Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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Vote Power:
9.09 votes
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B/P Bonus:
9y 12d


hey us 2001ers gotta stick by. long live scrotum

Scrotum puppy! Shit, all mah fav links are belong to binary heaven now. Had to bum some of your art fav's.. ya got great taste in art. Tell me you got your shit backed up somewhere - I got some recent NG art backed up, but nothing from the turn of century. I hope the hell you PMed Tom... wait, does that ever work?

happy news bout me leving

I'm glad you'll still have the internet and a computer :3, but ya know, we all have to leave sometime. I've had to move three times between two houses so far. I recently got the internet at my house! No more walking to another person's unheated garage just to log in!

i liked the word "fumbles" ._.
.......................cuz it made me chuckle and its fun to say slowly

It's sounds football/ rugby-ish, but yeah, bitchin' word. I think I know a Fumbles, summer camp, old job... No, old PSN gamer - Fumblebuck (bumble fuck is an old American expression). Brain gets a little squishy when you've been on a computer too much.

i hope they get the thing for the riff raff up soonish at least
i have to pretty much guess when non-artists and staff people are making posts or get really lucky and happen to stumble upon yours or sandy or anyone else i know are making posts

Forgot to mention bibliophile and some others, but yeah it's troubling not seeing the incoming blogs!! I've got a bookmark folder with you some and of other folks in it, so not too bad there. If they built cars like they do websites, we'd all be driving on a slot-car track, using 3 cylinder diesel engines... gotta start checking Tom's posts (do as I say, not as I do, right?)
You imagine logging on to find a decades worth of work missing - this Hotel California's got a lotta wet paint and some silverware missing. (let alone software)

yeah i know...
i didnt feel like making a long list of who i talk to on here
i hope someone told him about that
because that a really big inconvenience and that needs to get fixed soonish

I read Tom's postings and they were mostly about the mods and certain features. The one thing he said was, "I'd rather put in another chassis, and tweak from there, rather than retooling the old frame.", paraphrased for us. You done much wrenching? Gotta car to push and pull tomorrow; the other remnants of the other car, can be picked up with two guys... it was an old Rio wagon from the early 30's.. some wood spokes are still there, part of the gas tank... god, I wish I batteries for mah shitcam!

wat about fumblefuck? (dibs on that DONT EVER USE IT!)
my brain got fried from caffiene and from turning the music on full sound whenever i have headphones (doin it right now :D)

You called it, it's yours!
I miss my headphones... and my 3 piece Altec-Lansing "computer" speakers: 320 watt jammin' ma-sheen!! Enjoy the musical-chemical rush!

Yay I'm happy he's tweakin it

Got to tweak it. Tweak it up. Get straight. Go forward. Move ahead. And tweak it. Tweak it good.
Guest Band responder: Devo

well tweaking is good in all
but i still feel like they should have added a few more things before they set the date for the redesign
ya know for some stuff that a lot of people are complaining about for the same thing
but i still like that they're doing tweaking to it
who knows the end product might get more people to come on the site or something

YouTube was the biggest draw of new blood to NG will ever have. I'm a little concerned about security. I've seen signs the soup squad and some others may exploit something they found...
It's like Scotty said, "The more you overtake the plumbing, the easier it is to stop-up the drain." Star Trek movie 3, I think. Whatever happens, happens ;3

yay i win the word!! :{D

Fumblebuck was already taken.. fumblef__k is all yours; you earned it. Pity I can't type that anymore :<
Dickums (as a pet name for a guy) was created and claimed by a woman I used to work with. You should put a claim on that one, as it's unlikely she's a member here.

tom has answered back a few of my PMs so its not impossible, but he probably does get swamped with msgs.

Still prayin' for you and anyone else facing data loss. Glad to hear Tom talks to the plebs. Ever been to an NG meet? I'm doing the NYC meet this year, come hell or high water.

I'm glad others have noticed the disappearance of some favourites.

Jeez, how could I NOT notice! I put my observations out for the admins to see... so well see. The complexity of operating and maintaining a user generated website's gotta be the hardest venture a programmer can take (considering the inter-connectivity of different coders, software bundles, hardware...).

dickums sounds stupid
jeez how many places have u worked at? O.o ...............never mind i forgot u were rly rly old
i called someone an asspelt the other day (it could possibly mean hairy butt im not sure but im still claiming it also my all time favorite made-up word "Epicalz" :{i

Asspelt's a really good one - why did you call him/her that? Jobs: as a contractor, many places; as an employee, too many - I hate making money for people who suck, morally.
I'm only rly old. Not rly rly old. I'm sure my seed stick is still in perfect working order. Perhaps I can interest you in a sample for quality inspection (lols)?

thank u good sir
u dont need to know that but it was playfull i wasnt trying to be mean or anything
r u kidding me -_- dude ur old enough to be my dad. dont joke around like that. its awkward! O_O

I know you're not being mean, and you should know I'm not trying to be a pedo-bear either. I just hate censoring my humor (rusty 'n disused humor... I like "seed-stick"; I think I can own that word for PENIS). If there were no genders among humans, I don't think there would be any laughter... a theory I just made up.
Guess that's why I always liked hard work. At the end of the day, I can just fall unconscious without thinking about weird shit. Even my dreams are complicated and thought provoking.... I need help with that. Suggestions?

uhhh move someplace calm and with nice weather? let loose possibly hang with hippies? find a calming hobby. something that doesnt involve much work.

u know bout memes?

That's really creepy... I've tried all those things in the opposite order you listed, from writing to California. Guess great minds think alike, huh?
As in memes, you mean like pouring out my soul on website or producing funny things for trollers to comment about - that wat it mean? It's almost too broad a word... wass yo defnition?

oh and wat bout fumblebuddies?

As a new username? Maybe fumblebud would be quicker to log into. I'm a retired creative person, so, whatever floats your boat s_ndy.

have u given up yet? on those things?
where in california?
uhhh i dont know the second one?
hell no! if i did make another account it would be Strange silly person
i meant like could fumblebuddie be used as a word for "Sexist" O.o

A friendly sexist..
Then be a strangesillyperson!! You down with SSP? Great handle! or sillystrange..hmm
Well writing is both a nice hobby and mostly "work" free. Therapy-wise, not so good for me unless I'm drinking and don't mind editing later.
A few miles out from Stockton and Galt, 75 or so miles dead West of SF.
I feel like I gave up. It's been three years since I had to move back to my father's farm. He has an addictive personality; a mid range sociopath and full on extrovert... who's loud constantly 24-7. I'm introverted, balanced (day to day life in control) and otherwise fucked up (as you know 0.o).

so exactly where? like wat city? -_-
god job admitting is the first step (to wat? i think u already know)
i think ur old mans holdin ya down and his loudness brings u stress even if u dont think so or arent rly seeing it. (oh my blob i sound like a therapist! O_O)
try painting. its much more calmer then writing. (i should know -_-)

Lodi... would you like GPS coordinates or StreetView for your eyeball stealing drone aircraft?
Guess I owe you some major quantities of cookies for your therapy session, 'sokay, worth every crumb - thanx.
A line artist is looking for a colorist... maybe she'll let me! If not, yeah painting sounds great! I should grab some of the old man's junk and start puttin the brush to it. I've got a good lazy susan for job too.
Yeah, writing is as stressful as trying to kill people online.

plz if killing ppl online was real i would've done it a long time ago -_-
well excuse me for being curious
no just grab a canvas a few paint tubes and different sized paint brushes and try to make something its quite simple ._.

[The links above will answer for me] Okay, so paint 2D first and on ancient tarpaulin (canvas) with different implements. Hmm, maybe thin smooth plywood, got some of that around.... Subject?

3D envolves effort and that envolves work so 2d is the best option to calmness
try drawing trees (dont worry if it isnt perfect its supposed to be that way its TREE for shits sake they're never perfect) also something that has to do with water like rain, oceans, ponds lakes waterfalls u get the point ._.
paper -_-

Your most calming post to date. I felt mellow the moment I hit the word tree. And, breathe out! I'll build a tree after I've grown the house, and post here.
Can I use a picture of an Apache helicopter for the BG? I want to paint my old weeping willow tree when I was 15 or so - my friends and I had a visitor one day when we were fixing up the barn loft for a hangout. (The willow tree was behind the barn and the Army chopper was above that... barely.)

is it? how so?
how the fuck an apache copter calm?
when you say weeping willow the image of a willow tree drooping onto a small pond with steping stones on a slightly gray and windy day comes to my mind.
dats my favorite kind of tree :D

Okay, I'll draw it from a time right before the air reconnaissance and my father's messes encroached it's massive bottom trunk region. I think there was a swing, before that...
I like choppers.
But I won't draw et.
Paint just weeds of varying height.. I live in the country, remember. There was a persimmon tree in the back of the back field - crazy angular branches with twisty trunks.

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