Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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9.09 votes
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9y 12d


FFFFFFFFF- I thought this just said "My 11 birfday" at first. xD

...pedophile lurker
You outta the cold yet?

barfday -_-
so did u get some kind of present or something? was it worth the years if yes?

My present was: busting up rotten palettes so they'd fit in de dumpster.
Worth it?: Meh, better than TV and not as good as sex. Mostly yes.
Oh noez, it's barfday, gotta hurl! Waaraarf *splat* 'kay, same time next year.

Wow, you've been here a loooooong time. Way to go, NGeezer.

Lolz, thanks. Glad you're back.

dont really know what to say here
congrats on being here for a VERY long time dude
heres to ANOTHER 11 years on here :D

Thanks Viper!
I don't think I'll be hiding in here for another 11 years, but I'll stay for as long as I can.
I would've joined a lot sooner, but I didn't wanna get email spam. After a few months, maybe a year, I decided to trust those blokes in PA with my email address, which HAD to be on my ISP's servers.... web-mail was just starting to come out, and they were prime hacker targets.

u see this is exactly wat i mean when i say "holy fucknuts! ur super old!"
it feels like something bad is gonna happen today with all this rain and cold weather. and bad luck comes in 3's which makes it worse -_-

Rain's better than snow... o yeah, yer from south of here.
I should not say this but, my mom used to say the same things... not the old, holy f__knuts thing though.

oh okay
well i completely forgot about this place when i was first on here because i was on here like a year or something before i made my account. then i saw my brother on here remembered the site and threw him off the computer he was on and made an account.
i probably would have waited a bit longer for that stuff but thats just me.

so do you feel like you accomplished something?
or do you feel...normal

I heard about this show from the Howard Stern show (before he sucked ass). He mentioned a consumption junction (which is now a pay site), and the next day newgrounds.
I accomplished jack/squat here, 'till somewhat recently. Maybe some early reviews may have done something, but.... a great time waster. I think this site sucked away my creativity!!
On the fringe of normal. At the moment I have deep lurking pain in my back, despite my light labor today. Tripped and hit the ground, with an arro.. uh, a pipe to the knee... that's a first since joining this site.

im from the south of everywhere!
im creeped out but why would she say that? wouldnt that be an offence to her too since she like gave birth to u? O.o

She always believed things came in threes.
Hope it's not offensive. She didn't cuss much, especially at me.
(Sorry for cussin' Mom.)

i believe bad luck comes in threes.
my mom cussed a lot even in the many different languages she knew. we seemed like we werent related to each other except for the eye color -_-

What comes in threes commercially or in nature? Nothing, except clover leaves. Strange huh?
Maybe, but your elaborate, interesting cussings in English are probably a mom trait. You seem good at thinking outside the box as well - another multiple language trait asset.

I like this post.

I'll trade you posts.
It took too many lost years to figure out what I was gonna say here.

11 is a lot. I only lost 2 and I quit.

And now you know. And knowing is half the battle.
When you consider how many people are, at this moment, working to keep our sedentary lifestyles afloat, we suck. Do we make the electricity, program the machines, cut the meat from the hamburger animal? Meh.
I'm learning how to do all those things... thank God for teh interwebz.

apperently clovers are bad luck. i never knew that. its only the four leaf ones that are good luck.
every good thing is followed by bad luck and bad luck always comes in threes. like this one time in middle school i won student of the year and then the next day i broke my foot so i couldnt go to the award ceremony, then my brother made me think i was adopted and he dropped me off a field bc he said my mom didnt want me anymore ( i totally fell for it! D:)and then i was kicked out of art class bc i drew something "school inapropiate" or how ever u spell it -_-

You spell it s.h.i.t. - what was it you drew?!
Didn't know that 'bout clovers... I found two 4 leafs in my rural childhood endeavors. My pop made me give one or both away.. story of my life. If I kept 'em, it would've offset all that bad clover-staring time.
That 3 thing creeps me out. It really is like the fabric of the universe fucking w/ us sentient beings or something.

i drew dragon/people having sex. it was cuz the day b4 in science they were talking about sex and wat it is and how to do it and stuff -_-
i collected a whole bucket of four leaf covers once then my brother peed in it :(
lets just say i was practically raped by the universe -_

See? It wasn't even pornographic. You were just drawing what you were taught with fictional-not quite human characters. School sucks.
You had enough for a bucket? Hell, I'd pee on 'em too! He'll probably have good luck for a few lifetimes... except in Ireland though. One step on Irish soil, and he'd get sucked right in.

"Creepy kids who've been watching anime all their lives"

Bu.. I... ='(
At least my speech is free from such ways.

Heh, yeah... Just mass media envy on my part. I've been without cable TV since coming to NG and NO TV at all since Congress decided to kill the old signal, thereby rendering useless, all idiot box antenna leads. I applied for the "coupon" for a converter, but by the time I got it I was moneyless.
If America were truly free, would what we see on TV be more thought provoking and original? Duh, yes. Anime has real merit in this regard...

ikr! if they thought it was so bad then why do they teach it in science!!
it was like 4 years worth of clovers!
did ya know that killing ladybugs is unlucky too? O.o

Maybe they thought you were into bestiality or something. Whoever reported you probably was...
My brother and sister grew up and fled for the West coast before they could torture me too much.. but they did. They were too old to pee on anything of mine, but they did things.
I know ladybugs are supposed to be lucky when they're inside the house; my ma again... The real ladybugs, not the Japanese look-alikes. I can't tell the difference anymore. Stinkbugs get the duct tape entombment.

i like cockroaches and beatles they're awesome
my brothers are all mean little weirdoes
wats it like havin a sister?

Meh. Haven't spent much of my life around her; she was 18 or so when I got popped out.
She's pretty analytical, having gone to college (she busted her butt to get the funds).
Not too girly, but she spends uber-time getting her hair and face together before setting out.
Wish I could say more. All I know is my brother used to try and beat the shit of her (and vise-versa), even into HS. After a while on the West coast, they both started cooling off.

i see..........
my brother used to hit me too (still does) he fucking tried to saw my hand off just for not doing wat he told me to!

Just noticed I totally skipped what kinda insects I like - topic for Spring I'm guessing, although it's been so frickin' warm up here.....
SO. Even though you seem to be the blade mistress of the house, you should have the key to the "sharp implements" cage. Only non-jewish middle eastern folks are allowed to cut things off ppl... and in a public fair-day setting at that.


A young Indian wanders into a settler's camp, looking to trade, "Me wantum some pussy for pelts."
So the settlers take the young braves furs and directs him to a dead tree, points to a hole in the tree and says, "Here you go. Stick your willy in there!" The inexperienced Indian does just that, surprised at the sensation.
He trades animal skins with the settlers for a poke at the dead, hollow tree several times.. even after the settlers move on.
In his wanderings, the young brave enters a small Frontier town, loaded with hides to trade. After asking around town, he finds and enters the whore house, "Me wantum some pussy!" The Madame of the house inspects the furs and says, "Hey Maybel! Got a live one for ya!"
Maybel escorts the handsome young brave upstairs to her bedroom, where she undresses and lays on the bed. At once the Indian says, "No, no. Turn 'em round." As she presents her rear to the young buck, he rips the leg off one chair and precedes to smack her ass with the piece of wood.
"Oww! What in the hell did you do that for!", Maybel cries.
The young Indian smiles and replies, "Um jest checkin' for bees!"


Just a head shaking,"humph", huh?
My sense of humor got taken away when George Bush got "elected" in late 1999.
Where was it taken to, I wonder?

"AN young???"
not anymore im not! i moved out yesterday. i wasnt rly planning to but i did -_- im surprized with how quick it was ppl always say buying a house taked FOREVER even the small ones. now my brothers can do and play with watever (and whoever) they want...........................and starve from eating greasy Mcdonalds shit >:D

I hate to admit this, but in the past three days, I've been losing my eyesight and feeling more down than usual. Not a lot, but enough to notice, especially since my laptop's monitor crapped out - it's plugged into an amp hungry tube monitor. And here I am more worried about you and yours!
I was supposed to have had an MRI of head a month ago, but since this going through car insurance, it has to get approved (or not) to get done. The tower of Babel's paperwork dept. is in full swing....
I'm glad to hear you've got a place of your own! Too many questions... slab or basement?


Thanks for the polite laugh... it's not like I was going to hold a gun to your head and say, "This is funny, laugh damn you!"
Luckily s___y below didn't tear my head off for the Indian joke... she's got more Native American blood in her than I do.

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