13 years is a long time to invest one's self into something. I don't know what keeps me here, or what good this is ultimately doing me. I miss making videos, but after coming here, it seemed old fashioned, and an expensive waste of time. Alt picture: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/aaa6c804661faadc710c0b6e384b1f72
Update 3/12/14
See, I hate when this happens. That's like, 1 for every hour I've not been here. I wonder what the oldest comment responce was... I've gotten some 2 years old, or older!
Holy fudge, it took me 2 hours and 11 minutes to get though all of them! If only I could small talk like that in real life!
OMG! Congratulations man! :D
I could've had a teenaged kid in that time.... or built the Twin Towers out of tongue depressors, walked the Earth twice, gotten married and divorced multiple times.
Maybe it's safer here? Thanks for the regards, but... Christmas was well over a month ago. You still have your original icon, or is it cold enough where you're at, you don't mind wearing a fuzzy hat inside? I was always told you should take down any holiday ornaments between 2 weeks and 1 month (max) after they've passed. After that, it looks kinda ghetto |:
**Plebiscites of Newgrounds, this mah birfday, and I gonna say wut I want!**