Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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27,256 / 27,750
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I would like to say that is a cultural shock, but you have 13 years on this so that shouldn't count.

More like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_shock Huh, they made a movie about the book the year I was born. The internet and it's users have changed very dramatically in the past 15 years, lemme tell ya!

So people could post newsposts to one or the other site depending on newspost content? Sounds a bit... complicated. :D

I wonder what an impact the old fan net had on this place, I'm sure plenty of popular sites would link back just to get som advertising... but I guess that's why it closed down, because people were using it for the wrong purposes. Seems like the right purpose now.

Ah, I thought you had cut n pasted, but you gave me the more verbose answer

Oh, the early referral banners? They still use them, but man, back then, every person with a website had them, or favorite links at least. And sure, it was like an early Facebook 'like' thing, only the whole web was it's stomping ground, going from one person's stuff to another's, via banners and links. That's why I list a bunch of weird links on my userpage...same thing, different century... different users.

I don't usually cut n' paste stuff. :) When I was reviewing as most I actually CTRL C/V'd my signiture into all reviews just to speed up the process, now that doesn't seem faster at all. Bit off topic...

Yeah the banners still exist, but not the fan net, there used to be a list of all sites linking back, showing how many hits they had, twas a fun way to both check out user sites, advertise NG and get some traffic back. Wayback: http://web.archive.org/web/20120118075828/http://www.newgrounds.com/network

And whatever happened to http://www.newgrounds.com/link

Was more like a toplist IMO, nowadays it seems people use activity streams to showcase specific content rather than linking to regular sites. :/ Was so much easier back then! I mean, it was harder, the web wasn't so bloated with generic content, each page was something different.

Yeah, but when you copy n paste your name, it means something (unlike a certain BBS poster of dubious repute).

Now that you mention it, there really aren't anymore... probably why the they died out - no central hubs/BBS. Oh shit, I forgot about that (first) page! Nothing like that now, I imagine?

You should get extra xp for having a Newgrounds account link listed, on every other website account that's yours... more links/referrals the better... in an ideal world, of course. Now damn near everything comes in from Google, or Shadman, Egoraptor... check out the Alexia link, and check the other pages on NG...

Oh man just noticed you've added a ton of links in that sidebar since I last looked! Gives me ideas of making an ALT and using that feature as a link directory for something like flash resource sites, it's pretty cool how favicons are fetched automatically too.

And by copy/pasting stuff I meant text, JSYK, links, code etc all have their own routine. Really makes things easier than we think, just imagine having to type in a link to share it, that'd take time...

Yeah, all the icons for the links came through okay :) It'd still be nice if we could embed stuff from other sites, like Liveleak... Sure, what about art101, or all the other alt accounts, which serve as a reference of material? Sounds like a worthy idear

Oh, thank goodness we've had bookmarks/favorites in browsers... still, last century, I typed out quite few web addresses. Just found a business card recently (like the one I asked Tom to look into), for a website I might be interested in! It's for a syndicated radio show, probably mostly on AM stations (old kHz range)

All the others? Didn't know about art101 before!

Haha oh yeah, I browse through old PC magazines occasionally, so many links you used to have to type in in their entirety, and for dynamic sites it can be a few hundred characters too... Google's a real time-saver.

http://art101.newgrounds.com/ http://ng-bbs-goldmine.newgrounds.com/
http://reverend.newgrounds.com/news/post/556318 http://kevinbacon.newgrounds.com/

The long addresses didn't bother me much... just navigate as close as you can, then add the extra info, onto the end... used to do the same with NG www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/1
www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/2 easy, right?

Haha, don't misunderstand here: I still sign all my reviews, but now I type in the -cd- manually after each one. :) Copying/pasting smaller segments feels like more of a chore all of a sudden. Thanks btw, it's pretty awesome to have somehow evolved to one of the reputable users.

I asked Tom about resuscitating the fan net some time ago, he had no plans to bring it back or make anything similar. :/ Hope he/they reconsider though, I don't see how it could be anything but positive for this place.

Those Alexa stats are a real mystery... how can nulllgames, with just 23 fans, be getting four times as many hits as the Shadman?!

Ah, NG BBS Goldmine I know of, need to jot down those other links. That Kevin Bacon day was probably my favorite April Fools ever, a harmless prank that changed ... everything! Names, meanings, messages, good times...

Ah, it's easy for NG, but imagine having to type in something like: https://www.google.se/search?q=dog+sprite&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=vAR&rls=org.mozilla:sv-SE:official&channel=fflb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=gsQFU6XYI6O_ygONqoGgDA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=904#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=HJU0hOyAfsi7WM%253A%3B4j3eu4J9Cle1rM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fspritedatabase.net%252Ffiles%252Fgameboy%252F684%252FSprite%252FDog.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fspritedatabase.net%252Ffile%252F1935%3B1095%3B716

Not that that'd ever be in a magazine but... you know what I'm sayin'?

Dog sprites... used to be able to find sprite sheets anywhere. Then a few months pass, then nothing. Oh, at the end of the link... the actual source! Google likes to think they own everything they show us :p

The web is indeed approaching tower of Babel levels... Ahhh, you should've seen the code I'd type from magazines... all had to be perfect, or it wouldn't work, and no decompiler or indication which line fucked up |: Cheap way to game, those were desperate times.... all the sophistication of a brick through a plate glass window lol

Haha yeah, they own the Internet. http://www.spriters-resource.com/ is what I use for most sprite-finding btw, seems like a resource growing in greatness... almost so great I feel a need to rip the entire network of sites for potential offline use. In case of - you never know.

Programming? What language did you use back then?

Pascal, 2 versions of BASIC, mostly Apple, I really dug FORTRAN... but, they offered them in high school, but it was C that was in demand, so I didn't take computers then :\

Ah, languages before my time, read up a bit on the lot just now, looks like Basic inspired VB, I've snapped up a few useful tidbits of code for that over the years, like one that lets you enter any phrase and have it spoken to you, and since VBS files are edited just like txt it's easy to modify. :) I went a course on C++ one years, but that's probably as close as I'll ever get to 'real' programming. Design's more my thing. Hmm, you didn't take computers??

Nah, I took... hm. The ladies that ran the computer lab in junior high school, thought I'd do better learning TRS-80 DOS, on my own. It didn't take much persuasion to the History teacher, she scowled at me and asked a me few questions, all of which I knew. She smiled and said enjoy yourself.. I came back to class once or twice asking if she didn't need me, she'd ask another question, I'd get it right, and she'd tell me to go back to the computer lab, which only contained me O_o

That would never happen these days. I was a proper young adult through much of my life :|

Batul Brothas!

Spehss Mahrens, todeh the enemeh is at oua doar! We know oua duteh and we will do eet. We fight for our honor as Blod Rehvens,
as SPESS MAHRENS, and we fight in the nehme of the Empra!
And if we die this deh we die in gloareh, we die heroes' deffs, but we shall not die, no! It is the enemeh who will tehste deff and defeat!
As you know! Moast of oua battle brothars are shtehtioned in SPEHSS, Pruhpeared to deep strike! Oua perimeter has been pruhpeared in the even dat oua enehmies should be so bald and so foolish. We have plehced numerous beacons, allowing for muhltiple, simuln-tehneous and devashtehting defensive deep strikes
The Codecks astartees nehmes this maneuvah Steel Rehn. We will descend upon the foe, we will ovawhelm them - we will leave none alive! Meanwhile oua ground fawses will ensue the full defense of oua headkwaters
We are the spehss mahrens! WE ARE THE EMPRA'S FUREH!

Yup, go team go. Up the Union, and whatnot...

That sounds a lot like my last webdesign class though, in high school. I already had my own site at the time, and the class revolved around learning the neccesary techniques for creating a fully functional websites, I asked if I could develop my own site for the duration of the course, and that was fine. I missed a class somehow and asked if it was ok if I worked with the site from home instead, and that was fine, the final result gave me a straight A though I rarely ever attended the class. Probably one of those 'Only in Sweden' things though. :P

Makes sense you were allowed to telecommute your schoolwork; quite progressive... but you're a good and solid sort, I'm sure you earned the latitude.

It does? I was?! Haha well if you say so... I probably did know what they were teaching already, but looking back it feels like it was too easy to 'cheat the system', working on a hobby project that I'd worked on regardless and getting a grade for it.

I felt the same way, but you actually completed your project, I didn't even get halfway. Oh well, I paid my dues not long after that... it's not like it's gonna help me get a job. I suppose I should at least see where I can get MS certification.... I know I can ace the A cert, but I think you have to attend classes :p

How do ya feel about Harold Ramis dying?

Oh I know, doesn't that suck? He made the underdog look good, kinda like Newgrounds did, back in the day. Man, site got screwy today. At least the Verizon/Cogent/Netflix war is over. Netflix is going to pay up for hogging bandwidth... radio said Netflix used something like 30% of the carriers output O_O

wow, you're only 13? I thought you were in your forties or something!

I'm a born-again Newgrounder or something.

Basic and Fortran get the job done, I'd say! and Matlab is p. cool too

The fuck? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matlab I hadn't heard about that since the mid 80's! And it evolved and stayed alive, kinda like Lightwave did (Amiga/Toaster software).

Of course any cool software back then, ran into some awfully steep prices! The manuals alone must've cost a bundle, since most were way bigger than any phonebooks I've ever seen.

well Qbasic was included in Windows packages. (Atleast 1.0, I think you needed to purchase 4.5+, which was necessary if you wanted to compile an executable or use external libraries) I think I still have Visual Basic 1.0 lying around somewhere on a floppy...

Yeah, now I know what Qbasic is... there was a gap in my computer knowledge between high school and, well, after. I finally got an IBM compatible PC in early 1996. Before that was: TRS-80 III (trash 80's), TI/994a, Apple IIc... just enough to keep me writing and/or farting around with code.

@FordV8 your icon makes everything funny lol

It's cruel on a lot of levels, but yeah, it's like a funhouse mirror image, kinda amusing.
Times like this, I'd like to make a stereotypically white, ugly-American alt: fat, lazy, ignorant :) Sure would give superghandi64 a run for his money....

there actually is one lol: http://johnfreedom.newgrounds.com/

I think it's superghandi

Possible! Just checked the posts, looks like British English, though he's trying hard to sound American.... expat, dual citizenship?

Nah, not obvious enough. Real Americans don't talk about geeky games, or movies... they talk about buying shit, getting high, and taking 'the man's' penis with style. I guess. Maybe. Every time I wake up in the morning, I realize different things... how much has changed since I was young. We've all been collectively indoctrinated into thinking, no matter what, the authorities are right. Total 1984 man.

I have to be completely honest in that I don't think there's anything wrong with this! I don't think any of us are losers who spend too much time online. I have a ton of IRL friends I met on this site. This website made me laugh in dark times and kept me off the street as a teenager. Also I just baked another batch of cookies.

Maybe it's how the world has changed since I've joined up, that bothers me so. And you're right, the people I've met here mean the world to me, and that enrichment in my life pushes me to serve the membership here, but there's only so much I can do. I shouldn't forget the support I've gotten when I was going through the death of my father, gave me the strength to cry for joy. They're not making kids much better, as time goes by, but I'm thankful for the ones who are.

congratz :D

Why thank you! Though I always wonder why getting older demands congratulations or an occasion, it just means you haven't died yet.

Glad you stopped by, I like your music. Kinda reminds me of what http://nietzlawe.newgrounds.com/ has been up to lately.

Hey, have you ever read Sam and Max? I think you'd like it. I mean, it's not Asterix, but if you're into witty insight on American culture combined with ludicrous and memorable characters, I think it's up your alley.

Huh! Damn, who knew? Well, you did, but I don't think I've ever heard of them!
Wow, good thing there's a 20th anniversary book, otherwise, I'd wonder where to get reprints.
Thanks man, this looks right up my alley :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_%26_Max

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