Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

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homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Look at what I got last night

Posted by VicariousE - August 26th, 2014

A girl with tattoos (dressed like this), gave me a drink, and a warm styrofoam receptacle, in a plastic bag.


Sadly, I took the the plastic bag home, not the girl.


I put this on a plate at home and ate it. 

It was fucking delicious. 

The end.



Yeah, that place has a way with spices. And salt. Any place that serves beverages, especially booze, loves to lay on the salt.

That's a small portion of vegetables VicariousE...I expect better out of you

Nah, there's some under the bread, but considering the price, I agree. I could've added some, but I was hella hungry. Don't worry doctor, I do like my greens.

Where are your carrots, man? don't you want to improve your eyesight?

Ironically my cousin and I put a full row of carrots in a few weeks ago, but I think he may have put too much dirt over top the seed, or it was my watering that disturbed them.... none came up >:\

Looks pretty good O:

Cost a lot (20 USD), and there was a tad of gristle around the edges, but after all the shit I did yesterday, I needed a few rum and cokes and something special to eat.

Aw :C

I needed something better than hotdogs after a full day of not eating. I usually go for medium-well, but the chick said medium, and I was in no condition to suggest otherwise.

Yesterday I was up before 5am, running around in the dark with a small shotgun, looking for infiltrating deer. One deer can eat or destroy a lot of growing produce, and I haven't made a dime yet. Farming sucks. It is madness.

And what's worse, the idiots who live in my state don't hunt deer much, even though cattlemeat prices are the highest they've ever been. Back in the day, deer were scarce because, you know... free food!!

Now only people with a college degree can afford to live around here, and wouldn't dirty themselves with legitimately clean, safe and low fat meat, if meant killing Bambi, and peeling it themselves. Plus they don't drive at night, it's always some other guy who hits a deer while driving.

That meal looks even better now with those girls there. I'm guessing yesterday was the big contract day then?

Ah, now you see the marketing appeal! Their company motto is something like "A tall beer never looked so good." Ever since Hooter's started here in the States, they've called them and any offshoots "breasteraunts", a billion dollar a year industry now.

At first I didn't know what you meant by 'big contract day', I thought maybe you saw me bragging about buying a stake (lol) in Nexus 2. That saying was around in my parents generation, in the mid to early 20th century. I don't think I've heard it said since then O_O And you're right, that was the custom after a big deal got closed!

It really sucks how far removed America has become from it's roots in Europe.

Thai salad? that's when you know that someone has good taste.

No it was yellow squash, string beans and broccoli in butter.

What's in a Thai salad? All I know, is what's in American salad bars lol

What! No number! No girl!

I got a bit skeptical when I saw some cursive writing and some dates on the side of her rib cage... soo there was numbers, but doubt she was a girl, or rather, a lady I'd be interested in. Guess I just need to go there when it's busier, and chat up female customers.

With that many tats, I really have to wonder if she was/is a whore/porn star... I shouldn't be so judgmental, but I'm not the rough and tumble guy I used to be lol

That's pretty much what a Thai salad has, but with some soy sauce and bell peppers XD, but the squash could replace the peppers.

Soy sauce on leaves? American soy is all genetically modified crud, spoils quicker too :p

lol, I hear ya. Well at least you tried!

I made a guy an offer on a Canon Hi8, only if he shows me thing working. Told him to plug it into a tv and take video of the tv screen (picture in picture effect), so's I know it's working! Technically, a still picture of that could be faked...

Edit: Oh shit, I thought the subject of reviving my old video work came up again! Yeah, there weren't any women there when I went... just the servers, and I was severely undressed to impress.

Weird Soy sauce is supposed to last for a long time, and it goes great with any kind of vegetables, have you tried soy sauce on rice? is quite good, but try to not put much since is salty, however you could also try a sweet variation of soy sauce, in that case feel free to go crazy with it.

Even the honey has an expiration date here, because it's cut with..... high fructose corn syrup |:
Thanks to Monsanto, we're fucked, we'll all be sterile or mutants or both
I used to love honey, sugar, soy sauce and even soy as a filler, but it's all fake, and has us running to Obummercare.

I thought I could move within the US, but am seriously considering leaving the country.

Is it really that weird to say? I had no idea haha. So I was right then. Oh well, at least the hardest part is over now, right? Hooters seems like a good place to cheer up. I had never heard of the term "breastaurant" before, but I knew about Hooters. Sounds like an amazing place to visit! Were you thinking about anything specific when you mentioned the roots of your nation?

No, not weird to say, it's just that damn few people know what that means anymore.

Actually, yes. There's too many Mexicans and other foreigners with degrees here. The Mexicans really know how to pack a house with bodies, and make every dollar count, but their kids are just as apathetic and pathetic as other American kids. The folks with degrees that come here, usually have to learn another trade, because there's no work in their field!

It's been going on like this for almost 40 years, and I can only assume it's to benefit big businesses with the 'pick of the litter'. What's worse, most immigrants come from socialist countries that suck, so they come here and vote the same way, titling the shitty 2 party system towards the democratic party.

And that's the reason I want to leave. The US has gone mad, and will never recover.

RE: clad women in photo
There is only one important move to make with women that beautiful (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdIT74L8hGI) and ya blew it!

RE: pile on the veggies
Okay good...I actually thought the bread was a weird kind of fricassee chicken breast, just the way it's folded, and the outermost left part looks like a hollow bone that birds have. I think you missed listing a vegetable btw...what's the red stuff? Almost a crime a meal like that doesn't have asparagus and carrot chips...At the end of the day though in no way is that plate alone worth 20$...girls better be given you great service

RE: Deer Hunter 2.0
You can't just enclose your produce with fencing??

RE: American GMO
Oh here we go!! I don't know what you're talking about. Soy sauce lasts forever!! Probably longer than mother nature intended, due to the GMO process.

RE: Shameless Salad Promotionals
Try Dr. S3C's Asian salad blend...a culinary classic!

spinach, green & red lettuce, arugula, radicchio, swiss or red chard, (alternatively "spring mix" salad will fulfill the leafy green & red vegetable supplement), red onions, roasted pumpkin seeds, red cabbage, spanish peanuts, snap peas, mandarin oranges, won ton chips, topped in a sesame ginger dressing...it's delectable, and promotes good colon health too!!

RE: clad women in photo (with tattoos)
I plan on getting tattoos on my rib cage-chest area...perhaps some dates commemorating loved ones...have I been in porn?? NO! (Although I wouldn't balk for a second at the chance of being able to have sex with beautiful women, even if it meant displaying my erotica for the world to see). Not a well-founded conclusion....99.999% of women with extensive tats are not in pornography... 1.) most porn stars have sparse ink jobs 2.) sex workers don't work at breastaurants, they work at strip clubs (and for some strange reason, real estate) 3.) who cares if a women likes to have copious amounts of sex...besides I can guarantee you pornographic activities are safer than the lives of women coming to bars looking for 1 night stands...It doesn't matter though. Soft spoken, gentle intellectuals such as ourselves are not meant for the bar-life game. Girls there are only looking to get cumblasted by obnoxious, loud brutes that are 6+ feet tall and named Chad.

RE: Boss Affairs
You saw your boss' wife naked...go on with the story.

Lol, some video. It shows the world what's left of American journalism and civil discourse.

It's a fragment or two of red pepper. The bread was good, didn't taste too much like calcium whosafudge. And you're right, I opted for the 20oz. mystery priced steak instead of the 11oz. steak. Service was prompt, but hardly chatty.

The fence would have to be a non-standard height to keep jumping deer out. And galvanized steel wire fence is mad expensive. My cousin just old me this evening, that dryer sheets hung around, dissuade the critters... will try it. Besides, the developers want this farm more than the deer.

Nah, the La Choy low salt I used to use goes bad quicker... maybe not expired, but just tastes nasty.

Sounds good, and the mandarin orange is nice, I just don't fancy it in a salad with bleu cheese dressing. Same with sesame and ginger; love 'em both, but kinda finicky as to its applications. How about flax seed?

Women. Hmm. Just when you think you figured out an aspect of them... besides, when I graduated HS, tats were still for sailors, bikers, military folk and ex-cons. That changed in a big fat hurry in the 90's! For the sake of gaining insight, I'll make it a point to gently ask about the ink next time I'm there....

Lol, okay, My boss was a legit photographer, then got involved in 'the industry' (porn) as a still photographer and groupie of sorts (and to think I turned down shooting porn before he insinuated himself into the trade). Then one day he shows up at work with a wedding band, he married a porn star with issues. Then they both got tats with their names along their sides, almost a year later, divorce. She had some anger issues, he was possibly a bit bipolar. Good thing there wasn't an NDA involved, huh? Anyway, after the divorce, he hired 'working ladies' to visit him for days at a time. Then the business closed doors, with me and a bunch of vendors, left hanging and unpaid.

in that case...sounds like you need to hire the sniper in Prosnorkulus...I take it scarecrows dont work? What about similar traps that you used to capture the raccoon (or whatever it was) a while back

that'll teach you...none of that Spanish soy sh*t...you need Kikkomann!

Agreed, bleu cheese is nasty!! Huh, flaxseed is good, never thought of putting it in a salad though.

Don't worry, there is like only one current active women in porn who was in the jizz bizz circa your graduation (Nina Hartley). And IIRC she doesn't have any tattoos. Don't sweat it dude...Tattoos are practically apart of this generation (born in 80s+). They rarely mean anything...unless if said person has an upper neck or facial tattoo then they are a confirmed idiot...

What would be bad about having a NDA? What was the business you guys were involved in anyway? Do you know the ex-wife's pornstar name? Or is that information you rather would not disclose

Can you really blame the immigrants for voting the way they do though? It would be nice if they would vote third party (or not at all) but of course they're going to select between the "worst" of two evils and go for the side that is more supportive towards multicultural enrichment. Who gives a sh*t though, elections are rigged anyway lol

But, I don't have 3 soft, freshly oiled rolls of fine leather..... I used a box trap for the groundcats, I mean groundhogs and raccoons; wire mesh box about a meter long and 30cm high and wide. Nah, can't use traps on deer, they too big, and it's against the law if they suffer.

Yeah, it's stronger, but the quality is constant.

Oh man, I love those blue bacteria. Must try more weird cheeses, like the good 'murican I am (for the moment)

Lol, she was fun to watch perform, but as she got on in age... eh.

Yeah I know her stage name, but cringe to reveal it. It was an arcade/mini-golf/bumper car complex for kids birthdays, and summertime senior class trips/summer camps. Those old monitors really suck the juice dude... otherwise, it might've been a better gig.

Yeah, they are rigged these days... there's no cyber security when it comes to all those mass produced, computerized voting machines, and no fucking paper receipts either :| Though the bigger the election, the less fudging of numbers, and in less states. The 2000 election was a simple monkey in the middle attack. The three guys who did it are dead now, of course.

Bleu cheese is straight nasty...tastes like I'm ingesting poison. Aside from that, all cheese is top notch food in my book. Except asiago is a bit bland and cheddar is used too liberally. For some reason, shredding the cheese amplifies the delectability 10x.

Umm...elections have been rigged way before electronic voting came around dude. Atleast since the mid 1800s when the Illuminati formed. There's no way the government would give plebeians so much power...that's the major fatal flaw with pure democracy; it allows for too loud of a voice for ignorant people.

Lol, it is a strong taste. I've never had lots of cheeses, like limburger and cheeses made in an animals' head (head cheese). I never buy it shredded though, seems like a waster of money for something i can do myself.

Is the Illuminati an offshoot of the Masons, or the Vatican? I know the aftermath of the civil war (reconstruction) certainly gave rise to all sorts of chinks in the armor of the three branches...

Uhuh, so this type of get up does it for you.

I'm more partial to accurate uniforms myself but sympathise nonetheless.

Perhaps cozy up to cosplayers, they love the ( any? ) attention though you may run into more dubious body art during your quest since that's a thing to do nowadays.

Lol! It actually doesn't! Most of the girls have ugly tats all up and down their sides, really makes you wonder why a pretty girl would want a huge flaming skull on her side! Oh well, the service is prompt and friendly, and the food is above par, though some of it's kinda overpriced. The steak up there cost 20$; an upper, arbitrary price, not listed in the menu, mainly because it's delivered fresh, not frozen crap from their distributor, as such, the prices fluctuate.

Yeah, I can only wonder whose clan pattern is on those kilts, McDonalds maybe? Oddly enough, it's the shoes (slippers) that worry me - no arch support, they must be hell to be on all day, and on concrete no less.

There's very few cosplaying events near where I live, and a lot of them are so niche, it wouldn't pique my interest. Maybe a Star Trek or Firefly event would bring me out... but yeah, you make some good points :)

Well anything i could say about Soy Sauce has been said already by Dr S3C so yeah, when it comes to this go Asian, they know their Soy Sauce.

What you are against universal healthcare? at your age that should be a good thing to have...

And now to ask Dr S3C more about that salad recipe of his it sounds interesting.

I should try and find some black market soy beans and grow it myself, that is, if fucking Monsanto isn't monitoring this website. And yeah, they are that thuggish, like casino bouncers and mercs.

I'm against stupid bitches like Hillary Clinton cutting and pasting words from the pharmaceutical industry's lobbying wishlist from the early 90's, into Bill's and later Barry's healthcare law ._. I'm saying what we had before (you young whippersnappers got hatched) worked well - you got a job, you get health insurance, part of a union? Another policy. Part timer? More insurance. Having more than one helped pay the whole bill off. Plenty left over for charity care, which insurers sometimes paid. BUT, what has happened since the mid 20th century: good unions failed, illegal immigration, medium sized business sucked up or destroyed by mega corps, banks buying and squeezing...

There needs to be a Cooking thread in General, why don't one of you two start one? I've got plenty of pics and ingredients in my head... anything to fatten up the useless ticks in the BBS

I was fucking hoping we'd stop yammering about Monsanto, healthcare and the fall of Rome...... bad enough 9/11 is right around the corner.

i dont understand what a girl having a lot of ink has to do with her sex life

As I stated afterwards, it's just not something I grew up with. Very few girsl I went to school with would ever get the kinds of tats that are in fashion now... a little butterfly somewhere or something, sure, but to flaunt it all over your midsection :p

Seriously, a dark red flaming skull 6" across? How is that sexy? Damn you Shadman....

I hear the Tilted Kilt has mediocre food, but I haven't eaten there so I can't back up these claims. Honestly, it just looks like a Hooters ripoff and I'm more of either a simple diner or nice restaurant kind of guy.

I guess every restaurant is different as far as quality of preparation. You definitely pay for the ambiance with what they charge for drinks and food. The spices and quality of food they use, really surprised me. But yeah, if I ever went on a Friday or Saturday night, it'd be a sausagefest of noise.. they mostly play sports stuff on all their flatscreens.

I very rarely eat out alone, just doesn't seem to suit me. So I sit at the bar, drink, scope the scene, wait for my shit and skeedaddle. I'd like to eat at the bar, but from what I hear, the booze servers prefer you didn't.

Lol, they serve something called a Snakebite there, which is what @MindChamber was mixing and sharing at the party :)

Well sure, but it seems shredded cheese is roughly the same price per lb as blocked cheese anyway.

The Illuminati sure has ties with both of those groups, but I doubt they emanated from either one, as ancestors of the Illuminati come from Egypt, passing along proprietary ancient technology through generations i.e. technology used to construct the pyramids. And that was long before Catholicism.

Some guys are lucky enough to beat off girls with a stick, the less fortunate ones have to beat off their stick to girls. Personally I find a girl with a flaming skull tattoo hot (in two ways) especially if she was pale skinned, and had an innocent look to her- such skin art would give her profile a good contrast.

oh jesus -_- here we go!! my molecular biology professor (whom I may work with someday in the future on algae fuels) used to work for Monsanto. That information about being "bullies" is mostly liberal propaganda. They sell products to large scale farmers hoping to produce acres and acres of produce...This doesn't apply to soy, but most of their vegetable seeds are not even sold outside North America. Try these seeds btw: http://www.burpee.com/vegetables/beans/soybean/bean-midori-giant-prod003170.html;jsessionid=EEEF8F659F35255C6C68BFCA40147B35.node2?omn2pd=bz&catId=3001&trail=

you get a refund if you are not satisfied.

With that in mind you should really read up on some introductory molecular biology. Then read the product safety page on the Monsanto website. While it doesn't take any scientific knowledge to notice a difference in crops, to be a good farmer with valid reasons for chemophobia is to understand the new, popular scientific methods that in and of themselves, are intended (and does to a certain degree) to improve crop quality and quantity. And to be a good agricultural engineer is to understand the changes their scientific experimenting creates between a GMO product and its conventional counterpart. In fact this is a part of the job at Monsanto...

I'm not meaning to take sides here, but its those carcinogenic cigarettes, industrial pollutants, perhaps idleness and paranoia, perhaps even that red meat in the picture that will make you run to the doctor...

Not where I shop lol. I get a brick o cheese for 2$ and it's usually good stuff.

Hmm, they go that far back, huh? I wonder what JordanD's take is on that, you know, the Spirit Science guy. He says the pyramids and temples of old, form a geometric grid over the planet, and it was to channel all humanities experiences, so we'd all have skills....

Yeah she was pretty, but... I mean, it's a big red skull! Sure it's on fire and all... I mean, what's it for? Is it something for her lover to look at, so he doesn't spunk too quick? I'll have to ask her what her favorite music is... if it's rap, I'm shooting myself in the head.

Huh, Burpee. Though it's probably my own fault for fertilizing the cherry tomatoes just before the buds came out... they all went vegetative crazy and just laid down :\ and made it easier for the deer to eat. I doubt Monsanto cares about people, just money and results. If grow soybeans that aren't theirs, they will come after you. Why? Cross pollination, fucking with their patent they say. Plus, anything that survives Round-Up doesn't deserve to be eaten :p One drop will give you the shits for days, like brown rain. No pain, just rain |:

I'd like to learn more about molecular biology, but believe God takes care of farmers. Besides, my only real problem is the deer, and there's very little they won't eat... trying dryer sheets along the fence to skunk em away. Wanna increase yields? Use old animal shit, compost... you know Gordon's used to make good money selling fish meal as fertilizer, now they just sell flakeboard filets lol

Paranoia is just heightened awareness, but I get what you mean. Natural tobacco isn't bad (depending on the variety), it's: the ciggy lighter, the paper, the cheap fertilizers, bug spray and all those 100 or so chems used to 'preserve', when in fact, makes shitty leaves smell and taste better. Oh, and ammonia to kick the addictive factor up to a level of 11 :| When I smoked Pall Malls, I wasn't addicted (1-3 a day if at all), but after having a Marlboro.. Now I think all cigs have that junkie blend.

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