Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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Vote Power:
9.09 votes
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B/P Bonus:
9y 13d


VicariousE, the coolest motherfucker who ever lived, the epitome of cool.

GTFO of here.... thanks man, a lot of pain preceded any airs you may have perceived.

You have a surprising profile, my good man. Quite sparse, and your off NG favorites are .. also interesting, if not dated... I see you've suffered a gap in being here as well (looking at reviews).

You talk to anyone else here semi-regualry?

Interesting, i on the other hand practically missed the whole stream XD.

Don't think you missed much, the video was... singular |:

It was good meeting you in person VicariousE. Your a very cool guy in my book. :)

Cool, I'm in a book! Lloyd's PA asked me some shit about NG, so I'll be an unmentioned source in something he's writing. Shame I couldn't (didn't) corral Lloyd's wife, she seems fascinating!

I am changing my name to VicariousE because I admire the strength and respect the name commands. I would vote for VicariousE for president and mister universe because he is just that charismatic and handsome. The VicariousE name should be listed among nobility. I am crying right now because I feel like no one else wants to talk about VicariousE as much as I do. I must be the only person with a VicariousE diary that keeps a record of everything VicariousE has ever said to me and things I hope he will say to me in the future. I framed a PM VicariousE sent to me and my mom wanted me to take it down for my diploma but fuck her, she doesn't know what VicariousE means to me. I wish VicariousE was my dad, my dad sucks, VicariousE wouldn't suck if he was my dad. My life would be misery without VicariousE. Everyday that I log onto Newgrounds and find a new thread to discuss some inane aspect of VicariousE's life fills me with joy and meaning so please let me talk about VicariousE or i'm going to explode

I am a proselytizing, cheerleader, fanboy :p

Hey, I never sent you a PM! I smell form letter!
Oooh, yeah, I know about Tom Fulp, heheh-hm-heh
Cool man, thanks :)

Pleasure meeting you.

Likewise ZJ! That's the nicest thing anyone can say, to a strange old guy they met off the internet.
Sorry you had to see me botching Joy's box lol

You should definitively wrote that book, if is not for the world at least do it for MistyEntertainment's sake, look at him the boy adores you! maybe his adoration goes a little too far...

I think his adoration came out of a tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGSFSNt4hqQ

Yeah, book. Need a better setup to type, not 'writing the idea off' just yet.

lol, You was always cool in my book. I just want you to know. :)

You're every bit the man I thought you were, and more. I'm honored to have met you IRL, and consider you a good friend.

Oh shit, you got a diploma from Tom when I wasn't looking! Make me all jelly n shit |:

I don't want to sully the original post with an edit, but man I was swizzled, and on one of those crescent shaped keyboards, around 1:30-2am Sunday. Can only wonder whose terminal it was, or if it was just for guests of the office.

I saw some WIN7 disks around, should've asked if he had a spare copy to sell.... along with a couch lol, maybe even the couch guy's couch (who couldn't make the shindig). http://sherbalex.newgrounds.com/ I didn't want to press Emily on the Sherb matter, but she seemed cool with anything I said (I hope, my male oriented glands were acting up).

XD lol same goes to you! And yeah I can't believe it myself! But you wouldn't need something like that, your a regular to Newgrounds :)

Ah, guess you're right, that's why I stuck with my old account and didn't make another, after I lost my password and accompanying email account for so many years.

BTW can you send me a copy of the pics we took? :)

I'm just going to zip them all, and let the public get disappointed. Because of low light, I took 5 MP pics, so I might take the best 50 or so and zip them... 130 pics=230 MB O_O

No matter how many accounts you have, you will always be apart of Newgrounds. You outrank us all. XD

Eh, I still defer to those of a higher Level and Rank, statwhore that I am...

But could go adding parts of the plot little by little, then get to it when the time comes.

Wait is a well known fact that Emily is a dog that works as an internet porn star at night, and then when the suns rises disguises himself as a man, that then disguises himself as a woman, who then disguises herself as another woman which then uses her womanly image to deceive us and take attention away from her true self... the story of Albert was pseudo-biographical O_o

I've never been much for a story-story. I do better dealing with set anecdotal stuff usually.

... Alfred Alfer, actually. For a short young woman, she's got huge upper assets, and somehow thin as well.

Oh interesting, but not all anecdotes are actually worth telling, so you still need to take some time at least some minutes a day to choose which one you will write down.

Haha got the name wrong. Is a well known fact that if you are a dog that is using 3 disguises at the same time, the final product will end with a voluptuous body, which works perfectly for his undercover mission, however we know the truth.

I'm not that social, but I remember which stories got the best/strangest reactions... so those ones will probably be good. It'd be better if I was famous, somehow famous ppl are more fascinating.

Okay, so she's/he's a spy, undercover.... so what's under the breasteses, gorgeous smile, and very female voice? Robot from: planet 10, Skynet, or Japan?

From what I saw, it seems you had a rather good time. Along with most of the other guests.

You actually caught sight of me? I wish I had run of the Chat chair proper for a while... did it seem like there was a lot of camping? Most of the action was in the garage, the roof, or the play area of the office. Some of the younger attendees kinda stuck to wherever they were, didn't mingle much.

Cyberdevil recorded a lot of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjNwFgTOebM&feature=youtu.be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMP6ppS2Elc&feature=youtu.be Anyway, you, Cyberdevil and Sevenseize all have the same present from me (kinda).... though it is a bit drab :p like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Also snagged a plushie prototype for you, as well as a mark 1.

I was properly toasted at the end of it... Tom gave me a lift to the hotel, he really needs to be canonized, or made 'man of the year' or something. All those good deeds and words would fry my circuitry.

can you sense any powerful force emanating from me? is it stronger than any two humans

Afraid it doesn't translate well over the binary interface, sry... I was being sincere about Shad.

Haven't you ever met someone for the first time, and felt something odd? I don't even mean eye contact, body language or sex appeal...

A friend PM'ed me about why he missed the meet, and we got to talking... and I said the trip had personal meaning. @Robotintherain asked what it was.

I haven't drove long distance in a while, and certainly in nothing stable or comfortable to operate. I was in my Pop's well kept truck. He died just before Christmas 2012, and I heard and saw the lightning strike that signaled his passing.... my sis was in the hospital when it happened. My Pop and I used to travel to West Virginia, where he bought land with a few saved tax refunds. It's a 6 hour trip, a little less going back down the hill towards home. The last bug trip we took, was to Cali and back.

When I saw the sign for the PA Turnpike I thought,"I haven't been out of state since both my parents died." It was the sign. I used to help navigate from the other seat, this time I was on my own, and not as prepared as I would've liked. Luckily traffic wasn't bad, and the truck was easy to control, as the roads were well maintained (3.60$ toll in NJ, 4$ toll in PA).

How could I not cry? I was all alone, trying to get to a family I insinuated myself into... But there was a joy to the tears. If you're going to leap big, why not for a cause, or for a person? I only got this far, by learning from my parents, and I'd like to think they'd be proud of the trip I made, and how I conducted myself. Though I think I mingled too much and sat very little, likely a combo of extroverted Pop, and almost introverted and quiet Ma.

I mentioned this to Tom and one or two others, and got a minimal response. They've not experienced the loss yet, but would likely handle it better; having already impressed their parents and colleagues, learned what's involved from others.

damn...it was worth a shot...could have really used a confidence boost...

after seeing Shad's artwork, it would be difficult not to be in a room with, and not feel just a tad uncomfortable lol

that's a touching reflection above...don't know what to say

Lol, you're not the Lawnmowerman. You've a fine mind and a knack for a wide conversational range.

I took his picture as part of a group, where he seemed mostly silent, he smiled at waved at me just as I pushed the button. "There's that guy again!" He got up slowly, and I felt amazingly free of shyness. I introduced myself by my username, real name and my hand out in front me. He shook it slowly, smiled and said purposely, "I'm Shadman." I buckled at the knees a bit, looked up at him with joy and honor, being extra careful with his hand.

His picture does not do him justice, he's someone you have to meet to believe. Krinkels calls him 'good people' and from a Southerner, that's all the verification I need.

Yeah, it was okay, I visited my grandparents and parents at the cemetery on the way home, which lies in between the Turnpike and the farm.

Well you're much loved and deservedly so. Cooler than the Seven Shades of Sunday.

I'm sure I made a lot of women nervous... poor Cosmicdeath, what a good sport she was :)
I goofed while signing her box.... Tankman box! I never learned to type without looking, and sometimes Chat befuddles me int he rush... (see?)

Well yeah, but non famous people have some pretty interesting even crazy stories too, and lets face it you are famous here!

Under it all? is a crazy dog that wants to be an internet porn star, but since that doesn't pays that well, it has to live a tetra(4) life to pay the bills, one of those lives is his Emily persona. DUN DUN DUN.

Interesting, i myself can't imagine what it would feel to travel from one state to another alone in a vehicle that reminds me of my departed loved ones, i think that even replicating that experience would be impossible for me, but it sounds emotionally demanding, or at least like quite thing to go through, or maybe is your poetic vein which puts things into such perspective.

I'm glad someone noticed... a lot of my stories are buried deep in my noggin, and only come out when responding to different word clusters I see on this site |:

Heh, not going there man, I've got a bit of a thing for her... but I'm an older guy, and would be perfectly happy to be her friend, even though I'm totally boring around her, more so than usual.

It was more emotion describing than poetic, though I can see the similarity. Having grown up thinking differently, from everyone else I've ever known, it's deathly important to me to explain myself, for fear of my internal emotional disconnect, being perceived incorrectly. Bloody Asperger's..... the only brain, I've ever known

Nice meme, makes me want to get a normal haircut :p

No, I didn't post any pics yet! Once things calm down, I'll make an index post, then a Pico Day post with pictures.... the index post will have this years and last years pictures zipped, for easy perusal.

They certainly are not very good pictures, but I figured it beats nothing, and I was at there at the right place and time, so...

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