I've been visiting other people's blogs here, for a very long time. Recently, I let my blog responses go for a few days. There's "68 new blog replies" showing on the FP, and I don't wanna look at 'em, for the foreseeable future. While I'm grateful for not being ignored, I think it's time for me just to sit back, and let you kids visit me for a change.
All in a day's work. It's not glamourous, or healthy for me, but it will be done.
Easter Update: The quickening is here, and soon the long, bumpy drive to points unseen will begin, and the air of Newgrounds will be made manifest in the real world, breathing, laughing, breeding, seeing from many diverse viewpoints. We are many, we are different, but we all come to the same place, the place that Tom and Wade built.
It's times like this I realize, it truly is love that makes the world go 'round. It's sad to see the world turn to anger, and worrysome to feel the Earth slow, right before a massive crash. We sieze the moments of happiness where we can, because they can never come back again, and can keep us alive in dark times. Despite it's overuse, 'hope' is really all we have... and I've never known hope, when she wasn't on a diet |:
Who are you calling a kid? Do I get an exemption? A get out of jail free card?
Damn, lol! I think you're the only exception here!
Of course, there's more than a few old accounts still statwhoring, and not saying boo to anyone (at least publicly)... I might've sent a PM to a few of them, a few years back - no reply; possibly non-English speakers, or bots (robo save-whores, that explains everything!)