Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

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Another one bites the dust

Posted by VicariousE - February 2nd, 2014

The black and white girl on the right, got hit by a car last night, probably trying to follow her mother across the street.


She won't be attacking my feet anymore :\ 

And this might be the bastard who did it! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=345_1390498630

I just noticed this afternoon, that the conduit that channels the electric down into the fuse box, has been pulled away from my house, probably by a severely sagging tree limb.  It's hanging out over 2 feet away from the house; top hanger and screwbolt got pulled out clean.  I'll try and make a new post before this new snow storm tries for a sequel.... which it certainly looks like it will.  Damn.

The snow is bad enough to block my radio/internet signal, so, we'll see...... don't like the weight of snow on the roof, and, please, do not leak.  Anywhere.


That feels bro ._.
I wish I could be there to change what happened, even if was me in its place :'(

Nah, humans can sacrifice for humans... but to save an animal that can lick it's own bunghole, no :|

Thanks for your kind words though, really sucked seeing it dead, while coming home from food shopping :(


I wasn't happy, but it's one less to feed I guess

Sorry for your loss.

Sad reminder of one of the reasons i keep mine indoors.

My farmhouse is just close enough to the road (and near enough to another farm, with way more cats on it), for them to try and get over there. I wouldn't mind having a housecat, if I could be bothered to stay and entertain the thing, by furring up my hands petting it - outside cats are way cleaner, happier, and more cat-like.

Not really a fan of cats, but i hope you can recover from this.

Yeah, just sucks is all |: Cats are okay, they're just pushy as hell.

That sucks. :[

I remember when our old cat died...

My folks watched a cat die. Happened while I was sleeping, and even though it sucked, it beat the way she wanted to go: alone and under cover, to let starvation or a predator to take her. No one should die alone.

My cat being hit by a car is my worst fear. In 2009 that almost happened.
So ever since that I have tried my possible best to keep him away from the road.

Sorry for your lost.

Thanks man. When you love something, you have to be able to let it go, or else it's not love, but selfish interest. Cats love to wander... I can't stand between them and their nature and happiness. You might try fox piss near where the cat's likely to try and cross the road... good reason for them to turn back - fox like to kill cats.

oh man :'(

Yeah, it's a real pisser. She had some fun though.

I know that feel man... My red buddy got run over 3 months ago because he freaked out at a thunderstorm. I really need to look for another one in the shelter.

Yeah, don't let the loss dissuade you from getting another pet. I hate to think of all the good animals put down by shelters.

seeing as nghelper and FordV8 have already broken the solemn seal of this post....how did black and white lose her first eight lives?

Ummm, I don't know? How did my black and white kitty cat lose her first 8 lives? (other than being born in NJ, the most populous state in the union)

I don't contest cats who can come and go as they please get to be more like cats, if i lived more rurally i'd let her do her own thing like yours.

It's just that the street five paces from the buildings front door alone is a main traffic artery into the city that regularly produces roadkill, last year it even sent an unattended dog to meet it's ancestors, if that were my cat i'd probably get bent out of shape something fierce.

The other reason for keeping her in is that there's a cat hoarder in the neighbourhood and i wouldn't want to be indulging somebody with that many issues.

If my house was set back from the road a few hundred feet, I'm sure I wouldn't lose any cats. They make this expanding loop when they're out and about, which is good for tracking down vermin.

If a cat's got company inside and places to roam inside, I think it's great, it's just... I grew up with animals on the outside of the house, not inside, where the humans are at, flea and tick free...

My father wanted these hairballs around, and even though he's a year in his grave, I guess I might as well let the farm have it's cats.

Poor kitties :'(

I've lost dozens of pets over the years, including a steer, which saddened me at first, but damn, it was the best steak I ever had.

A steer!!! Like one of these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle#Terminology ???
So you're framer John. It's good to hear after all. Best wishes for the harvest :D

What a serendipitous link, we had a Hereford bull, just like the bottom picture, only ours had it's horns blunted, and after an escape, a nose ring |: Used to see how close I could get to it in the field... it's not easy to vault a wire fence, when there's over a ton of muscle charging your rear side.

Yup, Framer John, riding a John Deere, hoping the weeds fuck off when it's hot outside. Can't fight wind, hail or flood, they all destroy. Can piss on em all you want if it's dry :\

Too much liability in keeping a steer where I'm at. Too close to the urbanites, they say....

thats so sad...

Yeah, sucks when they die so young.

"When you love something, you have to be able to let it go, or else it's not love, but selfish interest."

Wow, another profound sentiment from you, seems you have been on the ball lately with your comments, keep the good stuff coming... but that comment below lol, what do GMOs have to do with dead cats and can't simmer the zimmer? I expect and want to hear another conspiracy that connects Windows 95 and George Bush lmao

Bit of fact and prose... kinda like mixing Pespi and milk. My sister's husband used to do that, and once, quite unconsciously, I did the same recently. Not bad, but you wouldn't want to do it often.

Yeah, I forget where I heard that... something about third generation guinea pigs getting cysts, sores and no immune system or something. You can't deny GM foods are bad business for ordinary people. When companies like Monsanto are still in business, globally, conspiracy theories seem tame by comparison. Really. Ask any farmer worth his salt, and he/she will tell you how destructive this company has been. And GM food is not necessary; common sense, is.

May he/she/it RIP.

So you still have snow over there? It all melted for us, but a storm should be arriving this weekend here as well... though considerably milder than the one I guess you'll be getting. Fun times (not about the cat, I mean: storms are adventurous occasions)!

She was a nice girl, thanks.

Layers of snow, it's very bad. http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1360127/4#bbspost24974306_post_text and about to get worse. My electric wire got pulled away from the house... didn't even notice till yesterday - tree must've drooped down enough, and the weight of all that compacted icy stuff..... it's getting more dangerous by the hour! http://radar.weather.gov/Conus/northeast_loop.php

Woah, that amount of adventure's uncalled for... guess that explains the recent lack of updates and activity... will be a Valentine to remember. :P

It's about 25 cm of various snows, and 8 cm of slush underneath it, but Valentine's day should be enough above freezing, to help clean up okay :\

Mmm, cola milkshake...but, It's not a bad thing. It always contributes to furthering discussion. It should only be avoided during serious discussion (doesn't happen on the internet) or you're writing a paper for school lol...by it I mean your transitions in your discussion content, like cola and milk, unrelated but good.

Monsanto is controversial because of it's use of toxic PESTICIDES and HERBICIDES, not through it's genetic engineering. GMOs not necessary you say? Not to first-worlders, no, but tell that to an overpopulated third world country that lives in tropical climate, and cannot obtain a necessary diversity nutrients through the most natural means. But you should tell me, what exactly is a GMO? And how is it different than breeding two plants together that contain a desirable trait.

Nietz has his creative rhyming writing, Cyberdevil has his mid 20th century free-style rap/poetry... I'm just a nutter :)

I'm not overtly religious, but as I get older, I wonder more and more at the great world that surrounds us. Look at nature like a program, it's fine to use different programs off each other, especially when everything we've been given runs so well. But we're reverse engineering things that can easily kill us. It's like figuring out fission one year, and making firecrackers out them them next year - we're not smart enough or observant enough to futz with mother nature yet. You're right that there are certain parts of the world that could benefit from aggressive agricultural 'products', but they cost, and the big dog doesn't like competition.

Besides, whatever happened to breadfruit? It's equitable and logical trade that eludes the less affluent, and it's not entirely their fault. Middlemen and their shills, have been making a mess of civilized society for a good long while. Ambition overrides considerate action, when a buck is to be made.

Maybe I'm spoiled to have such good dirt to grow in... wish I had an irrigation system (can't anyway, selling out, starting over elsewhere). There's these homesteaders that can double the output of what I can do conventionally... there's a guy who lives in So-Cal who does just that. Helps to have plenty of hands and water, which is a big issue.

So do you understand the basic biology behind a GMO? Not to say what you bring up isn't of valid concern- but there's too many people making decisions without having some form of scientific basis behind their opinions...truly, all that's behind a GMO process is essentially is speeding up what evolution and natural selection would do, by altering the molecular basis that results in offspring bearing a desired trait, that aids in the fitness of the organism. Genetic modification occurs in organisms naturally.

In the context of plants, I disagree. This is not animals we are talking about here...the cell biology behind plants is well understood and easily observable. There is no ethical issue behind using them for experiments, so extensive research can be conducted on them, and such happens. We are smart and observant enough to fuck with them. There are no immediate or foreseeable risks. Problems can always arise in the future, but mankind won't progress without going on an audacious but careful ride.

It would be ideal if every neighborhood had a local, organic farm. It would nice if there were more gardens, and less lawns. But that's not always viable- and while I favor the healthy alternative I'm against instigating a social panic that suggests the moon jews have employed evil scientists to put mind controls chemicals in our food.

Is breadfruit some kind of metaphor, or did you mean that literally? I was thinking about rice, which is as your probably know is the staple, cheap, abundant food for unfortunate to live in poverty. Rice can be genetically modified to contain essential nutrients that aren't easily accessible in the environment. They can also be modified to be more resistant to water- hence why I mentioned tropical- where destructive storms and flooding is more likely to occur.

Well I'm definitely in favor of removing some of the middle-men, inspector of inspectors, and profit risk analysts, and hiring more farmhands. Between fighting the birds, luck of mother nature, irrigating, rooting, gardening is a difficult and time consuming task. Seems I'm blessed with good irrigation, and you've got all the good soil :P

We were altering and speeding up animal and plant characteristics long before we knew what DNA was... and we still don't where RNA figures in, really. Nah, we're too young to let that stuff out of the lab, and it's worth playing with. Best to focus on infrastructure and rotation, and getting other parts of the world growing, instead of just keeping pretty fields.

All those seeds, plants, dead bugs and chems don't leave the soil, they stay, just like certain chemicals in our bodies. Our kidneys and liver can't separate out those things, so they stay and build up. Then certain cells can't function well... you see what I'm getting at.

No telling what will happen outside the lab... cross pollination :| Tomato skins are getting tougher and tougher, thanks to need to ship them.

Man i did right to pass by that discussion with @S3C is turning out into an interesting read.

Wait! so no one has employed evil scientists to put mind controls chemicals in our food yet!? the hell are they doing missing out on such priceless opportunity, not everything has to be media manipulation of opinion goddammit!

Rice is also delicious to boot! but what about ‎wheat? and what about corn?

Is there really no ethical issues behind plat experimentation? what if someone makes a tobacco plant that also produces THC? that would be nice.

Farmers, farmers and landowners everywhere!

I agree @FordV8 there shouldn't be any ethical issues behind human experiments.

Man, you remind me of my buddy in Washington state... we used to TV shows together, even an indie movie with him.

Nah, the biggest problem up here, is the scope of commercial farming, and it's accumulative impact. I don't fancy science fixing a problem we created - we should let Mama Nature fix what they screwed up. I mean, the water underground is already toxic in many of these regions. Cattle won't drink from puddles because the water's so bad.

Otherwise, I'm not an ecomentalist in the slightest.

What I mean is, plants don't have a nervous system. You cannot "hurt" a plant, and there are no experimental constraints when doing research. That, and religious reasons is why gathering data on animals will always be harder and lagging behind that of plants.

That makes sense.

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