Dealing with a lot pf personal pains just now, so I gotta take a break from this happy place for a week or so.
I like spending time here, but it takes a lot of effort. And while that might be a worthwile diversion in anyones life, it's just clouding the issues I have alone at home. So many of you have shown genuine love and corncern, it's hard to say, "Give me a minute, I need to collect myself"
<Insert last few frames of Das Boot here>
Someone's always got it worse, I know, but in addition to all that's gone before, I just need time to let the hope well fill up again. Seen way too much suffering in the mirror and in others to slap on a happy face all the time. Too much shit, and I just get pissed off at it all, instead of crying, which seems the more painful of the two options... which likely means I'm going to hell, big whoop |:
Awh, take all the time you need, we all have our ups and downs. Time heals all wounds.
Hope you feel better soon.
Regards <3