Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

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homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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I usually try to avoid paying extra expenses for added conveniences, but I just don't have the damn time...ok that's a lie, I'm just lazy more than anything. Preparing and cooking food is time consuming though, so that's why I say stick to salads and sandwiches! Leads to healthy bowels too.

Not the Illuminati as a group itself, but rather the parental line of the Illuminati founders. While the content is up my alley, I just don't really care for Spirit Science's vids. For 1, he talks way too fast. Secondly, it doesn't seem like he has much intention to further scientific discourse with his topics...it's moreso finding an alternative topic to advertise his slightly above mediocre animating skills.

What is makeup for? Why do girls use nail polish? Why do black males care so much about shoes? Does there need to be a logical or physical reason when it comes to the entirely subjective field of aesthetics!? Vanity is fun and enhances the beauty of an individual.

I'd like to amend your sentiment...capitalism is not inherently evil, but (large) corporations (such as Monsanto) in a capitalistic system prioritize profit and growth over the well being of an individual...The bioengineering processes encapsulated in GMO activity are supposed to improve public health through augmented nutrition, infectious disease protection, better transportation, and elongated life spans for example, instead we have overproduced crops that the Earth's soil cannot support, to feed an overpopulated world. What I'm getting at is, you can find similar parallels in education, medical, even artistic and sporting institutions- they place profit above the sake of their respective work. For what it's worth though, the FDA, USDA, and EPA exist to keep the evil scientists (and the bankers that employ them) in check but there's still always controversy in the world...

Well we've never been abducted into the back of a black, windowless van for planting conventional goods so I'm highly skeptical of your theory. Besides, the same farms that use Monsanto crop commonly have their own organic farms...Monsanto hasn't stopped them yet have they? I would imagine there's a greater threat of cross-pollination there than some random farm (or are you near a large farm of sorts?). I understand where the concern comes from, but wouldn't the conventional plants with less desirable traits ->

Yeah, I'm lazy too, but try to stay away from pre-mixed salad bags. I've got a brother who works on the packaging side of food... and my Pop used to do some industrial food deliveries in the 60's and 70's. So yeah, where science meets the production room floor.....

Ah, poor Jordan. He researches other ppl's works and disseminates them. I don't think he's had college, but does his level best to filter out the wacky, which must be a shit-ton in the new age libraries of the world. There's a few books from Mason defectors out there this century, heard they're legit. Beats reading about the Scientologists - that cult makes Jordan look mainstream rofl, but you got to hand it to them, they know how to attack the human condition and reporgram it.

So you're saying affectations can really go any which way, okay, it still sure explains Shadman's success; he's imitating life legit then... I wanna hide under my bed

Oh man, a lot of true words. It just sucks how far we've fallen... even in out debt ridden, and beaten beginnings, we were the richest country ever. It seems comfort causes blindness, kinda like when kids used to look at porn 8mm with the naked eye, "You'll go blind looking at that!" Plus technology has made 'the business' that more aloof and unaccountable. Previously, the business stayed in the heart of their customers, now they hide in inaccessible steel and glass towers, as they are blind to their customers' conditions. Privilege was a sin in this country |:

Again, the past 100 years have made whatever advances in traditional farming and hybridizing, a second fiddle to a sterile lab. Look how strong pot's become, without the aid of genetic re-sequencing! Nothing man does is perfect... Plus, we've talked about this before, you know I have a boner for God's work, and am legitimately afraid of tweaking the fabric of life, especially when disconnected rich assholes are the ones behind the Pyrex tubes.

(cont.) face a larger risk?

Looks like you'll just be eating weeds then :P On the real though, improved plant defenses = less to no need for pesticides

God takes care of Judeo-Christian American farmers, but not the ones in impoverished third world countries :(...All I have to say is
>Not planting genetically modified venus fly traps that eat deer and other vermin

No but on the real though, if we're going to use the pie-in-sky excuse and neglect science, the doctors in society would still be feathered shamans performing rituals and shaking jars of incense...and humanity would likely be no more. I've always seen it as God gave us science to understand, live, communicate and evolve in this world and our emotions to understand, live, and communicate, and evolve in the spiritual realm.

Composting is making a big comeback! Although I used compost for my garden this year but it didn't seem to make a difference. I think the beds are just too shallow...Will try again this season. Composting toilets are becoming more popular too now, lol

I disagree, heightened awareness is heightened awareness, while paranoia is an irrational preoccupation and anxiety regarding certain issues, decreasing quality of life and awareness of reality in general. Wasn't trying to label you as paranoid btw, if you took it that way. It was just a general statement towards conspiracy theorists, as they commonly harbor such traits.

All drug derivatives (as found naturally in the plant) aren't as harmful...while it is true that it is the additives that are partly if not primarily responsible for harmful and addictive properties, tobacco indeed is potentially dangerous even by itself; namely the tar created from burning the plant and the nicotine compounds.

Incomplete response: I'd say weeds aren't a big problem, if you use sheeting (neat machine lays down plastic, then drops a seed in a hole it makes) or rototill the shit out of the dirt... rototilling bought us tons of breathing room, and all those weed bits that don't make it, feed the produce plant... shit, make solar roombas go through the rows and cut the growths that don't match the produce color! I saw one picking worms once in a Tom Selleck movie....

(woof hang on, I'll be back)

Heh, some petri dish.

Boy, you said it brother! I read somewhere that bacterial soil samples taken across the globe many years ago, showed 50% of it was benign or good, the other half harmful. For some reason, that 1:1 ratio has slipped to the harmful side...

Goddammit, Mr Vicarious is a paranoid crazy farmer, and Dr S3C is a spy working for Monsanto advertising their services and products, all hope is lost! Ok jokes aside dark skin is nice too, such discrimination Dr S3C!! i actually don't like tattoos...

Come on man your country spearheaded the system who ended unionism by creating job flexibility and impulsing neoliberalism while branding unionist as socialist and commies, and then it launched the idea that independent workers should pay their own health care... Well Obama hasn't been able to do anything because each time he tries the opposition appears to cockblock the bills, and i don't really like the guy but is nice to see a counter wave to the current trend of privatization of everything.

Well you know man, i try to stay away from the BBS because if i get addicted to the forums i may end spending all my time there, and i need my time.

Actually i have the same problem with Jordan and spirit science, and is that getting a reply from him when you have doubts about his videos is just night impossible, even if you write him a PM, he probably gets harassed over the topics and has decided to just ignore things, which is kinda pointless because at that point his videos are like preaching to the converted.

What is this "God" you 2 keep mentioning? it sure ain't Spinoza's...

Blacks care so much about shoes, because they cost money. and they help showing that you have the dough to spend on dem J's, which comes from the necessity to prove that they are in the way or finally have managed to escape the circle of poverty that has come to be associated with black people, sadly this necessity to show your riches and brag about them has become ingrained in culture, and to top it all off it gets reinforced by the model of consumerism that a capitalist state creates and promotes.
On make up, that is way too large a category for me to give a short answer, because it can go from ritualistic to spiritual to aesthetic make up, however with enough time and space is not really that hard to give: "a logical or physical reason when it comes to the entirely subjective field of aesthetics", which is actually quite an objective field. Even nail polish has its clear purpose and any marketing section of a beauty parlor will be able to inform you about it. In the end something subjective is being objective to the subjects intent

Oh dude, I know, just the other day I was telling KatMaestro about what happened to our best and brightest about a century ago... how they all got pushed out by the robber-barons, and how the survivors fled up North.

Well, Jordan does post his source material. If only those old hippie plagiarists would come on NG/YT/FB and explain themselves... but they can't. That kid really needs allies in the Sciences to work along side him.

Eh, not just blacks, but everyone in the US growing up these days. False premises perpetuated by those who wanna squeeze more money from the poor. As for makeup, maybe you should ask http://subliminalvirus.newgrounds.com/ about that... you're an eloquent bloke.

Man these long ass comments of mine again...

Puh, after S3C's comments, you're a breeze ;)

Quite sad, Canada is like the standard of niceness in the continent, and when they try to privatize healthcare it makes you wonder what must be happening everywhere else.

Yeah, he does and he has quite an extensive research, but his videos are mixtures of views into one, so even if i read the source material only Jordan can tell me about why he is joining regular physics about light mechanics, and universal geometry, all to give weight to photons. Is that union which is actually made by Spirit Science the one that evades me, at that point it should be the author and not the sources the one doing the explaining, because he is proposing an hypothesis.

Yeah the phenomenon of showing your income in the form of a bunch of shinny toys, normally buying new cars, is quite generalized, but shoes are the cars of the hood. That's what i was trying to say.
Maybe i will ask her if Dr S3C manages to corner me on this dialectic, but i am confident on my answer for now, but thanks for the resources, is always nice to get some back up.

Simple, they know things (globally/financially) are going to take a turn for the worse, although the party that's pushing that is backed by industry, which if course likes to think of themselves as global entities (parasites).

Photons do have weight. Take 3 pieces of thick paper, one side black, one side white, put them on a spinny thing, let the sun hit it. Many science teachers of mine believed this as well. But yeah, he's not supporting enough assertions.... but I was never that anal. I let nature show me what's what, not state governed indoctrination, used to protect their secret science (lol a better title)

Cars have been at the center of that kinda crap.. to the point where it does usually make sense to sell your car every few years, so you don't loose too much equity :\

[FUCK] Something happened earlier today, and now Google's cookies are constantly popping up on FF, something that's happened before, but not to THIS degree (delete cookie, check back, there it is again!)

Politics were never neutral, and the people were hardly their main concern, it all goes to wherever the money is.

That experiment doesn't really seem that helpful, but anyway his video was on how to transform energy into matter, and how universal geometry allows light to gain weight (at that point it becomes matter), in that case photons would be weightless, but if photons have weight that means both my info and Jordan's was wrong to begin with XD.

Is a business based on the pressure to show a social status, changing cars every few years could be second only to changing phones every 6 months, this model is everything except sustainable.
I am using chrome, and so far so good.

If they would just stop hiring assistants... those are the people who are writing laws on behalf of their true paymasters.

With or without a chemical process? That's one of his newer vids, ya? Need to rewatch that one. For all we know, dark matter is made up of photons that have gone too far, and taken up too much weight. like scales inside a pipe... maybe. At least we're still asking questions.

I don't even bother with a cellphone anymore, though I should keep one in the truck for emergencies... but doubt my 8 y/o disposable pre-paid phone will even work on the microwave network. It might actually be just new enough.

[Something weird about FF saving settings and such... I think I got it fettled correctly now, but what caused it?!]

Yeah the paymasters should directly write the law... wait no...

Nope nothing to do with chemistry at all, is a bunch of levels more deep than that since there is no interaction of elements affecting each other so is not a chemical process, is pure physics, even more on the case of Jordan because he goes directly to the structure of the photon, and that is insane as it is, because he is giving form and a definite shape to one of the smallest things in the universe, it is not really one of the newer videos, it was around the time that the higgs field was all the rage, before we discovered the Higgs particle (which happened early this year) so about a year or so http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/630667 indeed it was his penultimate video as of now, and the thing starts falling apart for me around 8:00 minutes, because his conjectures can't even be called an hypothesis when his "what ifs" are based on the duality of genders, he is lucky that fungi are not at our level, because they have way more than just 2 genders, plus his sacred geometry is based on hexagons, as much as numerologist would love to play around this it just doesn't happens, the universe doesn't stops there, man i could go on about this.

As for dark matter being made up of photons, that is the first time i heard of that hypothesis i would love to read an article about that.

Well as long as it gets the job done.

No idea, my most recent bug on chrome is new bookmarks not saving, but when you open the page it shows as marked and you can even track it to the folder, however once there you don't see that page.

Lol, you know what I mean...

Oh yeah, forgot about that, sub nucleonic wizardry. I used to keep up with developments in HS, though I never took physics... had one too many bad math teachers >:( I will say there's observed info that works for me, and considering how terrible our view of molecules are... who knows? God does! Anways, oooo looky wat I found hea! http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1372458

Just hypothesizing out my ass, I have no clue what's out there on the fringes of known space....

If my problem didn't resolve, I was gonna backup the bookmarks and reinstall. Who knows if that would work for Chrome. Kinda surprised my FF did well with so many updates, but it just added to amount of RAM on startup, so, reinstalling helped me in that respect.

Haha yeah, i know.

Yeah, is exactly because we don't really have a full understanding of particle physics that i am willing to give these kind of views a chance, and actually watch and hear what they say, but they don't really convince me, specially when my questions get unanswered.

Oh interesting, it was also inactive for a while and just recently got comments on it XD, but no sight of Jordan... actually he is not really active on NG, and i just don't feel right to go and harass him over at his page, i want a casual way to ask him without appearing as pushy specially after this happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en7qlWhI_E8 so it seems that if you don't bait him well he wouldn't really bite (he is like hard to catch fish), and is not the first time, he has been tired of dealing with the opposition for years now, each time he addresses theses issues he sounds tired, annoyed, but most importantly avoidant, he doesn't wants to deal with this, specially when he has no time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMM2QXf5Zjo&list=UUEcMWs6GudljuLw0-Umf97A however that is quite irresponsible, part of the whole deal behind informing is to have the time to answer questions, and on this videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dOYJBMM3XI&list=UUEcMWs6GudljuLw0-Umf97A he explicitly confess that much of the real questions are ignored because they are not on his "net", and things had to get rude and ugly for him to react, and yet the explanation was unsatisfying, because that video was not him trying to answer, it was him trying to show how mature he is.
But you know? it is fine, i like people that are consistent, and his behavior makes sense if we see our constant nagging about SS not making sense as a bunch of negative energy, in that case is quite normal if Jordan decides just continue his series, while passing on the drama that is our questions.

Oh that's good news, i actually had to create a new browser profile and pass my bookmarks, however since my problem is so irregular i still don't know if that solved it.

If Jordan had a degree in high maths, I'd expect some discourse, but really, he's just collating lots of sources, into a general overview, as an above average layman. You want answers, pick up some of his source material, they may contain old dark maths from times forgot...? He's a good presenter.

Sometimes clean installs work the best, but if your bm list is busted... hope it works out.

I took my cousin up to that Kilt place, ordered take out, told him order what he liked.... 75$ |: Oh well, funfunfun. At least the girls popped out of the woodwork to chat... paprika on the french onion soup, yeah, that's an elective, shouldn't be standard :p Hemp beer was plenty strong and crisp... after I had 2 mixed, and he had 2 on the rocks. Waitress actually offered 'neat', which is illegal in my state O_O, even for a first shot.

RE: Veggie Farmer vs. The Pre-Packaged Salad Boy
Don't be a foodochondriac dude...Try Trader Joes, Fresh Express, or Safeway O Organic brand, and let me know what you think!

RE: The Monster From Monsanto
Nothing man does is perfect, but mother nature never anticipated the human race to populate to such astronomical levels, and it's not that I disagree with your sentiments in entirety..but at the end of the day that's when scientific methods come into play, such circumstances require new methods of conservation. Maybe the fate of humanity will face its demise in one way or another... On one hand, population is reduced through starvation/malnutrition where the rich survive and on the other hand, the population is reduced by deleterious genetic mutations, where the red pills live.

Nah, good-minded scientists for the most part are behind the Pyrex tubes...it's the rich @ssholes that fund their research.

RE: Solutions in Politics: A Rubix Cube With Infinite Squares
Uhh...America is still #1 dude, or atleast somewhere up top in the global power rankings..."things aren't the way they used to be!" is a true but damaging, nostalgic old-man sentiment that everyone harbors for one thing or another. Not much in this world is static, everyone has their regrets, but we're still alive, have our health, high speed internet, more privileges than we recognize, so something upstairs must be going right-and it's time to get over it. I picture Canada and the Nordic North to be utopias...But that's not the case if you ask Elitistinen below, or Cyberdevil about life in Sweden. Every nation has its own set of problems, you flee from one in your hometown, only to be introduced to new controversy in another, like aligning the colors on a Rubix cube. all we can do is seek out residence in a place that bests values our culture and ideals...

Funny, I always pictured nietzlawe as a New Yorker.
Funny 2, I was just watching a Meryl Streep flick were she gets zooted off a blunt for the first time in 20+ years...WTF happened to marijuana these days...still haven't came across any herbs strong as Jamaican hashish. not to say that I'm searching in particular...

I agree about the transparency issue. Grocery chains in the U.S. have continually been able to continually reject label laws that indicates food that has been genetically altered. Their reason is a very valid one (-->)

I might if I go there, but I prefer buying separate and mixing, otherwise I'll risk citric acid being sprayed on it.... my brother's worked on salad bagging machines, and say the warehouses they do it in are a mess.

I myself worked for a bad person, but because I enjoyed the work... anyway, that's all well and good, but it comes down to agribusiness on the ground, and it's effect on the landscape that trumps the science behind it (at least in Western worlds). No crop or land rotation, same awful chemicals cranked up to 11... you can go in with great seed, but end up with shit due to 'the method'.

But I think your main concern is where the ground sucks, and people breed... Really need something like an early Grainger's hall where everyone can get waste organics in and product out, and everyone makes a buck, rather than feeding the 2 ton elephant in the corner... who only feeds stockholders. Early US farmers were the core of localized socialism, it was the only way to survive and prosper.
"The grass (is not) greener on the other side of the fence" I hear you. But, as in any crime, "Follow the money," and you'll see we've been raped to nothingness. The books are so cooked, we might as well make diamonds from the carbon...... Elitistinen sure made a multispacial 180 on his name... still getting used to it, nya!

Hahaha @nietzlawe is a very perceptive person, a vessel for information disseminations of peculiar designations. I've only had Afghani hash, the blond stuff I had couldn't have been from Jamaica - too loose and not terribly potent. C'mon, they're making weed now that has 25% THC O__O no genetic resequencing going on there, just simple human crossbreeding over the course of a few years - I prefer that to scifi short cuts.

Shame, those ladies are cute.

That being said, leftovers are always good. The husband and I have been meaning to head to our local Tilted Kilt but haven't yet. Whatever the case, leftovers means no one has to cook!

They all seem like they do their jobs well, take pride in their work... a very cute and bundled up prep cook came out to talk to me :3 The french onion soup was thoroughly caramelized, just ask for it without paprika O_O, I didn't and it throws it all off. I use it for the tops of deviled eggs and butter fried potatoes. It's nice living with someone, easier to rotate meals/leftovers and cooking. Wish you lived closer, I've got some fluke (kinda like flounder only thicker) my cousin caught last week...

I hope you and your life's love have a very happy Labor day weekend :)

that labeling would incite fear in customers, which it would, but I believe it is a basic right to inform people of what they intake into their bodies, in entirety.

RE: ink on the stink
y'all a bunch of squares :P I've had the same ideas of which tattoos I've wanted to get since I was a teenager, and nothing's really changed. Who gives a sh*t what they look like when I become a senior- I'm not going to be attractive anyway lol. With that said, getting a tattoo on your genitals is too extreme for me...seems tattooing the anus is becoming a trend...hmm what else have I seen. A girl with a vaginal clown tattoo, where the outer labia lips make up the clown's tongue. Another one had Mario entering a women's vagina via those green pipes, I've also seen a man with a smurf holding his penis.

Re: one man's trash is another man's treasure
Quite the astoundingly astute and provocative observation on black people and their footwear, Doomroar! I never intended to assess the situation with much extrospection...I was thinking it had to do more with playing basketball, or running fast...perhaps from law enforcement. On the topic of aesthetics, you are citing underlying practical functions, respectively. But aesthetics standalone are entirely subjective...as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is no objective way to define why one person is more beautiful than the other...if there was we would all be robots lol, and there would no color in this world.

RE: the infinitesimally deep discussion on photons
Ouch...my three weakest areas of study in school probably were spectroscopy analysis, stereochemistry, and electromagnetic physics.
Photons do not have a static rest mass like other particles, however when not at rest they technically have a mass of 1×10−18 eV/c^2...I'm gonna read the cited article on wikipedia to try to understand this some more.

They don't (label) for a shit ton of products. Early GMO's gave me IBS in the ANUS.

A smurf?! Fuck my generation |:

(You know, for the longest time, I assumed -you- were black :) my brother of another color!) It's the 'social importance' game in the hood, not as crucial in the suburbs. The word that comes to mind is 'dire' in their need for social acceptance, which is the game young people play with each other, every day. Then they get older and spend money on crap (or drugs, if they gave up on the upstanding-well-dressed-citzen game) as a matter of habit. [Your last line reminds of a b/w Twilight Zone episode where everyone is made to look ugly. There's also a 40 minute movie on the subject of conformity... 2049? Some future date-title, was made in the past few years]

That sounds about right, if memory serves.

So you ate the plastic bag?

I would have, if it meant getting a little closer to one of the waitresses lol
The cutest young woman I met there, is a part time prep cook. Hope I get to talk to her more, I found her quite admirable.

I don't know even if Jordan had a degree on math, his problem comes more from public relations, and having an inefficient system to interact with the public and their inquiries, and the longer the questions remain unanswered, the more restless the public and then he ends in the situations that lead him to make those videos i linked below, and after that he disappears again, and while the public knows that he has it hard with so many people pushing for answers at the same time, the problem is that the questions continue, and with no reply they will not stop.

Oh interesting, just 2 doubts, what is this 'Neat' thing she offered, and how old is your cousin? you are bout to become the coolest uncle ever, or the most irresponsible XD.

@S3C Mr Cyberdevil exaggerates his situation, also he is a little bit fascist (some of his complains have undertones of it, and he knows it, so if you ever want to tease him you can use that topic), and that comes from his exaggeration, why? Dr S3C i believe you were there on that conversation it was called RE: Sweden is fine, or something like that. In that sense Mr VicariousE's old-man nostalgia is not really unfounded, specially if we take into account that his country sold the world and themselves a lie known as the american dream, something that if ever happened is nowhere to be found nowadays. So while i agree with you in the sense that all countries have problems, i also have to say that not all countries have the same problems or that these problems are even at the same level, for example complaining about having a bad service of public health care, compared to complaining about not having public health care at all!

Well you know in a beginning it was all bout the functionality of the shoe, but that was long ago, nowadays is all bout the brand and the price of the shoe.
What if i tell you that there are indeed parameters of beauty that are not really that dependent of who you are as an individual? even more depending of your culture coming with an objective model to know what is aesthetically pleasing or not helps to solve this, and then there is our brain which make assessments and judges appearances in fractions of seconds http://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2014/08/05/our-brains-judge-a-faces-trustworthinesseven-when-we-cant-see-it.html this article has been so helpful lately.

Think he needs allies or at least links to the people who wrote the stuff he read/presented... knowledge is a process, not a be all end all, it takes time to accumulate and prioritize.

Neat = no ice. He's in his early 30's, shaggy hair, shaggy beard, round glasses. I paid for a memory we can share in dark times... some people are born into expense account lunches..... lol

Haha, my buddy Cyberdevil a fascist?! I can see quite mild strains of it, sure, not bad for a young man these days... though conservatism has many stripes, and I'm more of an IDIC kinda guy.

Bookmarked... also, the further apart your eyes are the more trustworthy/low IQ you appear, while closer together implies more untrustworthy/lying... lots of good info on human responses to other humans over the years... about a hundred different kinds of eye (target/lid) positions are recognized by the brain. Looking at a womans lips is a turn on for them...

I would not say that we are robots, but we are not that far away from them, but sure this statement is like this, only because the current model of investigation in the scientific world tries to mechanize humans, so there is a bias to it, however it gets results. Also what is wrong with being a robot? you people and your spirituality and need for ambiguity complicating what doesn't needs to be.

*Austrian accent* My CPU is a neural net processor, a learning machine.

RE: Jordan's expensive shoes to Jordan's eccentric views
No one's pressing the man for a dissertation, or even a formal academic conversation for that matter.
How well he understands the mathy side of his subject is immaterial, as well is any accreditation he may have.
As a presenter- whether it be a professional scientist communicating new theories to the public, a teacher imparting and explaining previous knowledge to a student, or a pupil demonstrating what they know in a classroom environment- there is always somewhat of an onus for the presenter to be open to questions and foster an educational discussion between the presenter's audience. I have never been to an academic seminar that isn't that way, to a certain degree. I know Jordan/Spirit Scientist's videos are not academic seminars, but I feel open discourse is vital in scientific dissemination, regardless the medium.

RE: Sweden revisited
Ahh, I remember. Never picked up on Cyberdevil's fascist undertones...hey isn't he supposed to be back. Needless to say, as you pointed out, some countries obviously are in much worse predicaments, but it's a moot point- as one wouldn't move from the U.S. to said countries...unless the person is a crime overlord or something. Perhaps a missionary or medical professional. Moving out of the U.S. is a lateral upgrade at best.

RE: assessing aesthetics
Cultures can create objective models based on generalizations only. Women like tall, muscular guys, men like shapely girls with large breasts...Anyways, the fact that there are indeed different cultures and subcultures further reinforces my point.

I suppose there's nothing wrong with being a robot Doomroar...why don't you make love to one lol

Or (the other) Jordan's bouncy sexy science

Okay, let's wait till he (Cyberdevil) gets back from the hinterlands before we label the chap, okay?

Fucking a robot? Damn, lol, maybe I would,though having grown up around a lot of heavy inherently dangerously designed machinery......

That is why i say it is irresponsible of him to not have some time to address these things, and is a really big problem!

For example just with light, is true that it has rest mass = 0 its invariant mass is 0, but in gravitational equations we deal with movement, and as light gains momentum it starts to work with the equation of momentum P= m v where p is momentum, m is mass and v is velocity, so light has velocity and energy, so in this sense it has mass, but it is energy... in that case we do the conversion E=mc^2, for Energy to mass, and the end result will be 1×10−18 eV/c^2 , however E=mc^2 has to change to E^2=p^2c^2+m^2c^4 , because we are working with a photon with momentum, so what we do is mixing the momentum equation and the Mass–energy equivalence equation, and that way we find the mass of a photon with momentum: so the mass of a photon (with momentum) would be 1 x 10^-18 e v/c. The first batch is really small so in the end we just have E/c^2 because for a photon in this case V and C are the same thing v the velocity, and C the speed of light XD, so we simplify and remove V.

However that is with momentum, at rest it has mass 0. We can say now that then it also has weight, well yeah it does. Sources:
https://soundcloud.com/startalk/cosmic-queries-general-astrophysics-101 minute 30:20

So that is light's mass explained thanks to the power of people taking the time to explain things, and that is with a well studied thing, now Jordan's case is a mess, because he takes this, doesn't explains it in the video, then adds Universal Geometry same lack of explanation and even worse the thing has metaphysical undertones if you follow the sources, and who will understand metaphysics if they are not already half convinced of them?

Comment on his post and add the SS thread link... tell him I'm with you ;) King Jordan needs a strong right hand man to dispense the unbelievers.

Uuur, I'm more of a Naturalist, those number things rather anal looking... However, I'll look into these when I can. Mr. Nietz has also forwarded other research....

Man i am so sorry Mr V for all this spam XD (not really!).

Re:Sweden revisited
I agree is a lateral upgrade, and the difference would be up to the person and what they deem as a priority.

RE: assessing aesthetics
But you can make a cross point using all those cultures and subcultures to make a general aesthetic model of what is appealing and what is appalling, just like we did with what is considered cute (which shares lost of characteristics with age dimorphism), and just like we did with this http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140828184811.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily+%28Latest+Science+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 universal parameters of what an angry face looks like, and with the ability to dissert feelings we are just a step away to use this (a base on pleasant and uncomfortable feelings and how these are expressed), to know more about general aesthetic.

Sexbots and gynoid for sex use are not that advanced yet (i am not talking about AI here) neither are affordable, so there are those barriers.

Man to think i started talking about salads.

RE: assessing aesthetics O_O

Sex and (tossed) salads? Nope not going there...
Programming sexy, should be a snap, but yeah, someone here wanted e-sex with one of those USB toy-things for your penis, how outrageous, why God, why?!

I may be able to fit all of my junk into a single comment post if I didn't include these silly but fun subtopic titles lol...I think Tom needs to revert back to the old character restrictions, spam isn't a problem in these parts these days...

RE: Veggie Farmer vs. The Pre-Packaged Salad Boy
Have you seen how they pre-package the salads these days?? I watched a documentary on the Discovery channel (I think?) on how the salads are triple washed, mixed, and ultimately packaged...it's truly a sterile, interesting process...But it's not like I'm there in the warehouse, so how the f*ck would I know??

I'd buy the ingredients if it was a simple house or caesar salad...although sometimes shredded romaine lettuce is fresher than the loose heads. Unfortunately, baby greens, and some of the more obscure lettuces are only available in the pre-mixed bags...Not to mention would be easier on the wallet if it's the diversity that one aims for.

RE: Monsters Beyond Monsanto
Sure, it seems plausible that the agribusiness on the land itself is more important than DNA resequencing done in the lab...what do you attest the poor crop rotation to? Poor training, not enough manpower perhaps?

RE: Solutions in Politics II: Nesting Grounds
The grass is literally greener on the other side lol...Floridian implants who moved to the desert will back up that notion.

Diamonds are carbon lol...as I said previously, if you have your health, high speed internet, freedom to look at naked women, freedom to pursue your dream (to a certain degree), slander Obama, choose between commie and organic goods, talk on NewGrounds till the cows come home, you have a smidgeon more than nothing...and that's all any man needs.

I've always been an avid supporter of prioritized farmer subsidization...if my proposed barter-socio-econo-political system ever came to fruition, farmers would be the ones in any hypothetical McMansion (of course wealth would be more evenly spread). Healthy sustenance is infinitely more important than any artificial currency arbitrated in paper form and pretty minerals. My thinking may be way old-hat, but it's only fair the ones that harvest and nest life on our grounds get the respect they deserve...

They must've been careful of their shots. It's all about the different types of crates, and how well they're shuffled about on the dock, which in Cali, can be done where production is, with a bit of clear plastic curtain between them.

Need to buy some bean sprouts, they were always the worst for contamination, but who cares?

IDK, there used to be laws (or damn near) about rotating crops in the US, but thanks to greed, and intimate knowledge of the fertilizers/numbers/yields used, a lot of sensible practices were lost!

RE: swollen colons
I'm very sorry to hear that...nothing's worse than poor bowel health!! As a friend I believe you attributing said IBS to the GMO (new foods can upset the body's digestive process), as a purveyor of the scientific method I'm going to have to imprint your conclusion with [citation needed]

RE: read my cues
Many women often think I'm black (in the pants) for the longest while due to my confident and charming nature...unfortunately for them the racial stereotype attributed to men of the Asian continent holds true...

I'd take what you say about eye distance with a grain of salt...not sure I would trust a hammerhead shark over a cyclops...good to know about women's lips though. It would partially explain my troubles in that department, as I've always been an eye-man.

Aha...well down the rabbit's hole we continue to go. It's all your fault VicariousE lol...if you would have just left Doomroar and his soy sauce alone...

Oh coitus the soy sauce
Both you guys drive me nuts, like my buddy from Washington state, who never bothers to lurk here. I told him about the prep cook (early 20's) I met, and how I'd like to see her again, "Make her call you daddy!" Of course, lol, he married someone about 2 decades younger than himself, still need to beat his ass for that comment though.

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