Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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13 years old today, aren't I lucky?

Posted by VicariousE - February 15th, 2014


13 years is a long time to invest one's self into something.  I don't know what keeps me here, or what good this is ultimately doing me.  I miss making videos, but after coming here, it seemed old fashioned, and an expensive waste of time.  Alt picture: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/aaa6c804661faadc710c0b6e384b1f72

131385_139467031342_Untitled22msg.jpgUpdate 3/12/14

See, I hate when this happens.  That's like, 1 for every hour I've not been here.  I wonder what the oldest comment responce was... I've gotten some 2 years old, or older!


Holy fudge, it took me 2 hours and 11 minutes to get though all of them!  If only I could small talk like that in real life!


OMG! Congratulations man! :D

I could've had a teenaged kid in that time.... or built the Twin Towers out of tongue depressors, walked the Earth twice, gotten married and divorced multiple times.

Maybe it's safer here? Thanks for the regards, but... Christmas was well over a month ago. You still have your original icon, or is it cold enough where you're at, you don't mind wearing a fuzzy hat inside? I was always told you should take down any holiday ornaments between 2 weeks and 1 month (max) after they've passed. After that, it looks kinda ghetto |:

**Plebiscites of Newgrounds, this mah birfday, and I gonna say wut I want!**

I'm done, that alt picture had me dying.

Ohhh, what was I thinking? I guess I wasn't thinking.....

I'm just waiting 'till next Christmas :3

That's the spirit!


Over a decade of madness; a greasy, electric film of an addiction.... whhhyyyeee?!?!

Hahaha that dick joke!
Congrats man! why the hell are you a level 5 paladin? everyone knows that shamanism is the way!

Let the ghetto boy be ghetto if he ghetto feels like ghetto being... all ghetto on his ghetto clothes. Actually no, the ghetto nerve of some ghetto people being all ghetto on some other peoples ghetto b days!

I was too busy not being able to log into this account, and trying to live through the Bush administration :p

Hmm, low rent, in other words... I was so proud of NG in 2007, especially that one Saturday the BBS was swamped with over 700 - good thing I peeped in there!

Welcome to the club!

I came to NG in the spring of 2000, but was scared Tom might sell our emails, or get hacked, spammed... email was one to a customer then, and very much worth defending. After a while, I figured, what the hell, I was already clicking ads, hoping it would survive the tech bubble.

I think it was the loop that played over the Portal, and the chickens you could blast... that's what really sold me on Newgrounds. That and all the scary things that were said in the BBS at the time...

Happy NG B-Day! I hope Tom got you something pretty! ;D

Well, thank you... I just hope you didn't look at certain things I doodled on >.>

One pretty gift, would be turning the clock back 13 years on Newgrounds, let the old site run for a day!

Happy Newgrounds Birthday.
I was pretty much not online at all yesterday ._.
I was *shudders* having a life.

Thanks brother.
I played some games... tried to ignore the social side of NG for a day or so.
Totes magoats!

Oh 700? and what is the average populace in a normal day nowadays?

It's 83 right now... it's about 100 on average. I think the record was 770 on a saturday in July, 2007... could be wrong, I'm not Wikipedia... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newgrounds#Newgrounds_Forum_.28BBS.29

ahh, "diaspora" what a fabulous choice of word, reminds me of my past life as a world renowned ethnomusicologist ;)

I like the truth in music, the story unfolding.

you're computer is still able to play flash games? my flash is mostly fucked at this point. seems like my flash player is being updated all the damn time, each upgrade making it overly advanced for my PC to play. there's always noticeable lag and annoying crackling in the audio, even on the lowest settings. looks like it's time to reinstall my browsers and their contents.

Always good to start anew, have all the updates in-engine and not patched on... yesterday I spied this http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/adobe_shockwave_player_slim.html Yeah, there's some games here I can't play, mainly due to memory - I only got 1/2 a gig of RAM at present. I can afford a new rig, but am uninspired to do so...

god damnit

Hey can you come out to North Philly for Pico Day? We could trade dirty jokes, get buzzed, talk about the plots of video games, like Mass Effect 3 and The Last of Us.... hm, better go back and check the other 3 comments you made..... lol

sounds like a blast lol, unfortunately I live on the other side of country and it will be about the time for finals testing at school.

when I got home today, I saw that I had 11 new responses in my news feed...that's a personal best, by far. I've made like 50 or so blog comments within the last few days, trying to get my Cyberdevil on.

First time I saw Pico Day in the Chat room, it was an occasion all by itself.. but then, I'm probably living up to my username....

Yeah, I try and spread myself around when it comes to commenting on other ppl's blogs, try to hit everyone once a week or so. I usually get between 5-10 responses a day. Lol, Cyberdevil is a force of nature alright!

so the average is on 100, and that day we got 774? nice, nice, any idea what was happening that day that so many people appeared?

You can ask around, I don't think I ever knew the reason why... or if there was a nexus of sorts. I was just glad to see it, woulda been nice to add my number to the max capacity :\

Interesting, so you have no idea haha.

BTW is the E on vicariousE of Entertainment? i cant remember if i ever asked this, i think i was taking it for granted since it makes sense.

Nah, twas a very pleasant WTF moment though. I was at my cousin's house as usual, saving bits of this place to a CD or USB memory thing, along with whatever else I could get while online.

Yeah, that's what it mean, or meant. Let's just call it an old mystery, and let others guess.

In that case delete my comment to hide the spoilers of the mystery name!

I've got a post with 10,000 comments, probably full of spoilers/blackmail material/slander... besides, I'm a plebiscite, who cares about some old twat like me?

Yep. It's definitely filled with spoilers, blackmail material, slander and a shit ton of other stuff thats incredibly personal to the users who contributed to the utterly massive amount of comments on it.
Steve knows who the users are and exactly WHAT I am talking about.

Good thing it's all in the distant past. Who's idea was it anyway? I felt like I got railroaded by all of you, and other visitors to the page were like O_O Was really neat.

Happy NG Anniversary! 13 years is a lifetime for some people on here.

Thanks! And yeah... I'm sure there's some 13 year olds on this site. Scary. I try and stay PG-13 for the most part, but when you've lived as long as I have, you can't help but to disseminate crucial info, regardless of the subject matter.

You notice the NG Store is closing? Tom even put a thing in General about it.

Probably plenty even younger too. Maybe age ratings on newsposts is the next step? :P

Yeah I noticed, was expecting it to close a long time ago though. I made what I thought would be my final order soon after that was announced last year, but then I stumbled upon a free mystery box and ordered that too... if I knew there'd be such a surplus of mystery boxes I would've waited and ordered one of those along with some of this much price-reduced loot. Almost feels like I was cheated a bit on that previous order, could've saved around $15 on the stuff I bought, and bought some more this time around, but right now my funds are dry. $25 store credit did mysteriously pop up on my account, but that barely covers half the shipping cost... ah well, life's not all about items. :P

Nah, remember, Tom wants to spin-off all the M and A content to another site. So all of NG itself will have to be relatively squeaky clean :\

...could've just cut n' pasted the post link too :) and I hear ya, that was my first thought when I saw the price change! I just wish Tom would advertise the site... a few measly gifs on the right pages, would certainly help remind the wider, lazier web, that we're here!

I know someone cares, somewhere, somehow...

"Kindness doesn't feed the bulldog." -- Churchill

Thanks, I guess the nebulous, non-corporeal nature of the internet, wears on my real-world upbringing...

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