VicariousE joined Newgrounds on: 15 February, 2001
Profile ID:131385 Time on NG: 12 year(s), 6 month(s) and 18 day(s) (=4581 days)
Experience per day: 1.69 Exp. Rank: #3037 Base Voting Power: 6.85 Total Voting Power: 8.63 (26% B/P Bonus)
Experience: 7740 (350 until level 28) Level: 27
What you missed: If you deposited every day, you would have 45810 EXP and you would be Level 60 >:|
Deposit rate: 16.9% Time until next level: 0 year(s), 1 month(s) and 5 day(s) (on 06 Oct 13, that is).
Blams: 768 Saves: 5761 Total B/P points: 6529 Total B/P points acquired today: 33
B/P until next grade: 471 Avg. B/P Points per day: 1.425 B/P Global Rank: #1207 Protect/Blam Ratio: 7.519
Posts: 667 (0.146 per day) Posts that day: 12
Reviews: 316 (0.069 per day) Reviews that day: 12 Review responses: 95 (2 since last log) Response rate: 30.06%
Audio Reviews: 44 (0.01 per day) Audio Reviews that day: 1 Audio Review responses: 32 Audio Response rate: 72.73%
Medals: 3307 Games With Medals Played: 277 Points: 56,475
Avg. total stats per day: 4.061 Total: 18603
Oh cool :D
Respect, yo, thanks!