Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
9.09 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
9y 12d

VicariousE's News

Posted by VicariousE - February 23rd, 2012

The start of this week sucked. Monday: an outside, airborne pathogen made me dizzy, feverous and vomitus. Tuesday: vision blurring; laptop monitor kaput, resorting to CRT; WI-FI connection only works when I'm a yard away from laptop, and even then it's only a little better than dial-up. Wednesday: eyesight downright blurry, contacts removed, resorting to 25 y/o corrective specs. Thursday: eyesight slowly improving, glasses hurt and won't stay on faec, complicating farm work. Friday: Still can't use contacts, but I did get an okay for an MRI IF I clear it with one of two technomafias.. I mean lab groups, or something. Still no V Day card or anything fun yet. I couldn't get into the neighbor's basement (after I cleared the gutter and picked up all the street and kid leavings)... the tenant made a plastic barricade to keep drafts out and I didn't feel like bothering the kid to come in, as I was kinda muddy and he had just gotten home from HS, looking tired and agnsty. Saturday: Risked putting in both contacts, so I could nick my Pop's truck for a tobacco run. Some kid in a Saab had his hazards on about 50 feet from the neighbor's driveway. The driver's buddy was thinner than me but we pushed it out of the road. After doing some quick maintenance on the gutter, the kid begs for some gas. I siphoned two of our three remaining gallons. "If there were more ppl like you, the world would be a better place." Yeah well, at least he had a job to go to and college besides. I can only hope he'll return the favor when he's as down and out as I am. Eye still hurts and Pop went to a VFW deer and critter dinner and didn't invite my starving ass... maybe I won't clean up the shit stained bathroom rug he left for me this morning.

As you can see, my Father was driving about w/ out a license at an early age. Lucky, bloody him. If I tried that, I'd be pavement pizza or a Honda's hood ornament. Or the local fuzz would have a nice laugh giving me tickets for driving too slowly or not having an inspection sticker or emissions test.

Posted by VicariousE - February 15th, 2012

The Good Penis jokes; the Madness(es); the collabs of extreme unlikeliness; the pearls cast by blessed lunatics here, and are heard from no more; the pearls cast by undiscovered artists and musicians; the early years when "Ladies Handbag" was the loop we heard everytime we logged on; the lunatic posters in the BBS I stayed away from, for fear of my shaky sanity (and being verbally pawned); the randomness; the random times I've met NG ppl in the real world and seeing NG T-shirts or stickers around; the content providers and hosters for not taking themselves too seriously; the early Troma days at NG where anything could happen for no damn reason at all; the old assassin's page's energy; seeing people from all over the world/ grid submitting content; seeing young girl's post content (not a pedobear, I just like the cute, happy themes, with no thought at all of how truly ugly the world can be); Tom's captaincy of this wild riverboat (right person, place, time, etc etc.); the staff Tom collected to tame this beast;

The Bad Some spammers in all genres; pissed off kids who think exporting a .swf is worthy of merit; our current level icons (as well as those ugly brown, semi-stenciled bars) from yesteryear, rehashed with the redesign ("Problems of the Past, Today!") as promised; the fact that I remember the previous stuff mentioned at all; over modulated audio; under modulated audio when the flash is otherwise good (damn, blam); the MPAA for taking themselves too seriously; me, for the times I took myself too seriously; my ASD-type miscommunications; NOT having my full password initially recognized (OR accepted during log in) in 2001; NOT entering in the full password after my first redesign here (wtf?!) for so many years; blowing all my time and money into broadcast TV, when I could've saved it for Flash (no actors or studios needed, thank you Barbara, you creepy station manager you).

Teh Ugly Creepy kids who've been watching anime all their lives AND speaking that way... like we know wtf they're on about; The Bush/ Obama years of e-coersion, OS monkey wrenches, key-logging and other monitoring that kept me from going online in the first place; goatse; MSIE because a browser shouldn't be built into the OS; spam PM's from dating/porn sites (yeah, fuck you, I'm lonely, and that ain't gonna change by mah clicking on yo link, bizzatch); some bad reviews and comments I made while I wasn't drinking or otherwise fucked up;

User Pic's Flag BG courtesy of yurgenburgen - http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/yurgenburgen/

Foreground of User Pic - The Adventures of Asterix, The Mansions of the Gods

Posted by VicariousE - February 12th, 2012

To The General Members of The Newgrounds Panopticon: Starting to get over the "redesign".... more like rebooting the FAA. I never have spent so much time here - this week's been a rollercoaster of change.

It figures I can now intercept wi fi without having to walk a 1/4 mile and get teh internt while freezing my butt off in some shed, plugged into an outside outlet.

So that's two drastic changes to my life this past week. I've been lurking w/o logging in for a long while. I had to speak when things got wonky here. If I spoke out of turn or in haste, forgive me.

As a member of the NG community, I wish only the best of things to my fellow travelers here on Newgrounds.

To Thomas Fulp: 11 years and no tribute or a SINGLE word from the boys in Pennsylvania? I clicked on many, many ads early on when you sounded hungry or were desperate enough to ask. Dial-up days, man.
You remind me of Col. Henry Blake from the early seasons of M*A*S*H. That makes you an agent of good in my book. But I still think you owe me a drink at the NYC meet, presuming you attend these meets. It'll be my first freak convention outside of sales.
Why are you reading this? Go raise your children like a good father, or they're going to spam the site when they get older :3

They moved the mouse maze walls on us...

Posted by VicariousE - February 9th, 2012

Whirlwind. If you don't like the ways things are with the site right now, go to tom's blog and click his posts button. There will be a list of his future tweaks... no countdown timer with any of those, they were just promised during the course of this year. Whatever. I'm still down.
PS: You can kill annoying ppl online http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/582396
PPS: Cats CAN be trained to clean http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/583715

Posted by VicariousE - January 31st, 2012

Valentine's Day & Ten Things I Didn't Know Half A Lifetime Ago


I didn't know the Federal Reserve wasn't part of our government. It's actually a private bank that controls our money. The YouTube video above explains about 60% of what I had to figure out on my own - the other 40% made so much sense, I had to post it here (and take up even more of your time).

The world going to be truly fucked very soon. I covered this in the bottom half of my last post. It also covers what should be a Nobel prize winning theory of evolution. Fffft, like that'll ever happen to a guy w/ out a college degree. Or a rich Uncle.

Sperm in the vagina.
My older buddy in Washington state told me he had read an article confirming his hypothesis: Women need spunk in their special place to function normally. Apparently somekinda biochemical reaction takes place there. That reaction provides a necessary chemical to female brain so it can work properly and contently. That explains so much, I can't tell ya.
(On a side note, I asked my sis about the efficacy of this conversation and she said, "Hell, yeah! No doubt about it." She's got a degree and is about as prim and proper as a Sunday school teacher.)

I didn't know most "city" water that comes through the faucet has tons of chemicals in it. Every so often, the water company or town will mail a fancy report listing certain levels of things... but not the all drugs our neighbors take, or whatever else gets flushed into the sewer. Sewer water is "cleaned" by letting it sit, then pumping out the clear stuff in the middle. It worked great before exotic chemicals were created that exist at all levels, no matter how well it's processed. What to do? Add more chemicals so you don't notice. Grooaan...

Bottled water has no FDA or State oversight. Could have beaver whizz in it. Or the ultra cheap plastic packaging could be leeching something that'll grow breasts on men. But the biggest hazard is unclear, semi-translucent plastic, like the one's they use for milk. Don't have kids if you get milk this way (I do drink milk in those containers actually. I don't plan on breeding and hope the constantly cold temps mitigate the leeching process somewhat.)

Airplanes artificially keep the temperature of the planet low. How? Contrails: those white fluffy clouds formed by the little bits of soot spit out by the jet engines at high altitudes. A study of world temps. were done the week of 9/11/01 - they found with almost all air traffic stopped, the average mean temp. of the Earth shot up by 4 degrees; a big amount.
There is also some credence to the theory that there are unnecessary chemicals in jet fuel, some of which lower the birth rate among human beings... that would explain Africa and Australia's libido overload then, since there's not a lot of jet setting going on down there.

The best way to deal with a cop (while on the road): Pull over in a safe spot (where he or she can't get run over or cause an accident by gawkers), preferably where you can't speed off, like in front of telephone pole or a high curb. Turn off your engine, and keep your hands on top of the steering wheel. Do not move an inch. Speak only when spoken to. Don't move unless asked to. When you do move, move slow and keep hands visible at all times; return hands to the wheel. Maintain direct eye contact when speaking - if you have to lie, don't blink or look left (indicates lying), just answer quick. You shouldn't lie anyway; most cops appreciate candor (got me out of getting a speeding ticket and a "swerving" ticket). Most important: Don't be a shy little whiny pussy. These guys have to deal with the public constantly, and appreciate normal behavior - a well timed joke is the least you can do for 'em. After all, they have to talk about something when they get back to base...

Okay... You're probably not aware, but sometime after WWII, factions within our gov't were thinking things would be easier if Americans would just be good workers. So they formed groups to better control our population, much like every other gov't on the planet. They basically stole the Nazi playbook and put it to use.
A teacher's job is to say "There are 5 lights" when in fact there are only 4. You do that enough, people won't question what they hear or see from "reliable" or official sources. Why do you think Americans didn't question what happened on 9/11? Building #7 suffered no damage whatsoever, then it just collapses. WTF? I knew the whole thing was BS as they collapsed.
I'm sure your teachers are not evil. It's state policy to teach "the curriculum" as it was approved. Teaching alternates sometimes brings about debate, and that kinda slows things up anyway. Independent thought: bad; follow orders and be a good worker bee: good.

Gasoline sucks. When my dad was a kid, gas would work even after 12-15 years. When I was a kid, gas could be stored up to 5 or more years before it started to go stale and wouldn't fire an engine. Now: under a year. Same with some booze too. I used to drink Mohawk Blackberry brandy (much better than Leroux; that stuff would make me chuck 'cause it had ground up grape skins and pits to color it). If I didn't finish the glass, I wait a day or three and it'd be fine. I tried some this year: all the alcohol would evaporate within 2 or 3 hours! It tasted like non-toxic nail polish.

The news and the financial report are the same. It's always about the greenbacks: just like war, movies, politics, TV shows, sports, religion, music, cars, laws, school... Banks and insurance companies own your money. "Money is debt", I've heard it said. In the Bible, toward the end where it gets all creepy, they say that the "Beast" passes a law that says you cannot buy, trade or sell without the mark of the beast upon your forehead or your hand/wrist. Sounds like something the banks would love to do alright... Take away physical money and what you have left is pure command and control of everything everyone does.


Okay, my Debbie-Downer act's over with. Below is my submission to the NG V-Day Card Exchange Thingy. I haven't done any "for print" graphic arts since my cable TV show days. My copy of Adobe Photodeluxe 2.0 from 1997 still kinda works! But I had to use Gimp and a cut and paste approach I would have found primitive and distasteful back then.

So... if you were he/she/it who received my card, sorry it was so politically correct - like another guy on the thread said, "I don't want this (card) showing up on Dateline with some crying parent looking to put my head on the front of his Buick's hood..." or something to that effect.

PS - The day after Valentine's day will mark my (shudder) 11th year here! Although I lost my password for a few years, I still came and voted my one point vote at every opportunity. This place is a God-send to freedom, life and penises. Long live Newgrounds!!
2.8.12 Update I am officially creeped out w/ the redesign (good, bad ugly). I am spiritualy shocked that I'm able to access my "borrowed wifi".... from MY home (there's no traffic outside, whatsoever - no jets, choppers, cars, semis... it's like the pod people are at work replacing us)! The signal's 2000' away! What...? It's a Full Moon tonight.
Seriously creeped out
It won't last though, and I have a "nerve test" around Noon to prepare for. Needles and electricity, from what I hear. Seriously. Creeped. Out.
The silence is deafening. This must be how city people feel, when they hit the country. I want the silence, especially at night. You can feel traffic from 2 miles away; hear it, from 5-10 miles away. It's very sparse out. What forces are at work to "modify" this lunacy, which is the madness of the full moon?
I think those forces are largely natural and bigger and more clever than we are. Man has his part, in the clouding and enslaving of his own kind, and with his sorcery...
I have to pee.
>end of line<

Posted by VicariousE - January 14th, 2012

[I perfectly well know that this post will shut some people down. Sorry. I know all about "The Elephant in the Living Room Syndrome" and the "Don't tell me shit I don't wanna know" line of thinking... this story had to be told. Period.]

Now, look down **

1979. I'm seven years old and wearing slightly bell-bottomed jeans. It's after dark on Halloween and my parents eventually arrange for me to go Trick or Treating at a cousin's house 45 minutes away. Not an ideal plan, as it were. It was late when my cousin, two other boys and myself, set out.

They took me to a few houses to get sweet-eats, but the older boys had already hit up this side of the near coastal suburb, and were in no mood for foraging sugar treats. The real deal was going to go down - I was the cover for a late night egging expedition. After recovering (and throwing) a large stash of very old eggs, we finished up at an older house in the robust and wide development.

After putting a 22-26 or so eggs into the house (and many on the door and shutters...) and very old lady came out. I don't remember when I headed for the corner, to worry about it what I did under a street light. After some long and vicious cursing from both sides, the old lady piped up, "There was a small one with you, where is he? Tell him to come before me." Of course giggles ensued. I had thrown one or two at each house, including the old Italian / Gypsy lady's keep. Lost my taste for splattering stranger's houses after the first 2 or 3... I knew what cleaning up was all about. She continued to demand me and I came.

A young VicariousE stood there trying not choose to face the dragon, who resided in the body of an old woman. There was definate sub-reality surrounding this "entity". I never got a good look at her or closer than 20 feet to her, but there was some serious power and age about her. Hmm, maybe I had run to the corner as I felt her approach. Or as she spoke from inside; it was a loud but frail voice.

She had pitched anger and accusations at me, goading me, I now believe. She quoted Lincoln and Kennedy to the effect that I should have stood up for what's right. I was a little shit, far away from home, as well as a "surprise" guest... I didn't need this, so I cursed back at her. She demurred in a theatrical way, taunting me to further anger.

She asked me if I wanted to know the future. I thought long and hard, but, again, I made the wrong choice.

The rest was very personal and traumatic to a young psyche. She said I had been double damned, cursed, to go to hell. She told me of other things that have already come true: my first sexual relationship with a Salutatorian Senior HS cheerleader the next year; the lies I would have to tell my parents afterward, the year after that, and how I would bury all those thoughts in my mind for many years.

The super-psychic told me precisely when my Mother would die and even what I would end up wearing (that was one of the other boy's questions... or did she plant it in his mind somehow?) to the funeral.
** ** **** ** **** ** **** ** **** ** **** ** **** ** **** ** **** ** **** ** **** ** **** ** **** ** **** ** **
She wasn't the only super-psychic out there, and the people who want to control what comes next, know what I'm about to tell you now. Uh, SPOILER ALERT!!!!

Flood. Fire. Ice.

The devil sends the Beast with wrath before a great wall of seawater. The flood happens exactly on the Mayan December date (21 or 23, I blissfully forget) of this year, 2012. 900 million Eastern coastal people will be killed on that fateful day. I can explain the how and why in detail, but I'd rather tell a qualified Flash programmer the specifics, in hopes a video might save lives and resources. I've met three competent, sane men in my life who have explained facets of this to me, and science still backs it up.

Nuked from space. The Earth's protective magnetic field is VERY weak right now, and getting weaker. This happens normally every few thousand years; the poles shift N to S then S to N again. I fervently believe that this is the primary cause of evolution (sorry my Beagle humping bearded friend) on our world. Blast anything alive with a non-lethal dose of microwaves, and some RNA and DNA are going to be a "little easier to mix". Problem this time around? Solar flare. Big one. Even the seed bank in Northern Europe will succumb (a design error, she told me). It will kill damn near all plant life and cook all metals, just like in a microwave oven. No electronics will survive past that one day of fire in 2016, I think (pretty sure).

Buried alive in white. Due to violent gravitational shifts, axis shift (as the flood pushes the Northern Hemisphere to the left) and the super-heating of the crust, our Earth takes some very cold aspirin to reset her temperature gauge. So, we have a mini Ice Age on top of an Extinction Level Event (ELE for the academics).

If any of you go to the NG meet in New York this year, for God's sake, buy me a drink. I need to get good and smashed. I want to smile and laugh like I did before I knew any of this shit.

"Don't Panic!!"

My admonition

Posted by VicariousE - January 6th, 2012

[Due to sub-freezing temperatures, I cannot stay online as much as I'd like; my Wi-Fi connection is a quarter mile walk away and in an unheated garage. I'm still a NG stat-whore and dedicated on finding the news the mass-media won't broadcast.]

First thing's first. It's a proven fact that former CIA employees are in key positions in all newspapers, radio and television companies; due to the consolidation of major industries and political parties, it's that much easier to control information, resources and public opinion.

As of 1/1/12, President Obama signed into law, a bill that would allow the Federal government to indefinitely detain any suspected terrorist, without due process. And if you believe the conspiracy theorists, that's the keystone to global genocide. Why? All the bad people have controlled and taken the wealth of America... why do they need millions of gas-guzzling, chocolate eating Americans to get in the way of their control?

This abrupt tyranny of a modern population is unprecedented. If you are detained (or identified) while protesting, affiliated with a college or organization, or in violation of curfew or Martial law, you are subject to incarceration and God knows what else. Obama himself states, "I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law."

The only thing that mattered to the unelected people who control our country, is that he signed it. If he should get in the way, he'd be assassinated like Kennedy was before him.

Just a few tidbits the conspiracy theorists have unearthed:

*Guillotines have been imported from Japan and China to Army warehouses along the West coast of the US. Federal law prohibits the ownership and use of such devices.
*Central data collection centers (Fusion Centers) have compiled lists of potentially disruptive citizens based on internet, phone and mail activity. Local, Federal and State files are also scanned for similar "red flags".
*These "Fusion Centers" also act as command and control for "Civil Unrest Centers", which include prisons and FEMA refugee camps, which were built en mass after Katrina.
*There are hundreds of privately run, Federally funded biological warfare labs, all across the United States. If an outbreak of pandemic were to occur, it would be the perfect smokescreen to utilize Martial law, and proceed with these unthinkable plans.

I'm just old enough to have seen the last of the free TV and newspapers go bye-bye in America (mid to late 70's).
I'm just young enough to give a shit, and not ignore what's happening outside my own door. Mi krazy? Are my facts wrong? Lemme know.

Truthfully Yours,


NG Member since 2001
(I would have been a lvl 60 by now if it weren't for a little FBI visit after the 2000 election fraud. At least my computer was spared and the SSL code that kept me offline wasn't otherwise harmful... still had to reinstall WIN95 though.)

Picture: Robocop 3

Quote: "To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men." - Abraham Lincoln

[In a somewhat morbid side note, I was told a little over thirty years ago, my father would die today. It's been really hard remembering things from that far back, but Elvis' birthday was yesterday, and, at the time, I used that as a mental bookmark. I hope my sister's correct, and her "defiance" of fate, may have changed the course of previewed events. Any of you ever deal with psychics?]

Here's some big trouble down the line...

Posted by VicariousE - January 5th, 2012

[Due to sub-freezing temperatures, I cannot stay online as much as I'd like; my Wi-Fi connection is a quarter mile walk away and in an unheated garage. I'm still a NG stat-whore and dedicated on finding the news the mass-media won't broadcast.]

First thing's first. It's a proven fact that former CIA employees are in key positions in all newspapers, radio and television companies; due to the consolidation of major industries and political parties, it's that much easier to control information, resources and public opinion.

As of 1/1/12, President Obama signed into law, a bill that would allow the Federal government to indefinitely detain any suspected terrorist, without due process. And if you believe the conspiracy theorists, that's the keystone to global genocide. Why? All the bad people have controlled and taken the wealth of America... why do they need millions of gas-guzzling, chocolate eating Americans to get in the way of their control?

This abrupt tyranny of a modern population is unprecedented. If you are detained (or identified) while protesting, affiliated with a college or organization, or in violation of curfew or Martial law, you are subject to incarceration and God knows what else. Obama himself states, "I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law."

The only thing that mattered to the unelected people who control our country, is that he signed it. If he should get in the way, he'd be assassinated like Kennedy was before him.

Just a few tidbits the conspiracy theorists have unearthed:

*Guillotines have been imported from Japan and China to Army warehouses along the West coast of the US. Federal law prohibits the ownership and use of such devices.
*Central data collection centers (Fusion Centers) have compiled lists of potentially disruptive citizens based on internet, phone and mail activity. Local, Federal and State files are also scanned for similar "red flags".
*These "Fusion Centers" also act as command and control for "Civil Unrest Centers", which include prisons and FEMA refugee camps, which were built en mass after Katrina.
*There are hundreds of privately run, Federally funded biological warfare labs, all across the United States. If an outbreak of pandemic were to occur, it would be the perfect smokescreen to utilize Martial law, and proceed with these unthinkable plans.

I'm just old enough to have seen the last of the free TV and newspapers go bye-bye in America (mid to late 70's).
I'm just young enough to give a shit, and not ignore what's happening outside my own door. Mi krazy? Are my facts wrong? Lemme know.

Truthfully Yours,


NG Member since 2001
(I would have been a lvl 60 by now if it weren't for a little FBI visit after the 2000 election fraud. At least my computer was spared and the SSL code that kept me offline wasn't otherwise harmful... still had to reinstall WIN95 though.)

You're worried about SOPA?  Feh...

Posted by VicariousE - January 3rd, 2012

[Due to sub-freezing temperatures, I cannot stay online as much as I'd like; my Wi-Fi connection is a quarter mile walk away and in an unheated garage. I'm still a NG stat-whore and dedicated on finding the news the mass-media won't broadcast.]

First thing's first. It's a proven fact that former CIA employees are in key positions in all newspapers, radio and television companies; due to the consolidation of major industries and political parties, it's that much easier to control information, resources and public opinion.

As of 1/1/12, President Obama signed into law, a bill that would allow the Federal government to indefinitely detain any suspected terrorist, without due process. And if you believe the conspiracy theorists, that's the keystone to global genocide. Why? All the bad people have controlled and taken the wealth of America... why do they need millions of gas-guzzling, chocolate eating Americans to get in the way of their control?

This abrupt tyranny of a modern population is unprecedented. If you are detained (or identified) while protesting, affiliated with a college or organization, or in violation of curfew or Martial law, you are subject to incarceration and God knows what else. Obama himself states, "I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law."

The only thing that mattered to the unelected people who control our country, is that he signed it. If he should get in the way, he'd be assassinated like Kennedy was before him.

Just a few tidbits the conspiracy theorists have unearthed:

*Guillotines have been imported from Japan and China to Army warehouses along the West coast of the US. Federal law prohibits the ownership and use of such devices.
*Central data collection centers (Fusion Centers) have compiled lists of potentially disruptive citizens based on internet, phone and mail activity. Local, Federal and State files are also scanned for similar "red flags".
*These "Fusion Centers" also act as command and control for "Civil Unrest Centers", which include prisons and FEMA refugee camps, which were built en mass after Katrina.
*There are hundreds of privately run, Federally funded biological warfare labs, all across the United States. If an outbreak of pandemic were to occur, it would be the perfect smokescreen to utilize Martial law, and proceed with these unthinkable plans.

I'm just old enough to have seen the last of the free TV and newspapers go bye-bye in America (mid to late 70's).
I'm just young enough to give a shit, and not ignore what's happening outside my own door. Mi krazy? Are my facts wrong? Lemme know.

Truthfully Yours,


NG Member since 2001
(I would have been a lvl 60 by now if it weren't for a little FBI visit after the 2000 election fraud. At least my computer was spared and the SSL code that kept me offline wasn't otherwise harmful... still had to reinstall WIN95 though.)

Posted by VicariousE - December 16th, 2011

By weight and volume, this pitcure's contents represents just under 10% (or two years) of my father's hoarding. He's been at it for decades. A personality, like someone who could do this (see below), is not often stable or reasonable. Thus explains some of my flighty nature. At least this buggy crap-heap of a website is organized, so, I come here for a stable, chaotic environment.
As you can see decorating this holiday is not necessary; absence would be far prettier. [The-Last-Guardian 'll like that last bit.]

Peace and Prosperity. "Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of pleasures, costs nothing, and conveys much." - Erastus Wiman

PS - Gotta change my homepage from refdesk to something else.... "The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity." - Benjamin Franklin

PPS - ...and one more from my favorite author and human, "Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man." - Benjamin Franklin

Chaos Theory