(cont.) face a larger risk?
Looks like you'll just be eating weeds then :P On the real though, improved plant defenses = less to no need for pesticides
God takes care of Judeo-Christian American farmers, but not the ones in impoverished third world countries :(...All I have to say is
>Not planting genetically modified venus fly traps that eat deer and other vermin
No but on the real though, if we're going to use the pie-in-sky excuse and neglect science, the doctors in society would still be feathered shamans performing rituals and shaking jars of incense...and humanity would likely be no more. I've always seen it as God gave us science to understand, live, communicate and evolve in this world and our emotions to understand, live, and communicate, and evolve in the spiritual realm.
Composting is making a big comeback! Although I used compost for my garden this year but it didn't seem to make a difference. I think the beds are just too shallow...Will try again this season. Composting toilets are becoming more popular too now, lol
I disagree, heightened awareness is heightened awareness, while paranoia is an irrational preoccupation and anxiety regarding certain issues, decreasing quality of life and awareness of reality in general. Wasn't trying to label you as paranoid btw, if you took it that way. It was just a general statement towards conspiracy theorists, as they commonly harbor such traits.
All drug derivatives (as found naturally in the plant) aren't as harmful...while it is true that it is the additives that are partly if not primarily responsible for harmful and addictive properties, tobacco indeed is potentially dangerous even by itself; namely the tar created from burning the plant and the nicotine compounds.
I usually try to avoid paying extra expenses for added conveniences, but I just don't have the damn time...ok that's a lie, I'm just lazy more than anything. Preparing and cooking food is time consuming though, so that's why I say stick to salads and sandwiches! Leads to healthy bowels too.
Not the Illuminati as a group itself, but rather the parental line of the Illuminati founders. While the content is up my alley, I just don't really care for Spirit Science's vids. For 1, he talks way too fast. Secondly, it doesn't seem like he has much intention to further scientific discourse with his topics...it's moreso finding an alternative topic to advertise his slightly above mediocre animating skills.
What is makeup for? Why do girls use nail polish? Why do black males care so much about shoes? Does there need to be a logical or physical reason when it comes to the entirely subjective field of aesthetics!? Vanity is fun and enhances the beauty of an individual.
I'd like to amend your sentiment...capitalism is not inherently evil, but (large) corporations (such as Monsanto) in a capitalistic system prioritize profit and growth over the well being of an individual...The bioengineering processes encapsulated in GMO activity are supposed to improve public health through augmented nutrition, infectious disease protection, better transportation, and elongated life spans for example, instead we have overproduced crops that the Earth's soil cannot support, to feed an overpopulated world. What I'm getting at is, you can find similar parallels in education, medical, even artistic and sporting institutions- they place profit above the sake of their respective work. For what it's worth though, the FDA, USDA, and EPA exist to keep the evil scientists (and the bankers that employ them) in check but there's still always controversy in the world...
Well we've never been abducted into the back of a black, windowless van for planting conventional goods so I'm highly skeptical of your theory. Besides, the same farms that use Monsanto crop commonly have their own organic farms...Monsanto hasn't stopped them yet have they? I would imagine there's a greater threat of cross-pollination there than some random farm (or are you near a large farm of sorts?). I understand where the concern comes from, but wouldn't the conventional plants with less desirable traits ->
VicariousE (Updated )
Yeah, I'm lazy too, but try to stay away from pre-mixed salad bags. I've got a brother who works on the packaging side of food... and my Pop used to do some industrial food deliveries in the 60's and 70's. So yeah, where science meets the production room floor.....
Ah, poor Jordan. He researches other ppl's works and disseminates them. I don't think he's had college, but does his level best to filter out the wacky, which must be a shit-ton in the new age libraries of the world. There's a few books from Mason defectors out there this century, heard they're legit. Beats reading about the Scientologists - that cult makes Jordan look mainstream rofl, but you got to hand it to them, they know how to attack the human condition and reporgram it.
So you're saying affectations can really go any which way, okay, it still sure explains Shadman's success; he's imitating life legit then... I wanna hide under my bed
Oh man, a lot of true words. It just sucks how far we've fallen... even in out debt ridden, and beaten beginnings, we were the richest country ever. It seems comfort causes blindness, kinda like when kids used to look at porn 8mm with the naked eye, "You'll go blind looking at that!" Plus technology has made 'the business' that more aloof and unaccountable. Previously, the business stayed in the heart of their customers, now they hide in inaccessible steel and glass towers, as they are blind to their customers' conditions. Privilege was a sin in this country |:
Again, the past 100 years have made whatever advances in traditional farming and hybridizing, a second fiddle to a sterile lab. Look how strong pot's become, without the aid of genetic re-sequencing! Nothing man does is perfect... Plus, we've talked about this before, you know I have a boner for God's work, and am legitimately afraid of tweaking the fabric of life, especially when disconnected rich assholes are the ones behind the Pyrex tubes.