Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

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homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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It has begun.

Posted by VicariousE - September 4th, 2014

It didn't look too good when I got it. Postman didn't even bang on the door, just left a claim ticket, and split, like I'm supposed to hear him coming, like a fiathful dog :|  Got there just before they closed for the night, still wet from the shower and adrenaline jolt, to get the truck there in once piece. This was the second box I got, and the third camera I put money down in the past 2 months....


But it seems to work perfectly, even better than the one I used 15 years ago.  Got lens envy yet? 


Unfortunately, the first two tapes I tried had nothing but static on them, but the rest (so far) are still in tact.  Smaller tapes needed very classy materials to retain electrons, without jitter and loss.  Technically, this Hi8 is a digital device capable of 400 lines of resolution, not much by today's standards.


What makes this thing special, is the way it can be held.  I prefer(ed) holding it low, and looking down into viewfinder, very stable.  For walking around, having a bigger camera like this is ideal for stable handheld shots, though I'd prefer a shoulder designed camera for that.


When my old one broke in 1999, I found 7 layers of boards in the body, no way to fix it without going batshit crazy.  This one here was made 20 years ago, and still runs like a champ.  My Colecovision took a shit after less than 2 years (non-sequitur).


It's been interesting seeing where I left off on the tapes, usually around sexy women or atypical scenes I'd use elsewhere, in my tapestry of audio, video and stupid text on the screen, which surely hinted at my innate madness.


Phase 2 will involve an analog to digital converter, most of which export in DVD type files which are shit to edit... anyone have any tips on editing  FOB's, or whatever those files are  called?  I narrowed the hardware down to 2 choices, might just go cheap and pray.


Phase 3 will consist of the kind of hardware, I would've sacrificed small children to attain.  Once it's all ordered, I'll make a post in the Computer Builder's club thread with the specs. 


i absolutely have lens envy. my lens doesn't even compare to your lens.

i can't wait to see you post the results of all this hard work. it has to be satisfying to have made such a big jump towards completing your project!

It's a few millimeters short of howitzer-sized, and this one doesn't have a huge scratch on the lens like mine did. Also came with a 2x adapter :) I don't think I'll use it too much for 'taping' video, though I'd like to try and find a huge IR LED light for the spare hot shoe, then I can use it as a night vision camera!

It's a question of money now, sadly, all the hard work I did, was before I even joined NG.

What really shocked me, was watching the first episode of Disposable People... it didn't suck as bad as I thought it would! Would it hold someone's attention in the internet age? Idk...

Damn I wanted to get the first comment...maybe next time...hey a second VicariousE post in a little under two weeks...we're in for a treat huh

I've used this device called Dazzle to convert old VHS to a digital format of your selection...works like a charm, and comes with nice video editing software too. What's phase 3 for?

Yeah, all I seem to do here is yapyapyappity-yap, and have nothing to show anyone. Guess I'm in a race with Nietz for who can post to Vimeo first!

I've heard of that, almost bought it to transfer my VHS stuffs, but my old computer would've never been able to process or store OR edit all that. Phase 3 is just to edit (and to play some modern video games)... the 11 y/o laptop I use to get online, won't be able to handle hours of video.

holy shit look at that camera "TO PRO MATE!!!!"

It cost about 2 grand brand new, though mine cost 600 used. I found out afterwards, it was used in kiddie porn. Some county sheriff 'appropriated' 2 of them and put them in his cruiser, then sold them to the guy I bought one of them from...

I'm still very good friends with the guy who bought the other one, though his L2 still works! I almost made him mail me that camera, so I could transfer my old stuff... but anything can happen in the mail!

I didn't film as many explosions as I would've liked....

that's absolutely terrifying...I don't think I could use a device that was formerly used in such malicious activities...

oh sweet!! so you're finally getting a new box eh. Perhaps I should jump on board too. All though my rig is 4 years younger than yours.

Hell I didn't know till about a year later, and yes you would!

A proper PC from that era would still okay online, but not much else. Single core, yeah? 64 bit?

Damn now that is a sweet camera! of course i have lens envy, i am stuck with a cellphone camera XD.

Maybe you could help Nietz by filming some teasers for The Opus.

Well is not like it is the camera's fault that its previous owner used it for such things... but it does feels bad, mmh weird, a tool is just a thing after all, it shouldn't feel good or bad.

Cellphone cameras have a way better resolution than this thing, sad to say.

Interesting. I've got plenty of stock footage, but considering how expansive his Opus is, and crazy....

It's almost like seeing old guns in a museum, you can only wonder about the crimes, passions and death it's dealt. Before it burned down, I saw a gun at the SF Believe it or Not museum, that had an exploded barrel... not from being plugged up or a misfire, but from another persons bullet, striking his as it was being fired!

Lol, just got done checking a tape that has a fair bit of interesting material, so I'll be able to back up some of my wild stories. It's too bad my batteries were a bit shit then, missed a lot of great things... should have at least one good lightning strike over a big mid-west city..

Well the newer ones sure do, maybe it is time i get on that bandwagon and change phones hehe.

The good thing is that Nietz's creative genius allows for technically normal scenery to say more than what it would normally say, and that one was technically just a still image, now what would you 2 be able to do with actual video footage!?

Wow with that you become something like local hero or at least gain legend status almost instantly.

Video blogs!? oh man too good to be true!

If it's got enough memory and can shoot video and record audio, it's worth keeping. I'm surprised my compact digital camera doesn't have an audio record mode... sucker has a 32 gig card in it, might as well store whatever...

Hmm, dunno! I'd have to pour over the whole Opus like a madman to picture the thing correctly. He's not good at differentiating the characters when they talk |:

I got recognized 3 times in public, but that was pretty much it. Just having the camera meant I could work for lots of folks, no one wanted a shit VHS-C or VHS recording of something that was gonna be replicated or watched on TV. It was nice to have press credentials, got me into a lot of places for free, as well as no tickets for parking 'strategically'.

V-logs have been done to death, do people even watch those anymore? I doubt I could introduce anything new to the genre.

It can capture sound? well that's weird.

I never had that problem when reading The Opus, at worse there was this moment in part 4 when they where drugged while in the cloaca maxima, and once they woke up i had some trouble trying to figure out which brother was saying that, not because the timing of the conversation was not marked correctly, but because it seemed like their personalities had changed switched with each other, well latter on they continued to be like that so it seems it was a faulty judgement of my part, other than that the thing reads perfectly smoothly as long as you read it without rush.

Oh interesting, cameraman benefits did they allow you to go into back-stages and all that?
XD also i was talking about the story of the SF Believe it or Not museum, when i said the local hero thing haha.

Just film while the deer rampage the fields, i don't think i have seen one of those yet.

Only one channel (hole), guess it's useful for the 1080 video feature... it's still made as a compact camera, not a full on video camera. It's nice. It's a Samsung whosafudge I picked up right before Pico Day for 150$

Yeah but no published author would go on for that many quotes, without punctuating who's saying what, and their pose/look/proximity/gesturings

Oh! Well the guy died anyway...

I'd shoot with lead, not a CCD |: Maybe after the pumpkins are picked

Very impressively large camera you have there... o3o

I may be compensating for something else ;) thx!

150$ and it can't get sound? i don't think it was that good of a deal, how compact it is?

Well i agree pass the opus 5 when there are more than 3 characters in a conversation it would help to have some reminders of who is saying what, but interrupting the conversations with "Subject B said as it looked with surprise" would only make it tedious, since they are having a constant dialog to use quotes would not be practical, specially since they are quite long dialogues, as for expressions i find them more distracting than anything, so i am glad that he is not throwing them there, it actually makes you concentrate more on what they say than in how they react, which for me is just secondary.


Haha but don't you require a hunting licence for that?

Oh no, it does record sound with video, only one channel from lil hole on the top. It's about 14x7x2cm, and the lens folds up. Best Buy says they'll repair or replace it if it buggers up within 2 years of purchase, no additional cost... we'll see. The zoom isn't too bad, but kinda slow and noisy on the playback, very good macro lens, I'll stick another picture onto this post..

I hear ya, but it does help IDing the guys....

A hunting what? Lol, I used to get them in the mail, and nowadays they don't even have checking stations, you just call in your critter kill.... rubbish, so long as I hunt on my own property, safely, they can shove their paperwork, I'll still follow the laws on what you can kill, and when.

A 2 years warranty is quite a good deal, i change my initial statement then, they usually come with just 6 month to a year.

It does a little, but when is more than 1/4th of the chapter it can become obnoxious, however i totally agree more than 3 characters talking at the same time can get quite chaotic at times.

Oh man, the things that people can get away with, but if you think about it aren't we humans the invaders? well anyway you have to defend the farm i guess.

I was shocked as well, considering Best Buy is kinda overpriced, but I got mine on sale, and it was the last one (too bad it's white).

Deer are crafty, very hard to hunt to extinction! But there's so many here, and hardly anyone can shoot them with a rifle with all the houses in the north end of my state, so it's shotgun and bow and arrow, which is less accurate. And down into the less human populated, sandy south of NJ, the deer are just as many, but scrawnier, not worth peeling. And I'm in the middle kinda


Tis' fabulous , dude.

Thank you! It's been quite a week of remembering all those things I shot... should probably take a picture of one of my shot logs (to show how messy/cryptic they were/are)... after 15 years, I'm looking at some of the entries saying, "Well what the hell was that?!"

Well the color is secondary to the sound issue tho.

There you have it, a perfect opportunity to practice marksmanship, and do some archery!

Ugh, I live on a farm, where it's dirty and messy! I don't go outside dressed like Anna Korina!

Practice first, then... use a weapon that probably exists in only 2% of all FPS games ever made... did pretty good in school, which was inside, with no wind... and over 20 years ago.

Is a digital camera they are small how much of an issue can it be if is white colored? and if you go out side it will be mostly on your pocket.

Time to revive those times of youth, there you go another excuse.

Eh, c'mon, it shows dirt a lot more, plus it's painfully white... not like my teeth, and usually my camera is in hand, for fear of missing something and/or damage from falling out my pocket/squished in jeans.

Is it? It's good to brush up on old skills. Can't believe how much I forgot about the (farm) machines and their maintenance over the years, sometimes takes a decade or two before a problem pops up again.

I suppose this is a first step in the challenge of transforming old footage to modern day backupable standards? Looks like a professional device! I had the opportunity to try a camera with a scope like that once, taking pictures at a wedding, and had some trouble getting any pictures at all because I couldn't stand far away enough to capture more than close-ups of faces. :) I usually go for the panorama views, but for capturing wildlife n stuff this'd be perfect! I'm using a Canon camera myself btw, though just a digital Ixus. 3x zoom. Seems incredibly tame all of a sudden.

Ugh 3x is nothing, but yeah, the old Canon was a tad zoomy, even backed all the way out, much more so than my new compact gizmo. Can't believe the seller actually mailed me the dust cap separately, he could've just save the 3$, and I wouldn't have been the wiser. I just had the camera, some filters, power supply and 2 batteries, 15 years ago, my microphone setup was a real abortion job... but with this, I got the stereo mic, user manual, a 2x adapter... the one I had to send back had two lenses O_O Damn things are almost the size of a howitzer shell, 72mm, I think!

I just miss cameras being bulky heavy things, which stabilize the shot nicer. Nice thing about this relic is, can hold it by my crotch/center of gravity, and look down into the viewfinder, or use it like a remote camera, up to my face.

Ugh, time to evolve into the Almighty cargo pants! or getting some non-skinny jeans... i mean, really man... why? why!?
XD, jokes aside, i got it, the pants don't really allow for you to carry the camera in them, so what a bout buying one of those leather covers/cases for the camera? that way it doesn't gets dirty and you can carry it around and people will not see the color.

"But how hard could it be to remember some archery?" says Doomroar with credulous innocence, and a bit of blissful ignorance.

I'm pissed that 'regular cut' jeans are now all tight and shit :\ Oh well, live and learn. Should probably find a nice hard case for it. And a reliable handgun, even more shit to carry in pants, and risk slippage. But I'm usually bent over, lying down, carrying awkward shit, or riding a machine... all of which suck when you got shit in yo pockets

The last guy here (who got a deer by bow n arrow) took two practice shots the day before, and got a deer with a third.

Yeah, it's not always enough! Is that 15x or more than 15 (I see 15x imprinted on the scope)? Compactness of the camera considered though, 3x for a device that's a mere inch thick is pretty neat. I didn't really grow up in the incredibly bulky camera generation, so I've grown to like slimer types. Phones are a bit too slim IMO, but normal digital cameras feel just right. light but still easy to hold. About half as thick now as the normal cameras I started out with. Anyway, Canon's become my favorite brand, and the thing I like most is: the interfaces. So easy to understand and use! Doesn't mean it's featureless either.

haha, snapping photos from your crotch, I can imagine how a debate on the benefits of traditional cameras might turn...

Glad the new Canon's working out for you, I really considered getting your brand, but they cost a bit more than I wanted, and the reviews weren't that much better than my Samsung compact... really impressed with the backlight elimination feature so far... still overly complex though :p

Smaller's better lol, you can always bolt something to it to make it more sporting to use, kinda like a steadi-cam... even a simple unipod/stick's enough to stabilize the cam for a good shot

Mmm, they have versions with much better zoom capabilities too, at least 8x. I bought one when it was on sale, a Canon IXUS 117 HS which apparantely... had 4x! :D A little bit better...

Haha yeah. Any grounded object's useful for stability too... and if you want the extra exercise it's easy to attach a weight. :P Btw, as for the transforming to DVD, once that's done you could rip to a more flexible format, right? Or just store as RAW files if you have space.

Huh, exercise. At an important conference with a heavy remote cam on my shoulder (wore a heavy vest to dampen shaking and my heartbeat) for over 20 minutes... my producer was quarterbacking me so I could get a good shot.

Even digitally, I hate copying video around too much... we'll see. Depends on the output from the a to d device... most of which do only DVD dumps :p but you may be right, I might be able to do a raw dump, and that would do!

If I were you i would have said, Not compensating, my GF and I just need to take some bug pictures of some big shit....

Lol, if I wanted to do that, I'd just hold up my old glasses to the lens, since they're thick enough to see a bug's asshole... should cover it's scat quite nicely.

Still working on acquiring a GF :\

Hello Steve. Damitrin suggested meeting up on here for something.
Just gonna throw this out there. If you wanna keep me alerted of the conversation progressing @ me randomly so I know this shit. Or else I'll forget >.>
(heh just realized this and shit are the same except letters are switched around)

Yeah I screwed up an @ with Dami.... damn hyphens, forgot about them. I wonder if we did an @ at an account that was never made... than IS made, will that person have all these mislabeled notifications?

I'll make a new thingy (post) with weird pictures. That lovely camera is just sitting there now, all the tapes I had have been scanned and jogged (FFWDed and rewound), only 2 or 3 tapes are unreadable, probably Digital 8 tapes, which would be unreadable on Hi8, and I could care less about :\

pictures of *BIG* shit... DAMNIT PHONE DON'T FAIL ME AGAIN!

I really loved how this (pictured) big old camera pulled in shots at any distance. I really like deciding how much or little the background is in focus, even got some passable rack focusing effects, like where the subject stays in focus, and the background and foreground come in and out of focus... lol, need an example :\

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