speakers, thanks to inconsistent power, even when the thing was turned off (again, power supply always on, and dishing out juice to a delicate little circuit board).

Yeah electricity is our biggest friend and enemy, second only to water.

That "idiot light", it really deserves that name along with the stupid beep alarm, the problem here is that a 10 minutes test translates to over 8 hours of charging, and i wan't to go tomorrow and check in front of them that they may have sold me a defective product, it was all Saturday afternoon and night charging that thing, and today i decided to happily and joyously tried it, like a kid on Christmas, that just finds his so called PlayStation may be a PollyStation that runs on cartridges....

As for the actual test with the system shut down as to avoid power fluctuations, if this all fails i don't think my PC will have the time to actually shut down, i have see these things happen before, perfectly running bastards whit nothing connected at, but once they get hooked up to a monitor and CPU, the thing empties in a flash, i don't want that for mine, that is why like a coward the self test i decided to run was of only 10 seconds, and the only way i was able to get back the connection was with a system restart, and of course wonders of technology the damn thing tells me it has 100% charge, fair enough in those 10 sec it was running normally, but man if i have to restart my PC each time i want to have a LAN between it and the UPS, i feel like i am getting robbed...

Anyway Mr Vicarious i will tell you how my batteries adventures end tomorrow, good luck with your Box III, and i hope you find a beastly sound system, but please don't go deaf with it XD.

Nah, water's the first enemy :| One burp, and all those coastal cities on Earth will be.... gone.
Electricity is the glue that keeps 7 billion (more or less) fed, very scary.

Anyway you could just return it? I make sure I like a product within a few hours after I bought it... but in your situation, can see why, and the other hurdles... man, what a bitch.

Thanks man, the parts shouldn't be a problem, but buying speaker set is the real challenge... wish I could get my old one fixed, was the best present I ever got from a friend!!

Wait you are trying to build a PC? :D

Yep. Hardest thing to choose would be the motherboard. Memory's pretty easy. HD would have to be a Seagate, because I've only seen one that went bad, and that one fell off a shelf (with the rest of the PC) after a kid had just lost a game e_0

I know this person, who builds PCs for a living and he is a user here on NG!
The users name is Zanthas and he helped me and a few other guys on here build our PCs.
<a href="http://zanthas.newgrounds.com/">http://zanthas.newgrounds.com/</a>
Hes willing basically to help anyone! Give him a PM and I will tell him about it too!

Say, that's nice of ya, thanks! It's been 6-7 years since I built my last one... learned a lot by doing it, no hints, tips or tricks while doing it, outside the funny-papers included (assembly instructions).

Somewhere in the BBS, there's a computer building thread... gonna find it, and post it there once I get all the mail order parts in.

It will be a while before I can even take the new computer online... been using XP for quite a while.

I'm back, and well, we did the UPS test there, and it worked just fine, what we changed was the software to monitor the UPS, this one has a less fancy interface, but can maintain the connections, so i guess i can finally relax.

Man so you want to install speakers all around your house, the kitchen the bathroom, living room, the entrance, the sailing, cellar, basement, study room, bedroom, and all that? those are indeed a shit-ton of satellite speakers, and you want to move them outside?!! damn you party animal!

That's good news Mr. Roar! Who else lives with you? Is this a family computer you have the UPS on?

Nahh, just some ones around the computer itself, and a pair for the kitchen while I'm doing dishes or something outside.. I live on a small farm, so the 3 speaker combo will have to be pretty good ;)

Well i practically live by myself, but my mother is supposed to live here too, and then there is my dog, this computer is personal, thus i am the only user. My mother has her own PC and a laptop, and well i am responsible of whatever happens to my things, so that UPS really was this | | close to give me an ugly punch, is not like students make lots of money...

So small farm eh? and you want 3 speakers to cover up the whole thing? also is a farm, farm like a real farm, or a house with a really spacious green zone? and if yes... what kind of farm is it?

Mixture of both, because you really can't farm hills... I'm not South American, so I don't know how to do terraces... only know that when it rains, everything gets flattened out :|

Dirt farm, produce like tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkins.. as opposed to critters, worm castings, sod..
Nah, just something I can put on the porch and blare, the range on those things isn't all that crash hot anyway

Maybe i am misinterpreting but, is that a vegetable farm that produces tomatoes, or it just happens there is a garden with those kind of veggies there? mi mother once tried to grow some tomatoes and potatoes (even i got to grow potatoes in school) in some small artificial hydroponic garden, but since she is never here... they all died or got consumed by max (my dog).

mmmh zucchini... what is the difference between zucchini and cucumbers? they all seem the same to me in the middle of my ignorance...

The former of the two. Nothing 'just happens' on a farm.. all things must be cultivated, seeded fertilized, de-weeded, protected, pruned, picked and hauled. Worse part is trying to find someone to buy at a fair price :| There's some wild strawberries, blackberries, wild rye, horseraddish and wild onion around, unless I mow em down or not notice they're there.... that stuff's uncultivated.

Zucchini gets big, has little taste and a bit waterier, goes out of a thick bunch of broad leaves, they come in green and rarely yellow, kinda like squash. Cucumber is smaller, made into pickles, grows on a vine.

"Has little taste" well that may explain why i cant remember... hey talking about pumpkins do people actively buy them outside October? i know a lot of tasty dishes made out of pumpkins, but damn is like they disappear in all the other months, and is not just because is a seasonal plant, since i have seen them on stand in different markets all around the year, but the big ones are such pricks like if people only purchased pumpkins for decoration and they were not actual food, other things are Christmas ham and sauce, you get access to them like for 3 months... what about the rest of the year?!! i hate you capitalism!!

Nah, they just buy them to rot on their doorstep... why mess around trying to make pumpkin pie from pumpkin, when there's perfectly good canned stuff out there?

They blow up real nice tho

Well i actually have only cooked with the small kind of pumpkin, for the aforementioned pie that i did not make but kinda helped make, and some sweet rice and salad which is what i actually made, and you know it maybe just be because i made it, but it tasted damn good XD, and as a lazy person i love canned food, but there is this thing that not caned ingredients give when you make what you eat, well when i don't make what i eat i couldn't care less as long as is done fast and it tastes decent hahaha.

Also i can't see any dinosaur stickers... IMPOSIBURU!!!

(whoops missed this):

Hey wait! There's a dinosaur sticker!... hmm, you're right, there isn't anymore! Either got plastered over with another sticker, or it came loose and got chucked. Huh.

I cook adequately, learned from watching my Ma. I know how to cook stuff, I've never made yet! Just watch a few cooking shows like Julia Child or Yan Can Cook (my sis met Yan), or the pedo The Frugal Gourmet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Frugal_Gourmet He was as famous as Julia Child, and had great ratings for a damn long time, but then he settled a lawsuit with 8 guys, who said he molested them when they were kids..... can barely find a picture of him!

you started out with a 2 GB HD?...sorry, gonna have to 1up you there :p I started out with a 64 KB HD, a huge tower from the 80s, still have it lying around too.

Heheh, that's okay! Man, that thing must weigh a ton! Oldest one I held in my hands, was a 250 MB HD, and it weighed more than a red brick.

I gotta stop eating out - feels like I'm gonna die :p

It's a shame our food air and water has been so polluted. I miss real sugar and hate corn syrup.

Had a fun time today wielding a Glock and an M & P and firing them in quick succession today.

Yeah, but were you hitting anything? Small caliber handguns do a better job for faster fire. What calibers were you firing and at what range?

I think there's an active gun club in the BBS.... ah, don't mind me, I'm a tad jealous of the new, semi-auto gear you were using.

why don't you go all out with a AMD 6.00 GBs motherboard and a 3.X 6 core processor and nice graphics card with 8GB of RAM?

I was just going to ask you on your post!! Yeah, I plan to get 8 gig of ram and a decent graphics card (though I'm wondering where I might find a good comparison page)

Which cpu and motherboard are you referring to? You mean front side buses go up to 6 gb/s?
As far as the CPU, I'm thinking of a Vishera 6 core... they make a cheap one, but I'm still wondering about features/benchmark score.... maybe I'll spend a few hours at newegg, and just keep watching videos - tigerdirect has lower prices, and I dealt with them last time I built one.....

yeah a vishera six core would be good you wont need 8 cores unless your doing serious stuff and yeah motherboards have like a 6Gb something or another heres a Asus and Gigabyte

I would also go for 1866 8GB RAM

Thanks man, really appreciate your input. I was pretty happy with my last Asus MB, even though it did get burned out, thanks a shitty PCI audio card. Really gonna miss having all those slots for extra stuff... shit, think my last board had 2 ISA slots, just to be thorough. It's the IDE connection for HD's I'm really gonna miss, but I can use this emachine I got to transfer stuff over to the new SATA type-drives

Jah, speedy RAM always helps... ain't gonna use my old DDR2, doubt it'd work anyway. Might just tighten my belt and get a modular PS, regardless... never liked all those extra wires anyway.

go with a extended motherboard (costs a extra like 30 bucks) if you want all those extra slots also use DDR3 RAM 1866 CAS 10 the speed should be 10-11-10-30 thats what you want

I'm shooting for a full sized board... they do make adapters that have an extra PCI and ISA slot or two, but likely won't bother.. no need to generate extra current or heat if necessary. Yeah, it's usually another 30-60$ more for a MB that has extra slots...

Memory shouldn't be a problem, but those SSHD's have some interesting specs... Ideally, I'd like to put an OS on both the SSHD and the regular HD, in case one or the other takes a shit |:

what OS are you using if its Windows with the amount of CPU and RAM you have you will need a 64 Bit version otherwise the performance will bottleneck with a 32 I would say a Home Premium 64 or go with Pro 64 you will also want to put the OS on the Solid State to make it extremely fast and smooth under stress. if you are gonna use a SSD you only need something between 126GB-256GB for programs I would recommend Samsung I have seen those in rigs and they are some of the best

heres a link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100011693+600414918+50001077&QksAutoSuggestion=&ShowDeactivatedMark=False&Configurator=&IsNodeId=1&Subcategory=636&description=&hisInDesc=&Ntk=&CFG=&SpeTabStoreType=&AdvancedSearch=1&srchInDesc=

I'd love to keep using my less than legit 32bit XP Pro, but I'll get the WIN7 64bit Pro. Thanks for the info on the SSD, it's a new field of tech, so there's lots of manufacturers out there (of varying qualities).....

Say what you will about NG, at least when I highlight and copy links now, they fuckin work :) It's a good selection.... but my PC case only does the wide bay CD/DVD and 3.5" drives... they send you an adapter to make the 2.5 drive fit? Don't really wanna duct tape it anywhere...

there should be cases on Newegg with converted Bays they will say it in the description.

Poo-poo, I really wanted to keep my old case....

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